Year 2022,
, 213 - 226, 28.04.2022
Elif Üstündağlı Erten
Erhan Zalluhoğlu
Nazan Günay
This study aims to reveal how the new concepts and marketing practices, which have recently been trendy topics in the marketing literature, are perceived by the marketing managers as the target audience practitioners. The research is exploratory and adopts a phenomenological method. With purposeful sampling, data were obtained from 14 marketing managers through semi-structured in-depth interviews and coded with the grounded theory approach. Research findings show that marketing knowledge has two important effects on marketing managers: the interaction between academic knowledge and marketing practitioners and the interaction among marketing practitioners. Education – especially post-graduate education – is an important element that determines the direction of this interaction. While the practitioners with post-graduate degrees keep less distance with academic knowledge, the ones without post-graduate degrees use marketing with basic tools like price, promotion and underestimate knowledge. Having academic knowledge is seen as an important means of status and social discrimination in the relationship among marketing managers. As an original finding of the study, academic language is the tool that most clearly reveals this distinction. Although the distance between theory and practice is preserved despite the critical literature in this field, the individual requests of managers towards knowledge allow this gap to be diminished.
- Accardi-Petersen, M. (2011). Agile marketing, ISBN-13 (electronic) 978-1-4302-3316-9, New York: Apress.
- Akaah, I. P., Dadzie, K. Q., & Riordan, E. A. (1988). Applicability of marketing concepts and management activities in the Third World: an empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 16(2), 133-148.
- Akın, E. (2014). Pazarlamada Yeni Trend: Nonmarketing, Turkish Time, https://turkishtimedergi.com/genel/pazarlamada-yeni-trend-nonmarketing/, Access: 12.05.2019.
- Appadurai, A. (1990). “Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy”, Theory, Culture & Society, 7(2-3), 295-310.
- Aydin, N., & Terpstra, V. (1981). Marketing know-how transfers by multinationals: A case study in Turkey. Journal of International Business Studies, 12(3), 35-48.
- Bala, M., & Verma, D. (2018). A critical review of digital marketing. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 8(10), 321-339.
- Bartels, R. (1974). The Identity Crisis in Marketing: Is marketing a specific function with general applicability or a general function that is specifically applied?. Journal of marketing, 38(4), 73-76.
- Bartels, R. (1983). Is marketing defaulting its responsibilities?. Journal of Marketing, 47(4), 32-35.
- Bass, F. M. (1993). "The future of research in marketing: marketing science." Journal of Marketing Research, 30(1): 1-6.
- Batra, R., Ahuvia, A., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2012). Brand love. Journal of marketing, 76(2), 1-16.
- Bolajoko, D. N., Salome, I., & Sikuade, J. O. (2013). The concept and philosophy of marketing: Evidence from Nigeria. International Journal of Business Strategy, 13(2), 55-70.
- Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of advertising research, 4(2), 2-7.
- Bowles, H. R., & Gelfand, M. (2010). Status and the evaluation of workplace deviance. Psychological Science, 21(1), 49-54.
- Brooksbank, R., Davey, J., & McIntosh, J. (2010). Marketing’s great identity crisis: A revised definition and an urgent research agenda. World Journal of Management, 2(1), 81-97.
- Carroll, B. A., & Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing letters, 17(2), 79-89.
- Carson, D., & McCartan-Quinn, D. (1995). Non-practice of theoretically based marketing in small business—Issues arising and their implications. Journal of Marketing Theory and practice, 3(4), 24-32.
- Contreras, F. L., & Ramos, M. L. Z. (2016). What is Marketing? A Study on Marketing Managers’ Perception of the Definition of Marketing. In Forum Empresarial (Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 49-69). Universidad de Puerto Rico.
- Creed, W. D., & Scully, M. A. (2000). Songs of ourselves: Employees’ deployment of social identity in workplace encounters. Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(4), 391-412.
- Desai, V. (2019). Digital marketing: A review. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(5), 196-200.
- Doyle, P. (2000). Value-based marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 8(4), 299-311.
- Dwivedi, Y. K., Kapoor, K. K., & Chen, H. (2015). Social media marketing and advertising. The Marketing Review, 15(3), 289-309.
- Felton, A. P. (1959). Making the marketing concept work. Harvard business review, 37, 55-65.
- Gamble, J., Gilmore, A., McCartan-Quinn, D., & Durkan, P. (2011). The Marketing concept in the 21st century: A review of how Marketing has been defined since the 1960s. The marketing review, 11(3), 227-248.
- Gök, O., & Hacioglu, G. (2010). The organizational roles of marketing and marketing managers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 28(3), 291-309.
- Graneheim, U.H. ve B. Lundman (2004). “Qualitative Content Analysis in Nursing Research: Concepts, Procedures and Measures to Achieve Trustworthiness”, Nurse Education Today, Cilt. 24, Sayı. 2, ss. 105–112.
- Gupta, S. (2003). Event marketing: Issues and challenges. IIMB Management Review, 15(2), 87-96.
- Hagen, B., Zucchella, A., & Ghauri, P. N. (2018). From fragile to agile: marketing as a key driver of entrepreneurial internationalization. International Marketing Review.
- Hopkinson, G. C. & Hogg, M. K. (2006). Stories: How They are Used and Produced in Market(ing) Research, in Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing, Ed. Russell W. Belk, Edward Elgar Publishing, Amerika, 156-174.
- Hunt, S. D. (2007). A responsibilities framework for marketing as a professional discipline. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 277-283.
- Jacobson, J., Gruzd, A., & Hernández-García, Á. (2020). Social media marketing: Who is watching the watchers?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 101774.
- Jaworski, B. J., & Kohli, A. K. (1993). Market orientation: antecedents and consequences. Journal of marketing, 57(3), 53-70.
- Kee, A. W. A., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). The review of content marketing as a new trend in marketing practices. International journal of management, accounting and economics, 2(9), 1055-1064.
- Keelson, S. A. (2012). The Evolution of the Marketing Concepts: Theoretically Different Roads Leading to Practically Same Destination!. In Global Conference on Business & Finance Proceedings, Institute for Business & Finance Research, ISSN 1941-9589, 7(1), 173-183.
- Keith, R. J. (1960). The marketing revolution. Journal of marketing, 24(3), 35-38.
- Kohli, A. K., & Jaworski, B. J. (1990). Market orientation: the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications. Journal of marketing, 54(2), 1-18.
- Koiso-Kanttila, N. (2004). Digital content marketing: a literature synthesis. Journal of marketing management, 20(1-2), 45-65.
- Kotler, P., & Zaltman, G. (1971). Social marketing: an approach to planned social change. Journal of marketing, 35(3), 3-12.
- Levitt, T. (1960). Growth and profits through planned marketing innovation. Journal of Marketing, 24(4), 1-8.
- Levy, S. J. (2002). Revisiting the marketing domain. European Journal of Marketing, 36(3), 299-304.
- Lin, M. T. Y. (2019). Effects of experiential marketing on experience value and customer satisfaction in ecotourism. Ekoloji, 28(107), 3151-3156.
- Lusch, R. F. (2007). Marketing's evolving identity: Defining our future. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 261-268.
- McDonald, M. (2009). The future of marketing: brightest star in the firmament, or a fading meteor? Some hypotheses and a research agenda. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(5-6), 431-450.
- Marciniak, R., & Budnarowska, C. (2009). Marketing approaches to pop up stores: An exploration of social networking, http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/15678/2/EAERCD_2009_Marciniak_&_Budnarowska.pdf.
- Mason, M. (2010). Sample size and saturation in PhD studies using qualitative interviews, Forum qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: qualitative social research. 11(3), Art 8.
- Memiş, S. (2017). Pazarlamama Kavramı ve Uygulamadaki Bazı Örnekler, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(50), 770-775.
- Moi, L., & Cabiddu, F. (2021). Leading digital transformation through an Agile Marketing Capability: the case of Spotahome. Journal of Management and Governance, 25(4), 1145-1177.
- Narang, U., & Shankar, V. (2019). Mobile marketing 2.0: State of the art and research agenda. Marketing in a Digital World, Review of Marketing Research, 16, 97119.
- Narver, J. C., & Slater, S. F. (1990). The effect of a market orientation on business profitability. Journal of marketing, 54(4), 20-35.
- Pollio, H. R., Henley, T. & Thompson, C. B. (1997). Dialogue as a Method: The Phenomenological Interview in The Phenomenology of Everyday Life: Empirical Investigations of Human Experience, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 28-57.
- Poolton, J., Ismail, H. S., Reid, I. R., & Arokiam, I. C. (2006). Agile marketing for the manufacturing‐based SME. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 24(7), 681-693.
- Ries, L. (2013). Görsel Çekiç, Çev: Dilan Sarıoğlu, İstanbul: Mediacat Kitapları.
- Roy, S. K., Eshghi, A., & Sarkar, A. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of brand love. Journal of Brand Management, 20(4), 325-332.
- Saravanakumar, M., & SuganthaLakshmi, T. (2012). Social media marketing. Life science journal, 9(4), 4444-4451.
- Simkin, L. (2000). Marketing is marketing–maybe!. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 18/3, 154-158.
- Simonin, B. L. (1999). Transfer of marketing know-how in international strategic alliances: An empirical investigation of the role and antecedents of knowledge ambiguity. Journal of International business studies, 30(3), 463-490.
- Slater, S. F. (1997). Developing a customer value-based theory of the firm. Journal of the Academy of marketing Science, 25(2), 162-167.
- Soliha, E., Aquinia, A., Hayuningtias, K. A., & Ramadhan, K. R. (2021). The influence of experiential marketing and location on customer loyalty. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 1327-1338.
- Steinhoff, L., Arli, D., Weaven, S., & Kozlenkova, I. V. (2019). Online relationship marketing. Journal of the Academy of marketing science, 47(3), 369-393.Taylor, W. J. (1965). ""Is marketing a science?" revisited" The Journal of Marketing, 29: 49-53.
- Steinhoff, L., & Palmatier, R. W. (2021). Commentary: Opportunities and challenges of technology in relationship marketing. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29(2), 111-117.
- Stephens, S., Balan, C. G., & Callaghan, S. (2010). Theory and practice: the experience of marketing graduates. Education + Training, 52(6/7), 552-560.
- Taylor, W. J. (1965). “Is marketing a science?” revisited. Journal of Marketing, 29(3), 49-53.
- Yazdanifard, R., Obeidy, W. K., Yusoff, W. F. W., & Babaei, H. R. (2011). Social networks and microblogging; The emerging marketing trends & tools of the twenty-first century. In The Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Communication and Management, 5, 577-581.
- Webster Jr, F. E., Malter, A. J., & Ganesan, S. (2005). The decline and dispersion of marketing competence. MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(4), 35-43.
- Wibowo, A., Chen, S. C., Wiangin, U., Ma, Y., & Ruangkanjanases, A. (2021). Customer behavior as an outcome of social media marketing: The role of social media marketing activity and customer experience. Sustainability, 13(1), 189, https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su13010189.
- Wilkie, W. L., & Moore, E. S. (2007). What does the definition of marketing tell us about ourselves?. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 269-276.
- Wood, E. H. (2009). Evaluating event marketing: experience or outcome?. Journal of Promotion Management, 15(1-2), 247-268.
Zeithaml, V. A., Jaworski, B. J., Kohli, A. K., Tuli, K. R., Ulaga, W., & Zaltman, G. (2020). A theories-in-use approach to building marketing theory. Journal of Marketing, 84(1), 32-51.
- http://t24.com.tr/haber/profesor-hic-kimse-sizi-okumuyor,298153, Access Date: 19.09.2017
Year 2022,
, 213 - 226, 28.04.2022
Elif Üstündağlı Erten
Erhan Zalluhoğlu
Nazan Günay
- Accardi-Petersen, M. (2011). Agile marketing, ISBN-13 (electronic) 978-1-4302-3316-9, New York: Apress.
- Akaah, I. P., Dadzie, K. Q., & Riordan, E. A. (1988). Applicability of marketing concepts and management activities in the Third World: an empirical investigation. Journal of Business Research, 16(2), 133-148.
- Akın, E. (2014). Pazarlamada Yeni Trend: Nonmarketing, Turkish Time, https://turkishtimedergi.com/genel/pazarlamada-yeni-trend-nonmarketing/, Access: 12.05.2019.
- Appadurai, A. (1990). “Disjuncture and difference in the global cultural economy”, Theory, Culture & Society, 7(2-3), 295-310.
- Aydin, N., & Terpstra, V. (1981). Marketing know-how transfers by multinationals: A case study in Turkey. Journal of International Business Studies, 12(3), 35-48.
- Bala, M., & Verma, D. (2018). A critical review of digital marketing. International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering, 8(10), 321-339.
- Bartels, R. (1974). The Identity Crisis in Marketing: Is marketing a specific function with general applicability or a general function that is specifically applied?. Journal of marketing, 38(4), 73-76.
- Bartels, R. (1983). Is marketing defaulting its responsibilities?. Journal of Marketing, 47(4), 32-35.
- Bass, F. M. (1993). "The future of research in marketing: marketing science." Journal of Marketing Research, 30(1): 1-6.
- Batra, R., Ahuvia, A., & Bagozzi, R. P. (2012). Brand love. Journal of marketing, 76(2), 1-16.
- Bolajoko, D. N., Salome, I., & Sikuade, J. O. (2013). The concept and philosophy of marketing: Evidence from Nigeria. International Journal of Business Strategy, 13(2), 55-70.
- Borden, N. H. (1964). The concept of the marketing mix. Journal of advertising research, 4(2), 2-7.
- Bowles, H. R., & Gelfand, M. (2010). Status and the evaluation of workplace deviance. Psychological Science, 21(1), 49-54.
- Brooksbank, R., Davey, J., & McIntosh, J. (2010). Marketing’s great identity crisis: A revised definition and an urgent research agenda. World Journal of Management, 2(1), 81-97.
- Carroll, B. A., & Ahuvia, A. C. (2006). Some antecedents and outcomes of brand love. Marketing letters, 17(2), 79-89.
- Carson, D., & McCartan-Quinn, D. (1995). Non-practice of theoretically based marketing in small business—Issues arising and their implications. Journal of Marketing Theory and practice, 3(4), 24-32.
- Contreras, F. L., & Ramos, M. L. Z. (2016). What is Marketing? A Study on Marketing Managers’ Perception of the Definition of Marketing. In Forum Empresarial (Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 49-69). Universidad de Puerto Rico.
- Creed, W. D., & Scully, M. A. (2000). Songs of ourselves: Employees’ deployment of social identity in workplace encounters. Journal of Management Inquiry, 9(4), 391-412.
- Desai, V. (2019). Digital marketing: A review. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, 5(5), 196-200.
- Doyle, P. (2000). Value-based marketing. Journal of Strategic Marketing, 8(4), 299-311.
- Dwivedi, Y. K., Kapoor, K. K., & Chen, H. (2015). Social media marketing and advertising. The Marketing Review, 15(3), 289-309.
- Felton, A. P. (1959). Making the marketing concept work. Harvard business review, 37, 55-65.
- Gamble, J., Gilmore, A., McCartan-Quinn, D., & Durkan, P. (2011). The Marketing concept in the 21st century: A review of how Marketing has been defined since the 1960s. The marketing review, 11(3), 227-248.
- Gök, O., & Hacioglu, G. (2010). The organizational roles of marketing and marketing managers. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 28(3), 291-309.
- Graneheim, U.H. ve B. Lundman (2004). “Qualitative Content Analysis in Nursing Research: Concepts, Procedures and Measures to Achieve Trustworthiness”, Nurse Education Today, Cilt. 24, Sayı. 2, ss. 105–112.
- Gupta, S. (2003). Event marketing: Issues and challenges. IIMB Management Review, 15(2), 87-96.
- Hagen, B., Zucchella, A., & Ghauri, P. N. (2018). From fragile to agile: marketing as a key driver of entrepreneurial internationalization. International Marketing Review.
- Hopkinson, G. C. & Hogg, M. K. (2006). Stories: How They are Used and Produced in Market(ing) Research, in Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods in Marketing, Ed. Russell W. Belk, Edward Elgar Publishing, Amerika, 156-174.
- Hunt, S. D. (2007). A responsibilities framework for marketing as a professional discipline. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 277-283.
- Jacobson, J., Gruzd, A., & Hernández-García, Á. (2020). Social media marketing: Who is watching the watchers?. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 53, 101774.
- Jaworski, B. J., & Kohli, A. K. (1993). Market orientation: antecedents and consequences. Journal of marketing, 57(3), 53-70.
- Kee, A. W. A., & Yazdanifard, R. (2015). The review of content marketing as a new trend in marketing practices. International journal of management, accounting and economics, 2(9), 1055-1064.
- Keelson, S. A. (2012). The Evolution of the Marketing Concepts: Theoretically Different Roads Leading to Practically Same Destination!. In Global Conference on Business & Finance Proceedings, Institute for Business & Finance Research, ISSN 1941-9589, 7(1), 173-183.
- Keith, R. J. (1960). The marketing revolution. Journal of marketing, 24(3), 35-38.
- Kohli, A. K., & Jaworski, B. J. (1990). Market orientation: the construct, research propositions, and managerial implications. Journal of marketing, 54(2), 1-18.
- Koiso-Kanttila, N. (2004). Digital content marketing: a literature synthesis. Journal of marketing management, 20(1-2), 45-65.
- Kotler, P., & Zaltman, G. (1971). Social marketing: an approach to planned social change. Journal of marketing, 35(3), 3-12.
- Levitt, T. (1960). Growth and profits through planned marketing innovation. Journal of Marketing, 24(4), 1-8.
- Levy, S. J. (2002). Revisiting the marketing domain. European Journal of Marketing, 36(3), 299-304.
- Lin, M. T. Y. (2019). Effects of experiential marketing on experience value and customer satisfaction in ecotourism. Ekoloji, 28(107), 3151-3156.
- Lusch, R. F. (2007). Marketing's evolving identity: Defining our future. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 261-268.
- McDonald, M. (2009). The future of marketing: brightest star in the firmament, or a fading meteor? Some hypotheses and a research agenda. Journal of Marketing Management, 25(5-6), 431-450.
- Marciniak, R., & Budnarowska, C. (2009). Marketing approaches to pop up stores: An exploration of social networking, http://eprints.bournemouth.ac.uk/15678/2/EAERCD_2009_Marciniak_&_Budnarowska.pdf.
- Mason, M. (2010). Sample size and saturation in PhD studies using qualitative interviews, Forum qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: qualitative social research. 11(3), Art 8.
- Memiş, S. (2017). Pazarlamama Kavramı ve Uygulamadaki Bazı Örnekler, Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi, 10(50), 770-775.
- Moi, L., & Cabiddu, F. (2021). Leading digital transformation through an Agile Marketing Capability: the case of Spotahome. Journal of Management and Governance, 25(4), 1145-1177.
- Narang, U., & Shankar, V. (2019). Mobile marketing 2.0: State of the art and research agenda. Marketing in a Digital World, Review of Marketing Research, 16, 97119.
- Narver, J. C., & Slater, S. F. (1990). The effect of a market orientation on business profitability. Journal of marketing, 54(4), 20-35.
- Pollio, H. R., Henley, T. & Thompson, C. B. (1997). Dialogue as a Method: The Phenomenological Interview in The Phenomenology of Everyday Life: Empirical Investigations of Human Experience, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 28-57.
- Poolton, J., Ismail, H. S., Reid, I. R., & Arokiam, I. C. (2006). Agile marketing for the manufacturing‐based SME. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 24(7), 681-693.
- Ries, L. (2013). Görsel Çekiç, Çev: Dilan Sarıoğlu, İstanbul: Mediacat Kitapları.
- Roy, S. K., Eshghi, A., & Sarkar, A. (2013). Antecedents and consequences of brand love. Journal of Brand Management, 20(4), 325-332.
- Saravanakumar, M., & SuganthaLakshmi, T. (2012). Social media marketing. Life science journal, 9(4), 4444-4451.
- Simkin, L. (2000). Marketing is marketing–maybe!. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 18/3, 154-158.
- Simonin, B. L. (1999). Transfer of marketing know-how in international strategic alliances: An empirical investigation of the role and antecedents of knowledge ambiguity. Journal of International business studies, 30(3), 463-490.
- Slater, S. F. (1997). Developing a customer value-based theory of the firm. Journal of the Academy of marketing Science, 25(2), 162-167.
- Soliha, E., Aquinia, A., Hayuningtias, K. A., & Ramadhan, K. R. (2021). The influence of experiential marketing and location on customer loyalty. The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 1327-1338.
- Steinhoff, L., Arli, D., Weaven, S., & Kozlenkova, I. V. (2019). Online relationship marketing. Journal of the Academy of marketing science, 47(3), 369-393.Taylor, W. J. (1965). ""Is marketing a science?" revisited" The Journal of Marketing, 29: 49-53.
- Steinhoff, L., & Palmatier, R. W. (2021). Commentary: Opportunities and challenges of technology in relationship marketing. Australasian Marketing Journal, 29(2), 111-117.
- Stephens, S., Balan, C. G., & Callaghan, S. (2010). Theory and practice: the experience of marketing graduates. Education + Training, 52(6/7), 552-560.
- Taylor, W. J. (1965). “Is marketing a science?” revisited. Journal of Marketing, 29(3), 49-53.
- Yazdanifard, R., Obeidy, W. K., Yusoff, W. F. W., & Babaei, H. R. (2011). Social networks and microblogging; The emerging marketing trends & tools of the twenty-first century. In The Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Computer Communication and Management, 5, 577-581.
- Webster Jr, F. E., Malter, A. J., & Ganesan, S. (2005). The decline and dispersion of marketing competence. MIT Sloan Management Review, 46(4), 35-43.
- Wibowo, A., Chen, S. C., Wiangin, U., Ma, Y., & Ruangkanjanases, A. (2021). Customer behavior as an outcome of social media marketing: The role of social media marketing activity and customer experience. Sustainability, 13(1), 189, https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su13010189.
- Wilkie, W. L., & Moore, E. S. (2007). What does the definition of marketing tell us about ourselves?. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 26(2), 269-276.
- Wood, E. H. (2009). Evaluating event marketing: experience or outcome?. Journal of Promotion Management, 15(1-2), 247-268.
Zeithaml, V. A., Jaworski, B. J., Kohli, A. K., Tuli, K. R., Ulaga, W., & Zaltman, G. (2020). A theories-in-use approach to building marketing theory. Journal of Marketing, 84(1), 32-51.
- http://t24.com.tr/haber/profesor-hic-kimse-sizi-okumuyor,298153, Access Date: 19.09.2017