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Kentsel Planlama Alanları için Karar Verme Sürecinde Yönlendirici Bileşenler: Kent İçi Lojistik Alanlar

Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 99 - 115, 30.06.2021


Günümüzde, kentsel nüfus artışının büyüklüğünü ve bunun kentleşme üzerindeki etkilerini ortaya çıkarmak, kentsel dönüşüm alanlarının belirlenmesinde başlıca yönlendirici bileşendir. Çeşitli aktivite alanlarının planlaması sürecinde kentsel öneme sahip alanların belirlenmesi ön plana çıkmaktadır. Bununla birlikte, hem bu alanlar hem de lojistik merkezler, alt ölçekli arazi kullanım planlamasının eksikliğine dayalı olarak kentsel gelişim alanlarında yer almaktadır. Bu durum arazi kullanımına uygunluk konusunda ihtiyaç duyulan spesifik bilgilere erişimi zorlaştırmaktadır. Bu çalışmada kent içi lojistik alanların kentsel dokuya konumsal entegrasyonuna yanıt vermek için karar verme sürecine yönelik kavramsal veri modeli geliştirilmektedir. Ayrıca, bu modelin konumsal modellerinin, kentsel morfolojinin bir parçası olarak ön plana çıkan kentsel dönüşüm projeleri ile nasıl uygulanabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. Bahsedilen lojistik alanların yeniden tahsisinin, politika odaklı arazi kullanımı dahilinde kentsel gelişim ile bütüncül olarak değerlendirilerek uygulanması gerekmektedir. Modelin sürdürülebilirliği için fiziksel ve çevresel dinamiklerle sosyo-ekonomik bileşenlerin etkileşiminin model bünyesinde temsil edilmesi önerilmektedir.


  • Acuto, M. (2016). Give cities a seat at the top table. NATURE NEWS,, 537(7622), 611-613.
  • Alexandrescu, F. M., Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Rizzo, E., Giubilato, E., & Critto, A. (2018). Identifying sustainability communicators in urban regeneration: Integrating individual and relational attributes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 173, 278-291. doi:
  • Aydinoglu, A., & Bilgin, M. (2015). Developing an open geographic data model and analysis tools for disaster management: landslide case. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15(2), 335-347.
  • Aydinoglu, A. C. (2016). Modelling, encoding and transforming of open geographic data to examine interoperability between GIS applications. Geocarto International, 31(4), 446-461. doi:10.1080/10106049.2015.1054442
  • Aydinoglu, A. C., & Bovkir, R. (2017). Generic land registry and cadastre data model supporting interoperability based on international standards for Turkey. Land Use Policy, 68, 59-71. doi:
  • Aydinoğlu, A. Ç., & Kara, A. (2017). Modelling and publishing geographic data with model-driven and linked data approaches: case study of administrative units in Turkey. Journal of Spatial Science, 1-21. doi:10.1080/14498596.2017.1368420
  • Bartke, S., Martinát, S., Klusáček, P., Pizzol, L., Alexandrescu, F., Frantál, B., . . . Zabeo, A. (2016). Targeted selection of brownfields from portfolios for sustainable regeneration: User experiences from five cases testing the Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool. Journal of Environmental Management, 184, Part 1, 94-107. doi:
  • Bartke, S., & Schwarze, R. (2015). No perfect tools: Trade-offs of sustainability principles and user requirements in designing support tools for land-use decisions between greenfields and brownfields. Journal of Environmental Management, 153, 11-24. doi:
  • Cheng, F., Geertman, S., Kuffer, M., & Zhan, Q. (2011). An integrative methodology to improve brownfield redevelopment planning in Chinese cities: A case study of Futian, Shenzhen. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(5), 388-398. doi:
  • Chrysochoou, M., Brown, K., Dahal, G., Granda-Carvajal, C., Segerson, K., Garrick, N., & Bagtzoglou, A. (2012). A GIS and indexing scheme to screen brownfields for area-wide redevelopment planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105(3), 187-198. doi:
  • Frantál, B., Greer-Wootten, B., Klusáček, P., Krejčí, T., Kunc, J., & Martinát, S. (2015). Exploring spatial patterns of urban brownfields regeneration: The case of Brno, Czech Republic. Cities, 44, 9-18. doi:
  • Klusáček, P., Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Malý, J., Kunc, J., Dvořák, P., . . . Trojan, J. (2018). Good governance as a strategic choice in brownfield regeneration: Regional dynamics from the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 73, 29-39. doi:
  • Klusácek, P., Frantál, B., Kunc, J., Martinat, S., Osman, R., Zabeo, A., . . . Sileam, T. (2014). Prioritization Tool: Results of demonstration studies and outreach material : TIMBRE Deliverable 3.3.
  • Klusáček, P., Frantál, B., Kunc, J., Martinat, S., Osmar, R., Zabeo, A., . . . Pizzol, P. (2013). Prioritization Tool, Software, and Manual. Prioritization Tool, Software, and Manual. TIMBRE Deliverable D3.2 Version 4.
  • Lai, L. W. C., Chau, K. W., & Cheung, P. A. C. W. (2018). Urban renewal and redevelopment: Social justice and property rights with reference to Hong Kong's constitutional capitalism. Cities, 74, 240-248. doi:
  • Lai, Y., & Zhang, X. (2016). Redevelopment of industrial sites in the Chinese ‘villages in the city’: an empirical study of Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134, Part A, 70-77. doi:
  • Limasset, E., Pizzol, L., Merly, C., Gatchett, A. M., Le Guern, C., Martinát, S., . . . Bartke, S. (2018). Points of attention in designing tools for regional brownfield prioritization. Science of The Total Environment, 622-623, 997-1008. doi:
  • Loures, L., & Vaz, E. (2018). Exploring expert perception towards brownfield redevelopment benefits according to their typology. Habitat International, 72, 66-76. doi:
  • Martinat, S., Navratil, J., Hollander, J. B., Trojan, J., Klapka, P., Klusacek, P., & Kalok, D. (2018). Re-reuse of regenerated brownfields: Lessons from an Eastern European post-industrial city. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 536-545. doi:
  • Mathey, J., Arndt, T., Banse, J., & Rink, D. (2018). Public perception of spontaneous vegetation on brownfields in urban areas—Results from surveys in Dresden and Leipzig (Germany). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 29, 384-392. doi:
  • McPhearson, T., Parnell, S., Simon, D., Gaffney, O., Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., . . . Revi, A. (2016). Scientists must have a say in the future of cities. NATURE NEWS,, 538(7624), 165-166.
  • Navratil, J., Krejci, T., Martinat, S., Pasqualetti, M. J., Klusacek, P., Frantal, B., & Tochackova, K. (2018). Brownfields do not “only live twice”: The possibilities for heritage preservation and the enlargement of leisure time activities in Brno, the Czech Republic. Cities, 74, 52-63. doi:
  • Osman, R., Frantál, B., Klusáček, P., Kunc, J., & Martinát, S. (2015). Factors affecting brownfield regeneration in post-socialist space: The case of the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 48, 309-316. doi:
  • Ozcelik, A. E. (2013). Ozel Tarim Urunu Arazilerine Yonelik Konumsal Veri Modeli Gelistirilmesi: Cay Tarimi Ornegi (Developing Spatial Data Model for Specialty Agricultural Crop Lands: Case Study on Tea Agriculture). Phd Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Ozcelik, A. E. (2016). Driving initiatives for future improvements of specialty agricultural crops. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 121, 122-134. doi:
  • Ozcelik, A. E., & Nisanci, R. (2015). Building of geo-spatial data model for tea agricultural crop-lands compliance with LPIS Core Model (LCM) based land administration domain standards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 117, 8-21. doi:
  • Ozcelik, A. E., & Nisanci, R. (2016). Land use patterns for driving environmental management of tea agricultural croplands. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 122, 41-54. doi:
  • Pan, W., Ghoshal, G., Krumme, C., Cebrian, M., & Pentland, A. (2013). Urban characteristics attributable to density-driven tie formation. Nature Communications, 4, 1961. doi:10.1038/ncomms2961
  • Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Klusáček, P., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., Frantál, B., . . . Bartke, S. (2016). Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool to support effective brownfield regeneration. Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 178-192. doi:
  • Riera Pérez, M. G., Laprise, M., & Rey, E. (2018). Fostering sustainable urban renewal at the neighborhood scale with a spatial decision support system. Sustainable Cities and Society, 38, 440-451. doi:
  • Rizzo, E., Pesce, M., Pizzol, L., Alexandrescu, F. M., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., . . . Bartke, S. (2015). Brownfield regeneration in Europe: Identifying stakeholder perceptions, concerns, attitudes and information needs. Land Use Policy, 48, 437-453. doi:
  • Rizzo, E., Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., Cosmo, L., & Marcomini, A. (2018). An Information System for Brownfield Regeneration: providing customised information according to stakeholders' characteristics and needs. Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 144-156. doi:
  • Sagris, V., Wojda, P., Milenov, P., & Devos, W. (2013). The harmonised data model for assessing Land Parcel Identification Systems compliance with requirements of direct aid and agri-environmental schemes of the CAP. Journal of Environmental Management, 118, 40-48. doi:
  • Shi, L., Chu, E., Anguelovski, I., Aylett, A., Debats, J., Goh, K., . . . VanDeveer, S. D. (2016). Roadmap towards justice in urban climate adaptation research. Nature Clim. Change, 6(2), 131-137. doi:10.1038/nclimate2841
  • Thomas, M. R. (2002). A GIS-based decision support system for brownfield redevelopment. Landscape and Urban Planning, 58(1), 7-23. doi:
  • Wang, C., Gao, Q., Wang, X., & Yu, M. (2016). Spatially differentiated trends in urbanization, agricultural land abandonment and reclamation, and woodland recovery in Northern China. Scientific Reports, 6, 37658. doi:10.1038/srep37658
  • Wang, H., Shen, Q., & Tang, B.-s. (2015). GIS-Based Framework for Supporting Land Use Planning in Urban Renewal: Case Study in Hong Kong. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 141(3), 05014015. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000216
  • Wang, H., Shen, Q., Tang, B.-s., Lu, C., Peng, Y., & Tang, L. (2014). A framework of decision-making factors and supporting information for facilitating sustainable site planning in urban renewal projects. Cities, 40, Part A, 44-55. doi:
  • Wang, H., Shen, Q., Tang, B.-s., & Skitmore, M. (2013). An integrated approach to supporting land-use decisions in site redevelopment for urban renewal in Hong Kong. Habitat International, 38, 70-80. doi:
  • Wedding, G. C., & Crawford-Brown, D. (2007). Measuring site-level success in brownfield redevelopments: A focus on sustainability and green building. Journal of Environmental Management, 85(2), 483-495. doi:
  • Wolff, M. (2018). Understanding the role of centralization processes for cities – Evidence from a spatial perspective of urban Europe 1990–2010. Cities, 75, 20-29. doi:
  • Wu, Q., Zhang, X., Liu, C., & Chen, Z. (2018). The de-industrialization, re-suburbanization and health risks of brownfield land reuse: Case study of a toxic soil event in Changzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 74, 187-194. doi:
  • Xu, C., Haase, D., & Pauleit, S. (2018). The impact of different urban dynamics on green space availability: A multiple scenario modeling approach for the region of Munich, Germany. Ecological Indicators, 93, 1-12. doi:
  • Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Li, Y., & Du, G. (2018). Quantifying spatio-temporal patterns of urban expansion in Beijing during 1985–2013 with rural-urban development transformation. Land Use Policy, 74, 220-230. doi:
  • Yin, H., Kong, F., Yang, X., James, P., & Dronova, I. (2018). Exploring zoning scenario impacts upon urban growth simulations using a dynamic spatial model. Cities. doi:
  • Zhang, X., & Li, H. (2018). Urban resilience and urban sustainability: What we know and what do not know? Cities, 72, 141-148. doi:
  • Zhao, M., & Liu, X. (2017). Reprint of: Regional risk assessment for urban major hazards based on GIS geoprocessing to improve public safety. Safety Science, 97, 112-119. doi:
  • Zheng, H. W., Shen, G. Q., & Wang, H. (2014). A review of recent studies on sustainable urban renewal. Habitat International, 41, 272-279. doi:
  • Zheng, H. W., Shen, G. Q. P., Song, Y., Sun, B., & Hong, J. (2016). Neighborhood sustainability in urban renewal: An assessment framework. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 44(5), 903-924. doi:10.1177/0265813516655547
  • Zheng, W., Shen, G. Q., Wang, H., Hong, J., & Li, Z. (2017). Decision support for sustainable urban renewal: A multi-scale model. Land Use Policy, 69, 361-371. doi:

The Key Drivers on Decision Making for Urban Planning Sites: Inner City Logistic Fields

Year 2021, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 99 - 115, 30.06.2021


Today, uncovering magnitude of population growth in cities and its effects on urbanization are major driver for understanding of the requirements of assisting urban regeneration sites. It has growing interests on identifying the hotspots over planning for the various amenities fields. However, both these areas and the logistic centers are located in urban internal fabrics even if without sub-scale land use planning. It is hard to provide the needed customized information on land use suitability. It was proposed building conceptual geo-data model for decision-making process to respond the spatial integration of inner-city logistic fields to urban fabric. Further it is highlighted how geo-spatial patterns of this model could be applied with urban regeneration project that has growing considerations as part of urban morphology. And re-allocation of these logistic fields need to be integrated more transformative drivers for adaptation to growing city-size within policy driven land use. To better outcomes a comprehensive perspective should be included in model for representation of socio-economic concerns collaboration with physical and environmental dynamics. This model provides information to enable effective decision support for the conversion of the logistic areas as a priority with respect to other urban thematics concerns in more cities.


  • Acuto, M. (2016). Give cities a seat at the top table. NATURE NEWS,, 537(7622), 611-613.
  • Alexandrescu, F. M., Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Rizzo, E., Giubilato, E., & Critto, A. (2018). Identifying sustainability communicators in urban regeneration: Integrating individual and relational attributes. Journal of Cleaner Production, 173, 278-291. doi:
  • Aydinoglu, A., & Bilgin, M. (2015). Developing an open geographic data model and analysis tools for disaster management: landslide case. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 15(2), 335-347.
  • Aydinoglu, A. C. (2016). Modelling, encoding and transforming of open geographic data to examine interoperability between GIS applications. Geocarto International, 31(4), 446-461. doi:10.1080/10106049.2015.1054442
  • Aydinoglu, A. C., & Bovkir, R. (2017). Generic land registry and cadastre data model supporting interoperability based on international standards for Turkey. Land Use Policy, 68, 59-71. doi:
  • Aydinoğlu, A. Ç., & Kara, A. (2017). Modelling and publishing geographic data with model-driven and linked data approaches: case study of administrative units in Turkey. Journal of Spatial Science, 1-21. doi:10.1080/14498596.2017.1368420
  • Bartke, S., Martinát, S., Klusáček, P., Pizzol, L., Alexandrescu, F., Frantál, B., . . . Zabeo, A. (2016). Targeted selection of brownfields from portfolios for sustainable regeneration: User experiences from five cases testing the Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool. Journal of Environmental Management, 184, Part 1, 94-107. doi:
  • Bartke, S., & Schwarze, R. (2015). No perfect tools: Trade-offs of sustainability principles and user requirements in designing support tools for land-use decisions between greenfields and brownfields. Journal of Environmental Management, 153, 11-24. doi:
  • Cheng, F., Geertman, S., Kuffer, M., & Zhan, Q. (2011). An integrative methodology to improve brownfield redevelopment planning in Chinese cities: A case study of Futian, Shenzhen. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 35(5), 388-398. doi:
  • Chrysochoou, M., Brown, K., Dahal, G., Granda-Carvajal, C., Segerson, K., Garrick, N., & Bagtzoglou, A. (2012). A GIS and indexing scheme to screen brownfields for area-wide redevelopment planning. Landscape and Urban Planning, 105(3), 187-198. doi:
  • Frantál, B., Greer-Wootten, B., Klusáček, P., Krejčí, T., Kunc, J., & Martinát, S. (2015). Exploring spatial patterns of urban brownfields regeneration: The case of Brno, Czech Republic. Cities, 44, 9-18. doi:
  • Klusáček, P., Alexandrescu, F., Osman, R., Malý, J., Kunc, J., Dvořák, P., . . . Trojan, J. (2018). Good governance as a strategic choice in brownfield regeneration: Regional dynamics from the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 73, 29-39. doi:
  • Klusácek, P., Frantál, B., Kunc, J., Martinat, S., Osman, R., Zabeo, A., . . . Sileam, T. (2014). Prioritization Tool: Results of demonstration studies and outreach material : TIMBRE Deliverable 3.3.
  • Klusáček, P., Frantál, B., Kunc, J., Martinat, S., Osmar, R., Zabeo, A., . . . Pizzol, P. (2013). Prioritization Tool, Software, and Manual. Prioritization Tool, Software, and Manual. TIMBRE Deliverable D3.2 Version 4.
  • Lai, L. W. C., Chau, K. W., & Cheung, P. A. C. W. (2018). Urban renewal and redevelopment: Social justice and property rights with reference to Hong Kong's constitutional capitalism. Cities, 74, 240-248. doi:
  • Lai, Y., & Zhang, X. (2016). Redevelopment of industrial sites in the Chinese ‘villages in the city’: an empirical study of Shenzhen. Journal of Cleaner Production, 134, Part A, 70-77. doi:
  • Limasset, E., Pizzol, L., Merly, C., Gatchett, A. M., Le Guern, C., Martinát, S., . . . Bartke, S. (2018). Points of attention in designing tools for regional brownfield prioritization. Science of The Total Environment, 622-623, 997-1008. doi:
  • Loures, L., & Vaz, E. (2018). Exploring expert perception towards brownfield redevelopment benefits according to their typology. Habitat International, 72, 66-76. doi:
  • Martinat, S., Navratil, J., Hollander, J. B., Trojan, J., Klapka, P., Klusacek, P., & Kalok, D. (2018). Re-reuse of regenerated brownfields: Lessons from an Eastern European post-industrial city. Journal of Cleaner Production, 188, 536-545. doi:
  • Mathey, J., Arndt, T., Banse, J., & Rink, D. (2018). Public perception of spontaneous vegetation on brownfields in urban areas—Results from surveys in Dresden and Leipzig (Germany). Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 29, 384-392. doi:
  • McPhearson, T., Parnell, S., Simon, D., Gaffney, O., Elmqvist, T., Bai, X., . . . Revi, A. (2016). Scientists must have a say in the future of cities. NATURE NEWS,, 538(7624), 165-166.
  • Navratil, J., Krejci, T., Martinat, S., Pasqualetti, M. J., Klusacek, P., Frantal, B., & Tochackova, K. (2018). Brownfields do not “only live twice”: The possibilities for heritage preservation and the enlargement of leisure time activities in Brno, the Czech Republic. Cities, 74, 52-63. doi:
  • Osman, R., Frantál, B., Klusáček, P., Kunc, J., & Martinát, S. (2015). Factors affecting brownfield regeneration in post-socialist space: The case of the Czech Republic. Land Use Policy, 48, 309-316. doi:
  • Ozcelik, A. E. (2013). Ozel Tarim Urunu Arazilerine Yonelik Konumsal Veri Modeli Gelistirilmesi: Cay Tarimi Ornegi (Developing Spatial Data Model for Specialty Agricultural Crop Lands: Case Study on Tea Agriculture). Phd Thesis, Karadeniz Technical University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Trabzon, Turkey.
  • Ozcelik, A. E. (2016). Driving initiatives for future improvements of specialty agricultural crops. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 121, 122-134. doi:
  • Ozcelik, A. E., & Nisanci, R. (2015). Building of geo-spatial data model for tea agricultural crop-lands compliance with LPIS Core Model (LCM) based land administration domain standards. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 117, 8-21. doi:
  • Ozcelik, A. E., & Nisanci, R. (2016). Land use patterns for driving environmental management of tea agricultural croplands. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 122, 41-54. doi:
  • Pan, W., Ghoshal, G., Krumme, C., Cebrian, M., & Pentland, A. (2013). Urban characteristics attributable to density-driven tie formation. Nature Communications, 4, 1961. doi:10.1038/ncomms2961
  • Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Klusáček, P., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., Frantál, B., . . . Bartke, S. (2016). Timbre Brownfield Prioritization Tool to support effective brownfield regeneration. Journal of Environmental Management, 166, 178-192. doi:
  • Riera Pérez, M. G., Laprise, M., & Rey, E. (2018). Fostering sustainable urban renewal at the neighborhood scale with a spatial decision support system. Sustainable Cities and Society, 38, 440-451. doi:
  • Rizzo, E., Pesce, M., Pizzol, L., Alexandrescu, F. M., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., . . . Bartke, S. (2015). Brownfield regeneration in Europe: Identifying stakeholder perceptions, concerns, attitudes and information needs. Land Use Policy, 48, 437-453. doi:
  • Rizzo, E., Pizzol, L., Zabeo, A., Giubilato, E., Critto, A., Cosmo, L., & Marcomini, A. (2018). An Information System for Brownfield Regeneration: providing customised information according to stakeholders' characteristics and needs. Journal of Environmental Management, 217, 144-156. doi:
  • Sagris, V., Wojda, P., Milenov, P., & Devos, W. (2013). The harmonised data model for assessing Land Parcel Identification Systems compliance with requirements of direct aid and agri-environmental schemes of the CAP. Journal of Environmental Management, 118, 40-48. doi:
  • Shi, L., Chu, E., Anguelovski, I., Aylett, A., Debats, J., Goh, K., . . . VanDeveer, S. D. (2016). Roadmap towards justice in urban climate adaptation research. Nature Clim. Change, 6(2), 131-137. doi:10.1038/nclimate2841
  • Thomas, M. R. (2002). A GIS-based decision support system for brownfield redevelopment. Landscape and Urban Planning, 58(1), 7-23. doi:
  • Wang, C., Gao, Q., Wang, X., & Yu, M. (2016). Spatially differentiated trends in urbanization, agricultural land abandonment and reclamation, and woodland recovery in Northern China. Scientific Reports, 6, 37658. doi:10.1038/srep37658
  • Wang, H., Shen, Q., & Tang, B.-s. (2015). GIS-Based Framework for Supporting Land Use Planning in Urban Renewal: Case Study in Hong Kong. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 141(3), 05014015. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000216
  • Wang, H., Shen, Q., Tang, B.-s., Lu, C., Peng, Y., & Tang, L. (2014). A framework of decision-making factors and supporting information for facilitating sustainable site planning in urban renewal projects. Cities, 40, Part A, 44-55. doi:
  • Wang, H., Shen, Q., Tang, B.-s., & Skitmore, M. (2013). An integrated approach to supporting land-use decisions in site redevelopment for urban renewal in Hong Kong. Habitat International, 38, 70-80. doi:
  • Wedding, G. C., & Crawford-Brown, D. (2007). Measuring site-level success in brownfield redevelopments: A focus on sustainability and green building. Journal of Environmental Management, 85(2), 483-495. doi:
  • Wolff, M. (2018). Understanding the role of centralization processes for cities – Evidence from a spatial perspective of urban Europe 1990–2010. Cities, 75, 20-29. doi:
  • Wu, Q., Zhang, X., Liu, C., & Chen, Z. (2018). The de-industrialization, re-suburbanization and health risks of brownfield land reuse: Case study of a toxic soil event in Changzhou, China. Land Use Policy, 74, 187-194. doi:
  • Xu, C., Haase, D., & Pauleit, S. (2018). The impact of different urban dynamics on green space availability: A multiple scenario modeling approach for the region of Munich, Germany. Ecological Indicators, 93, 1-12. doi:
  • Yang, Y., Liu, Y., Li, Y., & Du, G. (2018). Quantifying spatio-temporal patterns of urban expansion in Beijing during 1985–2013 with rural-urban development transformation. Land Use Policy, 74, 220-230. doi:
  • Yin, H., Kong, F., Yang, X., James, P., & Dronova, I. (2018). Exploring zoning scenario impacts upon urban growth simulations using a dynamic spatial model. Cities. doi:
  • Zhang, X., & Li, H. (2018). Urban resilience and urban sustainability: What we know and what do not know? Cities, 72, 141-148. doi:
  • Zhao, M., & Liu, X. (2017). Reprint of: Regional risk assessment for urban major hazards based on GIS geoprocessing to improve public safety. Safety Science, 97, 112-119. doi:
  • Zheng, H. W., Shen, G. Q., & Wang, H. (2014). A review of recent studies on sustainable urban renewal. Habitat International, 41, 272-279. doi:
  • Zheng, H. W., Shen, G. Q. P., Song, Y., Sun, B., & Hong, J. (2016). Neighborhood sustainability in urban renewal: An assessment framework. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 44(5), 903-924. doi:10.1177/0265813516655547
  • Zheng, W., Shen, G. Q., Wang, H., Hong, J., & Li, Z. (2017). Decision support for sustainable urban renewal: A multi-scale model. Land Use Policy, 69, 361-371. doi:
There are 50 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Forest Industry Engineering
Journal Section Haziran Sayısı 2021

Ali Erdem Özçelik 0000-0001-5877-1738

Rıdvan Ertuğrul Yıldırım 0000-0002-2226-773X

Publication Date June 30, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Özçelik, A. E., & Yıldırım, R. E. (2021). The Key Drivers on Decision Making for Urban Planning Sites: Inner City Logistic Fields. Düzce Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi Ormancılık Dergisi, 17(1), 99-115.
