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Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 187 - 190, 19.10.2017


Sigaranın yara iyileşmesi ve flep yaşamı üzerine zararlı etkileri iyi bilinmektedir. Sigara bu zararlı etkilerini ihtiva ettiği nikotin, karbonmonoksit ve hidrojen siyanid üzerinden oluşturmaktadır. Sigara dumanında katran damlacıkları üzerinde taşınan nikotin, respiratuvar sistemden hızla emilir. Nikotin sakızı çiğneyenlerde oral mukozadan, çıplak elle uğraşanlar ve nikotin bantları kullananlarda deri yolu ile vücuda emilmektedir. Emilen nikotin hızla tüm vücuda dağılır. Akciğer, dalak, karaciğer ve beyinin nikotine olan afinitesi yüksektir. Yağ dokusunun afinitesi düşüktür. Tütün dumanında, insanlar ve hayvanlar için kanserojen olan 4000’den fazla kimyasal madde belirlenmiştir. Çevresel dumanda zararlı maddeler, içe çekilen dumana göre daha fazladır. Pasif olarak sigara dumanına maruz kalan kişiler, hem inhale-ekspire edilen dumana hem de sigaranın kendi kendine yanarken çıkan dumanına maruz kalırlar. Bu durum, pasif içiciliğin de insan sağlığı açısından oldukça önemli olduğunu göstermektedir. Sigara kullanımına bağlı olarak, insan sağlığı önemli ölçüde bozulmaktadır. Başta akciğerler olmak üzere, oral, larinks ve özafagus kanseri ile direk ilişkili iken, böbrek ve mesane kanserleri, mide kanseri, serviks ve hematopoetik sistem kanserlerinde de etken olabilmektedir. Sigaranın sistemik etkilerine bağlı oluşabilecek postoperatif komplikasyonlar da göz önünde tutulmalıdır. Sigara içenlerde postoperatif pulmoner komplikasyon riski yaklaşık 6 kat artmıştır. Bu pulmoner komplikasyonların azaltılması için en az 6-8 haftalık sigarasız bir dönem gerektiği de bilinmektedir.


  • 1. Sherwin MA, Gastwirth CM. Detrimental effects of cigarette smoking on lower extremity wound healing. J Foot Surg 1990; 29(1): 84-87.
  • 2. Silverstain P. Smoking and wound healing. Am J Med 1992; 93(suppl 1A): 22-24.
  • 3. Reus WF, Rabson MC, Zachary L, Heggers JP. Acute effects of tobacco smoking on blood flow in the cutaneous micro circulation. Br J Plast Surg 1984; 37: 213-215.
  • 4. Nolan J, Jenkins RA, Kurihara K, Schultz RC. The acute effects of cigarette smoke exposure on experimental skin flaps. Plast Reconst Surg 1985; 75: 544-549.
  • 5. Rees TD, Liverett DM, Guy CI. The effect of cigarette smoking on flap survival in the face lift patient. Plast Reconst Surg 1984; 73: 911-915.
  • 6. Riefkohl R, Wolfe JA, Edwin BC, McCarthy KS. Association between cutaneous occlusive disease, cigarette smoking and skin slough after rhytidectomy. Plast Reconst Surg 1986; 77(4): 592-595.
  • 7. Goldminz D, Benett RG. Cigarette smoking and flap and full thickness graft necrosis. Arch Dermatol 1990; 127: 1012-1015.
  • 8. Forrest CR, Pang CY, Lindsay WK. Dose and time effects of nicotine treatment on the capillary blood flow and viability of random pattern skin flaps in the rat. Br J Plast Surg 1984; 40: 295-299.
  • 9. Forrest CR, Pang CY, Lindsay WK. Pathogenesis of ischemic necrosis in random pattern skin flap induced by long term low dose nicotine treatment in the rat. Plast Reconst Surg 1991; 87(3): 518-528.
  • 10. Kayaalp SO. Nikotin ve Ganglioyonları Stimüle Eden Diğer İlaçlar, Gangliyon Bloke Ediciler. Tıbbi Farmakoloji. (9. basım) Hacettepe – Taş. Ankara.2001 ss:1218.
  • 11. U.S. Surseon General: The Healt Consequences of Smoking; Nictine Addiction, Chapter 2 U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1988 pp:22.
  • 12. Byrd JC. Environmental tobacco smoke. Med Clin N Am 1992;76(2):377-398.
  • 13. Newcomb PA, Carbone PP. The Healt Consequences of Smoking, Cancer. Med Clin N Am 1992; 76(2): 305-331.
  • 14. Mosely LH, Finseth F, Goody M. Nicotine and its effect on wound healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 1978;61:570-575.
  • 15. Krueger JK, Rohrich RJ. Clearing the smoke: The sceintific rationale for tobacco abstention with plastic surgery Plast Reconstr Surg 2001;108(4):1063-1073.
  • 16. Fisher J, Gingrass MK. Basic principles of skin flaps. In: Georgiade GS, Georgiade NG, Riefkohn R, Barwick WJ (Eds.) Text book of Plastic Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery (3 rd Ed.) Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1997 pp:19-29.
  • 17. van Adrichem LNA, Hoegen R, Hovius SER et al. The effect of cigarette smoking on the survival of free vascularized and pedicled epigastic flaps in the rat. Plast Recontr Surg 1996; 97: 86-96.
  • 18. Rohrich RJ. Cosmetic surgery and patients who smoke: should we operate? Plast Reconst Surg 2000; 105: 137-138.
  • 19. Chang DW, Reece GP, Baoguang W. et al. Effect of smoking on complications in patients undergoing free TRAM flap breast reconstruction. Plast Reconst Surg 2000; 105: 2374 -2380.
  • 20. Rohrich RJ, Coberly DM, Krueger JK, Brown SA. Planimg elective operations on patients who smoke: Survey of North American plastic surgeons. Plast Reconst Surg 2002; 109: 350-355.
  • 21. Forrest CR, Ning X, Pang CY. Evidence for nicotine induced skin flap necrosis in the pig. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1994; 72: 30-38.
  • 22. Aker JS, Mancoll J, Lewis B, Colen LB. The effect of pentoxifylline on random pattern skin flap necrosis induced by nicotine treatment in the rat. Plast Reconst Surg 1997; 100(1): 66-71.
  • 23. Davies BW, Lewis RD, Pennington G. The impact of vasodilators on random pattern skin flap survival in the rat following mainstream smoke exposure. Ann Plast Surg 1998; 40(6): 630-636.
  • 24. Karlen, RG, Maisel RH. Terazosin blockade of nicotine-ınduced skin flap necrosis in the rat. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997; 123: 837-840.

Hazardous Effects of Smoking on Wound Healing

Year 2017, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 187 - 190, 19.10.2017


The harmful effects of cigarette on wound healing and flap life are well known. Smoking is caused its harmful effects by nicotine, carbon monoxide and hydrogen cyanide that contain. Nicotine carried on tar droplets in cigarette smoke, is rapidly absorbed from the respiratory system. Nicotine is absorbed into the body by the way of oral mucosa in chewing the nicotine gum; by the way of skin in bare handed people and the using nicotine bands. Emitted nicotine is rapidly dispersed throughout the body. The affinity of the lung, spleen, liver and brain for nicotine is high. Affinity of fatty tissue is low. More than 4,000 chemicals that are carcinogenic to humans and animals have been identified in tobacco smoke. Harmful substances in the environmental smoke are more toxic than inhaled smoke. People exposed to cigarette smoke passively, are exposed to both the booster-expiration smoke and the self-burning smoke of the cigarette. This shows that passive smoking is also very important for human health. Due to smoking, human health is deteriorating considerably. While it is directly related to oral, larynx and esophagus cancers, especially lungs, it can also be a cause of cancers of kidney and bladder, stomach cancer, cervix and hematopoietic system cancers. The postoperative complications that may occur due to the systemic effects of cigarette smoke should also be considered. The risk of postoperative pulmonary complications in smokers is increased about 6 times. It is also known that at least 6-8 weeks of smoking-free period is required to reduce these pulmonary complications.


  • 1. Sherwin MA, Gastwirth CM. Detrimental effects of cigarette smoking on lower extremity wound healing. J Foot Surg 1990; 29(1): 84-87.
  • 2. Silverstain P. Smoking and wound healing. Am J Med 1992; 93(suppl 1A): 22-24.
  • 3. Reus WF, Rabson MC, Zachary L, Heggers JP. Acute effects of tobacco smoking on blood flow in the cutaneous micro circulation. Br J Plast Surg 1984; 37: 213-215.
  • 4. Nolan J, Jenkins RA, Kurihara K, Schultz RC. The acute effects of cigarette smoke exposure on experimental skin flaps. Plast Reconst Surg 1985; 75: 544-549.
  • 5. Rees TD, Liverett DM, Guy CI. The effect of cigarette smoking on flap survival in the face lift patient. Plast Reconst Surg 1984; 73: 911-915.
  • 6. Riefkohl R, Wolfe JA, Edwin BC, McCarthy KS. Association between cutaneous occlusive disease, cigarette smoking and skin slough after rhytidectomy. Plast Reconst Surg 1986; 77(4): 592-595.
  • 7. Goldminz D, Benett RG. Cigarette smoking and flap and full thickness graft necrosis. Arch Dermatol 1990; 127: 1012-1015.
  • 8. Forrest CR, Pang CY, Lindsay WK. Dose and time effects of nicotine treatment on the capillary blood flow and viability of random pattern skin flaps in the rat. Br J Plast Surg 1984; 40: 295-299.
  • 9. Forrest CR, Pang CY, Lindsay WK. Pathogenesis of ischemic necrosis in random pattern skin flap induced by long term low dose nicotine treatment in the rat. Plast Reconst Surg 1991; 87(3): 518-528.
  • 10. Kayaalp SO. Nikotin ve Ganglioyonları Stimüle Eden Diğer İlaçlar, Gangliyon Bloke Ediciler. Tıbbi Farmakoloji. (9. basım) Hacettepe – Taş. Ankara.2001 ss:1218.
  • 11. U.S. Surseon General: The Healt Consequences of Smoking; Nictine Addiction, Chapter 2 U.S. Gov. Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1988 pp:22.
  • 12. Byrd JC. Environmental tobacco smoke. Med Clin N Am 1992;76(2):377-398.
  • 13. Newcomb PA, Carbone PP. The Healt Consequences of Smoking, Cancer. Med Clin N Am 1992; 76(2): 305-331.
  • 14. Mosely LH, Finseth F, Goody M. Nicotine and its effect on wound healing. Plast Reconstr Surg 1978;61:570-575.
  • 15. Krueger JK, Rohrich RJ. Clearing the smoke: The sceintific rationale for tobacco abstention with plastic surgery Plast Reconstr Surg 2001;108(4):1063-1073.
  • 16. Fisher J, Gingrass MK. Basic principles of skin flaps. In: Georgiade GS, Georgiade NG, Riefkohn R, Barwick WJ (Eds.) Text book of Plastic Maxillofacial and Reconstructive Surgery (3 rd Ed.) Williams and Wilkins, Baltimore 1997 pp:19-29.
  • 17. van Adrichem LNA, Hoegen R, Hovius SER et al. The effect of cigarette smoking on the survival of free vascularized and pedicled epigastic flaps in the rat. Plast Recontr Surg 1996; 97: 86-96.
  • 18. Rohrich RJ. Cosmetic surgery and patients who smoke: should we operate? Plast Reconst Surg 2000; 105: 137-138.
  • 19. Chang DW, Reece GP, Baoguang W. et al. Effect of smoking on complications in patients undergoing free TRAM flap breast reconstruction. Plast Reconst Surg 2000; 105: 2374 -2380.
  • 20. Rohrich RJ, Coberly DM, Krueger JK, Brown SA. Planimg elective operations on patients who smoke: Survey of North American plastic surgeons. Plast Reconst Surg 2002; 109: 350-355.
  • 21. Forrest CR, Ning X, Pang CY. Evidence for nicotine induced skin flap necrosis in the pig. Can J Physiol Pharmacol 1994; 72: 30-38.
  • 22. Aker JS, Mancoll J, Lewis B, Colen LB. The effect of pentoxifylline on random pattern skin flap necrosis induced by nicotine treatment in the rat. Plast Reconst Surg 1997; 100(1): 66-71.
  • 23. Davies BW, Lewis RD, Pennington G. The impact of vasodilators on random pattern skin flap survival in the rat following mainstream smoke exposure. Ann Plast Surg 1998; 40(6): 630-636.
  • 24. Karlen, RG, Maisel RH. Terazosin blockade of nicotine-ınduced skin flap necrosis in the rat. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1997; 123: 837-840.
There are 24 citations in total.


Subjects Health Care Administration
Journal Section Reviews

Ayşegül Baykan

Halit Baykan

Publication Date October 19, 2017
Submission Date June 20, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


APA Baykan, A., & Baykan, H. (2017). Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, 7(3), 187-190.
AMA Baykan A, Baykan H. Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg. October 2017;7(3):187-190.
Chicago Baykan, Ayşegül, and Halit Baykan. “Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7, no. 3 (October 2017): 187-90.
EndNote Baykan A, Baykan H (October 1, 2017) Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7 3 187–190.
IEEE A. Baykan and H. Baykan, “Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri”, DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 187–190, 2017.
ISNAD Baykan, Ayşegül - Baykan, Halit. “Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 7/3 (October 2017), 187-190.
JAMA Baykan A, Baykan H. Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg. 2017;7:187–190.
MLA Baykan, Ayşegül and Halit Baykan. “Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri”. Düzce Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi, vol. 7, no. 3, 2017, pp. 187-90.
Vancouver Baykan A, Baykan H. Sigaranın Yara İyileşmesi Üzerine Zararlı Etkileri. DÜ Sağlık Bil Enst Derg. 2017;7(3):187-90.