Gendered Emotional Labor; As A Normative Conformity of Hospital Organizations to the Gender Institution
Year 2023,
, 43 - 58, 23.01.2023
Onur Ünlü
Senay Yürür
Sevim Gezegen Ünlü
This study examines the normative effects of gender context on emotional labor. Those effects had been observed, in the frame of an organization (hospital) and with three agents: manager, employee (hospital hostesses) and customer (patients/patients’ relatives). In this regard twenty-five semi-structured interviews and one focus group meeting were conducted in Yalova. According to our findings; as a survival practice, hospitals conform to the institution of gender via formal (job description, customer satisfaction policies) and informal organization designs (norms directing the related job descriptions). The agents of this conformity play an active role in the reproduction and continuity of “normative role of the gender context on behavior” and “gender-based inequalities”. This study intends to overcome the limitations of Hochschild’s emotion theory in order to explain those normative effects of the context, with the help of New Institutional Theory and Norm Theory.
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- Morris, J. Andrew and Daniel C. Feldman. 1997. “Managing Emotions In The Workplace.” Journal of Managerial Issues 9(3):257–74.
- Mowday, Richard T. and Robert I. Sutton. 1993. “Organizational Behavior: Linking Individuals and Groups to Organizational Contexts.” Annual Review of Psychology 44(1):195–229.
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- Palthe, Jennifer. 2014. “Regulative, Normative, and Cognitive Elements of Organizations: Implications for Managing Change.” Management and Organizational Studies 1(2):59–66.
- Powell, Walter W. and Paul J. DiMaggio. 1991. The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. University of Chicago press.
- Price, Kim. 2008. “Keeping The Dancers In Check’: The Gendered Organization of Stripping Work in The Lion’s Den.” Gender & Society 22(3):367–89.
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- Ridgeway, Cecilia L. 1997. “Interaction and the Conservation of Gender Inequality: Considering Employment.” American Sociological Review 62(2):218–35.
- Ridgeway, Cecilia L. and Shelley J. Correll. 2004. “Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations.” Gender & Society 18(4):510–31.
- Ridgeway, Cecilia L. and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 1999. “The Gender System and Interaction.” Annual Review of Sociology 25(1):191–216.
- Risman, Barbara J. and Georgiann Davis. 2013. “From Sex Roles to Gender Structure.” Current Sociology 61(5–6):733–55.
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- Scott, W. Richard. 1995. Institutions and Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Steinberg, Ronnie J. and Deborah M. Figart. 1999. “Emotional Labor Since: The Managed Heart.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 561(1):8–26.
- Sutton, Robert I. 1991. “Maintaining Norms about Expressed Emotions: The Case of Bill Collectors.” Administrative Science Quarterly 36(2):245–68.
- Tajfel, Henri and John C. Turner. 2004. The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior. New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
- Thøgersen, John. 2008. “Social Norms and Cooperation in Real-Life Social Dilemmas.” Journal of Economic Psychology 29(4):458–72.
- Thoits, Peggy A. 1989. “The Sociology of Emotions.” Annual Review of Sociology 15(1):317–42.
- Wharton, Amy S. 2009. “The Sociology of Emotional Labor.” Annual Review of Sociology 35(1):147–65.
- Wharton, Amy S. and Rebecca I. Erickson. 1993. “Managing Emotions on the Job and at Home: Understanding The Consequences Of Multiple Emotional Roles.” Academy of Management Review 18(3):457–86.
- Zukin, Sharon and Paul DiMaggio. 1990. Structures of Capital: The Social Organization of the Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Year 2023,
, 43 - 58, 23.01.2023
Onur Ünlü
Senay Yürür
Sevim Gezegen Ünlü
- Acker, Joan. 2006. “Inequality Regimes: Gender, Class, and Race in Organizations.” Gender & Society 20(4):441–64.
- Aldrich, Howard E. 1990. “Using an Ecological Perspective to Study Organizational Founding Rates.” Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 14(3):7–24.
- Armstrong, David, Ann Gosling, John Weinman, and Theresa Marteau. 1997. “The Place of Inter-Rater Reliability in Qualitative Research: An Empirical Study.” Sociology 31(3):597–606.
- Ashforth, Blake E. and Ronald H. Humphrey. 1993. “Emotional Labor in Service Roles: The Influence of Identity.” Academy of Management Review 18(1):88–115.
- Baum, Joel A. C. and Christine Oliver. 1992. “Institutional Embeddedness and the Dynamics of Organizational Populations.” American Sociological Review 57(4):540–59.
- Berger, Joseph, M. Hamit Fisek, Robert Z. Norman, and David G. Wagner. 1998. “Formation of Reward Expectations in Status Situations.” Status, Power, and Legitimacy 121–53.
- Bicchieri, Christina and Ryan Myuldoon. 2011. “Social Norms.” Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- Bicchieri, Cristina. 2006. The Grammar of Society : The Nature and Dynamics of Social Norms. New York: Cambridge University Press.
- Cottingham, Marci D., Rebecca J. Erickson, and James M. Diefendorff. 2015. “Examining Men’s Status Shield and Status Bonus: How Gender Frames the Emotional Labor and Job Satisfaction of Nurses.” Sex Roles 72(7):377–89.
- Dacin, M. Tina. 1997. “Isomorphism In Context: The Power And Prescription Of Institutional Norms.” Academy of Management Journal 40(1):46–81.
- Denscombe, Martyn. 2007. “The Good Research Guide : For Small-Scale Social Research Projects.”
- Denzin, Norman K. 1978. The Research Act : A Theoretical Introduction to Sociological Methods. New York: McGraw-Hill.
- DiMaggio, Paul J. and Walter W. Powell. 1983. “The Iron Cage Revisited: Institutional Isomorphism and Collective Rationality in Organizational Fields.” American Sociological Review 48(2):147–60.
- Er, Nurhan. 2006. “Duygu Durum Sıfat Çiftleri Listesi.” Psikoloji Çalışmaları 26:21–44.
- Feldman, Daniel C. 1984. “The Development and Enforcement of Group Norms.” Academy of Management Review 9(1):47–53.
- Grandey, Alicia A. 2000. “Emotional Regulation in the Workplace: A New Way to Conceptualize Emotional Labor.” Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 5(1):95.
- Guy, Mary Ellen and Meredith A. Newman. 2004. “Women’s Jobs, Men’s Jobs: Sex Segregation and Emotional Labor.” Public Administration Review 64(3):289–98.
- Hinkin, Timothy R. 1995. “A Review of Scale Development Practices in the Study of Organizations.” Journal of Management 21(5):967–88.
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell. 1979a. “Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure.” American Journal of Sociology 85(3):551–75.
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell. 1979b. “Emotion Work, Feeling Rules, and Social Structure.” American Journal of Sociology 85(3):551–75.
- Hochschild, Arlie Russell. 1983. The Managed Heart: Commercialization of Human Feeling. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press.
- Hofstede, Geert. 1980. “Motivation, Leadership, and Organization: Do American Theories Apply Abroad?” Organizational Dynamics 9(1):42–63.
- Jick, Todd D. 1979. “Mixing Qualitative and Quantitative Methods: Triangulation in Action.” Administrative Science Quarterly 24(4):602–11.
- Johns, Gary. 2006. “The Essential Impact of Context on Organizational Behavior.” The Academy of Management Review 31(2):386–408.
- Kang, Miliann. 2003. “The Managed Hand: The Commercialization of Bodies and Emotions in Korean Immigrant–Owned Nail Salons.” Gender & Society 17(6):820–39.
- Kite, Mary E., Kay Deaux, and Elizabeth L. Haines. 2008. “Gender Stereotypes.” Pp. 205–36 in Psychology of women: A handbook of issues and theories, 2nd ed., Women’s psychology. Westport, CT, US: Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group.
- Korkman, Zeynep Kurtulus. 2015. “Feeling Labor: Commercial Divination and Commodified Intimacy in Turkey.” Gender & Society 29(2):195–218.
- Lorber, Judith. 1991. “The Social Construction of Gender.” in The social construction of gender., edited by J. Lorber and S. A. Farrell. Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc.
- Martin, Patricia Yancey. 2004. “Gender as Social Institution.” Social Forces 82(4):1249–73.
- McGee, Gail W. and Robert C. Ford. 1987. “Two (or More?) Dimensions of Organizational Commitment: Reexamination of the Affective and Continuance Commitment Scales.” Journal of Applied Psychology 72(4):638–41.
- Meyer, John W. and Brian Rowan. 1977. “Institutionalized Organizations: Formal Structure as Myth and Ceremony.” American Journal of Sociology 83(2):340–63.
- Morris, J. Andrew and Daniel C. Feldman. 1997. “Managing Emotions In The Workplace.” Journal of Managerial Issues 9(3):257–74.
- Mowday, Richard T. and Robert I. Sutton. 1993. “Organizational Behavior: Linking Individuals and Groups to Organizational Contexts.” Annual Review of Psychology 44(1):195–229.
- North, Douglass C. 1990. Institutions, Institutional Change and Economic Performance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- Özen, Şükrü. 2007. “Yeni Kurumsal Kuram: Örgütleri Çözümlemede Yeni Ufuklar ve Yeni Sorunlar”. 237–331 in Örgüt Kuramları, edited by A. S. Ö. Ş. Sargut. Ankara: İmge.
- Palthe, Jennifer. 2014. “Regulative, Normative, and Cognitive Elements of Organizations: Implications for Managing Change.” Management and Organizational Studies 1(2):59–66.
- Powell, Walter W. and Paul J. DiMaggio. 1991. The New Institutionalism in Organizational Analysis. University of Chicago press.
- Price, Kim. 2008. “Keeping The Dancers In Check’: The Gendered Organization of Stripping Work in The Lion’s Den.” Gender & Society 22(3):367–89.
- Rafaeli, Anat and Robert I. Sutton. 1989. “The Expression of Emotion in Organizational Life.” Research in Organizational Behavior 11(1):1–42.
- Ridgeway, Cecilia L. 1997. “Interaction and the Conservation of Gender Inequality: Considering Employment.” American Sociological Review 62(2):218–35.
- Ridgeway, Cecilia L. and Shelley J. Correll. 2004. “Unpacking the Gender System: A Theoretical Perspective on Gender Beliefs and Social Relations.” Gender & Society 18(4):510–31.
- Ridgeway, Cecilia L. and Lynn Smith-Lovin. 1999. “The Gender System and Interaction.” Annual Review of Sociology 25(1):191–216.
- Risman, Barbara J. and Georgiann Davis. 2013. “From Sex Roles to Gender Structure.” Current Sociology 61(5–6):733–55.
- Scott, Richard W., W. Richard Scott, and John W. Meyer. 1994. Institutional Environments and Organizations: Structural Complexity and Individualism. Sage.
- Scott, W. Richard. 1995. Institutions and Organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
- Steinberg, Ronnie J. and Deborah M. Figart. 1999. “Emotional Labor Since: The Managed Heart.” The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 561(1):8–26.
- Sutton, Robert I. 1991. “Maintaining Norms about Expressed Emotions: The Case of Bill Collectors.” Administrative Science Quarterly 36(2):245–68.
- Tajfel, Henri and John C. Turner. 2004. The Social Identity Theory of Intergroup Behavior. New York, NY, US: Psychology Press.
- Thøgersen, John. 2008. “Social Norms and Cooperation in Real-Life Social Dilemmas.” Journal of Economic Psychology 29(4):458–72.
- Thoits, Peggy A. 1989. “The Sociology of Emotions.” Annual Review of Sociology 15(1):317–42.
- Wharton, Amy S. 2009. “The Sociology of Emotional Labor.” Annual Review of Sociology 35(1):147–65.
- Wharton, Amy S. and Rebecca I. Erickson. 1993. “Managing Emotions on the Job and at Home: Understanding The Consequences Of Multiple Emotional Roles.” Academy of Management Review 18(3):457–86.
- Zukin, Sharon and Paul DiMaggio. 1990. Structures of Capital: The Social Organization of the Economy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.