Research Article
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Year 2018, , 899 - 928, 29.09.2018


Günümüz işletmeleri varlıklarını yeni bir dünya düzeninde
sürdürmektedir. Bu düzen, bir işletmenin paydaşlarını faaliyetleri hakkında
etkili bir şekilde bilgilendirmesini, kurumsal sosyal sorumluluk (KSS) proje ve
programlarının yaşama geçirilmesini ve medyanın da KSS üzerine haber içeriği
üreterek sağlıklı bir kamusal alanın oluşumuna aracılık etmesini gerekli
kılmaktadır. İstatiksel verilere göre, KSS son yirmi yıldır medya
kuruluşlarının dikkatini çeken konular arasındadır. Medyanın konuya olan ilgisi
açık bir gerçek olmakla birlikte, gazetecilerin ürettiği özgün içerikle duyurum
ya da kurumsal reklam amaçlı içeriği ve oranlarını belirlemek güçtür. Bu
çalışmada, Türk medyasının KSS odaklı haber içeriğini analiz etme amacıyla
haber metinleri incelenmekte, birbiriyle karşılaştırılmakta ve elde edilen verilerden
hareketle KSS’nin medyadaki temsiliyle ilgili genellemelere gidilmektedir.
Araştırmada, Türkiye’nin önde gelen ana akım gazetelerinden Hürriyet, referans
gazetesi olarak seçilmiş, gazetenin 2015 yılına ait KSS haberleri niceliksel ve
niteliksel olarak analiz edilmiştir.


  • Arenas, D. - Lozano M. J. - Albereda, L. (2009). “The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Per ceptions Among Stakeholders”, Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 175-197. Atakan S. M. G. - Eker T. (2007). “Corporate Identity of a Socially Responsible Uni-verstiy-A Case from the Turkish Higher Education Sector”, Journal of Business Ethics, 76:55-68. Bennett, T. (1982). “Theories of the Media, Theories of Society” in Culture, Society and the Media (Eds.) M. Gurevitch, T. Bennett, J. Curran and J. Woollacott, Lon-don:Methuen.
  • Bertrand, C-J. (2000), Media Ethics & Accountability Systems, New Brunswick: NJ.Transaction Publishers. Business for Social Responsibility Report (2002). “Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility”, BSR White Paper.
  • Capriotti, P. - Moreno, Á. (2007). “Corporate Citizenship and Public Relations: The Importance and Interactivity of Social Responsibility Issues on Corporate Websites”, Public Relations Review, 33(1):84-91. Carroll, A. B. (1999) “Corporate Social Responsibility-Evolution of a Definition Const-ruct”, Business and Society, 38(3):268-295. Cetindamar, D. - Hopkins, T. (2008). “ Enhancing Students’ Responsibility Towards Society Through Civic Involvement Projects”, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4):401-410. Cone (2010), Cause Evolution Study, (10.11.2015).
  • Coombs, W. T. - Holladay, S. (2012), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Corporate Responsibility and the Media (2009) David Grayson CBE, Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Cranfield School of Management, UK and co published with Centrum für Corporate Citizenship Deutschland, http://, (04.04.2016).
  • Davis, K. - Blomstrom, R.L. (1975), Business and Society: Environment and Respon-sibility, third edition, New York: McGrow Hill. De Keizer, B. (2004). “Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Amster-dam”, Paper presented at the University Industry Forum, Bonn. Economist (2005). “The Good Company-A Survey of Corporate Social Responsibi-lity”, (11.10.2014). Edelman Trust Barometer (2012). Executive Summary,, (10.06.2015). EU Commission Green Paper 2001: Promoting a European Framework for Corpora-te Social Responsibility, COM (2001) 366 Final.
  • Good News & Bad: The Media, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Deve-lopment (2002), SustainAbility, Ketchum and the United Nations Environment Prog-ramme, Beacon Press:UK. Hall, S. (1973). “The Determination of the News Photographs” in The Manufacture of News: A Reader, (Eds.) S. Cohen and J.Young, Beverly Hills:Sage.
  • Hamilton, J. T. (2003) “Media Coverage of Corporate Social Responsibility” The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy Working Paper Series, 2003-3, President and Fellows of Harvard College,, (16.05.2016).
  • Hart, L. S. (2005), Capitalism at Crossroads, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing. Hawawini, G. (2005). “The Future of Business Schools”, Journal of Management De-velopment, 4:770-782. Hill, R. P. (2004). “The Socially Responsible University: Talking the Talk While Wal-king the Walk in the College of Business”, Journal of Academic Ethics, 2:89-100. Hormatz, R. (2012), World Investment Forum Speech, Doha, Qatar, April 20 – 23, 2012. IPSOS MORI Reputation Center, (2012). Thinking reputation, Newsletter. Retrieved ( 08.08.2015). Iyengar, S - Kinder, D.R. (1987), News That Matters: Television and American Opi-nion, Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
  • Jablonkai, R. (2014). “Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility” in Contempo-rary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility, (Eds.) D. Türker, H. Toker, and C. Al-tuntaş (pp.143-161) Lexington Books:UK.
  • Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Algı Araştırması (2015) Xsights,, (02.05.2016).
  • Küskü, F - Zarkada-Fraser, A. (2004) “An Emprical Investigation of Corporate Citi-zenship in Australia and Turkey ”, British Journal of Management, 15: 57-72. Lee, K. - Shin, D. (2010).“Consumers’ Responses to CSR Activities: The Linkage Between Increased Awareness and Purchase Intention”, Public Relations Review, 36: 193-195.
  • Matten, D., - Moon, J. (2004). “Corporate Social Responsibility Education in Europe”, Journal of Business Ethics, 54:323-337. McQuail, D. (1988), Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction, second edition, Newbury Park:Sage. McQuail, D. (2002). “Origins and Development of the Field of Study” in McQuail`s Reader in Mass Communication Theory, (Ed.) Denis McQuail, London: Sage.
  • Merrifield, M. (2003). “Corporate America's Latest Act”, Baylor University, Baylor Business Review,, (10.10.2015). Toennesen, C. - Hodgson, S. - Mimmack, F. (2013), Mirrors or Movers? Framing the Debate About the Impact of Media Content, Media CSR Forum and Carnstone Partners LLP: London, http://, (09.05.2016). MORI (2003), Corporate Social Responsibility Research: Ethical Companies,, (08. 08.2015).
  • Morsing, M. - Schultz, M. (2006).“Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Stakeholder Information, Response and Involvement Strategies”, Business Ethics, A European Review, 15(4): 323-338.
  • Ozdemir, A. A. - Sarikaya, M. (2009). “An Analysis of the Curricula of Business Ad-ministration Departments in Turkish Universities With the Perspective of Civil Society Awareness”, Journal of Education for Business, 84(5):313-317. Porter, M - Kramer, M. R. (2002). “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanth-ropy”, Harvard Business Review, 12:57-68. The Business Network for Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR Europe (2000) Brus-sels.
  • Toker, H. - Turker, D. - C. Altuntaş Vural (2016). “Social Responsibility Education in Turkey” in Social Responsibility Education Across Europe: A Comparative Approach (Eds.) D. Turker, C. Altuntaş Vural, S. O. Idowu (pp.1-28) Switzerland: Springer.
  • Toker, H. (2004).,Two Countries One Pattern: A Comparative Study of Gender Repre-sentation in the News of Norwegian and Turkish Newspapers, Unpublished Cand Phil. thesis, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.
  • Toker, H. (2013) “NGOs and CSR” in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibi-lity (Eds.) O. S. Idowu, N. Capaldi, L., Zu, A. Das Gupta, Switzerland:Springer Publis-hing.
  • Toker, H. (2014). “The Role of Nongovernmental Organisations in CSR” in Contempo-rary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility (Eds.) D.Türker, H. Toker, and C. Al-tuntaş (pp.125-141), UK: Lexington Books. Toker, H. - Tat, M. (2013).“Sosyal Sorumluluk: Kamu ve Vakıf Üniversiteleri Öğrenci-lerinin Sosyal Sorumluluğa İlişkin Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Algılarının Ölçülmesi”, The Aca-demic Journal of Selçuk University Communication Faculty, 8(1):34-56.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978), Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality, New York: The Free Press.
  • Tunstall, J. (1977), The Media Are American, London:Constable.
  • Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Değerlendirme Raporu (2008). UNDP,, (05.02.2016).
  • Xsights Araştırma ve Danışmanlık (2015). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Algı Araştır-ması, (05.05.2016) Wigley, S. (2008).“Gauging Consumers’ Responses to CSR Activities: Does Increased Awareness Make Cents? ” Public Relations Review, 34:306-308.
  • Wolf, M. (2002). “Response to Confronting the Critics”, New Academy Review, 1(1):230-237.


Year 2018, , 899 - 928, 29.09.2018


new world order which companies and any kind of organizations face today need
both well informed audience, initiative taker companies through corporate
social responsibility projects and programmes, and ambitious media who create a
healthy public sphere with their news content on corporate social
responsibility (CSR). Corporate social responsibility is among the topics which
receive media attention in the last two decades. However the raising media
interest is the statistical finding, it is quite difficult to differentiate the
percentage of qenuine news coverage by the journalists or the news or
advertorials which refer to the brand PR or corporate advertising. The aim of
this study is to monitor the Turkish media and its CSR coverage. The intention
is to analyse the CSR related news content of Turkish press and make some
comparisons and generalizations about representation of the CSR in the news
articles. We conducted qualitative and quantitative content analysis of the
2015 news coverage of leading mainstream Turkish newspaper, namely Hürriyet.


  • Arenas, D. - Lozano M. J. - Albereda, L. (2009). “The Role of NGOs in CSR: Mutual Per ceptions Among Stakeholders”, Journal of Business Ethics, 88, 175-197. Atakan S. M. G. - Eker T. (2007). “Corporate Identity of a Socially Responsible Uni-verstiy-A Case from the Turkish Higher Education Sector”, Journal of Business Ethics, 76:55-68. Bennett, T. (1982). “Theories of the Media, Theories of Society” in Culture, Society and the Media (Eds.) M. Gurevitch, T. Bennett, J. Curran and J. Woollacott, Lon-don:Methuen.
  • Bertrand, C-J. (2000), Media Ethics & Accountability Systems, New Brunswick: NJ.Transaction Publishers. Business for Social Responsibility Report (2002). “Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility”, BSR White Paper.
  • Capriotti, P. - Moreno, Á. (2007). “Corporate Citizenship and Public Relations: The Importance and Interactivity of Social Responsibility Issues on Corporate Websites”, Public Relations Review, 33(1):84-91. Carroll, A. B. (1999) “Corporate Social Responsibility-Evolution of a Definition Const-ruct”, Business and Society, 38(3):268-295. Cetindamar, D. - Hopkins, T. (2008). “ Enhancing Students’ Responsibility Towards Society Through Civic Involvement Projects”, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 45(4):401-410. Cone (2010), Cause Evolution Study, (10.11.2015).
  • Coombs, W. T. - Holladay, S. (2012), Managing Corporate Social Responsibility: A Communication Approach, Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • Corporate Responsibility and the Media (2009) David Grayson CBE, Doughty Centre for Corporate Responsibility Cranfield School of Management, UK and co published with Centrum für Corporate Citizenship Deutschland, http://, (04.04.2016).
  • Davis, K. - Blomstrom, R.L. (1975), Business and Society: Environment and Respon-sibility, third edition, New York: McGrow Hill. De Keizer, B. (2004). “Corporate Social Responsibility at the University of Amster-dam”, Paper presented at the University Industry Forum, Bonn. Economist (2005). “The Good Company-A Survey of Corporate Social Responsibi-lity”, (11.10.2014). Edelman Trust Barometer (2012). Executive Summary,, (10.06.2015). EU Commission Green Paper 2001: Promoting a European Framework for Corpora-te Social Responsibility, COM (2001) 366 Final.
  • Good News & Bad: The Media, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Deve-lopment (2002), SustainAbility, Ketchum and the United Nations Environment Prog-ramme, Beacon Press:UK. Hall, S. (1973). “The Determination of the News Photographs” in The Manufacture of News: A Reader, (Eds.) S. Cohen and J.Young, Beverly Hills:Sage.
  • Hamilton, J. T. (2003) “Media Coverage of Corporate Social Responsibility” The Joan Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy Working Paper Series, 2003-3, President and Fellows of Harvard College,, (16.05.2016).
  • Hart, L. S. (2005), Capitalism at Crossroads, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Wharton School Publishing. Hawawini, G. (2005). “The Future of Business Schools”, Journal of Management De-velopment, 4:770-782. Hill, R. P. (2004). “The Socially Responsible University: Talking the Talk While Wal-king the Walk in the College of Business”, Journal of Academic Ethics, 2:89-100. Hormatz, R. (2012), World Investment Forum Speech, Doha, Qatar, April 20 – 23, 2012. IPSOS MORI Reputation Center, (2012). Thinking reputation, Newsletter. Retrieved ( 08.08.2015). Iyengar, S - Kinder, D.R. (1987), News That Matters: Television and American Opi-nion, Chicago:University of Chicago Press.
  • Jablonkai, R. (2014). “Communicating Corporate Social Responsibility” in Contempo-rary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility, (Eds.) D. Türker, H. Toker, and C. Al-tuntaş (pp.143-161) Lexington Books:UK.
  • Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Algı Araştırması (2015) Xsights,, (02.05.2016).
  • Küskü, F - Zarkada-Fraser, A. (2004) “An Emprical Investigation of Corporate Citi-zenship in Australia and Turkey ”, British Journal of Management, 15: 57-72. Lee, K. - Shin, D. (2010).“Consumers’ Responses to CSR Activities: The Linkage Between Increased Awareness and Purchase Intention”, Public Relations Review, 36: 193-195.
  • Matten, D., - Moon, J. (2004). “Corporate Social Responsibility Education in Europe”, Journal of Business Ethics, 54:323-337. McQuail, D. (1988), Mass Communication Theory: An Introduction, second edition, Newbury Park:Sage. McQuail, D. (2002). “Origins and Development of the Field of Study” in McQuail`s Reader in Mass Communication Theory, (Ed.) Denis McQuail, London: Sage.
  • Merrifield, M. (2003). “Corporate America's Latest Act”, Baylor University, Baylor Business Review,, (10.10.2015). Toennesen, C. - Hodgson, S. - Mimmack, F. (2013), Mirrors or Movers? Framing the Debate About the Impact of Media Content, Media CSR Forum and Carnstone Partners LLP: London, http://, (09.05.2016). MORI (2003), Corporate Social Responsibility Research: Ethical Companies,, (08. 08.2015).
  • Morsing, M. - Schultz, M. (2006).“Corporate Social Responsibility Communication: Stakeholder Information, Response and Involvement Strategies”, Business Ethics, A European Review, 15(4): 323-338.
  • Ozdemir, A. A. - Sarikaya, M. (2009). “An Analysis of the Curricula of Business Ad-ministration Departments in Turkish Universities With the Perspective of Civil Society Awareness”, Journal of Education for Business, 84(5):313-317. Porter, M - Kramer, M. R. (2002). “The Competitive Advantage of Corporate Philanth-ropy”, Harvard Business Review, 12:57-68. The Business Network for Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR Europe (2000) Brus-sels.
  • Toker, H. - Turker, D. - C. Altuntaş Vural (2016). “Social Responsibility Education in Turkey” in Social Responsibility Education Across Europe: A Comparative Approach (Eds.) D. Turker, C. Altuntaş Vural, S. O. Idowu (pp.1-28) Switzerland: Springer.
  • Toker, H. (2004).,Two Countries One Pattern: A Comparative Study of Gender Repre-sentation in the News of Norwegian and Turkish Newspapers, Unpublished Cand Phil. thesis, Department of Media and Communication, University of Oslo.
  • Toker, H. (2013) “NGOs and CSR” in Encyclopedia of Corporate Social Responsibi-lity (Eds.) O. S. Idowu, N. Capaldi, L., Zu, A. Das Gupta, Switzerland:Springer Publis-hing.
  • Toker, H. (2014). “The Role of Nongovernmental Organisations in CSR” in Contempo-rary Issues in Corporate Social Responsibility (Eds.) D.Türker, H. Toker, and C. Al-tuntaş (pp.125-141), UK: Lexington Books. Toker, H. - Tat, M. (2013).“Sosyal Sorumluluk: Kamu ve Vakıf Üniversiteleri Öğrenci-lerinin Sosyal Sorumluluğa İlişkin Bilgi Düzeyleri ve Algılarının Ölçülmesi”, The Aca-demic Journal of Selçuk University Communication Faculty, 8(1):34-56.
  • Tuchman, G. (1978), Making News: A Study in the Construction of Reality, New York: The Free Press.
  • Tunstall, J. (1977), The Media Are American, London:Constable.
  • Türkiye’de Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Değerlendirme Raporu (2008). UNDP,, (05.02.2016).
  • Xsights Araştırma ve Danışmanlık (2015). Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Algı Araştır-ması, (05.05.2016) Wigley, S. (2008).“Gauging Consumers’ Responses to CSR Activities: Does Increased Awareness Make Cents? ” Public Relations Review, 34:306-308.
  • Wolf, M. (2002). “Response to Confronting the Critics”, New Academy Review, 1(1):230-237.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Huriye Toker

Merba Tat

Publication Date September 29, 2018
Submission Date January 16, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Toker, H., & Tat, M. (2018). REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 6(2), 899-928.
AMA Toker H, Tat M. REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS. e-gifder. September 2018;6(2):899-928. doi:10.19145/e-gifder.332359
Chicago Toker, Huriye, and Merba Tat. “REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6, no. 2 (September 2018): 899-928.
EndNote Toker H, Tat M (September 1, 2018) REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6 2 899–928.
IEEE H. Toker and M. Tat, “REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS”, e-gifder, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 899–928, 2018, doi: 10.19145/e-gifder.332359.
ISNAD Toker, Huriye - Tat, Merba. “REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6/2 (September 2018), 899-928.
MLA Toker, Huriye and Merba Tat. “REPRESENTATION OF CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY IN TURKISH NEWSPAPERS”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 899-28, doi:10.19145/e-gifder.332359.