Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 48 - 51, 30.06.2020



  • 1. De Silva N, Marsden ID, Gaw S, Glover CN. (2018). Acute waterborne cadmium toxicity in the estuarine pulmonate mud snail, Amphibola crenata. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. Aug 30;158:274-283.
  • 2. Gomot A. (1998). Toxic effects of cadmium on reproduction, development and hatching in the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis for water quality monitoring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 41 (3): 288-297.
  • 3. Zyadah MA, Abdel-Baky TE. (2000). Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Copper, Zinc, and Cadmium in Some Aquatic Organisms. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 64: 740-747.
  • 4. Moolman L, Van Vuren JH, Wepener V. (2007). Comparative studies on the uptake and effects of cadmium and zinc on the cellular energy allocation of two freshwater gastropods. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., vol. 68, pp. 443–450.
  • 5. Bürçün Karakaş S. (2010). Lymnaea stagnalis Lınnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda:Pulmonata)’da Histopatolojik Değişikliklere Neden Olan Kadmiyumun Toksisitesi Üzerine Edta’nın Koruyucu ve İyileştirici Etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İçlee Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji ABD. 90s, Diyarbakır.
  • 6. Otludil B, Ayaz, S. (2020). Effect of Copper Sulphate (CuSO4) on Freshwater Snail, Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805: A Histopathological Evaluation. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.
  • 7. Otludil B, Karadede Akın H. (2017). Yeşil Alg Cladophora glomerata Mevcudiyetinde, Kadmiuma Maruz Bırakılan Nil tilapiası, Oreochromis niloticus’un Karaciğer Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniv. Vet.Fak. Derg.10 (1):1-6.
  • 8. Otludil B, Karadede Akın H, Ünlü E. (2017). Effects of sub-lethal exposure of cadmium on histopathology of gills of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and the mitigating effects of Cladophora glomerata. Acta Biologica Turcica. 30 (1) 24-30.
  • 9. Coeurdassier M, De Vaufleury A, Lovy C, Badot PM. (2003). Bioconcentration of cadmium and toxic effects on life- history traits of pond snails (Lymnaea palustris and Lymnaea stagnalis) in laboratory bioassays. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 45:102-109.
  • 10. Ünlü E, Cengiz Eİ, Yıldırım MZ, Otludil B, Ünver Ö. (2005). Histopathological effects in tissues of snail Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) exposed to subletal concentration of Thiodan® and recovery after exposure. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 25 (6): 459-463.
  • 11. Salanki J, Farkas A, Kamardina T, Rozsa KS. (2003). Molluscs in biological monitoring of water quality. Toxicol. Lett. 140/141, 403–410.
  • 12. Leung KMY, Ibrahim H, Dewhurst RE, Morley NJ, Crane M, Lewis JW. (2003). Concentrations of Metallothionein-Like Proteins and Heavy Metals in the Freshwater Snail Lymnaea stagnalis Exposed to Different Levels of Waterborne Cadmium. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 71(5): 1084-1090.
  • 13. Coeurdassier M, DE Vaufleury A, Scheifler R, Morhain E, Badot PM. (2004). Effects of Cadmium on the Survival of Three Life-Stages of the Freshwater Pulmonate Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 72: 1083–1090.
  • 14. Ayaz S. (2013). Bakır Sülfat (CuSO4)’ın Physa acuta (Draparnaud, 1805)’nın Histopatolojisi Üzerine Etkileri. Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji ABD. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. 64s, Diyarbakır.
  • 15. Gurr E. (1972). Biological Staining Methods. Kent Printers. 143. Tonbridge.
  • 16. Jong-Brink Mde, Schot LP, Schoenmakers HJ, Bergamin Sassen MJM. (1981). A biochemical and quantitative electron microscope study on steroidogenesis in ovotestis and digestive gland of the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Gen Comp Endocrinol. vol. 45:30-38.
  • 17. Blackmore G. (2000). Field evidence of metal transfer from invertebrate prey to an intertidal predator, Thais clavigera (gastropoda: muricidae) Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. vol. 51, pp.127-139.
  • 18. Ibrahim MM. (2006). Energy allocation patterns in Biomphalaria alexandrina snails in response to cadmium exposure and Schistosoma mansoni infection. Exp. Parasitol. vol. 112, pp. 31–36.
  • 19. El-Khayat HMM, Abdel-Hamid H, Gaber HS, Mahmoud KMA, Flefel H. (2015). Snails and fish as pollution biomarkers in Lake Manzala and laboratory A: Lake Manzala snails. Fish Aquacul. J., vol, 6, no. 4, 1000153.
  • 20. Bacchetta R, Mantecca P, Vailati G. (2002). Oocyte Degeneration and altered ovipository activity induced by paraquat in the freshwater snail Physa fontinalis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). J.Moll. Stud. 68. 181-186.
  • 21. El-feky F, Raafat HA, Kamal H. (2009). Physiological and Histopathological Effects of Tributyletin (TBT) on Lymnaea natalensis and Physa acuta. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine. Vol. 37: 610– 620.
  • 22. De Silva NAL, Marsden ID, Gaw S, Glover CN. (2018). Acute waterborne cadmium toxicity in the estuarine pulmonate mud snail, Amphibola crenata. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Volume 158, 30 Pages 274-283.
  • 23. Elagba H, Ali M, Abdel-Rahman O. (2014). Heavy Metals in Water, Musclesand Gills of Oreochromis niloticus Collected from the Sewage-Treated Water and the White Nile, Sudan. Vol. 4, No.06.

Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler

Year 2020, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 48 - 51, 30.06.2020


Bu çalışmada tatlı su salyangozu Lymnaea stagnalis, kadmiyumun sublethal konsantrasyonlarına (7.92 µg/L-1, 15.85 µg/L-1, 31.7 µg/L-1 and 63.4 µg/L-1) maruz bırakıldı. Deneyde 7, 14, 21 ve 28 günlük periyotlar sonunda L. stagnalis ovotestisleri alınarak histolojik preparatları hazırlandı. Kadmiyumun farklı konsantrasyonlarında ovotestislerde meydana gelen histopatolojik değişiklikler ışık mikroskobunda incelendi. Kadmiyum uygulaması sonucunda; ovotestislerde, oosit çevrelerinde vakuolleşme, spermatozoon sayısında azalma, spermatozoon ve yumurta hücrelerinde dejenerasyon, asinus hücrelerinde dejeneratif nekroz gibi değişiklikler gözlendi. Ovotestislerde lezyonların şiddeti artan kadmiyum konsantrasyonuna ve kadmiyuma maruz kalma süresine bağlı olarak paralel artış gösterdi.


  • 1. De Silva N, Marsden ID, Gaw S, Glover CN. (2018). Acute waterborne cadmium toxicity in the estuarine pulmonate mud snail, Amphibola crenata. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. Aug 30;158:274-283.
  • 2. Gomot A. (1998). Toxic effects of cadmium on reproduction, development and hatching in the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis for water quality monitoring. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 41 (3): 288-297.
  • 3. Zyadah MA, Abdel-Baky TE. (2000). Toxicity and Bioaccumulation of Copper, Zinc, and Cadmium in Some Aquatic Organisms. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 64: 740-747.
  • 4. Moolman L, Van Vuren JH, Wepener V. (2007). Comparative studies on the uptake and effects of cadmium and zinc on the cellular energy allocation of two freshwater gastropods. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Saf., vol. 68, pp. 443–450.
  • 5. Bürçün Karakaş S. (2010). Lymnaea stagnalis Lınnaeus, 1758 (Gastropoda:Pulmonata)’da Histopatolojik Değişikliklere Neden Olan Kadmiyumun Toksisitesi Üzerine Edta’nın Koruyucu ve İyileştirici Etkileri. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. İçlee Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Biyoloji ABD. 90s, Diyarbakır.
  • 6. Otludil B, Ayaz, S. (2020). Effect of Copper Sulphate (CuSO4) on Freshwater Snail, Physa acuta Draparnaud, 1805: A Histopathological Evaluation. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology.
  • 7. Otludil B, Karadede Akın H. (2017). Yeşil Alg Cladophora glomerata Mevcudiyetinde, Kadmiuma Maruz Bırakılan Nil tilapiası, Oreochromis niloticus’un Karaciğer Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniv. Vet.Fak. Derg.10 (1):1-6.
  • 8. Otludil B, Karadede Akın H, Ünlü E. (2017). Effects of sub-lethal exposure of cadmium on histopathology of gills of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus and the mitigating effects of Cladophora glomerata. Acta Biologica Turcica. 30 (1) 24-30.
  • 9. Coeurdassier M, De Vaufleury A, Lovy C, Badot PM. (2003). Bioconcentration of cadmium and toxic effects on life- history traits of pond snails (Lymnaea palustris and Lymnaea stagnalis) in laboratory bioassays. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol. 45:102-109.
  • 10. Ünlü E, Cengiz Eİ, Yıldırım MZ, Otludil B, Ünver Ö. (2005). Histopathological effects in tissues of snail Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda, Pulmonata) exposed to subletal concentration of Thiodan® and recovery after exposure. Journal of Applied Toxicology. 25 (6): 459-463.
  • 11. Salanki J, Farkas A, Kamardina T, Rozsa KS. (2003). Molluscs in biological monitoring of water quality. Toxicol. Lett. 140/141, 403–410.
  • 12. Leung KMY, Ibrahim H, Dewhurst RE, Morley NJ, Crane M, Lewis JW. (2003). Concentrations of Metallothionein-Like Proteins and Heavy Metals in the Freshwater Snail Lymnaea stagnalis Exposed to Different Levels of Waterborne Cadmium. Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 71(5): 1084-1090.
  • 13. Coeurdassier M, DE Vaufleury A, Scheifler R, Morhain E, Badot PM. (2004). Effects of Cadmium on the Survival of Three Life-Stages of the Freshwater Pulmonate Lymnaea stagnalis (Mollusca: Gastropoda). Bull. Environ. Contam. Toxicol. 72: 1083–1090.
  • 14. Ayaz S. (2013). Bakır Sülfat (CuSO4)’ın Physa acuta (Draparnaud, 1805)’nın Histopatolojisi Üzerine Etkileri. Dicle Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Biyoloji ABD. Yüksek Lisans Tezi. 64s, Diyarbakır.
  • 15. Gurr E. (1972). Biological Staining Methods. Kent Printers. 143. Tonbridge.
  • 16. Jong-Brink Mde, Schot LP, Schoenmakers HJ, Bergamin Sassen MJM. (1981). A biochemical and quantitative electron microscope study on steroidogenesis in ovotestis and digestive gland of the pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Gen Comp Endocrinol. vol. 45:30-38.
  • 17. Blackmore G. (2000). Field evidence of metal transfer from invertebrate prey to an intertidal predator, Thais clavigera (gastropoda: muricidae) Estuar. Coast. Shelf Sci. vol. 51, pp.127-139.
  • 18. Ibrahim MM. (2006). Energy allocation patterns in Biomphalaria alexandrina snails in response to cadmium exposure and Schistosoma mansoni infection. Exp. Parasitol. vol. 112, pp. 31–36.
  • 19. El-Khayat HMM, Abdel-Hamid H, Gaber HS, Mahmoud KMA, Flefel H. (2015). Snails and fish as pollution biomarkers in Lake Manzala and laboratory A: Lake Manzala snails. Fish Aquacul. J., vol, 6, no. 4, 1000153.
  • 20. Bacchetta R, Mantecca P, Vailati G. (2002). Oocyte Degeneration and altered ovipository activity induced by paraquat in the freshwater snail Physa fontinalis (Gastropoda: Pulmonata). J.Moll. Stud. 68. 181-186.
  • 21. El-feky F, Raafat HA, Kamal H. (2009). Physiological and Histopathological Effects of Tributyletin (TBT) on Lymnaea natalensis and Physa acuta. The Egyptian Journal of Hospital Medicine. Vol. 37: 610– 620.
  • 22. De Silva NAL, Marsden ID, Gaw S, Glover CN. (2018). Acute waterborne cadmium toxicity in the estuarine pulmonate mud snail, Amphibola crenata. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. Volume 158, 30 Pages 274-283.
  • 23. Elagba H, Ali M, Abdel-Rahman O. (2014). Heavy Metals in Water, Musclesand Gills of Oreochromis niloticus Collected from the Sewage-Treated Water and the White Nile, Sudan. Vol. 4, No.06.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Veterinary Surgery
Journal Section Research

Birgül Otludil 0000-0002-6752-498X

Publication Date June 30, 2020
Acceptance Date May 28, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Otludil, B. (2020). Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 13(1), 48-51.
AMA Otludil B. Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. June 2020;13(1):48-51.
Chicago Otludil, Birgül. “Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 13, no. 1 (June 2020): 48-51.
EndNote Otludil B (June 1, 2020) Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 13 1 48–51.
IEEE B. Otludil, “Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler”, Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 48–51, 2020.
ISNAD Otludil, Birgül. “Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 13/1 (June 2020), 48-51.
JAMA Otludil B. Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2020;13:48–51.
MLA Otludil, Birgül. “Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler”. Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, vol. 13, no. 1, 2020, pp. 48-51.
Vancouver Otludil B. Kadmiyuma Maruz Bırakılan Lymnaea stagnalis’in Ovotestis Dokularındaki Histolojik Değişiklikler. Dicle Üniv Vet Fak Derg. 2020;13(1):48-51.