Year 2023,
, 185 - 202, 10.05.2023
Cansu Tunahan
Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu
- Anderson E.W., Fornell C., & Lehmann D.R. (1994). Customer Satisfaction, Market Share, and Profitability: Findings From Sweden. Journal of Marketing. 58, 53-66.
- Anderson E.W., Fornell C., & Mazvancheryl S.K. (2004). Customer Satisfaction and Shareholder Value. Journal of Markething. 68, 172-185.
- Bilhamta H., Jayashree S., Rezaei S., Okumus F., & Rahimi R. (2017). Dual Pillars of Hotel Restaurant Food Quality Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty. British Food Journal. 119(12), 2597-2609.
- Bloemer J., & Ruyter K. (1998). On the Relationship Between Store Image, Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty. European Journal of Marketing. 32(5/6), 499-513.
- Caruana A. (2000). Service loyalty: The Effects of Service Quality and the Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing. 36(7/8), 811-828.
- Caruana A., Money A.H., & Berthon P.R. (2000). Service Quality and Satisfaction- The Moderating Role of Value. European Journal of Marketing. 34(11/12), 1338-1352.
- Chan L.K., Hui Y.V., Lo H.P., Tse S.K., Tso G.K.F., & Wu M.L. (2001). Consumer Satisfaction Index: New Practice and Findings. European Journal of Marketing 37(5/6), 872-909.
- Chinomona R., Mahlangu D., & Pooe D. (2013). Brand Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Preference as Predictors of Consumer Brand Loyalty in the Retailing Industry. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 4(14), 181-190.
- Chinomona R., & Maziriri E.T. (2017). The Influence of Brand Awareness, Brand Association and Product Quality on Brand Loyalty and Repurchase Intention: A Case of Male Consumers for Cosmetic Brands in South Africa. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), 12(1), 143-154.
- Cronin, J.J. Jr, & Taylor, A.S. (1992). Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and An Extension. Journal of Marketing. 56(3), 55-67.
- Czepiel J.A., & Rosenberg L.J. (1977). Consumer Satisfaction: Concept and Measurement. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science. 5(3), 403-411.
- Das Guru R.R., & Paulssen M. (2020). Customers’ Experienced Product Quality: Scale Development and Validation. European Journal of Marketing 54(4), 645-670.
- Fernandes T., & Cruz M. (2016). Dimensions and Outcomes of Experience Quality in Tourism: The Case of Port Wine Cellars. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 31, 371-379.
- Forker L.B., Vickery S.K., & Droge C.L.M. (1996). The Contribution of Quality to Business Performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 16(8), 44-62.
- Fornell C. (1992). A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience. Journal of Marketing. 56(1), 6-21.
- Fornell C., Johnson M.D., Anderson E.W., Cha J., & Bryant B.E. (1996). The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose, and Findings. Journal of Marketing. 60(4), 7-18.
- Garvin D.A. (1988). Managing Quality: The Strategic and Competitive Edge. New York: The Free Press.
- Gao L. (Xuehui), Melero-Polo I., & Sese J. F. (2019). Customer Equity Drivers, Customer Experience Quality, and Customer Profitability in Banking Services: The Moderating Role of Social Influence. Journal of Service Research. 1-20.
- Gentile C., Spiller N., & Noci G. (2007). How to Sustain the Customer Experience: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value with the Customer. Europan Management Journal. 25(5), 395-410.
- Gupta A. (2016). Redefining Service Quality Scale with Customer Experience Quality Scale: A Critical Review. Int. J. Services and Operations Management. 25(1), 48-64.
- Ha H., & Park K. (2012). Effects of Perceived Quality and Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty in China: The Moderating Effect of Customer Orientation. African Journal of Business Management. 6(22), 6745-6753.
- Ha H., & Perks H. (2005). Effects of Consumer Perceptions of Brand Experience on the Web: Brand Familiarity, Satisfaction and Brand Trust. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 4(6), 438 – 452.
- Hemsley-Brown J., & Alnawas I. (2016). Service Quality and Brand Loyalty: The Mediation Effect of Brand Passion, Brand Affection and Self- Brand Connection. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 28(12), 2771-2794.
- Iacobucci Ş., Ostrom A., & Grayson K. (1995). Distinguishing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Voice of the Consumer. Journal of Consumer Pyschology. 4(3), 277-303.
- Kim H., & Choi B. (2013). The Influence of Customer Experience Quality on Customers' Behavioral Intentions. Services Marketing Quarterly. 34(4), 322-338.
- Kim H., & Choi B. (2016). The Effects of Three Customer-To- Customer Interaction Quality Types on Customer Experience Quality and Citizenship Behavior in Mass Service Settings. Journal of Services Marketing. 30(4), 384–397.
- Lakhal L., & Pasin F. (2008). The Direct and Indirect Impact of Product Quality on Financial Performance: A Causal Model. Total Quality Management. 19(10), 1087–1099.
- Liang T., Lai C., Hsu P., & Chiu C. (2018). Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty to Smartphone Systems: A Perceived Benefits Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 16(5), 513-534.
- Loureiro S. M. C. (2013). The Effect of Perceived Benefits, Trust, Quality, Brand Awareness/Associations and Brand Loyalty on Internet Banking Brand Equity. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies. 4(2), 139-158.
- Malai V., & Speece M. (2005). Cultural Impact on the Relationship Among Perceived Service Quality, Brand Name Value, and Customer Loyalty, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 7-39.
- Mao Y., Lai Y., Luo Y., Liu S., Du Y., Zhou J., Ma J., Bonaiuto F., & Bonaiuto M. (2020). Apple or Huawei: Understanding Flow, Brand Image, Brand Identity, Brand Personality and Purchase Intention of Smartphone. Sustainability. 12(8), 3391-3413.
- McConnell J.D. (1968). The Development of Brand Loyalty: An Experimental Study. Journal of Marketing Research. 5(1), 13-19.
- McMullan R., & Gilmore A. (2007). Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study. European Journal of Marketing. 42(9/10), 1084-1094.
- Meiduté-Kavaliauskiené I., Aranskis A., & Litvinenko C. (2014). Consumer Satisfaction with the Quality of Logistics Services. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 110, 330-340.
- Moreira A.C., Silva P.M.F., & Moutinho V.M.F. (2017). The Effects of Brand Experiences on Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Study in the Telecommunications Multiple-play Service Market. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Soicales. 27(64), 23-36.
- Morganosky M.A. (1988). The 'Value for Price' Concept: Relationships to Consumer Satisfaction. Advances in Consumer Research. 15, 311-315.
- Muffatto M., & Panizzolo R. (1995). A Process-based View for Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 12(9), 154-169.
- Oliver R.L. (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty?. Journal of Marketing: A Quarterly Publication of The American Marketing Association. 63, 33-44.
- Oliver R.L. (2015). Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York: Routledge.
- Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., & Berry, L.L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perception of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing. 64(1), 12-40.
- Payne B. (2017). Brand Positioning and its Usefulness for Brand Management: the Case of Apple Inc. Newcastle Business School Student Journal. 1(1), 51-57.
- Percy L., & Rosenbaum-Elliott R. (2021). Strategic Advertising Management. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
- Pizam A., Shapoval V., & Ellis T. (2016). Customer Satisfaction and Its Measurement in Hospitality Enterprises: A revisit and Update. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 28(1), 2-35.
- Reich A.Z., McCleary K.W., Tepanon Y., & Weaver P.A. (2008). The Impact of Product and Service Quality on Brand Loyalty An Exploratory Investigation of Quick-Service Restaurants. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 8(3), 35-53.
- Severi E., & Ling K.C. (2013). The Mediating Effects of Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Brand Image and Perceived Quality on Brand Equity. Asian Social Science. 9(3), 120-137.
- Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J., & Sabol B. (2002). Consumer Trust, Value, and Loyalty in Relational Exchanges. Journal of Marketing. 66(1), 15-37.
- Spreng R.A., & Mackoy R.D. (1996). An Empirical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction. Journal of Retailing. 72(2), 201-214.
- Taylor S. A., & Baker T. L. (1994). An Assessment of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Formation of Consumers' Purchase Intentions. Journal of Retailing. 70(2), 163-178.
- Tse D.K., Lefkoşa F.M., & Wilton P.C. (1990). Consumer Satisfaction As a Process. Psychology & Marketing. 7(3), 177-193.
- Wang I., & Shieh C. (2013). The Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Example of CJCU Library. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. 27(1), 193-209.
- Wang J., Chun-Teh W.J., & Fu H. (2013). The Effect of Service Quality on Perceived Value, Brand Reputation and Loyalty: A Study on Traveling Industry. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. 31(3), 659-677.
- Wangenheim F., & Bayon T. (2006). Satisfaction, Loyalty and Word of Mouth within the Customer Base of a Utility Provider: Differences Between Stayers, Switchers and Referral Switchers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 3(3), 211-220.
- Wijaya I. M. (2013). The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Personality and Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention of Apple Smartphone. Journal EMBA. 1(4), 1562-1570.
- Yee C.Y., & Mansori S. (2016). Factor that Influences Consumers' Brand Loyalty Towards Cosmetic Products. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior. 1(1), 12-29.
- Yıldız Y. (2014). Tüketici Davranışları Üzerinde Sosyal Medya Etkileri: Apple ve Samsung Örneği. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 4(2), 5-15.
- Yoshida M. (2017). Consumer Experience Quality: A Review and Extension of the Sport Management Literature. Sport Management Review. 20(5), 427- 442.
Experienced Product Quality and Brand Loyalty: Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction
Year 2023,
, 185 - 202, 10.05.2023
Cansu Tunahan
Mustafa Bilgehan Kutlu
The quality experience for a product and service is essential for creating customer satisfaction and brand loyalty. This study aims to test the CEPQ scale for validity and reliability and to evaluate the relationship between experiential quality, customer satisfaction, and brand loyalty for academic and managerial purposes. Within the scope of the research conducted in Turkey, online data was collected from 530 mobile phones and 665 computer users over 18. The research findings provide evidence that the CEPQ scale is reliable and valid for mobile phone and computer product groups. When the analysis results are examined, it is seen that the product quality experienced in both the computer and mobile phone product groups positively affected customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction in mobile phone and computer product categories positively affects brand loyalty and mediates the relationship between experienced product quality and brand loyalty. It is observed that the reliability dimension of the CEPQ scale affects customers' quality experience less than other quality dimensions.
- Anderson E.W., Fornell C., & Lehmann D.R. (1994). Customer Satisfaction, Market Share, and Profitability: Findings From Sweden. Journal of Marketing. 58, 53-66.
- Anderson E.W., Fornell C., & Mazvancheryl S.K. (2004). Customer Satisfaction and Shareholder Value. Journal of Markething. 68, 172-185.
- Bilhamta H., Jayashree S., Rezaei S., Okumus F., & Rahimi R. (2017). Dual Pillars of Hotel Restaurant Food Quality Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty. British Food Journal. 119(12), 2597-2609.
- Bloemer J., & Ruyter K. (1998). On the Relationship Between Store Image, Store Satisfaction and Store Loyalty. European Journal of Marketing. 32(5/6), 499-513.
- Caruana A. (2000). Service loyalty: The Effects of Service Quality and the Mediating Role of Customer Satisfaction. European Journal of Marketing. 36(7/8), 811-828.
- Caruana A., Money A.H., & Berthon P.R. (2000). Service Quality and Satisfaction- The Moderating Role of Value. European Journal of Marketing. 34(11/12), 1338-1352.
- Chan L.K., Hui Y.V., Lo H.P., Tse S.K., Tso G.K.F., & Wu M.L. (2001). Consumer Satisfaction Index: New Practice and Findings. European Journal of Marketing 37(5/6), 872-909.
- Chinomona R., Mahlangu D., & Pooe D. (2013). Brand Service Quality, Satisfaction, Trust and Preference as Predictors of Consumer Brand Loyalty in the Retailing Industry. Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 4(14), 181-190.
- Chinomona R., & Maziriri E.T. (2017). The Influence of Brand Awareness, Brand Association and Product Quality on Brand Loyalty and Repurchase Intention: A Case of Male Consumers for Cosmetic Brands in South Africa. Journal of Business and Retail Management Research (JBRMR), 12(1), 143-154.
- Cronin, J.J. Jr, & Taylor, A.S. (1992). Measuring Service Quality: A Reexamination and An Extension. Journal of Marketing. 56(3), 55-67.
- Czepiel J.A., & Rosenberg L.J. (1977). Consumer Satisfaction: Concept and Measurement. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science. 5(3), 403-411.
- Das Guru R.R., & Paulssen M. (2020). Customers’ Experienced Product Quality: Scale Development and Validation. European Journal of Marketing 54(4), 645-670.
- Fernandes T., & Cruz M. (2016). Dimensions and Outcomes of Experience Quality in Tourism: The Case of Port Wine Cellars. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 31, 371-379.
- Forker L.B., Vickery S.K., & Droge C.L.M. (1996). The Contribution of Quality to Business Performance. International Journal of Operations & Production Management. 16(8), 44-62.
- Fornell C. (1992). A National Customer Satisfaction Barometer: The Swedish Experience. Journal of Marketing. 56(1), 6-21.
- Fornell C., Johnson M.D., Anderson E.W., Cha J., & Bryant B.E. (1996). The American Customer Satisfaction Index: Nature, Purpose, and Findings. Journal of Marketing. 60(4), 7-18.
- Garvin D.A. (1988). Managing Quality: The Strategic and Competitive Edge. New York: The Free Press.
- Gao L. (Xuehui), Melero-Polo I., & Sese J. F. (2019). Customer Equity Drivers, Customer Experience Quality, and Customer Profitability in Banking Services: The Moderating Role of Social Influence. Journal of Service Research. 1-20.
- Gentile C., Spiller N., & Noci G. (2007). How to Sustain the Customer Experience: An Overview of Experience Components that Co-create Value with the Customer. Europan Management Journal. 25(5), 395-410.
- Gupta A. (2016). Redefining Service Quality Scale with Customer Experience Quality Scale: A Critical Review. Int. J. Services and Operations Management. 25(1), 48-64.
- Ha H., & Park K. (2012). Effects of Perceived Quality and Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty in China: The Moderating Effect of Customer Orientation. African Journal of Business Management. 6(22), 6745-6753.
- Ha H., & Perks H. (2005). Effects of Consumer Perceptions of Brand Experience on the Web: Brand Familiarity, Satisfaction and Brand Trust. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 4(6), 438 – 452.
- Hemsley-Brown J., & Alnawas I. (2016). Service Quality and Brand Loyalty: The Mediation Effect of Brand Passion, Brand Affection and Self- Brand Connection. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 28(12), 2771-2794.
- Iacobucci Ş., Ostrom A., & Grayson K. (1995). Distinguishing Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Voice of the Consumer. Journal of Consumer Pyschology. 4(3), 277-303.
- Kim H., & Choi B. (2013). The Influence of Customer Experience Quality on Customers' Behavioral Intentions. Services Marketing Quarterly. 34(4), 322-338.
- Kim H., & Choi B. (2016). The Effects of Three Customer-To- Customer Interaction Quality Types on Customer Experience Quality and Citizenship Behavior in Mass Service Settings. Journal of Services Marketing. 30(4), 384–397.
- Lakhal L., & Pasin F. (2008). The Direct and Indirect Impact of Product Quality on Financial Performance: A Causal Model. Total Quality Management. 19(10), 1087–1099.
- Liang T., Lai C., Hsu P., & Chiu C. (2018). Factors Affecting Satisfaction and Brand Loyalty to Smartphone Systems: A Perceived Benefits Perspective. International Journal of Mobile Communications. 16(5), 513-534.
- Loureiro S. M. C. (2013). The Effect of Perceived Benefits, Trust, Quality, Brand Awareness/Associations and Brand Loyalty on Internet Banking Brand Equity. International Journal of Electronic Commerce Studies. 4(2), 139-158.
- Malai V., & Speece M. (2005). Cultural Impact on the Relationship Among Perceived Service Quality, Brand Name Value, and Customer Loyalty, Journal of International Consumer Marketing, 17(4), 7-39.
- Mao Y., Lai Y., Luo Y., Liu S., Du Y., Zhou J., Ma J., Bonaiuto F., & Bonaiuto M. (2020). Apple or Huawei: Understanding Flow, Brand Image, Brand Identity, Brand Personality and Purchase Intention of Smartphone. Sustainability. 12(8), 3391-3413.
- McConnell J.D. (1968). The Development of Brand Loyalty: An Experimental Study. Journal of Marketing Research. 5(1), 13-19.
- McMullan R., & Gilmore A. (2007). Customer Loyalty: An Empirical Study. European Journal of Marketing. 42(9/10), 1084-1094.
- Meiduté-Kavaliauskiené I., Aranskis A., & Litvinenko C. (2014). Consumer Satisfaction with the Quality of Logistics Services. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences. 110, 330-340.
- Moreira A.C., Silva P.M.F., & Moutinho V.M.F. (2017). The Effects of Brand Experiences on Quality, Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Study in the Telecommunications Multiple-play Service Market. Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Soicales. 27(64), 23-36.
- Morganosky M.A. (1988). The 'Value for Price' Concept: Relationships to Consumer Satisfaction. Advances in Consumer Research. 15, 311-315.
- Muffatto M., & Panizzolo R. (1995). A Process-based View for Customer Satisfaction. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management. 12(9), 154-169.
- Oliver R.L. (1999). Whence Consumer Loyalty?. Journal of Marketing: A Quarterly Publication of The American Marketing Association. 63, 33-44.
- Oliver R.L. (2015). Satisfaction: A Behavioral Perspective on the Consumer. New York: Routledge.
- Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A., & Berry, L.L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A Multiple-Item Scale for Measuring Consumer Perception of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing. 64(1), 12-40.
- Payne B. (2017). Brand Positioning and its Usefulness for Brand Management: the Case of Apple Inc. Newcastle Business School Student Journal. 1(1), 51-57.
- Percy L., & Rosenbaum-Elliott R. (2021). Strategic Advertising Management. United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
- Pizam A., Shapoval V., & Ellis T. (2016). Customer Satisfaction and Its Measurement in Hospitality Enterprises: A revisit and Update. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management. 28(1), 2-35.
- Reich A.Z., McCleary K.W., Tepanon Y., & Weaver P.A. (2008). The Impact of Product and Service Quality on Brand Loyalty An Exploratory Investigation of Quick-Service Restaurants. Journal of Foodservice Business Research. 8(3), 35-53.
- Severi E., & Ling K.C. (2013). The Mediating Effects of Brand Association, Brand Loyalty, Brand Image and Perceived Quality on Brand Equity. Asian Social Science. 9(3), 120-137.
- Sirdeshmukh D., Singh J., & Sabol B. (2002). Consumer Trust, Value, and Loyalty in Relational Exchanges. Journal of Marketing. 66(1), 15-37.
- Spreng R.A., & Mackoy R.D. (1996). An Empirical Examination of a Model of Perceived Service Quality and Satisfaction. Journal of Retailing. 72(2), 201-214.
- Taylor S. A., & Baker T. L. (1994). An Assessment of the Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction in the Formation of Consumers' Purchase Intentions. Journal of Retailing. 70(2), 163-178.
- Tse D.K., Lefkoşa F.M., & Wilton P.C. (1990). Consumer Satisfaction As a Process. Psychology & Marketing. 7(3), 177-193.
- Wang I., & Shieh C. (2013). The Relationship Between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: The Example of CJCU Library. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. 27(1), 193-209.
- Wang J., Chun-Teh W.J., & Fu H. (2013). The Effect of Service Quality on Perceived Value, Brand Reputation and Loyalty: A Study on Traveling Industry. Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences. 31(3), 659-677.
- Wangenheim F., & Bayon T. (2006). Satisfaction, Loyalty and Word of Mouth within the Customer Base of a Utility Provider: Differences Between Stayers, Switchers and Referral Switchers. Journal of Consumer Behaviour. 3(3), 211-220.
- Wijaya I. M. (2013). The Influence of Brand Image, Brand Personality and Brand Awareness on Consumer Purchase Intention of Apple Smartphone. Journal EMBA. 1(4), 1562-1570.
- Yee C.Y., & Mansori S. (2016). Factor that Influences Consumers' Brand Loyalty Towards Cosmetic Products. Journal of Marketing Management and Consumer Behavior. 1(1), 12-29.
- Yıldız Y. (2014). Tüketici Davranışları Üzerinde Sosyal Medya Etkileri: Apple ve Samsung Örneği. Kastamonu Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi. 4(2), 5-15.
- Yoshida M. (2017). Consumer Experience Quality: A Review and Extension of the Sport Management Literature. Sport Management Review. 20(5), 427- 442.