Research Article
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Year 2018, , 866 - 898, 29.09.2018


Today, facilitating access to products and services makes competition conditions difficult, which in turn leads businesses to develop new strategies to influence consumer choice. One of these strategies is perceived scarcity. Perceived scarcity, one of the new concepts in consumer behavior studies, increases the perceived value of the product and affects the consumer's preferences. The purpose of this study is the psychological effect created by the consumer on the perception that the product is scarce and created by the business. In other words, it is to learn the reaction that the consumer will give to the perceived scarcity of the enterprise in the direction of strategic goals. For this purpose, the survey technique was applied as the data collection method in the research conducted and the application was realized in the fast fashion sector. In the analysis of the obtained data, frequencies, mean, standard deviation, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling (path) analyzes were used. As a result of the analyzes; it can be said that the consumer consciously can distinguish between the perceived scarcity messages generated by the business and the situations in which the supply of the product is not restricted, and this behavior is affected by the buying behavior.


  • AGGARWAL, P.; JUN, S. Y.; HUH, J. H. (2011). “Scarcity Messages: A Consumer Competition Perspective”, Journal of Advertising, 40(3), ss.19-30.ANGST, C. M.; AGARWAL, R.; KURUZOVİCH, J. (2008). “Bid or Buy? Individual Shopping Traits as Predictors of Strategic Exit in Online Auctions”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(1), ss.59–84.BAŞ, Y.; Altunışık, R. (2013). “Ürünler Aranan Bilgi Türlerine Göre Sınıflandırılabilir Mi?”, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), ss.23-72.BEATTY, S. E.; Ferrell, E. M. (1998). “Impulse Buying: Modeling Its Precursors”, Journal of Retailing, 74(2), ss.169-191.BELK, R. W. (1985). “Materialism: Trait Aspects of Living in the Material World”, Journal of Consumer Research, 13(12), ss.265-280.BELK, R. W. (1988). “Possessions and the Extended Self”, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(3), ss.139-67.BELL, D. E. (1982). “Regret in Decision Making under Uncertainty”, Operations Research, 30, ss.961-981.BOZZOLO, A. M.; Brock, T. C. (1992). “Unavailability Effects on Message Processing: A Theoretical Analysis and an Empirical Test”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13(1), ss.93-101.BRANNON, L. A.; Brock, T. C. (2001). “Scarcity Claims Elicit Extreme Responding to Persuasive Messages: Role of Cognitive Elaboration”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27(3), ss.365-375.BURNS, D. J.; Warren, H. B. (1995). “Need for Uniqueness: Shopping Mall Preference and Choice Activity”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 23(12), ss.4-12.BYUN, S. E. & Sternquist, B. (2008). The Antecedents of in-Store Hoarding: Measurement and Application in the Fast-Fashion Retail Environment. International Review of Retail Distribution ve Consumer Research, 18, 133-147.CAMPO, K.; GIJSBRECHTS, E.; NISOL, P. (2004). “Dynamics in Consumer Response to Product Unavailability: Do Stock-out Reactions Signal Response to Permanent Assortment Reductions?”, Journal of Business Research, 57(8), ss.834-843.CIALDINI, R.B. (2012). İknanın Psikolojisi. (Çev. Yasemin Fletceher). İstanbul: MediaCat Kitapları.COLEY, A.; BURGESS, B. (2003). “Gender Differences in Cognitive and Affective Impulse Buying”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Merchandising, 7(3), ss.282-295.FRANKE, N.; SCHREIER, M. (2008). “Product Uniqueness as a Driver of Customer Utility in Mass Customization”, Marketing Letters, 19(2), ss.93-107.FROST, R.O. ve GROSS, R. C. (1993). “The Hoarding of Possessions”, Behavior Research Therapy, 31, ss.367-381.FROST, R. O.; KYRIOS, M.; MCCARTHY, K.; MATTHEWS, Y. (2007). “Self-Ambivalence and Attachment to Possessions”, Journal of Cognitive Psycho-therapy, 21(3), ss.232-242.FROST, R. O. & STEKETEE, G. (1998). Hoarding: Clinical Aspects and Treatment Strategies. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.GUPTA, S. (2013). The Psychological Effects of Perceived Scarcity on Consumer’s Buying Behavior, Master’s Dissertation, Nebraska University, Nebraska.INMAN, J. J.; PETER, A. C.; RAGHUBIOR, P. (1997). “Framing the Deal: The Role of Restrictions in Accentuating Deal Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 24(6), ss.68-79.İSLAMOĞLU, A. H. VE ALNIAÇIK, Ü. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri (Spss Uygulamalı). İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.JUNG, J. M. ve KELLARIS, J. J. (2004). “Cross-National Differences in Proneness to Scarcity Effects: The Moderating Roles of Familiarity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Need for Cognitive Closure”, Psychology and Marketing, 21(9), ss.739-753.KORUR, M. G. ve KİMZAN, H. S. (2016). “Kompulsif Satın Alma Eğilimi ve Alışveriş Sonrası Pişmanlık İlişkisinde Kontrolsüz Kredi Kartı Kullanımının Rolü: AVM Müşterileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), ss.53-54.LENNON, S. J.; JOHNSON, K. K. P. ; Lee J. (2011). “A Perfect Storm for Consumer Misbehavior: Shopping on Black Friday”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 29(2), ss.119–134.LI, S.; ZHOU, K.; SUN, Y.; RAO L.; ZHENG, R. ; LIANG, Z. (2010). “Anticipated Regret, Risk Perception, or Both: Which Is Most Likely Responsible for Our Intention to Gamble?”, Journal of Gambling Studies, 26, ss.105-116.LOEWENSTEIN, G. F.; WEBER, E. U.; HSEE, C. K.; WELCH N. (2001). “Risk as Feeling”, Psychology Bulletin, 127(2), ss.267-286.LOOMES, G. ve SUGDEN, R. (1982). “Regret Theory: An Alternative of Rational Choice under Uncertainty”, Economic Journal, 92, ss.805-824.LYNN, M. (1991). “Scarcity Effects on Value: A Quantitative Review of the Commodity Theory Literature”, Psychology and Marketing, 8, ss.43-57.LYNN, M. (1993). “The Psychology of Unavailability: Explaining Scarcity and Cost Effect on Value”, Journal of Marketing Research, 30(3), ss.395-398.LYNN, M. ve BOGERT, P. (1996). “The Effect of Scarcity on Anticipated Price Appreciation”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(22), ss.1978-1984.MCKINNON, G.; SMITH, M. E.; HUNT, K. H. (1985). “Hoarding Behavior among Consumers: Conceptualization and Marketing Implications”, Academy of Marketing Science, 13, ss.340-351.MITCHELL, D. J. (1994). “For the Smell of It All: Functions and Effects of Olfaction in Consumer Behavior”, Advances in Consumer Research, 21, 330.MITTONE, L. ve SAVADORI L. (2009). “The Scarcity Bias”, Applied Psychology, 58(3), ss.453-468.MOWEN, J. C. (2004). “Exploring the Trait of Competitiveness and Its Consumer Behavior Consequences”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(1-2), s.52-63.NICHOLS, B. S. (2012). “The Development, Validation, and Implications of a Measure of Consumer Competitive Arousal (Ccar)”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, ss.192-205.OSES-ERASO, N.; UDINA, F.; VILADRICH-GRAU, M. (2008). “Environmental Versus Human-Induced Scarcity in the Commons: Do they Trigger the Same Response?”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 40(4), 529-550.PARKER, J. R. ve LEHMANN, D. R. (2011). “When Shelf-Based Scarcity Impacts Consumer Preferences”, Journal of Retailing, 87(2), ss.142-155.RICHINS, M. L. (1994). Special Possessions and the Expression of Material Value. Journal of Consumer Research, 21-3, 522–33.SCHERMELLEH-ENGEL, K.; MOOSBRUGGER, H. ve Müler, H. (2003). “Evaluating the Fitof Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodnessof-Fiteasures”, Methods of Psychological Research, 8, ss.23-74.SIĞRI, Ü. ve TIĞLI, M. (2006). “Hofstede’nin “Belirsizlikten Kaçınma” Kültürel Boyutunun Yönetsel-Örgütsel Süreçlere ve Pazarlama Açısından Tüketici Davranışlarına Etkisi”, Marmara Üniversitesi G.G.B.F. Dergisi, XXI(1), ss.327-342.SNYDER, C. R. (1992). “Product Scarcity by Need for Uniqueness Interaction: A Consumer Catch-22 Carousel?”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13(1), ss.9-24.SNYDER, C. R. VE FROMKIN, H. L. (1980), Uniqueness: The Human Pursuit of Difference, New York: Plenum Press.SURI, R.; KOHLI, C. ; MONROE, K. B. (2007). “The Effects of Perceived Scarcity on Consumers’ Processing of Price Information”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(1), ss.89-100.SWAIN, S. D.; HANNA, R. ve ABENDROTH, L. J. (2006). “How Time Restrictions Work: The Roles of Urgency, Anticipated Regret, and Deal Evaluations”, Advances in Consumer Research, 33, ss.523-525.SWAMI, S. ve KHAİRNAR, P. J. (2003). “Diffusion of Products with Limited Supply and Known Expiration Date”, Marketing Letters, 14(1), ss.33-46.SYNDER, C. R. ve FROMKİN, H. L. (1977). “Abnormality as a Positive Characteristic: The Development and Validation of a Scale Measuring Need for Uniqueness”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 86, ss.518-527.ŞEKER, B. D. ve AKMAN, E. (2015). “Bilişsel Kapalılık İhtiyacı Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ ye Uyarlanması: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Analizi”, Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 18(35), ss.51-63.TAFARODI, R. W.; MARSHALL, T. C. ve KATSURA, H. (2004). “Standing out in Canada and Japan”, Journal of Personality, 72(4), ss.785-814.TEPPER, K. ve HOYLE, R. H. (1996). “Latent Variable Models of Need for Uniqueness”, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 31(4), ss.467-494.TIAN, K. T.; BEARDEN W. O. ve HUNTER G.L. (2001). “Consumer’s Need for Uniqueness: Scale Development and Validation”, Journal of Consumer Research, 28, ss.50-66.VERHALLEN, T. M. ve ROBBEN, H. S. J. (1994). “Scarcity and Preference: An Experiment on Unavailability and Product Evaluation”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 15, ss.315-331.WANSINK, B. (1994). “The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior: Empirical Examinations of Impulsive and Compulsive Consumption”, Advances in Consumer Research, 21, s.508.YOUN, S. ve FABER, R. J. (2000). “Impulse Buying: Its Relation to Personality Traits and Cues”, Advances in Consumer Research, 27, ss.179-185.


Year 2018, , 866 - 898, 29.09.2018


Günümüzde ürün ve hizmetlere erişimin kolaylaşması rekabet şartlarını zorlaştırmakta ve bu durum ise işletmeleri tüketicinin tercihini etkileyebilmek için yeni stratejiler geliştirmeye yönlendirmektedir. Bu stratejilerden biri de algılanan kıtlıktır. Tüketici davranışı çalışmalarında yeni bir kavramlardan biri olan algılanan kıtlık, ürünün algılanan değerini artırmakta ve tüketicinin tercihlerini etkilemektedir. Bu bağlamda çalışmanın amacı; işletme tarafından oluşturulan ve ürünün kıt olduğu yönündeki algılamanın, tüketicide yarattığı psikolojik etkiyi incelemektir. Başka bir ifadeyle, işletme tarafından stratejik amaçlar doğrultusunda oluşturulan algılanan kıtlık durumuna, tüketicinin vereceği tepkiyi öğrenmektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda gerçekleştirilen araştırmada veri toplama yöntemi olarak anket tekniği uygulanmış ve uygulama hızlı moda sektöründe gerçekleştirilmiştir. Elde edilen verilerin analizinde, frekans dağılımları, ortalama, standart sapma, güvenilirlik analizi, doğrulayıcı faktör analizi ve yapısal eşitlik modelleme (yol) analizleri kullanılmıştır. Analizlerin sonucunda; tüketicinin bilinçli olarak işletme tarafından oluşturulan algılanan kıtlık mesajları ile ürünün tedarikinin kısıtlanmadığı durumları birbirinden ayırt edebildiği ve bu durumun satın alma davranışının etkilendiği söylenebilir.


  • AGGARWAL, P.; JUN, S. Y.; HUH, J. H. (2011). “Scarcity Messages: A Consumer Competition Perspective”, Journal of Advertising, 40(3), ss.19-30.ANGST, C. M.; AGARWAL, R.; KURUZOVİCH, J. (2008). “Bid or Buy? Individual Shopping Traits as Predictors of Strategic Exit in Online Auctions”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 13(1), ss.59–84.BAŞ, Y.; Altunışık, R. (2013). “Ürünler Aranan Bilgi Türlerine Göre Sınıflandırılabilir Mi?”, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 5(2), ss.23-72.BEATTY, S. E.; Ferrell, E. M. (1998). “Impulse Buying: Modeling Its Precursors”, Journal of Retailing, 74(2), ss.169-191.BELK, R. W. (1985). “Materialism: Trait Aspects of Living in the Material World”, Journal of Consumer Research, 13(12), ss.265-280.BELK, R. W. (1988). “Possessions and the Extended Self”, Journal of Consumer Research, 15(3), ss.139-67.BELL, D. E. (1982). “Regret in Decision Making under Uncertainty”, Operations Research, 30, ss.961-981.BOZZOLO, A. M.; Brock, T. C. (1992). “Unavailability Effects on Message Processing: A Theoretical Analysis and an Empirical Test”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13(1), ss.93-101.BRANNON, L. A.; Brock, T. C. (2001). “Scarcity Claims Elicit Extreme Responding to Persuasive Messages: Role of Cognitive Elaboration”, Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 27(3), ss.365-375.BURNS, D. J.; Warren, H. B. (1995). “Need for Uniqueness: Shopping Mall Preference and Choice Activity”, International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 23(12), ss.4-12.BYUN, S. E. & Sternquist, B. (2008). The Antecedents of in-Store Hoarding: Measurement and Application in the Fast-Fashion Retail Environment. International Review of Retail Distribution ve Consumer Research, 18, 133-147.CAMPO, K.; GIJSBRECHTS, E.; NISOL, P. (2004). “Dynamics in Consumer Response to Product Unavailability: Do Stock-out Reactions Signal Response to Permanent Assortment Reductions?”, Journal of Business Research, 57(8), ss.834-843.CIALDINI, R.B. (2012). İknanın Psikolojisi. (Çev. Yasemin Fletceher). İstanbul: MediaCat Kitapları.COLEY, A.; BURGESS, B. (2003). “Gender Differences in Cognitive and Affective Impulse Buying”, Journal of Fashion Marketing and Merchandising, 7(3), ss.282-295.FRANKE, N.; SCHREIER, M. (2008). “Product Uniqueness as a Driver of Customer Utility in Mass Customization”, Marketing Letters, 19(2), ss.93-107.FROST, R.O. ve GROSS, R. C. (1993). “The Hoarding of Possessions”, Behavior Research Therapy, 31, ss.367-381.FROST, R. O.; KYRIOS, M.; MCCARTHY, K.; MATTHEWS, Y. (2007). “Self-Ambivalence and Attachment to Possessions”, Journal of Cognitive Psycho-therapy, 21(3), ss.232-242.FROST, R. O. & STEKETEE, G. (1998). Hoarding: Clinical Aspects and Treatment Strategies. St. Louis: Mosby Inc.GUPTA, S. (2013). The Psychological Effects of Perceived Scarcity on Consumer’s Buying Behavior, Master’s Dissertation, Nebraska University, Nebraska.INMAN, J. J.; PETER, A. C.; RAGHUBIOR, P. (1997). “Framing the Deal: The Role of Restrictions in Accentuating Deal Value”, Journal of Consumer Research, 24(6), ss.68-79.İSLAMOĞLU, A. H. VE ALNIAÇIK, Ü. (2013). Sosyal Bilimlerde Araştırma Yöntemleri (Spss Uygulamalı). İstanbul: Beta Basım Yayım.JUNG, J. M. ve KELLARIS, J. J. (2004). “Cross-National Differences in Proneness to Scarcity Effects: The Moderating Roles of Familiarity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Need for Cognitive Closure”, Psychology and Marketing, 21(9), ss.739-753.KORUR, M. G. ve KİMZAN, H. S. (2016). “Kompulsif Satın Alma Eğilimi ve Alışveriş Sonrası Pişmanlık İlişkisinde Kontrolsüz Kredi Kartı Kullanımının Rolü: AVM Müşterileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma”, Tüketici ve Tüketim Araştırmaları Dergisi, 8(1), ss.53-54.LENNON, S. J.; JOHNSON, K. K. P. ; Lee J. (2011). “A Perfect Storm for Consumer Misbehavior: Shopping on Black Friday”, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 29(2), ss.119–134.LI, S.; ZHOU, K.; SUN, Y.; RAO L.; ZHENG, R. ; LIANG, Z. (2010). “Anticipated Regret, Risk Perception, or Both: Which Is Most Likely Responsible for Our Intention to Gamble?”, Journal of Gambling Studies, 26, ss.105-116.LOEWENSTEIN, G. F.; WEBER, E. U.; HSEE, C. K.; WELCH N. (2001). “Risk as Feeling”, Psychology Bulletin, 127(2), ss.267-286.LOOMES, G. ve SUGDEN, R. (1982). “Regret Theory: An Alternative of Rational Choice under Uncertainty”, Economic Journal, 92, ss.805-824.LYNN, M. (1991). “Scarcity Effects on Value: A Quantitative Review of the Commodity Theory Literature”, Psychology and Marketing, 8, ss.43-57.LYNN, M. (1993). “The Psychology of Unavailability: Explaining Scarcity and Cost Effect on Value”, Journal of Marketing Research, 30(3), ss.395-398.LYNN, M. ve BOGERT, P. (1996). “The Effect of Scarcity on Anticipated Price Appreciation”, Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 26(22), ss.1978-1984.MCKINNON, G.; SMITH, M. E.; HUNT, K. H. (1985). “Hoarding Behavior among Consumers: Conceptualization and Marketing Implications”, Academy of Marketing Science, 13, ss.340-351.MITCHELL, D. J. (1994). “For the Smell of It All: Functions and Effects of Olfaction in Consumer Behavior”, Advances in Consumer Research, 21, 330.MITTONE, L. ve SAVADORI L. (2009). “The Scarcity Bias”, Applied Psychology, 58(3), ss.453-468.MOWEN, J. C. (2004). “Exploring the Trait of Competitiveness and Its Consumer Behavior Consequences”, Journal of Consumer Psychology, 14(1-2), s.52-63.NICHOLS, B. S. (2012). “The Development, Validation, and Implications of a Measure of Consumer Competitive Arousal (Ccar)”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 33, ss.192-205.OSES-ERASO, N.; UDINA, F.; VILADRICH-GRAU, M. (2008). “Environmental Versus Human-Induced Scarcity in the Commons: Do they Trigger the Same Response?”, Environmental and Resource Economics, 40(4), 529-550.PARKER, J. R. ve LEHMANN, D. R. (2011). “When Shelf-Based Scarcity Impacts Consumer Preferences”, Journal of Retailing, 87(2), ss.142-155.RICHINS, M. L. (1994). Special Possessions and the Expression of Material Value. Journal of Consumer Research, 21-3, 522–33.SCHERMELLEH-ENGEL, K.; MOOSBRUGGER, H. ve Müler, H. (2003). “Evaluating the Fitof Structural Equation Models: Tests of Significance and Descriptive Goodnessof-Fiteasures”, Methods of Psychological Research, 8, ss.23-74.SIĞRI, Ü. ve TIĞLI, M. (2006). “Hofstede’nin “Belirsizlikten Kaçınma” Kültürel Boyutunun Yönetsel-Örgütsel Süreçlere ve Pazarlama Açısından Tüketici Davranışlarına Etkisi”, Marmara Üniversitesi G.G.B.F. Dergisi, XXI(1), ss.327-342.SNYDER, C. R. (1992). “Product Scarcity by Need for Uniqueness Interaction: A Consumer Catch-22 Carousel?”, Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 13(1), ss.9-24.SNYDER, C. R. VE FROMKIN, H. L. (1980), Uniqueness: The Human Pursuit of Difference, New York: Plenum Press.SURI, R.; KOHLI, C. ; MONROE, K. B. (2007). “The Effects of Perceived Scarcity on Consumers’ Processing of Price Information”, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 35(1), ss.89-100.SWAIN, S. D.; HANNA, R. ve ABENDROTH, L. J. (2006). “How Time Restrictions Work: The Roles of Urgency, Anticipated Regret, and Deal Evaluations”, Advances in Consumer Research, 33, ss.523-525.SWAMI, S. ve KHAİRNAR, P. J. (2003). “Diffusion of Products with Limited Supply and Known Expiration Date”, Marketing Letters, 14(1), ss.33-46.SYNDER, C. R. ve FROMKİN, H. L. (1977). “Abnormality as a Positive Characteristic: The Development and Validation of a Scale Measuring Need for Uniqueness”, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 86, ss.518-527.ŞEKER, B. D. ve AKMAN, E. (2015). “Bilişsel Kapalılık İhtiyacı Ölçeğinin Türkçe’ ye Uyarlanması: Güvenirlik ve Geçerlik Analizi”, Türk Psikoloji Yazıları, 18(35), ss.51-63.TAFARODI, R. W.; MARSHALL, T. C. ve KATSURA, H. (2004). “Standing out in Canada and Japan”, Journal of Personality, 72(4), ss.785-814.TEPPER, K. ve HOYLE, R. H. (1996). “Latent Variable Models of Need for Uniqueness”, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 31(4), ss.467-494.TIAN, K. T.; BEARDEN W. O. ve HUNTER G.L. (2001). “Consumer’s Need for Uniqueness: Scale Development and Validation”, Journal of Consumer Research, 28, ss.50-66.VERHALLEN, T. M. ve ROBBEN, H. S. J. (1994). “Scarcity and Preference: An Experiment on Unavailability and Product Evaluation”, Journal of Economic Psychology, 15, ss.315-331.WANSINK, B. (1994). “The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior: Empirical Examinations of Impulsive and Compulsive Consumption”, Advances in Consumer Research, 21, s.508.YOUN, S. ve FABER, R. J. (2000). “Impulse Buying: Its Relation to Personality Traits and Cues”, Advances in Consumer Research, 27, ss.179-185.
There are 1 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

Polat Can 0000-0002-5417-970X

Gözde Şen

Publication Date September 29, 2018
Submission Date June 11, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2018


APA Can, P., & Şen, G. (2018). ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 6(2), 866-898.
AMA Can P, Şen G. ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ. e-gifder. September 2018;6(2):866-898. doi:10.19145/e-gifder.432839
Chicago Can, Polat, and Gözde Şen. “ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6, no. 2 (September 2018): 866-98.
EndNote Can P, Şen G (September 1, 2018) ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6 2 866–898.
IEEE P. Can and G. Şen, “ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ”, e-gifder, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 866–898, 2018, doi: 10.19145/e-gifder.432839.
ISNAD Can, Polat - Şen, Gözde. “ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 6/2 (September 2018), 866-898.
MLA Can, Polat and Gözde Şen. “ALGILANAN KITLIĞIN PSİKOLOJİK ETKİLERİNİN SATIN ALMA DAVRANIŞI ÜZERİNDEKİ ROLÜ”. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, vol. 6, no. 2, 2018, pp. 866-98, doi:10.19145/e-gifder.432839.