Technological advancements have created significant changes in news photography. Photography can be seen as a component supporting and making sense of news specifically in the media. International media and news agencies started to attach great imprtance to photography along with the proliferation of news photography in mass communication. Recently visual materials are being widely used in the media because photpgraph is much more attractive and absorbing than written text. Sometimes a single photo might be much more effective than pages of text. The main problem here is; the ethical condition created because of the use of photopragh as a product of fiction. This ethical problems is specifically observed in political and war photos along with fictitious methods such as re-framing, colouring and/or re-directing. This is important as photograph is used as a means of manipulation and propaganda today. The study analyzes how news photographs are used as a means of manipulation and propaganda with an ethical point of view over photopgraph samples.
Teknolojik gelişmeler haber fotoğrafçılığında önemli değişimler yaratmıştır. Özellikle medyada, haberi destekleyen ve anlamlandıran bir unsur olarak karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Haber fotoğraflarının kitle iletişiminde önem kazanmasıyla birlikte uluslararası medya ve haber ajansları fotoğraf konusuna büyük önem vermişlerdir. Son yıllarda medyada görsel malzeme kullanımı eğilimi giderek artmaktadır. Çünkü fotoğraf yazılı metinden çok daha fazla etkileyici, çarpıcı ve sürükleyici bir özelliğe sahiptir. Bazen tek bir kare fotoğraf sayfalarca yazıdan daha etkili olabilmektedir. Buradaki en temel sorun; fotoğrafın, kurgu ürünü olarak kullanılmasının yarattığı etiksel durumdur. Özellikle siyaset ve savaş fotoğraflarında karşımıza çıkan yeniden kadrajlama, renklendirme veya yön çevirme gibi kurgulama yöntemleriyle ortaya çıkan bu etik sorun, fotoğrafın artık günümüzde birinci dereceden manipüle ve propaganda aracı olarak kullanılmasından dolayı önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, etik bağlamda haber fotoğraflarının nasıl manipülasyon ve propaganda aracı olarak kullanıldığı, fotoğraflar üzerinden analiz edilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Etik, Fotoğraf, Manipülasyon, Propaganda, Haber Fotoğrafçılığı.
Technological advancements have created significant changes in news photography.Photography can be seen as a component supporting and making sense of news specifically in the media. International media and news agencies started to attach great imprtance to photography along with the proliferation of news photography in mass communication. Recently visual materials are being widely used in the media because photpgraph is much more attractive and absorbing than written text. Sometimes a single photo might be much more effective than pages of text. The main problem here is; the ethical condition created because of the use of photopragh as a product of fiction. This ethical problems is specifically observed in political and war photos along with fictitious methods such as re-framing, colouring and/or re-directing. This is important as photograph is used as a means of manipulation and propaganda today. The study analyzes how news photographs are used as a means of manipulation and propaganda with an ethical point of view over photopgraph samples.
Keywords: Ethics, Photography, Manipulation, Propaganda, News Photography.
Primary Language | Turkish |
Journal Section | Articles |
Authors | |
Publication Date | September 9, 2014 |
Submission Date | September 9, 2014 |
Published in Issue | Year 2014 |