Research Article
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Effects of Chilling and Freezing Techniques on Broiler Breast Meat Quality Characteristics

Year 2024, , 155 - 160, 31.12.2024


The aim of this study was to determine the some physico-chemical quality of chicken breast meat stored at chilled (2-4 °C) and frozen (-18 °C) conditions. In the study, 10 chilled and frozen fast-growing broiler chicken breast meat samples were used. Frozen breast meat samples were taken from chicken carcasses that were slaughtered under standard conditions and stored frozen at -18 °C for 11 months, whereas chilled muscle samples were taken from carcasses that were slaughtered under standard conditions and cooled at +4 °C for 24 hours. Color (L*, a*, and b*), pH, humidity, cooking losses, and drip losses were measured. Color characteristics were measured with skin and skinless sample while other parameters were performed only on skinless sample. Color properties, pH, cooking loss, dripping loss and moisture analyzes were performed on meat samples taken from both groups. Color characteristics were examined in skinned and skinless chest muscles, and other characteristics were examined in skinless samples. Storage condition as cooling or freezing significantly affected all breast meat color characteristics examined, except L* value. It was determined that breast meat with and without skin had a significant effect on L*, a*, chrome and E color characteristics (P<0.001). Breast meat moisture level was significantly higher in chilled carcasses (P<0.004), while drip loss (P<0.022) was significantly higher in frozen carcasses. In conclusion; some breast meat quality characteristics were significantly affected by the preserving method or meat condition as with or without skin. Planning new research would be useful taking some issues as freezing method, freezing and storage time, thawing methods etc. into consideration.


  • Wei R, Wang P, Han M, Chen T, Xu X, Zhou G (2017). Effect of freezing on electrical properties and quality of thawed chicken breast meat. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci., 30:569-575.
  • Dang DS, Bastarrachea LJ, Martini S, Matarneh SK (2021). Crystallization behavior and quality of frozen meat. Foods, 10:2707.
  • Villegas-Cayllahua EA, Juliana Lolli Malagoli de Mello, Daniel Rodrigues Dutra et al. (2023). Effect of freezing on the quality of breast meat from broilers affected by wooden breast myopathy. Poult Sci., 102: 88.
  • Pereira MR, Juliana LM Mello, Rodrigo FO et al. (2022). Effect of freezing on the quality of breast meat from broilers affected by White Striping myopathy. Poult Sci., 101:101607.
  • Ali M, Aung SH, Abeyrathne EDNS et al. (2023). Quality enhancement of frozen chicken meat marinated with phosphate alternatives. Food Sci Anim Resour., 43:245-268.
  • FDA, Food & Drug Administration. (2018). Tabla de almacenamiento en refrigeradory congelador. https://www. (Son okuma 13.07.2024)
  • Anonim. (2014). Hayvan Deneyleri Etik Kurullarının Çalışma Usül ve Esaslarına Dair Yönetmelik T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. Madde 8, 19-k. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmi Gazete, sayı: 28914.
  • Keskin M, Şetlek P, Demir S (2017). Renk ölçüm sistemlerinin gıda bilimleri ve tarımda kullanım alanları. International Advanced Researches & Engineering Congress. 16-18 November, Osmaniye, Türkiye.
  • King DA, Hunt MC, Barbut S et al. (2023). American meat science association guidelines for meat color measurement. MMB, 6:1-81.
  • Konica Minolta, Colorimetry. (2005). How to measure color differences. Konica Minolta Photo Image Inc, USA.
  • Kralik G, Kralik Z, Grcevic M, Hanzek D (2018). Quality of chicken meat, in: animal husbandry and nutrition. Edited by: Banu Yücel, Book Chapter in Animal Husbandry and Nutrition. 2017
  • CIE. Supplement No, 2 to CIE Publication No, 15 (E-1.3.1.) 1978, 1971/(TC-1-3). Recommendations on uniform color spaces-color difference equations. Psychometric Color Terms, Commission lnternationale de I’Eclairage, Paris.
  • Altan A, Bayraktar H, Önenç A (2001). Etlik piliçlerde sıcak stresinin et rengi ve pH’sı üzerine etkileri. Hay Ür Derg., 42: 1-8.
  • Ingram DR, Hatten LF, Homan KD (2008). A Study on the relationship between eggshell color and eggshell quality in commercial broiler breeders. Int J Poult Sci., 7: 700-703.
  • Kim JH, Kim JW, Lee BB et al. (2014). Effect of dietary supplementation of bacteriophage on growth performance and cecal bacterial populations in broiler chickens raised in different housing systems. Livestock Sci., 170: 137-141.
  • Honikel KO (1998). Reference method for the assessment of physical characteristics of meat. Meat Sci., 49: 447-457.
  • Snecdecor GW, Cochran WG (1991). Statistical Methods. 8th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • IBM Corp. Released (2021). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Mir NA, Rafiq A, Kumar F, Singh V, Shukla V (2017). Determinants of broiler chicken meat quality and factors affecting them: A review. J Food Sci Technol., 54(10): 2997-3009.
  • Choi J, Kong B, Bowker BC, Zhuang H, Kim WK (2023). Nutritional stratgeis to improve meat quality and composition in the challenging conditions of broier production. A review. Animals (Basel). 13:8.
  • Kaya M, Karaarslan S, Toplu HDO, Fidan ED, Türkyılmaz ME, Nazlıgül A (2024). Growth performance, carcass, and meat quality traits in broiler chickens reared on plastic-grid flooring, wood shavings, and zeolite-supplemented wood shavings. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 56: 66.
  • Ardıçlı S (2018). Genetik ve Postmortem Mekanizmaların Sığır Eti Renk Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med., 37: 49-59.
  • USDA (2023). Why does the color of food change when frozen? Knowledge article. (Son okuma; 13.07.2024).
  • Bianchi M, Petracci M, Sirri F, Folegatti E, Franchini A, Meluzzi A (2007). The influence of the season and market class of broiler chickens on breast meat quality traits. Poult Sci., 86: 959-963.
  • Ab Aziz MF, Hayat MN, Kaka U, Kamarulzaman NH, Sazili AQ (2020). Physico-Chemical characteristcis and microbiological quality of broiler chicken pectoralis major muscle subjected to different storage temperature and duration. Foods, 9(6): 741.
  • Saluena BH, Carlos Saenz Gamasa, Jose Manuel Dineiro Rubial, Coro Alberdi Odriozola (2019). CIELAB color paths during meat shelf life. Meat Sci., 157: 107889.
  • Kaic A, Janjecic Z, Zanetic A, Kelava Ugarkovic N, Potocnik K (2021). EZ-DripLoss assessment in chicken breast meat using different sample areas, fiber orientation, and measurement intervals. Animals (Basel), 12:11(4): 1095.
  • Guo B, Dalrymple BP (2017). Transcriptomics of meat quality (book chapter). in New Aspects of Meat Quality.
  • Przybylski W, Sałek P, Kozłowska L, Jaworska D, Stanczuk J (2022). Metabolomic analysis indicates that higher drip loss may be related to the production of methylglyoxal as a by-product of glycolysis. Poult. Sci., 101(2): 101608.
  • Kaic A, Janjecic Z, Zanetic A, Kelava Ugarkovic N, Potocnik KEZ (2021). DripLoss Assessment in Chicken Breast Meat Using Different Sample Areas, Fiber Orientation, and Measurement Intervals. Animals (Basel), 12:11(4): 1095.
  • Yalçın S, Güler HC, Yaşa I, İzzetoğlu GT, Özkan S (2014). Effect of breeder age and slaughter weight on meat quality traits of broiler breast and leg meats. Europ Poult Sci., 78: 1-10.
  • Yaranoğlu B, Akyüz HÇ, Onbaşılar EE (2023). Comparison of carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acid composition in slowand fast-growing broilers at different slaughter weights. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci., 47: 457-468.
  • Ozbek M, Petek M, Çetin E, Çetin İ (2023). Influence of genotype and housing systems on the incidence of white striping, proximate composition and sensory analysis of broiler breast meat. Acta Vet Eur., 49: 155-162.
  • Çetin İ, Çetin E, Çavuşoğlu E ve ark. (2018). Geleneksel derin altlık ve ızgaralı zeminde yetiştirilen yavaş ve hızlı gelişen erkek etçi piliçlerde bazı et kalitesi özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 58 (1): 7-13.
  • Fletcher DL (1999). Broiler breast meat color variation, pH, and texture. Poult Sci. 78: 1323-1327.
  • Lee SK, Jung-Whan Chon, Young-Kwon Yun et al. (2022). Properties of broiler breast meat with pale color and a new approach for evaluating meat freshness in poultry processing plants. Poult Sci., 101(3): 101627.
  • Özbek M, Petek M, Ardıçlı S (2021). Physical quality characteristics of breast and leg meat of slow- and fast-growing broilers raised in different housing systems. Archiv Anim Breed., 63: 337-344.

Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2024, , 155 - 160, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışma soğutma ve dondurma tekniklerinin etlik piliç göğüs eti kalite özellikleri üzerine olan etkisini araştırmak amacı ile yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 10’ar adet, soğutulmuş ve dondurulmuş, hızlı gelişen etlik piliç göğüs eti örnekleri kullanılmıştır. Dondurulmuş göğüs eti örnekleri standart koşullarda kesilmiş ve -18 ºC sıcaklıkta 11 ay süre ile dondurularak depolanmış etlik piliç karkaslarından, soğutulmuş kas örnekleri ise standart koşullarda kesilmiş ve +4 ºC sıcaklıkta 24 saat soğutulmuş karkaslardan alınmıştır. Her iki gruptaki göğüs eti örneklerinde pH, renk özellikleri, pişirme kaybı, damlama kaybı ve rutubet analizleri yapılmıştır. Renk özellikleri derili ve derisiz göğüs kasında, diğer özellikler derisiz örneklerde incelenmiştir. Etlik piliç etlerinin soğutulmuş ya da dondurulmuş olarak muhafaza edilmesi; parlaklık (L*) hariç incelenen göğüs eti renk özelliklerinin tamamını önemli düzeyde etkilemiştir. Göğüs etinin derili ya da derisiz olmasının; parlaklık (L*), kırmızı renk koordinatı (a*), chrome ve E renk özellikleri üzerine önemli bir etkiye sahip olduğu bulunmuştur (P<0.001). Göğüs eti rutubet düzeyi soğutulmuş göğüs etinde (P<0.004), damlama kaybı (P<0.022) dondurulmuş göğüs etinde önemli düzeyde daha yüksek bulunmuştur. Sonuç olarak; incelenen göğüs eti kalite özellikleri etin muhafaza şeklinden önemli düzeyde etkilenmiş, göğüs etinin derili ya da derisiz olması bazı et kalitesi renk özelliklerini önemli düzeyde etkilemiştir. Dondurulmuş piliç eti kalitesi ile ilgili olarak dondurma şekli, dondurma ve depolama süresi ile donmuş eti çözdürme yöntemleri vb. dikkate alan yeni çalışmaların planlanmasının faydalı olacağı düşünülmektedir.

Ethical Statement

Hayvan Deneyleri Etik Kurulları Çalışma Usul ve Esaslarına Dair Yönetmelik (13), Madde 8 19-k gereği; karkas üzerinde çalışıldığından çalışma için etik kurul onayına gerek bulunmamaktadır.


Bu çalışma Bursa Uludağ Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Lisans Bitirme Projesinden Özetlenmiştir.


  • Wei R, Wang P, Han M, Chen T, Xu X, Zhou G (2017). Effect of freezing on electrical properties and quality of thawed chicken breast meat. Asian-Australas J Anim Sci., 30:569-575.
  • Dang DS, Bastarrachea LJ, Martini S, Matarneh SK (2021). Crystallization behavior and quality of frozen meat. Foods, 10:2707.
  • Villegas-Cayllahua EA, Juliana Lolli Malagoli de Mello, Daniel Rodrigues Dutra et al. (2023). Effect of freezing on the quality of breast meat from broilers affected by wooden breast myopathy. Poult Sci., 102: 88.
  • Pereira MR, Juliana LM Mello, Rodrigo FO et al. (2022). Effect of freezing on the quality of breast meat from broilers affected by White Striping myopathy. Poult Sci., 101:101607.
  • Ali M, Aung SH, Abeyrathne EDNS et al. (2023). Quality enhancement of frozen chicken meat marinated with phosphate alternatives. Food Sci Anim Resour., 43:245-268.
  • FDA, Food & Drug Administration. (2018). Tabla de almacenamiento en refrigeradory congelador. https://www. (Son okuma 13.07.2024)
  • Anonim. (2014). Hayvan Deneyleri Etik Kurullarının Çalışma Usül ve Esaslarına Dair Yönetmelik T.C. Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı. Madde 8, 19-k. T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Resmi Gazete, sayı: 28914.
  • Keskin M, Şetlek P, Demir S (2017). Renk ölçüm sistemlerinin gıda bilimleri ve tarımda kullanım alanları. International Advanced Researches & Engineering Congress. 16-18 November, Osmaniye, Türkiye.
  • King DA, Hunt MC, Barbut S et al. (2023). American meat science association guidelines for meat color measurement. MMB, 6:1-81.
  • Konica Minolta, Colorimetry. (2005). How to measure color differences. Konica Minolta Photo Image Inc, USA.
  • Kralik G, Kralik Z, Grcevic M, Hanzek D (2018). Quality of chicken meat, in: animal husbandry and nutrition. Edited by: Banu Yücel, Book Chapter in Animal Husbandry and Nutrition. 2017
  • CIE. Supplement No, 2 to CIE Publication No, 15 (E-1.3.1.) 1978, 1971/(TC-1-3). Recommendations on uniform color spaces-color difference equations. Psychometric Color Terms, Commission lnternationale de I’Eclairage, Paris.
  • Altan A, Bayraktar H, Önenç A (2001). Etlik piliçlerde sıcak stresinin et rengi ve pH’sı üzerine etkileri. Hay Ür Derg., 42: 1-8.
  • Ingram DR, Hatten LF, Homan KD (2008). A Study on the relationship between eggshell color and eggshell quality in commercial broiler breeders. Int J Poult Sci., 7: 700-703.
  • Kim JH, Kim JW, Lee BB et al. (2014). Effect of dietary supplementation of bacteriophage on growth performance and cecal bacterial populations in broiler chickens raised in different housing systems. Livestock Sci., 170: 137-141.
  • Honikel KO (1998). Reference method for the assessment of physical characteristics of meat. Meat Sci., 49: 447-457.
  • Snecdecor GW, Cochran WG (1991). Statistical Methods. 8th Edition. Wiley-Blackwell.
  • IBM Corp. Released (2021). IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 28.0. Armonk, NY: IBM Corp.
  • Mir NA, Rafiq A, Kumar F, Singh V, Shukla V (2017). Determinants of broiler chicken meat quality and factors affecting them: A review. J Food Sci Technol., 54(10): 2997-3009.
  • Choi J, Kong B, Bowker BC, Zhuang H, Kim WK (2023). Nutritional stratgeis to improve meat quality and composition in the challenging conditions of broier production. A review. Animals (Basel). 13:8.
  • Kaya M, Karaarslan S, Toplu HDO, Fidan ED, Türkyılmaz ME, Nazlıgül A (2024). Growth performance, carcass, and meat quality traits in broiler chickens reared on plastic-grid flooring, wood shavings, and zeolite-supplemented wood shavings. Tropical Animal Health and Production, 56: 66.
  • Ardıçlı S (2018). Genetik ve Postmortem Mekanizmaların Sığır Eti Renk Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med., 37: 49-59.
  • USDA (2023). Why does the color of food change when frozen? Knowledge article. (Son okuma; 13.07.2024).
  • Bianchi M, Petracci M, Sirri F, Folegatti E, Franchini A, Meluzzi A (2007). The influence of the season and market class of broiler chickens on breast meat quality traits. Poult Sci., 86: 959-963.
  • Ab Aziz MF, Hayat MN, Kaka U, Kamarulzaman NH, Sazili AQ (2020). Physico-Chemical characteristcis and microbiological quality of broiler chicken pectoralis major muscle subjected to different storage temperature and duration. Foods, 9(6): 741.
  • Saluena BH, Carlos Saenz Gamasa, Jose Manuel Dineiro Rubial, Coro Alberdi Odriozola (2019). CIELAB color paths during meat shelf life. Meat Sci., 157: 107889.
  • Kaic A, Janjecic Z, Zanetic A, Kelava Ugarkovic N, Potocnik K (2021). EZ-DripLoss assessment in chicken breast meat using different sample areas, fiber orientation, and measurement intervals. Animals (Basel), 12:11(4): 1095.
  • Guo B, Dalrymple BP (2017). Transcriptomics of meat quality (book chapter). in New Aspects of Meat Quality.
  • Przybylski W, Sałek P, Kozłowska L, Jaworska D, Stanczuk J (2022). Metabolomic analysis indicates that higher drip loss may be related to the production of methylglyoxal as a by-product of glycolysis. Poult. Sci., 101(2): 101608.
  • Kaic A, Janjecic Z, Zanetic A, Kelava Ugarkovic N, Potocnik KEZ (2021). DripLoss Assessment in Chicken Breast Meat Using Different Sample Areas, Fiber Orientation, and Measurement Intervals. Animals (Basel), 12:11(4): 1095.
  • Yalçın S, Güler HC, Yaşa I, İzzetoğlu GT, Özkan S (2014). Effect of breeder age and slaughter weight on meat quality traits of broiler breast and leg meats. Europ Poult Sci., 78: 1-10.
  • Yaranoğlu B, Akyüz HÇ, Onbaşılar EE (2023). Comparison of carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acid composition in slowand fast-growing broilers at different slaughter weights. Turkish J Vet Anim Sci., 47: 457-468.
  • Ozbek M, Petek M, Çetin E, Çetin İ (2023). Influence of genotype and housing systems on the incidence of white striping, proximate composition and sensory analysis of broiler breast meat. Acta Vet Eur., 49: 155-162.
  • Çetin İ, Çetin E, Çavuşoğlu E ve ark. (2018). Geleneksel derin altlık ve ızgaralı zeminde yetiştirilen yavaş ve hızlı gelişen erkek etçi piliçlerde bazı et kalitesi özelliklerinin karşılaştırılması. Lalahan Hay. Araşt. Enst. Derg., 58 (1): 7-13.
  • Fletcher DL (1999). Broiler breast meat color variation, pH, and texture. Poult Sci. 78: 1323-1327.
  • Lee SK, Jung-Whan Chon, Young-Kwon Yun et al. (2022). Properties of broiler breast meat with pale color and a new approach for evaluating meat freshness in poultry processing plants. Poult Sci., 101(3): 101627.
  • Özbek M, Petek M, Ardıçlı S (2021). Physical quality characteristics of breast and leg meat of slow- and fast-growing broilers raised in different housing systems. Archiv Anim Breed., 63: 337-344.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Animal Science, Genetics and Biostatistics
Journal Section Research

Fatih Aybar 0009-0007-9514-4718

Metin Petek 0000-0003-4560-2438

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date July 23, 2024
Acceptance Date October 22, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Aybar, F., & Petek, M. (2024). Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 155-160.
AMA Aybar F, Petek M. Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. December 2024;17(2):155-160. doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1518337
Chicago Aybar, Fatih, and Metin Petek. “Soğutma Ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17, no. 2 (December 2024): 155-60.
EndNote Aybar F, Petek M (December 1, 2024) Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17 2 155–160.
IEEE F. Aybar and M. Petek, “Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 155–160, 2024, doi: 10.47027/duvetfd.1518337.
ISNAD Aybar, Fatih - Petek, Metin. “Soğutma Ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17/2 (December 2024), 155-160.
JAMA Aybar F, Petek M. Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2024;17:155–160.
MLA Aybar, Fatih and Metin Petek. “Soğutma Ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, 2024, pp. 155-60, doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1518337.
Vancouver Aybar F, Petek M. Soğutma ve Dondurma Tekniklerinin Etlik Piliç Göğüs Eti Kalite Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2024;17(2):155-60.