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Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses

Year 2024, , 137 - 142, 31.12.2024


This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical parameters, instrumental colour and texture profile analysis of the most preferred and consumed Turkish cheeses (white cheese, kashar cheese, tulum cheese, and Mihaliç cheese). For this purpose, a total of 200 cheese samples were randomly collected from various markets and bazaars located in İstanbul, Türkiye. The cheese samples were analyzed in terms of the physicochemical parameters (moisture, dry matter, salt, fat, protein, pH and titratable acidity), instrumental colour (CIE L*, a*, b*) and texture profiles (hardness, stringiness, springiness, adhesion, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness). There was a significant difference in proximate composition between cheese types (P<0.001). The differences between the lightness, redness and yellowness values of the cheeses were also significant (P<0.001). The type of cheese showed a strong positive correlation with stringiness, springiness, adhesion and adhesiveness parameters, whereas showed a weak negative correlation with cohesiveness and gumminess, and a weak positive correlation with chewiness. However, there was no significant correlation between hardness and cheese type. All stages in cheese production, such as the type of milk and other ingredients used in cheese production, process conditions, ripening time and conditions, preservation characteristics, which differ according to cheese varieties, directly affect the physicochemical, colour and textural properties of the final product. Correspondingly, the difference between the characteristics of cheese samples was found to be significant.


  • Baysal S, Ozcan T (2020). Characterisation and consumer liking of white cheeses from different milk fermentation: correlation between sensorial and instrumental analyses. Int Food Res J., 27(6):1132-1140.
  • Shan J, Zhang Y, Liang J, Wang X (2020). Characterization of the processing conditions upon textural profile analysis (TPA) parameters of processed cheese using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. Anal Lett., 53(8):1190-1203.
  • Dugat-Bony E, Garnier L, Denonfoux J, et al. (2016). Highlighting the microbial diversity of 12 French cheese varieties. Int J Food Microbiol., 238:265–273.
  • Öztürk Hİ, Akın N (2018). Comparison of some functionalities of water soluble peptides derived from Turkish cow and goat milk Tulum cheeses during ripening. Food Sci Technol., 38(4):674-682.
  • Çakır Y, Çakmakçı S (2020). Comparison of Some Quality Properties of Erzincan Tulum Cheeses Produced from Raw and Pasteurized Akkaraman Sheep Milk. TURKJANS., 7(4):972-982.
  • Işık S, Bozkurt F, Güner S, Işık S, Topalcengiz Z (2020). Microbiological, physicochemical, textural and volatile characteristics of traditional kashar cheese produced in Muş. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi., 24(4):409-419.
  • Hayaloglu AA, Guvena M, Fox PF (2002). Microbiological, biochemical and technological properties of Turkish White cheese ‘Beyaz Peynir’. Int Dairy J., 12:635-648.
  • Hayaloglu AA, Karabulut I (2013). Primary and secondary proteolysis in eleven Turkish cheese varieties. Int J Food Prop., 16:1663-1675.
  • Keskin E, Dağ T (2020). Identity of cheese: A research on the cheeses of the Aegean Region in Turkey. J Ethn Foods., 7:25.
  • İspirli H, Demirbaş F, Dertli E (2017). Characterization of functional properties of Enterococcus spp. isolated from Turkish white cheese. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 75:358-365.
  • Celile Oluk A (2023). Effect of production variations on the composition, textural and microstructural properties, and volatile compounds of Turkish white cheese during ripening. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 173:114348.
  • Sert D, Ayar A, Akın N (2007). The effects of starter culture on chemical composition, microbiological and sensory characteristics of Turkish Kaşar Cheese during ripening. Int J Dairy Technol., 60(4):245-252.
  • Çetinkaya A (2020). Effect of Different Preservation and Salting Methods on Some Volatile Compounds and Sensory Properties of Kashar Cheese. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg., 26(3):435-444.
  • Topcu A, Bulat T, Özer B (2020). Process design for processed Kashar cheese (a pasta-filata cheese) by means of microbial transglutaminase: Effect on physical properties, yield and proteolysis. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 125:109226.
  • Demirci T, Akin N, Sözeri Atik D, et al. (2021). Lactic acid bacteria diversity and dynamics during ripening of traditional Turkish goatskin Tulum cheese produced in Mut region assessed by culturing and PCR-DGGE. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 138:110701.
  • Sözeri Atik D, Akın N, Akal HC, Koçak C (2021). The determination of volatile profile during the ripening period of traditional Tulum cheese from Turkey, produced in Anamur in the Central Taurus region and ripened in goatskin. Int Dairy J., 117:104991.
  • Cokal Y, Dagdelen A, Cenet O, Gunsen U (2012). Presence of L. monocytogenes and some bacterial pathogens in two Turkish traditional foods, Mihalic cheese and Hosmerim dessert. Food Control., 26:337-340.
  • Aday S, Karagul Yuceer Y (2014). Physicochemical and sensory properties of Mihalic cheese. Int J Food Prop., 17:2207-2227.
  • AOAC (2000). Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. 17th ed. United States.
  • AMSA (2012). American Meat Science Association. Meat Color Measurement Guidelines. Champaign, Il.
  • Turkish Food Codex (2015). Communique on cheese. No: 2015/6. 08.02.2015.
  • Bilgin MG, Güneş Bayır A, Özkan B (2023). Evaluation of some chemical parameters of Feta cheese sold in Istanbul. Akademik Et ve Süt Kurumu Dergisi., 5:4-9.
  • Sert D, Akın N, Aktümsek A (2014). Lipolysis in Tulum cheese produced from raw and pasteurized goats’ milk during ripening. Small Rumin Res., 121:351-360.
  • Fox PF, Guinee TP, Cogan TM, McSweeney PLH (2001). Fundamentals of Cheese Science. Apsen Publication, Maryland.
  • Gebreyowhans S, Zhang Z, Pang X, et al. (2020). Changes in texture, composition and sensory characteristics of Camembert cheese made from a mixture of goat milk and cow milk during ripening. Int J Dairy Technol., 73(3):604-615.
  • Ruvalcaba-Gómez JM, Ruiz-Espinosa H, Arteaga-Garibay RI, et al. (2020). Texture, physicochemical and sensory properties of artisanal Adobera cheese from Los Altos de Jalisco, a genuine Mexican cheese. Int J Dairy Technol., 73(2):411-420.
  • El-Aidie SAM, Mabrouk AM, Abd-Elgawad AR, El- Garhic HEM (2023). Physicochemical, textural and organoleptic properties of functional processed cheese manufactured from ultrafiltered milk. Biocatal Agric Biotechnol., 51:102798.
  • Pamuksuz T, Bulduk K, Ozturk M (2020). Effect of packing pH values on the crumbliness of fresh Turkish White cheese. J Dairy Sci., 103:9860–9867.
  • Gámbaro A, González V, Jiménez S, et al. (2017). Chemical and sensory profiles of commercial goat cheeses. Int Dairy J., 69:1-8.
  • Jia R, Zhang F, Song Y, et al. (2020). Physicochemical and textural characteristics and volatile compounds of semihard goat cheese as affected by starter cultures. J Dairy Sci., 104:270-280.
  • Zheng YR, Liu Zh. M, Mo BH, Gao HY, Sun KJ (2012). Effects of microstructure change on the texture of cheddar cheese during ripening. Sci Agric Sin., 45:503-508.
  • Boukria O, El Hadrami EM, Boudalia S, Safarov J, Leriche F, Aït-Kaddour A (2020). The effect of mixing milk of different species on chemical, physicochemical, and sensory features of cheeses: a review. Foods., 9:1309.
  • Sevinc‑Demircan B, Ozturkoglu‑Budak S (2023). Use of yeast isolates of cheese origin as adjunct culture in Beyaz cheese: Infuence on sensorial, textural and quality characteristics. J Food Sci Technol., 60(10):2670-2680.
  • Tarakçı Z, Yolaşan M (2024). Effects of different types of dried fruit on sensory and texture properties of white cheese. Turk J Food Agric Sci., 6(1):38-46.

Türk Tipi Peynirlerin Fizikokimyasal, Renk ve Tekstürel Özelliklerinin Tanımlanması

Year 2024, , 137 - 142, 31.12.2024


Bu çalışmanın amacı, en çok tercih edilen ve tüketilen Türk peynirlerinin (beyaz peynir, kaşar peyniri, tulum peyniri ve Mihaliç peyniri) fizikokimyasal parametrelerini, enstrümantal renk ve tekstür profil analizlerini değerlendirmektir. Bu amaçla, İstanbul'da bulunan çeşitli market ve satış yerlerinden rastgele toplam 200 peynir örneği toplanmıştır. Peynir örnekleri fizikokimyasal parametreler (nem, kuru madde, tuz, yağ, protein, pH ve titre edilebilir asitlik), enstrümantal renk (CIE L*, a*, b*) ve tekstür profilleri (sertlik, liflilik, yaylanma, yapışma, yapışkanlık, bağlayıcılık, sakızımsılık ve çiğnenebilirlik) açısından analiz edilmiştir. Peynir çeşitleri arasında içerik kompozisyonu bakımından anlamlı bir farklılık vardır (P<0,001). Peynirlerin parlaklık, kırmızılık ve sarılık değerleri arasındaki farklar da anlamlıdır (P<0,001). Peynir tipi, liflilik, esneklik, yapışma ve yapışkanlık parametreleri ile güçlü bir pozitif korelasyon gösterirken; yapışkanlık ve sakızımsılık ile zayıf bir negatif korelasyon ve çiğnenebilirlik ile zayıf bir pozitif korelasyon göstermiştir. Bununla birlikte, sertlik ve peynir tipi arasında anlamlı bir korelasyon bulunmamıştır. Peynir üretiminde kullanılan sütün türü ve diğer bileşenler, proses koşulları, olgunlaşma süresi ve koşulları, muhafaza özellikleri gibi peynir çeşitlerine göre farklılık gösteren peynir üretimindeki tüm aşamalar nihai ürünün fizikokimyasal, renk ve tekstürel özelliklerini doğrudan etkilemektedir. Buna bağlı olarak, peynir örneklerinin özellikleri arasındaki fark önemli bulunmuştur.


  • Baysal S, Ozcan T (2020). Characterisation and consumer liking of white cheeses from different milk fermentation: correlation between sensorial and instrumental analyses. Int Food Res J., 27(6):1132-1140.
  • Shan J, Zhang Y, Liang J, Wang X (2020). Characterization of the processing conditions upon textural profile analysis (TPA) parameters of processed cheese using Near-Infrared Hyperspectral Imaging. Anal Lett., 53(8):1190-1203.
  • Dugat-Bony E, Garnier L, Denonfoux J, et al. (2016). Highlighting the microbial diversity of 12 French cheese varieties. Int J Food Microbiol., 238:265–273.
  • Öztürk Hİ, Akın N (2018). Comparison of some functionalities of water soluble peptides derived from Turkish cow and goat milk Tulum cheeses during ripening. Food Sci Technol., 38(4):674-682.
  • Çakır Y, Çakmakçı S (2020). Comparison of Some Quality Properties of Erzincan Tulum Cheeses Produced from Raw and Pasteurized Akkaraman Sheep Milk. TURKJANS., 7(4):972-982.
  • Işık S, Bozkurt F, Güner S, Işık S, Topalcengiz Z (2020). Microbiological, physicochemical, textural and volatile characteristics of traditional kashar cheese produced in Muş. Harran Tarım ve Gıda Bilimleri Dergisi., 24(4):409-419.
  • Hayaloglu AA, Guvena M, Fox PF (2002). Microbiological, biochemical and technological properties of Turkish White cheese ‘Beyaz Peynir’. Int Dairy J., 12:635-648.
  • Hayaloglu AA, Karabulut I (2013). Primary and secondary proteolysis in eleven Turkish cheese varieties. Int J Food Prop., 16:1663-1675.
  • Keskin E, Dağ T (2020). Identity of cheese: A research on the cheeses of the Aegean Region in Turkey. J Ethn Foods., 7:25.
  • İspirli H, Demirbaş F, Dertli E (2017). Characterization of functional properties of Enterococcus spp. isolated from Turkish white cheese. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 75:358-365.
  • Celile Oluk A (2023). Effect of production variations on the composition, textural and microstructural properties, and volatile compounds of Turkish white cheese during ripening. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 173:114348.
  • Sert D, Ayar A, Akın N (2007). The effects of starter culture on chemical composition, microbiological and sensory characteristics of Turkish Kaşar Cheese during ripening. Int J Dairy Technol., 60(4):245-252.
  • Çetinkaya A (2020). Effect of Different Preservation and Salting Methods on Some Volatile Compounds and Sensory Properties of Kashar Cheese. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg., 26(3):435-444.
  • Topcu A, Bulat T, Özer B (2020). Process design for processed Kashar cheese (a pasta-filata cheese) by means of microbial transglutaminase: Effect on physical properties, yield and proteolysis. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 125:109226.
  • Demirci T, Akin N, Sözeri Atik D, et al. (2021). Lactic acid bacteria diversity and dynamics during ripening of traditional Turkish goatskin Tulum cheese produced in Mut region assessed by culturing and PCR-DGGE. LWT-Food Sci Technol., 138:110701.
  • Sözeri Atik D, Akın N, Akal HC, Koçak C (2021). The determination of volatile profile during the ripening period of traditional Tulum cheese from Turkey, produced in Anamur in the Central Taurus region and ripened in goatskin. Int Dairy J., 117:104991.
  • Cokal Y, Dagdelen A, Cenet O, Gunsen U (2012). Presence of L. monocytogenes and some bacterial pathogens in two Turkish traditional foods, Mihalic cheese and Hosmerim dessert. Food Control., 26:337-340.
  • Aday S, Karagul Yuceer Y (2014). Physicochemical and sensory properties of Mihalic cheese. Int J Food Prop., 17:2207-2227.
  • AOAC (2000). Association of Official Analytical Chemists. Official methods of analysis of AOAC International. 17th ed. United States.
  • AMSA (2012). American Meat Science Association. Meat Color Measurement Guidelines. Champaign, Il.
  • Turkish Food Codex (2015). Communique on cheese. No: 2015/6. 08.02.2015.
  • Bilgin MG, Güneş Bayır A, Özkan B (2023). Evaluation of some chemical parameters of Feta cheese sold in Istanbul. Akademik Et ve Süt Kurumu Dergisi., 5:4-9.
  • Sert D, Akın N, Aktümsek A (2014). Lipolysis in Tulum cheese produced from raw and pasteurized goats’ milk during ripening. Small Rumin Res., 121:351-360.
  • Fox PF, Guinee TP, Cogan TM, McSweeney PLH (2001). Fundamentals of Cheese Science. Apsen Publication, Maryland.
  • Gebreyowhans S, Zhang Z, Pang X, et al. (2020). Changes in texture, composition and sensory characteristics of Camembert cheese made from a mixture of goat milk and cow milk during ripening. Int J Dairy Technol., 73(3):604-615.
  • Ruvalcaba-Gómez JM, Ruiz-Espinosa H, Arteaga-Garibay RI, et al. (2020). Texture, physicochemical and sensory properties of artisanal Adobera cheese from Los Altos de Jalisco, a genuine Mexican cheese. Int J Dairy Technol., 73(2):411-420.
  • El-Aidie SAM, Mabrouk AM, Abd-Elgawad AR, El- Garhic HEM (2023). Physicochemical, textural and organoleptic properties of functional processed cheese manufactured from ultrafiltered milk. Biocatal Agric Biotechnol., 51:102798.
  • Pamuksuz T, Bulduk K, Ozturk M (2020). Effect of packing pH values on the crumbliness of fresh Turkish White cheese. J Dairy Sci., 103:9860–9867.
  • Gámbaro A, González V, Jiménez S, et al. (2017). Chemical and sensory profiles of commercial goat cheeses. Int Dairy J., 69:1-8.
  • Jia R, Zhang F, Song Y, et al. (2020). Physicochemical and textural characteristics and volatile compounds of semihard goat cheese as affected by starter cultures. J Dairy Sci., 104:270-280.
  • Zheng YR, Liu Zh. M, Mo BH, Gao HY, Sun KJ (2012). Effects of microstructure change on the texture of cheddar cheese during ripening. Sci Agric Sin., 45:503-508.
  • Boukria O, El Hadrami EM, Boudalia S, Safarov J, Leriche F, Aït-Kaddour A (2020). The effect of mixing milk of different species on chemical, physicochemical, and sensory features of cheeses: a review. Foods., 9:1309.
  • Sevinc‑Demircan B, Ozturkoglu‑Budak S (2023). Use of yeast isolates of cheese origin as adjunct culture in Beyaz cheese: Infuence on sensorial, textural and quality characteristics. J Food Sci Technol., 60(10):2670-2680.
  • Tarakçı Z, Yolaşan M (2024). Effects of different types of dried fruit on sensory and texture properties of white cheese. Turk J Food Agric Sci., 6(1):38-46.
There are 34 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Veterinary Food Hygiene and Technology
Journal Section Research

Esra Akkaya 0000-0002-2665-4788

Publication Date December 31, 2024
Submission Date August 5, 2024
Acceptance Date October 14, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


APA Akkaya, E. (2024). Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 17(2), 137-142.
AMA Akkaya E. Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. December 2024;17(2):137-142. doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1527852
Chicago Akkaya, Esra. “Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17, no. 2 (December 2024): 137-42.
EndNote Akkaya E (December 1, 2024) Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17 2 137–142.
IEEE E. Akkaya, “Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 137–142, 2024, doi: 10.47027/duvetfd.1527852.
ISNAD Akkaya, Esra. “Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17/2 (December 2024), 137-142.
JAMA Akkaya E. Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2024;17:137–142.
MLA Akkaya, Esra. “Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 17, no. 2, 2024, pp. 137-42, doi:10.47027/duvetfd.1527852.
Vancouver Akkaya E. Characterization of Physicochemical, Colour and Textural Properties of Turkish Type Cheeses. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2024;17(2):137-42.