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Year 2006, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 127 - 139, 01.10.2006


Bu çalışma, teori ve uygulamada Yerel Kalkınma Ajansları (YKA) nı değerlendirmektedir. Yerel kalkınma yaklaşımından yola çıkarak, YKA’nın temel özellikleri, tarihi ve çeşitli ülkelerdeki deneyimleri irdelenmektedir. Bu deneyimlerden çıkarılabilecek temel sonuç; YKA’nın 1990’lı yıllardan itibaren gelişmekte olan ülkelerde faaliyet gösterdiği, yerel kalkınmada çok yönlü ve oldukça etkili sonuçlar doğurduğudur. Bu nedenle; ILO, UNDP, UNOPS, FAO ve EU gibi uluslararası organizasyonlar tarafından desteklenen bu ajanslar, yerel kalkınmanın önemli bir enstrümanı olarak görülebilir


  • ACLEDA Bank: http:/ cambodia/II_Organisations/MF_Providers/ACLEA html. (14.04.2006)
  • ANDERSEN, E. Sloth (1996): “Theories of Localised Resource-Based Growth and Development: From Marshall to New Evolutionary Economics”, Aalborg University, Department of Business Studies, March, ss.1-10.
  • ARZEI, A., ESPOSTI, R. ve SOTTE, F. (2001): Relevant Elements for the Elaboration of Regional Development Vision in Zadar and Sıbenık-Knın: Proposal of Methodology for Integrated Territorial Planning, The World Bank.
  • BEER , A. ve MAUDE, A. (2002): Local and Regional Economic Development Agencies in Australia, Report Prepared for the Local Government Association of South Australia, Flinders University, May.
  • CANZANELLI, G. (2001): Local Economic Development, Human Development and Decent Work, ILO, Geneva.
  • CASANOVA, F. (2004): Local Development, Productive Networks and Training: Alternative Approaches to Training and Work for Young People, ILO.
  • CATENACCI, B. (2000): Local Economic Development Agencies, Roma: UNOPS, OIT, Italy.
  • CLARK, H. (2004): “Capacity Leads, Capital Follows: Donors and Investors Match Instruments to ACLEDA’s Stage of Development”, Case Studies in Donor Good Practices, Donor Information Research Centre, Sayı 14, (June), ss.1- 4.
  • CLOWER, T., BEER, A., MAUDE, A. ve HAUGHTON, G. (2004): “Multinational Lessons from Local and Regional Economic Development Agencies”, Presented to the Annual Meeting of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, Portugal, August, ss.1-25.
  • DARIO, G., CANZANELLI, G., DICHTER, G., FUGALI, I., LAZARTE, A. ve SCHLACHTER, B. (2000): Local Economic Development Agencies: A Tool of International Cooperation for Human Development, Democratizing the Economy and Reducing Poverty, /docs/F1722936858/adel.pdf (03.05.2006)
  • GIUDICE, M. (2003): Local Economic Development Agencies: Mozambique, Systematizing an Experience, Maputo, Mozambique, May.
  • HAKEMULDER, R. (1997): Promoting Local Economic Development in a War-affected Country: The ILO Experience in Cambodia, Training Policies and Systems Branch, March, International Labour Office, Geneva.
  • ILO (2001): Local Economic Development in the War-Torn Areas of Croatia: Supporting the Transition towards a Participatory and Decentralized Market Economy, http://www.ilo. org/dyn/empent/docs/F426156573/Case%20StudyCroatia.pdf (14.06.2006)
  • ILO (2003): IDEASS (Inıtiative-Innovations for Development and South-South Cooperation), Geneva, September, /docs/F514423847/adel_eng.pdf (10.07.2006)
  • ILO (2006a): Local Economic Recovery, In Focus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction Recovery and Reconstruction Department, employment/ recon/crises/download/lec.pdf (12.06.2006)
  • ILO (2006b): CIARIS, Learning and Resources Centre on Social Inclusion, ciaris/pages/english/tos/strprinc/partenar/methodes/ fiche_1.html (25.08.2006)
  • ILO (2006c): Case Studies and Good Practices, Global Employment Agenda, /public/english/employment/empframe/practice/entr ep/index.html (02.07.2006)
  • KOOI, P. (2001): “Raising Capital through Equity Investments in MFIs: Lessons from ACLEDA”, Cambodia, Input paper for the UNCDF/SUM and UNDP Africa Global Meeting, Young and Promising Microfinance Institutions, Cambodia and New York.
  • LAZARTE, A., HOFMEIJER, H. ve ZWANENBURG, M. (1997): Local Economic Development in Central America: The PRODERE Experience, ILO, english/employment/ent/papers/prodere.html (01.07.2006)
  • LIM, S. H. (2003): “Local Partnership and Human Resources Development”, Paper prepared for KLI/ILO Tripartite Workshop on Skill Development, High Performance, Work Organization and Social Dialog, Seoul, Korea, (6 March), ss.1-28.
  • POMERANZI, B.M. (2001): “Governance, Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality”, United Nations Inter-agency Committee on Women and Gender Equality (IAMWGE) and OECD-DAC Working Party on Gender Equality (WP-GEN), Vienna, Austria, (23-25 April), ss.1-9.
  • PRETORIUS, A. ve BLAAUW, D. (2005): “Local Economic Development Agencies in South AfricaSix Years Later”, Paper presented at the Economic Society of South Africa Biennial Conference, 7-9 September 2005, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, ss.1-13.
  • PULJIZ, J. (2002): The Role of Economic Development Agencies in Promoting the Development of Lagging Areas of Croatia: The Case of LEDAs, ss.31-47.
  • RODRIGES, P. A. (2001): “The Role of the ILO in Implementing Local Economic Development Strategies in a Globalized World”, London, December, Working Papers, London, (31 December), ss.1-19.
  • UNDP (2004): SEHD Human Development Programme: South Africa, In Collaboration with ILO and UNOPS, ss.204-221.
  • URBINA, W. (2002): Strategic View of the PDHL Local Economic Development Strategy in Mozambique, ILO, July.
  • VAN BOEKEL, G. ve VAN LOGTESTIJN, M. (2002): Applying the Comprehensive LED Approach: The Case of Mozambique, Cooperative Branch International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • WB (2001): Local Economic Development, The World Bank Group, ss.1-51
  • WB (2006): Case Studies: PRODERE Project in Central America, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, World Bank, WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/ EXTURBANDEVELOPMENT/EXTLED/0,,conte ntMDK:20274433~menuPK:402644~pagePK:1489 56~piPK:216618~theSitePK:341139,00.html (14.04.2006)
  • YAYED (2006): Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları Sorunu: Kalkınma Ajansları Yasa Tasarısı, Yerel Yönetim Araştırma, Yardım ve Eğitim Derneği, bizden_kod=8%20html (22.08.2006)
Year 2006, Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 127 - 139, 01.10.2006


This study examines Local Development Agencies (LDAs) in the theory and practice. LDAs’ characteristics, history and different country experiences are investigated by considering the local development approach, It can be primarily deduced from these experiences that LDAs have worked in the developing countries from the 1990s, produced multi-dimensional and quite effective results in local development. Therefore, these agencies supported by international organizations such as ILO, UNDP, UNOPS, FAO and EU can be evaluated as an important instrument of local development


  • ACLEDA Bank: http:/ cambodia/II_Organisations/MF_Providers/ACLEA html. (14.04.2006)
  • ANDERSEN, E. Sloth (1996): “Theories of Localised Resource-Based Growth and Development: From Marshall to New Evolutionary Economics”, Aalborg University, Department of Business Studies, March, ss.1-10.
  • ARZEI, A., ESPOSTI, R. ve SOTTE, F. (2001): Relevant Elements for the Elaboration of Regional Development Vision in Zadar and Sıbenık-Knın: Proposal of Methodology for Integrated Territorial Planning, The World Bank.
  • BEER , A. ve MAUDE, A. (2002): Local and Regional Economic Development Agencies in Australia, Report Prepared for the Local Government Association of South Australia, Flinders University, May.
  • CANZANELLI, G. (2001): Local Economic Development, Human Development and Decent Work, ILO, Geneva.
  • CASANOVA, F. (2004): Local Development, Productive Networks and Training: Alternative Approaches to Training and Work for Young People, ILO.
  • CATENACCI, B. (2000): Local Economic Development Agencies, Roma: UNOPS, OIT, Italy.
  • CLARK, H. (2004): “Capacity Leads, Capital Follows: Donors and Investors Match Instruments to ACLEDA’s Stage of Development”, Case Studies in Donor Good Practices, Donor Information Research Centre, Sayı 14, (June), ss.1- 4.
  • CLOWER, T., BEER, A., MAUDE, A. ve HAUGHTON, G. (2004): “Multinational Lessons from Local and Regional Economic Development Agencies”, Presented to the Annual Meeting of the European Regional Science Association, Porto, Portugal, August, ss.1-25.
  • DARIO, G., CANZANELLI, G., DICHTER, G., FUGALI, I., LAZARTE, A. ve SCHLACHTER, B. (2000): Local Economic Development Agencies: A Tool of International Cooperation for Human Development, Democratizing the Economy and Reducing Poverty, /docs/F1722936858/adel.pdf (03.05.2006)
  • GIUDICE, M. (2003): Local Economic Development Agencies: Mozambique, Systematizing an Experience, Maputo, Mozambique, May.
  • HAKEMULDER, R. (1997): Promoting Local Economic Development in a War-affected Country: The ILO Experience in Cambodia, Training Policies and Systems Branch, March, International Labour Office, Geneva.
  • ILO (2001): Local Economic Development in the War-Torn Areas of Croatia: Supporting the Transition towards a Participatory and Decentralized Market Economy, http://www.ilo. org/dyn/empent/docs/F426156573/Case%20StudyCroatia.pdf (14.06.2006)
  • ILO (2003): IDEASS (Inıtiative-Innovations for Development and South-South Cooperation), Geneva, September, /docs/F514423847/adel_eng.pdf (10.07.2006)
  • ILO (2006a): Local Economic Recovery, In Focus Programme on Crisis Response and Reconstruction Recovery and Reconstruction Department, employment/ recon/crises/download/lec.pdf (12.06.2006)
  • ILO (2006b): CIARIS, Learning and Resources Centre on Social Inclusion, ciaris/pages/english/tos/strprinc/partenar/methodes/ fiche_1.html (25.08.2006)
  • ILO (2006c): Case Studies and Good Practices, Global Employment Agenda, /public/english/employment/empframe/practice/entr ep/index.html (02.07.2006)
  • KOOI, P. (2001): “Raising Capital through Equity Investments in MFIs: Lessons from ACLEDA”, Cambodia, Input paper for the UNCDF/SUM and UNDP Africa Global Meeting, Young and Promising Microfinance Institutions, Cambodia and New York.
  • LAZARTE, A., HOFMEIJER, H. ve ZWANENBURG, M. (1997): Local Economic Development in Central America: The PRODERE Experience, ILO, english/employment/ent/papers/prodere.html (01.07.2006)
  • LIM, S. H. (2003): “Local Partnership and Human Resources Development”, Paper prepared for KLI/ILO Tripartite Workshop on Skill Development, High Performance, Work Organization and Social Dialog, Seoul, Korea, (6 March), ss.1-28.
  • POMERANZI, B.M. (2001): “Governance, Poverty Reduction and Gender Equality”, United Nations Inter-agency Committee on Women and Gender Equality (IAMWGE) and OECD-DAC Working Party on Gender Equality (WP-GEN), Vienna, Austria, (23-25 April), ss.1-9.
  • PRETORIUS, A. ve BLAAUW, D. (2005): “Local Economic Development Agencies in South AfricaSix Years Later”, Paper presented at the Economic Society of South Africa Biennial Conference, 7-9 September 2005, Durban, KwaZulu-Natal, ss.1-13.
  • PULJIZ, J. (2002): The Role of Economic Development Agencies in Promoting the Development of Lagging Areas of Croatia: The Case of LEDAs, ss.31-47.
  • RODRIGES, P. A. (2001): “The Role of the ILO in Implementing Local Economic Development Strategies in a Globalized World”, London, December, Working Papers, London, (31 December), ss.1-19.
  • UNDP (2004): SEHD Human Development Programme: South Africa, In Collaboration with ILO and UNOPS, ss.204-221.
  • URBINA, W. (2002): Strategic View of the PDHL Local Economic Development Strategy in Mozambique, ILO, July.
  • VAN BOEKEL, G. ve VAN LOGTESTIJN, M. (2002): Applying the Comprehensive LED Approach: The Case of Mozambique, Cooperative Branch International Labour Office, Geneva, Switzerland.
  • WB (2001): Local Economic Development, The World Bank Group, ss.1-51
  • WB (2006): Case Studies: PRODERE Project in Central America, Nicaragua, El Salvador and Guatemala, World Bank, WBSITE/EXTERNAL/TOPICS/ EXTURBANDEVELOPMENT/EXTLED/0,,conte ntMDK:20274433~menuPK:402644~pagePK:1489 56~piPK:216618~theSitePK:341139,00.html (14.04.2006)
  • YAYED (2006): Bölgesel Kalkınma Ajansları Sorunu: Kalkınma Ajansları Yasa Tasarısı, Yerel Yönetim Araştırma, Yardım ve Eğitim Derneği, bizden_kod=8%20html (22.08.2006)
There are 30 citations in total.


Other ID JA34CU46YD
Journal Section Research Article

Murat Çetin This is me

Publication Date October 1, 2006
Published in Issue Year 2006 Volume: 6 Issue: 2


APA Çetin, M. (2006). YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI. Ege Academic Review, 6(2), 127-139.
AMA Çetin M. YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI. ear. October 2006;6(2):127-139.
Chicago Çetin, Murat. “YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI”. Ege Academic Review 6, no. 2 (October 2006): 127-39.
EndNote Çetin M (October 1, 2006) YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI. Ege Academic Review 6 2 127–139.
IEEE M. Çetin, “YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI”, ear, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 127–139, 2006.
ISNAD Çetin, Murat. “YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI”. Ege Academic Review 6/2 (October 2006), 127-139.
JAMA Çetin M. YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI. ear. 2006;6:127–139.
MLA Çetin, Murat. “YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 6, no. 2, 2006, pp. 127-39.
Vancouver Çetin M. YEREL KALKINMA AJANSLARI. ear. 2006;6(2):127-39.