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Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 71 - 76, 31.12.2018


Ovsynch yönteminin progesteron ile
desteklenmesinin sütçü ineklerde gebelik oranları üzerine etkisi
araştırılmıştır. Toplam 50 adet Holstein Fresian ırkı inek, iki gruba
ayrılarak kullanılmıştır. Grup 1 (G1; n=30)'e ovsynch prosedürü: 0. gün GnRH
(Gonadorelin diasetat tetrahidrat, 100 μg/inek, i.m., Ovarelin®,
Ceva, Türkiye), 7. gün PGF2α (Dinoprost, 25 mg/inek, i.m., Enzaprost-T®,
Ceva, Türkiye), 9. gün 2. GnRH uygulanmış ve takip eden 16. saatte suni
tohumlama yapılmıştır. Grup 2 (G2; n=20)'ye G1'den farklı olarak intravaginal
PRID Delta® (1,55 g Progesteron, Ceva, Türkiye) yerleştirilmiş ve
0. gün ile 7. gün arasında tutulmuştur. Gebelik kontrolleri tohumlama sonrası
45-60. günler arasında rektal palpasyon ile yapılmıştır. G1 ve G2 için
postpartum gün 59,93±8,72 ile 59,25±14,17 gün (P>0,05); süt verimi
26,16±4,93 ile 28,80±6,77 kg (P>0,05); laktasyon sayısı 1,90±0,53 ile 1,75±0,44
(P>0,05); vücut kondisyon skoru 3,27±0,42 ile 3,25±0,30 (P>0,05) olarak
belirlenmiştir. Gruplar kendi içlerinde gebe ve gebe olmayan şeklinde alt
gruplara ayrılarak yukarıdaki paramatreler yönünden karşılaştırıldıklarında
da önem bulunamamıştır. G2'de gebelik oranı %60,00 ile G1'in %53,33 oranından
daha yüksek olmasına rağmen, istatistiksel olarak önem belirlenmemiştir
(P>0,05). Sonuç olarak, ovsynch prosedürünün progesteron ile
desteklenmesinin gebelik oranlarında artışa yol açabileceği, PRID'in bu
amaçla kullanılabileceği ancak konuyla ilgili daha fazla çalışma
yapılmasının gerekli olduğu kanaatine varılmıştır.


  • 1. Pursley JR, Bello NM. (2007) Ovulations Synvronization Strate-gies in Dairy Cattle Using PGF2α and GNRH. In: Large Animal Theriogenology Younquist RS, Threlfall WR, (eds) 2nd ed. pp. 286- 293, Saunders Elsevier. Philadelphia, USA
  • 2. Sarıbay MK, Erdem H. (2008) İneklerde Gözlem Yöntemi ile Östrus Tespiti. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 79(3): 43-50.
  • 3. Senger PL. (1994) The Estrus Detection Problem: NewCon-cepts, Technologies and Possibilities. J Dairy Sci, 77: 2745– 2753.
  • 4. López-Gatius, F, Vega-Prieto B. (1990) Pregnancy Rate of Dairy Cows Following Synchronization of Estrus With Cloprostenol, hCG and Estradiol Benzoate. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 37(6): 452-454.
  • 5. López-Gatius, F. (2003) Is Fertility Declining in Dairy Cattle? A Retrospective Study in Northeastern Spain Theriogenology. 60: 89- 99.
  • 6. Pursley JR, Mee MO, Wiltbank MC. (1995) Synchronization of Ovulation in Dairy Cows Using PGF2α and GnRH. Theriogeno-logy. 52: 1067- 1078.
  • 7. Nak Y, Nak D, Seyrek İntaş K et al. (2005) Ovsynch, PRID + PGF2α + PMSG ve Norgestomet İçeren Kulak İmplantı + PGF2α + PMSG İle Sağıtılan Siklik ve Asiklik Sütçü İneklerde Kızgınlık ve Gebelik Oranlarının Karşılaştırılması. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med, 24: 33- 39.
  • 8. Aral F, Çolak M. (2002) Esmer Irk İnek ve Düvelerde GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH ve PGF2α ile Östrüs ve Ovulasyon Senkronizas-yonu ve Dölverim Performansı. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 28: 179- 184.
  • 9. Kara U, Ayaşan T, Hızlı H, Gök K. (2011) Ovsynch Protokolünün İnek ve Düvelerin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 8(1): 1- 8.
  • 10. Emre B, Zonturlu AK, Korkmaz Ö. (2012) Sütçü İneklerde Ovsycnh Protokolünü Takiben Uygulanan Fluniksin Meglu-min’in Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 1(2): 88- 91.
  • 11. Emre B, Korkmaz Ö, Zonturlu AK. (2014) Sütçü İneklerde Ovsynch Protoklüne İkinci GnRH Uygulamasının Geciktirilme-sinin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 9(3): 187- 193.
  • 12. Çevik M, Selçuk M, Doğan S. (2010) Comparison of Pregnancy Rates After Timed Artificial Insemination in Ovsynch, He-atsynch and CIDR-Based Synchronization Protocol in Dairy Cows. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 16 (1): 85- 89.
  • 13. El-Zarkouny SZ, Cartmill JA, Hensley BA, Stevenson JS. (2004) Pregnancy in Dairy Cows After Synchronized Ovulation Regi-mens With or Without Presynchronization and Progesterone. J Dairy Sci. 87: 1024- 1037.
  • 14. Melendez P, Gonzales G, Aguilar E et al. (2006) Comparison of Two Estrus- Synchronization Protocols and Timed Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cattle J Dairy Sci, 89: 4567- 4572.
  • 15. Walsh RB, Leblanc SJ, Duffield TF et al. (2007) The Effect of a Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device (PRID) on Preg-nancy Risk to Fixed-time Insemination Following Diagnosis of Non-Pregnancy in Dairy Cows. Theriogenology. 67(5): 948- 956.
  • 16. McDougall S, Burke CR MacMillan KL, Williamson NB. (1995) Patterns of Follicular Development During Periods of Anovula-tion in Pasture-fed Dairy Cows After Calving. Res Vet Sci. 58: 212– 216.
  • 17. Herlihy MM, Berry DP, Crowe MA, Diskin MG, Butler ST. (2011) Evaluation of Protocols to Synchronize Estrus and Ovulation in Seasonal Calving Pasture-Based Dairy Production Systems. J Dairy Sci. 94(9): 4488- 4501.
  • 18. Bisinotto RS, Castro LO, Pansani MB et al. (2015) Progesterone Supplementation to Lactating Dairy Cows Without a Corpus Luteum at Initiation of the Ovsynch Protocol. J Dairy Sci . 98(4): 2515- 2528.
  • 19. Nebel RL, Jobst SM. (1998) Evalution os Systematic Breeding Programs for Lactating Dairy Cows: A Review. J Dairy Sci. 81: 1169- 1174.
  • 20. O’Connor ML. (2005) Estrus Synchronization Programs for the Dairy Herd. Dairy and Anim Sci. 01-35. ,.
  • 21. Pursley JR, Wiltbank MC, Stevenson JS et al. (1997) Pregnancy Rates per Artificial Insemination for Cows and Heifers Insemi-nated at a Synchronized Ovulation or Suynchronized Estrus. J Dairy Sci, 80: 295- 300.
  • 22. Navanukraw C, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP et al. (2004) A Modi-fied Presynchronization Protocol Improves Fertility to Timed Artificial Insemination in Lactating Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci. 87(5): 1551- 1557.
  • 23. Peters MW, Pursley JR. (2002) Fertility of Lactating Dairy Cows Treated With Ovsynch After Presynchronization Injections of PGF2α and GnRH. J Dairy Sci. 85: 2403- 2406.
  • 24. Tenhagen BA, Surholt R, Wittke M et al. (2004) Use of Ovsynch in Dairy herds--differences between Primiparous and Multiparous Cows. Anim Reprod Sci. 81(1-2): 1- 11.
  • 25. Vasconcelos JLM, Silcox RW, Rosa GJM, Pursley JR, Wiltbank MC. (1999) Synchronization Rate, Size of the Ovulatory Follicle and Pregnancy Rate After Synchronization of Ovulation Begin-ning on Different Days of the Estrus Cycle in Lactating Dairy Cows. Theriogenology. 52: 1067- 1078.
  • 26. Moreira F, Orlandi C, Risco CA et al. (2001) Effect of Presynchronization and Bovine Somatotropin on Pregnancy Rates to a Timed Artificial Insemination Protocol in Lactating Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci, 84: 1646-1659.
  • 27. Cartmill JA, El-Zarkouny SZ, Hensley BA, Lamb GC, Stevenson JS. (2001) Stage of Cycle, Indicence and Timing of Ovulation and Pregnancy Rates in Dairy Cattle After Three Timed Bree-ding Protocols. J Dairy Sci. 84: 1051- 1059.
  • 28. Martinez MF, Kastelic JP, Adams GP et al. (2002) The Use Progestin in Regimens for Fixed Time Artificial Insemination in Beef Cattle. Theriogenology. 57: 1049- 1059.
  • 29. Stevenson JS, Lamb GC, Johnson SK et al. (2003) Supplemental Norgestomet, Progesterone or Melengestrol Acetate Increases Pregnancy Rates in Suckled Beef Cows After Timed Inseminations. J Dairy Sci, 81: 571- 586.
  • 30. Lean IJ, Galland JC, Scott JL. (1989) Relationships Between Fertility, Peak Milk Yields and Lactational Persistency in Dairy Cows. Theriogenology. 31(5): 1093- 1103.
  • 31. Nebel RL, McGilliard ML, (1993) Interactions of High Milk Yield and Reproductive Performance in Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci. 76(10): 3257- 3268.
  • 32. Macmillan KL, Lean IJ, Westwood CT. (1996) The Effects of Lactation on the Fertility of Dairy Cows. Aust Vet J. 73(4): 141- 147.
  • 33. Klindworth HP, Hoedemaker M, Burfeindt D, Heilkenbrinker T. (2001) Synchronization of Ovulation (OVSYNCH) in High-producing Dairy Cattle Herds. I. Fertility Parameters, Body Condition Score and Plama Progesterone Contration. Dtsch Ti-erarztl Wochenschr. 108(1): 11- 9.
  • 34. Stevenson JS, Pursley JR, Garverick HA et al.. (2006) Treatment of Cycling and Noncycling Lactating Dairy Cows with Progesterone During Ovsynch. J Dairy Sci. 89(7): 2567- 2578.
  • 35. Olson J. (1999) Improving Pregnancy Rates in High Producing Herds. Western Dairy Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada .
  • 36. Pursley JR, Silcox RW, Wiltbank MC. (1998) Effect of Time of Artificial Insemination on Pregnancy Rates, Calving Rates, Pregnancy Loss and Gender Ratio After Synchronization of Ovulation in Lactating Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci. 81: 2139- 2144.
  • 37. Peeler ID, Nebel RL, Pearson RE, Swecker WS, Garcia A. (2004) Pregnancy Rates After Timed AI of Heifers Following Removal of Intravaginal Progesterone Inserts. J Dairy Sci. 87(9): 2868- 2673.

The Effect of Ovsynch Protocol Combine with Progesterone (PRID®) on Pregnancy Rate in Dairy Cows

Year 2018, Volume: 11 Issue: 2, 71 - 76, 31.12.2018


The effects of ovsynch protocol combine with
progesterone on pregnancy rate in dairy cows were investigated. A total of 50
Holstein-Fresian cows, divided into two groups were used. In groups 1 (G1;
n=30) were received ovsynch protocol: GnRH (Gonadorelin diasetat tetrahidrat,
100 μg/cow, i.m., Ovarelin®, Ceva, Turkey) on d0, PGF2α (Dinoprost,
25 mg/cow, i.m., Enzaprost-T®, Ceva, Turkey) on d7, 2nd GnRH on d9
were applied and subsequent 16th hours artificial inseminatin were
preformed. In Grup 2 (G2; n=20) unlike the G1 a progesterone source PRID-Delta®
(1.55 g Progesteron, Ceva, Türkiye) were inserted intravaginally during day 0
to 7. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by rectal palpation on days post-AI
45-60. Postpartum days 59.93±8.72 and 59.25±14.17 days (P>0.05); milk yield
26.16±4.93 and 28.80±6.77 kg (P>0.05); lactation number 1.90±0.53 and
1.75±0.44 (P>0.05); body condition scores 3.27±0.42 and 3.25±0.30
(P>0.05) were found for G1 and G2, respectively. When the groups were
divided into two subgroups as pregnant and non-pregnant animals, there was no
significance between the above parameters. Although the pregnancy rates as
60.00% in G2 supported by progesterone were higher than G1 (53.33%), there was
not found significance between the groups (P>0.05). Conclusion: Applied
progesterone to support ovsynch protocol may increase pregnancy rates and PRID
may use this purpose. However more studies are needed to confirm the results.


  • 1. Pursley JR, Bello NM. (2007) Ovulations Synvronization Strate-gies in Dairy Cattle Using PGF2α and GNRH. In: Large Animal Theriogenology Younquist RS, Threlfall WR, (eds) 2nd ed. pp. 286- 293, Saunders Elsevier. Philadelphia, USA
  • 2. Sarıbay MK, Erdem H. (2008) İneklerde Gözlem Yöntemi ile Östrus Tespiti. Vet Hekim Der Derg. 79(3): 43-50.
  • 3. Senger PL. (1994) The Estrus Detection Problem: NewCon-cepts, Technologies and Possibilities. J Dairy Sci, 77: 2745– 2753.
  • 4. López-Gatius, F, Vega-Prieto B. (1990) Pregnancy Rate of Dairy Cows Following Synchronization of Estrus With Cloprostenol, hCG and Estradiol Benzoate. Zentralbl Veterinarmed A 37(6): 452-454.
  • 5. López-Gatius, F. (2003) Is Fertility Declining in Dairy Cattle? A Retrospective Study in Northeastern Spain Theriogenology. 60: 89- 99.
  • 6. Pursley JR, Mee MO, Wiltbank MC. (1995) Synchronization of Ovulation in Dairy Cows Using PGF2α and GnRH. Theriogeno-logy. 52: 1067- 1078.
  • 7. Nak Y, Nak D, Seyrek İntaş K et al. (2005) Ovsynch, PRID + PGF2α + PMSG ve Norgestomet İçeren Kulak İmplantı + PGF2α + PMSG İle Sağıtılan Siklik ve Asiklik Sütçü İneklerde Kızgınlık ve Gebelik Oranlarının Karşılaştırılması. Uludag Univ J Fac Vet Med, 24: 33- 39.
  • 8. Aral F, Çolak M. (2002) Esmer Irk İnek ve Düvelerde GnRH-PGF2α-GnRH ve PGF2α ile Östrüs ve Ovulasyon Senkronizas-yonu ve Dölverim Performansı. Turk J Vet Anim Sci. 28: 179- 184.
  • 9. Kara U, Ayaşan T, Hızlı H, Gök K. (2011) Ovsynch Protokolünün İnek ve Düvelerin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Erciyes Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 8(1): 1- 8.
  • 10. Emre B, Zonturlu AK, Korkmaz Ö. (2012) Sütçü İneklerde Ovsycnh Protokolünü Takiben Uygulanan Fluniksin Meglu-min’in Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Harran Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 1(2): 88- 91.
  • 11. Emre B, Korkmaz Ö, Zonturlu AK. (2014) Sütçü İneklerde Ovsynch Protoklüne İkinci GnRH Uygulamasının Geciktirilme-sinin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Atatürk Üniv Vet Bil Derg, 9(3): 187- 193.
  • 12. Çevik M, Selçuk M, Doğan S. (2010) Comparison of Pregnancy Rates After Timed Artificial Insemination in Ovsynch, He-atsynch and CIDR-Based Synchronization Protocol in Dairy Cows. Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg. 16 (1): 85- 89.
  • 13. El-Zarkouny SZ, Cartmill JA, Hensley BA, Stevenson JS. (2004) Pregnancy in Dairy Cows After Synchronized Ovulation Regi-mens With or Without Presynchronization and Progesterone. J Dairy Sci. 87: 1024- 1037.
  • 14. Melendez P, Gonzales G, Aguilar E et al. (2006) Comparison of Two Estrus- Synchronization Protocols and Timed Artificial Insemination in Dairy Cattle J Dairy Sci, 89: 4567- 4572.
  • 15. Walsh RB, Leblanc SJ, Duffield TF et al. (2007) The Effect of a Progesterone Releasing Intravaginal Device (PRID) on Preg-nancy Risk to Fixed-time Insemination Following Diagnosis of Non-Pregnancy in Dairy Cows. Theriogenology. 67(5): 948- 956.
  • 16. McDougall S, Burke CR MacMillan KL, Williamson NB. (1995) Patterns of Follicular Development During Periods of Anovula-tion in Pasture-fed Dairy Cows After Calving. Res Vet Sci. 58: 212– 216.
  • 17. Herlihy MM, Berry DP, Crowe MA, Diskin MG, Butler ST. (2011) Evaluation of Protocols to Synchronize Estrus and Ovulation in Seasonal Calving Pasture-Based Dairy Production Systems. J Dairy Sci. 94(9): 4488- 4501.
  • 18. Bisinotto RS, Castro LO, Pansani MB et al. (2015) Progesterone Supplementation to Lactating Dairy Cows Without a Corpus Luteum at Initiation of the Ovsynch Protocol. J Dairy Sci . 98(4): 2515- 2528.
  • 19. Nebel RL, Jobst SM. (1998) Evalution os Systematic Breeding Programs for Lactating Dairy Cows: A Review. J Dairy Sci. 81: 1169- 1174.
  • 20. O’Connor ML. (2005) Estrus Synchronization Programs for the Dairy Herd. Dairy and Anim Sci. 01-35. ,.
  • 21. Pursley JR, Wiltbank MC, Stevenson JS et al. (1997) Pregnancy Rates per Artificial Insemination for Cows and Heifers Insemi-nated at a Synchronized Ovulation or Suynchronized Estrus. J Dairy Sci, 80: 295- 300.
  • 22. Navanukraw C, Redmer DA, Reynolds LP et al. (2004) A Modi-fied Presynchronization Protocol Improves Fertility to Timed Artificial Insemination in Lactating Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci. 87(5): 1551- 1557.
  • 23. Peters MW, Pursley JR. (2002) Fertility of Lactating Dairy Cows Treated With Ovsynch After Presynchronization Injections of PGF2α and GnRH. J Dairy Sci. 85: 2403- 2406.
  • 24. Tenhagen BA, Surholt R, Wittke M et al. (2004) Use of Ovsynch in Dairy herds--differences between Primiparous and Multiparous Cows. Anim Reprod Sci. 81(1-2): 1- 11.
  • 25. Vasconcelos JLM, Silcox RW, Rosa GJM, Pursley JR, Wiltbank MC. (1999) Synchronization Rate, Size of the Ovulatory Follicle and Pregnancy Rate After Synchronization of Ovulation Begin-ning on Different Days of the Estrus Cycle in Lactating Dairy Cows. Theriogenology. 52: 1067- 1078.
  • 26. Moreira F, Orlandi C, Risco CA et al. (2001) Effect of Presynchronization and Bovine Somatotropin on Pregnancy Rates to a Timed Artificial Insemination Protocol in Lactating Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci, 84: 1646-1659.
  • 27. Cartmill JA, El-Zarkouny SZ, Hensley BA, Lamb GC, Stevenson JS. (2001) Stage of Cycle, Indicence and Timing of Ovulation and Pregnancy Rates in Dairy Cattle After Three Timed Bree-ding Protocols. J Dairy Sci. 84: 1051- 1059.
  • 28. Martinez MF, Kastelic JP, Adams GP et al. (2002) The Use Progestin in Regimens for Fixed Time Artificial Insemination in Beef Cattle. Theriogenology. 57: 1049- 1059.
  • 29. Stevenson JS, Lamb GC, Johnson SK et al. (2003) Supplemental Norgestomet, Progesterone or Melengestrol Acetate Increases Pregnancy Rates in Suckled Beef Cows After Timed Inseminations. J Dairy Sci, 81: 571- 586.
  • 30. Lean IJ, Galland JC, Scott JL. (1989) Relationships Between Fertility, Peak Milk Yields and Lactational Persistency in Dairy Cows. Theriogenology. 31(5): 1093- 1103.
  • 31. Nebel RL, McGilliard ML, (1993) Interactions of High Milk Yield and Reproductive Performance in Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci. 76(10): 3257- 3268.
  • 32. Macmillan KL, Lean IJ, Westwood CT. (1996) The Effects of Lactation on the Fertility of Dairy Cows. Aust Vet J. 73(4): 141- 147.
  • 33. Klindworth HP, Hoedemaker M, Burfeindt D, Heilkenbrinker T. (2001) Synchronization of Ovulation (OVSYNCH) in High-producing Dairy Cattle Herds. I. Fertility Parameters, Body Condition Score and Plama Progesterone Contration. Dtsch Ti-erarztl Wochenschr. 108(1): 11- 9.
  • 34. Stevenson JS, Pursley JR, Garverick HA et al.. (2006) Treatment of Cycling and Noncycling Lactating Dairy Cows with Progesterone During Ovsynch. J Dairy Sci. 89(7): 2567- 2578.
  • 35. Olson J. (1999) Improving Pregnancy Rates in High Producing Herds. Western Dairy Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada .
  • 36. Pursley JR, Silcox RW, Wiltbank MC. (1998) Effect of Time of Artificial Insemination on Pregnancy Rates, Calving Rates, Pregnancy Loss and Gender Ratio After Synchronization of Ovulation in Lactating Dairy Cows. J Dairy Sci. 81: 2139- 2144.
  • 37. Peeler ID, Nebel RL, Pearson RE, Swecker WS, Garcia A. (2004) Pregnancy Rates After Timed AI of Heifers Following Removal of Intravaginal Progesterone Inserts. J Dairy Sci. 87(9): 2868- 2673.
There are 37 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research

Erdem Topçu This is me

Firdevs Binli This is me

Serhan Serhat Ay This is me

Publication Date December 31, 2018
Acceptance Date December 23, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018 Volume: 11 Issue: 2


APA Topçu, E., Binli, F., & Ay, S. S. (2018). Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 11(2), 71-76.
AMA Topçu E, Binli F, Ay SS. Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. December 2018;11(2):71-76.
Chicago Topçu, Erdem, Firdevs Binli, and Serhan Serhat Ay. “Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) Ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 11, no. 2 (December 2018): 71-76.
EndNote Topçu E, Binli F, Ay SS (December 1, 2018) Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 11 2 71–76.
IEEE E. Topçu, F. Binli, and S. S. Ay, “Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 71–76, 2018.
ISNAD Topçu, Erdem et al. “Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) Ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 11/2 (December 2018), 71-76.
JAMA Topçu E, Binli F, Ay SS. Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2018;11:71–76.
MLA Topçu, Erdem et al. “Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) Ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 11, no. 2, 2018, pp. 71-76.
Vancouver Topçu E, Binli F, Ay SS. Sütçü İneklerde Progesteron (PRID®) ile Desteklenen Ovsycnh Yönteminin Gebelik Oranı Üzerine Etkisi. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2018;11(2):71-6.