Research Article
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Year 2023, , 269 - 282, 29.12.2023



  • Akkaya, D., ve Çakır, F. (2022). Çankırı Eldivan yöresinde Anadolu Karaçamı (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) doğal gençliklerine Çam Ökseotu (Viscum album subsp. austriacum (Wiesb.) Vollm.) bulaşma derecesinin belirlenmesi ve silvikültürel yaklaşımlar. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 73-79.
  • Albrektson, A., (1988). Needle litterfall in stands of Pinus sylvestris L. in Sweden, in relation to site quality, stand age and latitude. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 3(1-4), 333-342.
  • Augusto, L., Ranger, J., Binkley, D., & Rothe, A. (2002). Impact of several common tree species of European temperate forests on soil fertility. Annals of Forest Science, 59(3): 233-253.
  • Bahamonde, H.A., Peri, P.L., Martínez Pastur, G., & Monelos, L. (2015). Litterfall and nutrients return in Nothofagus antarctica forests growing in a site quality gradient with different management uses in Southern Patagonia. European journal of forest research, 134(1), 113-124.
  • Berg, B., & Laskowski, R. (2005). Litter decomposition: a guide to carbon and nutrient turnover. Academic Press New York.
  • Berg, B.,& McClaugherty, C. (2020). Plant Litter Decomposition, Humus Formation, Carbon Sequestration. Springer, Switzerland.
  • Bray, J.R., & Gorham, E. (1964). Litter production in forests of the world. (Ed: Cragg, J.B.), In: Advances in ecological research. Academic Press, London, 101-157.
  • Çakır, M., & Akburak, S. (2017). Litterfall and nutrients return to soil in pure and mixed stands of oak and beech. Journal of The Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(2), 185-200.
  • Çakır, M. (2019). The negative effect of wood ants (Formica rufa) on microarthropod density and soil biological quality in a semi-arid pine forest. Pedobiologia 77, 150593.
  • Çakır, M., Akburak, S., ve Sargıncı, M. (2019). Çankırı Bölgesi Karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold.) Meşcerelerinde Ölüörtü Ayrışması ile Mikroeklembacaklılar ve Mikrobiyal Aktivitenin Zamansal Değişimi ve Toprağa Verilen Besin Maddeleri, TUBİTAK, Proje No: 215O572, Ankara, 125.
  • Çakır, M., Çakır, F., ve Yalçıntekin, H.İ. (2020). Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Ormanında humus formlarının belirlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 82-90.
  • Çömez, A., ve Güner, Ş.T. (2022). Karaçam ağaçlandırmalarının karbon bütçesi. (Ed: Sevgi, O., Tecimen, B., Okan, T.), In: Karaçam. Türkiye Ormancılar Derneği, Ankara,. 190-208.
  • Espinosa, J., Madrigal, J., De La Cruz, A., Guijarro, M., Jimenez, E., & Hernando, C. (2018). Short-term effects of prescribed burning on litterfall biomass in mixed stands of Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster and pure stands of Pinus nigra in the Cuenca Mountains (Central-Eastern Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 618(1), 941-951.
  • Espinosa, J., Madrigal, J., Pando, V., De la Cruz, A., Guijarro, M., & Hernando, C. (2020). The effect of low-intensity prescribed burns in two seasons on litterfall biomass and nutrient content. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 29(11), 1029-1041.
  • Gower, S.T., McMurtrie, R.E., & Murty, D. (1996). Aboveground net primary production decline with stand age: potential causes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11, 378-382.
  • Hansen, K., Vesterdal, L., Schmidt, I.K., Gundersen, P., Sevel, L., Bastrup-Birk, A., Pedersen, L.B., Bille-Hansen, J., (2009). Litterfall and nutrient return in five tree species in a common garden experiment. Forest ecology and management, 257(10), 2133-2144.
  • Huang, W., & Spohn, M. (2015). Effects of long-term litter manipulation on soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in a temperate deciduous forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 83(1), 12-18.
  • Irmak, A., Çepel, N., (1968). Belgrad Ormanı’nda seçilen birer kayın, meşe ve karaçam meşcerelerinde yıllık yaprak dökümü miktarı ve bu yolla toprağa verilen besin maddelerinin tespiti üzerine araştırmalar. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(A), 53-76.
  • Kavvadias, V.A., Alifragis, D., Tsiontsis, A., Brofas, G., & Stamatelos, G. (2001). Litterfall, litter accumulation and litter decomposition rates in four forest ecosystems in northern Greece. Forest ecology and management, 144(1), 113-127.
  • Kopáček, J., Cudlín, P., Fluksová, H., Kaňa, J., Picek, T., Šantrůčková, H., Svoboda, M., & Vaněk, D. (2015). Dynamics and composition of litterfall in an unmanaged Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest after bark-beetle outbreak. Boreal Environment Research, 20(1), 305–323.
  • Koray, E.Ş., ve Tolunay, D. (2020). Türkmen Dağı karaçam meşcerelerinde döküm ile ekosisteme giren besin maddesi miktarları. Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 21(3), 201-214.
  • Liski, J., Palosuo, T., Peltoniemi, M., & Sievänen, R. (2005). Carbon and decomposition model Yasso for forest soils. Ecological Modelling, 189(1), 168-182.
  • Meentemeyer, V., Box, E.O., & Thompson, R. (1982). World patterns and amounts of terrestrial plant litter production. BioScience 32, 125-128.
  • Miller, H., Cooper, J.M., & Miller, J. (1976). Effect of nitrogen supply on nutrients in litter fall and crown leaching in a stand of Corsican pine. Journal of Applied Ecology, 13(1), 233-248.
  • Nakagawa, M., Ushio, M., Kume, T., & Nakashizuka, T. (2019). Seasonal and long‐term patterns in litterfall in a Bornean tropical rainforest. Ecological Research 34, 31-39.
  • Pitman, R., Bastrup-Birk, A., Breda, N., & Rautio, P. (2010). Sampling and Analysis of Litterfall. (Ed: Cools, N., de Vos, B.), In: Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests. UNECE ICP Forests Programme Co-ordinating Centre, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Sayer, E.J. (2006). Using experimental manipulation to assess the roles of leaf litter in the functioning of forest ecosystems. Biological reviews, 81(1), 1-31.
  • Sayer, E.J.,& Tanner, E.V. (2010). Experimental investigation of the importance of litterfall in lowland semi‐evergreen tropical forest nutrient cycling. Journal of Ecology, 98(5), 1052-1062.
  • Sevgi, O., Yılmaz, O.Y., Carus, S., Dündar, T., Kavgacı, A., ve Tecimen, B. (2010). Alaçam Dağları’nda Karaçam Ormanlarının Yükseltiye Göre Beslenme-Büyüme Modelleri ve Odunun Teknolojik Özellikleri. TÜBİTAK-TOVAG 104O551 Sayılı Projenin Kesin Raporu.
  • SPSS, (2011). IBM SPSS statistics base 20. SPSS Incorporated, Chicago, IL.
  • Tanner, E., Vitousek, P.a., & Cuevas, E. (1998). Experimental investigation of nutrient limitation of forest growth on wet tropical mountains. Ecology, 79(1), 10-22.
  • Tecimen, B., ve Sevgi, O. (2022). Karaçam ormanlarında besin madde döngüleri. (Ed: Sevgi, O., Tecimen, B., Okan, T.), In: Karaçam. Türkiye Ormancılar Derneği, Ankara, pp. 168-188.
  • Tuttu, G., ve Ursavaş, S. (2022). Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Ormanının (Çankırı/Eldivan) florası. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 51-65.
  • Ukonmaanaho, L., Merilä, P., Nöjd, P., & Nieminen, T.M. (2008). Litterfall production and nutrient return to the forest floor in Scots pine and Norway spruce stands in Finland. Boreal Environment Research, 13(1), 67-91.
  • Vitousek, P.M., & Sanford, R.L. (1986). Nutrient cycling in moist tropical forest. Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 17(1): 137-167.
  • Vogt, K.A., Grier, C.C., & Vogt, D. (1986). Production, turnover, and nutrient dynamics of above-and belowground detritus of world forests. Advances in Ecological Research, 15(1), 303-378.
  • Wu, H., Xiang, W., Ouyang, S., Xiao, W., Li, S., Chen, L., Lei, P., Deng, X., Zeng, Y., & Zeng, L. (2020). Tree growth rate and soil nutrient status determine the shift in nutrient-use strategy of Chinese fir plantations along a chronosequence. Forest Ecology and Management 460, 117896.
  • Zhang, H., Yuan, W., Dong, W., & Liu, S. (2014). Seasonal patterns of litterfall in forest ecosystem worldwide. Ecological Complexity, 20(1), 240-247.

Karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold.) Meşcerelerinde Yıllık İbre Döküm Miktarı ve Bu Yolla Ekosisteme Geri Dönen Karbon ve Azot’un Tespiti

Year 2023, , 269 - 282, 29.12.2023


Orman ekosistemlerinde, ibre döküm miktarı;
ekosistem fonksiyonlarından birincil üretim, karbon
ve besin maddelerinin döngüleri ile küresel iklim
değişikliğini de kapsayan önemli süreçler hakkında
bilgiler sunmaktadır. Araştırma Ormanı’nda
(Çankırı) yürütülen bu çalışmanın amacı yarı kurak
bölgede yer alan bazı karaçam meşcerelerinde ibre
dökümü ve bu yol ile ekosisteme geri dönen karbon
(C) ve azot (N) miktarlarının belirlenmesidir. Farklı
gelişim çağlarındaki karaçam meşcerelerinde
ortalama ibre döküm miktarları Çkab: Çkb ve Çkc
meşcereleri için sırasıyla 474,72 g.m-2, 245,51 g.m-2
ve 248,42 g.m-2 olarak bulunmuştur. Dökülen bu
ibrelerdeki karbon, Çkab, Çkb ve Çkc meşcereleri
için sırasıyla 251 g.m-2, 129 g.m-2 ve 130 g.m-2 olarak
belirlenirken, ibrelerdeki azot sırasıyla 8,15 g.m-2,
4,85 g.m-2 ve 4,73 g.m-2 olarak belirlenmiştir.
Tekrarlanan ölçümlerdeki varyans analizi sonuçlarına
göre Çkb ve Çkc meşcereleri arasında fark
bulunmazken (P>0,05), ibre dökümü, karbon ve azot
miktarları (g.m-2) Çka meşceresinde diğer iki
meşcereye kıyasla yüksek bulunmuştur (P<0.01).


Bu çalışma Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Koordinatörlüğü birimi tarafından OF090316B10 numaralı proje ile ve TÜBİTAK tarafından 215O572 numaralı proje ile desteklenmiştir.


  • Akkaya, D., ve Çakır, F. (2022). Çankırı Eldivan yöresinde Anadolu Karaçamı (Pinus nigra subsp. pallasiana (Lamb.) Holmboe) doğal gençliklerine Çam Ökseotu (Viscum album subsp. austriacum (Wiesb.) Vollm.) bulaşma derecesinin belirlenmesi ve silvikültürel yaklaşımlar. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(2), 73-79.
  • Albrektson, A., (1988). Needle litterfall in stands of Pinus sylvestris L. in Sweden, in relation to site quality, stand age and latitude. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 3(1-4), 333-342.
  • Augusto, L., Ranger, J., Binkley, D., & Rothe, A. (2002). Impact of several common tree species of European temperate forests on soil fertility. Annals of Forest Science, 59(3): 233-253.
  • Bahamonde, H.A., Peri, P.L., Martínez Pastur, G., & Monelos, L. (2015). Litterfall and nutrients return in Nothofagus antarctica forests growing in a site quality gradient with different management uses in Southern Patagonia. European journal of forest research, 134(1), 113-124.
  • Berg, B., & Laskowski, R. (2005). Litter decomposition: a guide to carbon and nutrient turnover. Academic Press New York.
  • Berg, B.,& McClaugherty, C. (2020). Plant Litter Decomposition, Humus Formation, Carbon Sequestration. Springer, Switzerland.
  • Bray, J.R., & Gorham, E. (1964). Litter production in forests of the world. (Ed: Cragg, J.B.), In: Advances in ecological research. Academic Press, London, 101-157.
  • Çakır, M., & Akburak, S. (2017). Litterfall and nutrients return to soil in pure and mixed stands of oak and beech. Journal of The Faculty of Forestry Istanbul University, 67(2), 185-200.
  • Çakır, M. (2019). The negative effect of wood ants (Formica rufa) on microarthropod density and soil biological quality in a semi-arid pine forest. Pedobiologia 77, 150593.
  • Çakır, M., Akburak, S., ve Sargıncı, M. (2019). Çankırı Bölgesi Karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold.) Meşcerelerinde Ölüörtü Ayrışması ile Mikroeklembacaklılar ve Mikrobiyal Aktivitenin Zamansal Değişimi ve Toprağa Verilen Besin Maddeleri, TUBİTAK, Proje No: 215O572, Ankara, 125.
  • Çakır, M., Çakır, F., ve Yalçıntekin, H.İ. (2020). Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Ormanında humus formlarının belirlenmesi ve değerlendirilmesi. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 6(2), 82-90.
  • Çömez, A., ve Güner, Ş.T. (2022). Karaçam ağaçlandırmalarının karbon bütçesi. (Ed: Sevgi, O., Tecimen, B., Okan, T.), In: Karaçam. Türkiye Ormancılar Derneği, Ankara,. 190-208.
  • Espinosa, J., Madrigal, J., De La Cruz, A., Guijarro, M., Jimenez, E., & Hernando, C. (2018). Short-term effects of prescribed burning on litterfall biomass in mixed stands of Pinus nigra and Pinus pinaster and pure stands of Pinus nigra in the Cuenca Mountains (Central-Eastern Spain). Science of the Total Environment, 618(1), 941-951.
  • Espinosa, J., Madrigal, J., Pando, V., De la Cruz, A., Guijarro, M., & Hernando, C. (2020). The effect of low-intensity prescribed burns in two seasons on litterfall biomass and nutrient content. International Journal of Wildland Fire, 29(11), 1029-1041.
  • Gower, S.T., McMurtrie, R.E., & Murty, D. (1996). Aboveground net primary production decline with stand age: potential causes. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 11, 378-382.
  • Hansen, K., Vesterdal, L., Schmidt, I.K., Gundersen, P., Sevel, L., Bastrup-Birk, A., Pedersen, L.B., Bille-Hansen, J., (2009). Litterfall and nutrient return in five tree species in a common garden experiment. Forest ecology and management, 257(10), 2133-2144.
  • Huang, W., & Spohn, M. (2015). Effects of long-term litter manipulation on soil carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus in a temperate deciduous forest. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 83(1), 12-18.
  • Irmak, A., Çepel, N., (1968). Belgrad Ormanı’nda seçilen birer kayın, meşe ve karaçam meşcerelerinde yıllık yaprak dökümü miktarı ve bu yolla toprağa verilen besin maddelerinin tespiti üzerine araştırmalar. İstanbul Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Dergisi, 18(A), 53-76.
  • Kavvadias, V.A., Alifragis, D., Tsiontsis, A., Brofas, G., & Stamatelos, G. (2001). Litterfall, litter accumulation and litter decomposition rates in four forest ecosystems in northern Greece. Forest ecology and management, 144(1), 113-127.
  • Kopáček, J., Cudlín, P., Fluksová, H., Kaňa, J., Picek, T., Šantrůčková, H., Svoboda, M., & Vaněk, D. (2015). Dynamics and composition of litterfall in an unmanaged Norway spruce (Picea abies) forest after bark-beetle outbreak. Boreal Environment Research, 20(1), 305–323.
  • Koray, E.Ş., ve Tolunay, D. (2020). Türkmen Dağı karaçam meşcerelerinde döküm ile ekosisteme giren besin maddesi miktarları. Türkiye Ormancılık Dergisi, 21(3), 201-214.
  • Liski, J., Palosuo, T., Peltoniemi, M., & Sievänen, R. (2005). Carbon and decomposition model Yasso for forest soils. Ecological Modelling, 189(1), 168-182.
  • Meentemeyer, V., Box, E.O., & Thompson, R. (1982). World patterns and amounts of terrestrial plant litter production. BioScience 32, 125-128.
  • Miller, H., Cooper, J.M., & Miller, J. (1976). Effect of nitrogen supply on nutrients in litter fall and crown leaching in a stand of Corsican pine. Journal of Applied Ecology, 13(1), 233-248.
  • Nakagawa, M., Ushio, M., Kume, T., & Nakashizuka, T. (2019). Seasonal and long‐term patterns in litterfall in a Bornean tropical rainforest. Ecological Research 34, 31-39.
  • Pitman, R., Bastrup-Birk, A., Breda, N., & Rautio, P. (2010). Sampling and Analysis of Litterfall. (Ed: Cools, N., de Vos, B.), In: Manual on methods and criteria for harmonized sampling, assessment, monitoring and analysis of the effects of air pollution on forests. UNECE ICP Forests Programme Co-ordinating Centre, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Sayer, E.J. (2006). Using experimental manipulation to assess the roles of leaf litter in the functioning of forest ecosystems. Biological reviews, 81(1), 1-31.
  • Sayer, E.J.,& Tanner, E.V. (2010). Experimental investigation of the importance of litterfall in lowland semi‐evergreen tropical forest nutrient cycling. Journal of Ecology, 98(5), 1052-1062.
  • Sevgi, O., Yılmaz, O.Y., Carus, S., Dündar, T., Kavgacı, A., ve Tecimen, B. (2010). Alaçam Dağları’nda Karaçam Ormanlarının Yükseltiye Göre Beslenme-Büyüme Modelleri ve Odunun Teknolojik Özellikleri. TÜBİTAK-TOVAG 104O551 Sayılı Projenin Kesin Raporu.
  • SPSS, (2011). IBM SPSS statistics base 20. SPSS Incorporated, Chicago, IL.
  • Tanner, E., Vitousek, P.a., & Cuevas, E. (1998). Experimental investigation of nutrient limitation of forest growth on wet tropical mountains. Ecology, 79(1), 10-22.
  • Tecimen, B., ve Sevgi, O. (2022). Karaçam ormanlarında besin madde döngüleri. (Ed: Sevgi, O., Tecimen, B., Okan, T.), In: Karaçam. Türkiye Ormancılar Derneği, Ankara, pp. 168-188.
  • Tuttu, G., ve Ursavaş, S. (2022). Çankırı Karatekin Üniversitesi, Orman Fakültesi Araştırma ve Uygulama Ormanının (Çankırı/Eldivan) florası. Anadolu Orman Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), 51-65.
  • Ukonmaanaho, L., Merilä, P., Nöjd, P., & Nieminen, T.M. (2008). Litterfall production and nutrient return to the forest floor in Scots pine and Norway spruce stands in Finland. Boreal Environment Research, 13(1), 67-91.
  • Vitousek, P.M., & Sanford, R.L. (1986). Nutrient cycling in moist tropical forest. Annual review of Ecology and Systematics, 17(1): 137-167.
  • Vogt, K.A., Grier, C.C., & Vogt, D. (1986). Production, turnover, and nutrient dynamics of above-and belowground detritus of world forests. Advances in Ecological Research, 15(1), 303-378.
  • Wu, H., Xiang, W., Ouyang, S., Xiao, W., Li, S., Chen, L., Lei, P., Deng, X., Zeng, Y., & Zeng, L. (2020). Tree growth rate and soil nutrient status determine the shift in nutrient-use strategy of Chinese fir plantations along a chronosequence. Forest Ecology and Management 460, 117896.
  • Zhang, H., Yuan, W., Dong, W., & Liu, S. (2014). Seasonal patterns of litterfall in forest ecosystem worldwide. Ecological Complexity, 20(1), 240-247.
There are 38 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Forest Ecosystems
Journal Section Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi 19(2)

Meriç Çakır 0000-0001-8402-5114

Murat Sargıncı 0000-0002-2263-9003

Serdar Akburak 0000-0002-9066-1595

Publication Date December 29, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023


APA Çakır, M., Sargıncı, M., & Akburak, S. (2023). Karaçam (Pinus nigra Arnold.) Meşcerelerinde Yıllık İbre Döküm Miktarı ve Bu Yolla Ekosisteme Geri Dönen Karbon ve Azot’un Tespiti. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 19(2), 269-282.
