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Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 21 - 28, 01.02.2013


In the country-wide providing the efficiency will only be provided by distributing the resources in the non-efficient provinces and regions well-balanced by correcting the deficiencies and by building separate plans. For this purpose, the efficiency of Turkey’s agriculture sector in 2009 on the basis of provinces and regions by using two-stage data envelopment analysis (DEA) method is analyzed, the factors that have an impact on productivity are determined and the differences between provinces and regions are focused on. Firstly, an input-oriented DEA was performed by using 4 inputs and 1 output under variable returns to scale assumption. While the average technical efficiency was found to be 75%, it was understood that the cost of agricultural labour force and energy needed to be reduced. Secondly, the Tobit regression model was used to analyse the relation between the technical efficiency values of the provinces and the variables considered to have an external impact on the agricultural productivity. As a result of the predicted model; precipitation per m2, the households engaged in agriculture, literacy ratio and ratio of asphalt roads were determined as variables which contribute the agricultural efficiency of the provinces. Furthermore, regional efficiency differences were observed and results were evaluated


  • Armağan, G., Özden, A. ve Bekçioğlu, S. (2010) “Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity of Crop Production at NUTS1 Level in Turkey: Malmquist Index Approach” Quality&Quantity, 44:573- 581.
  • Artukoğlu, M.M., Olgun, A. ve Adanacıoğlu, H. (2010) “The Efficiency Analysis of Organic and Conventional Olive Farms: Case of Turkey” Agricultural Economics-Czech, 56(2):89-96.
  • Banker, R.D., Charnes, A. ve Cooper, W.W. (1984) “Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis” Management Science, 30(9):1078-1092.
  • Barros, C.P. (2006) “Efficiency Measurement among Hypermarkets and Supermarkets and The Identification of The Efficiency Drivers” International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management, 34(2):135-154.
  • Başarır, A., Karlı, B. ve Bilgiç, A. (2006) “An Evaluation of Turkish Agricultural Production Performance” International Journal of Agriculture&Biology, 8(4):511-515.
  • Binam, J.N., Sylla, K., Diarra, I. ve Nyambi, G. (2003) “Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency among Coffee Farmers in Cote d’Ivoıre: Evidence from The Centre West Region” R&D Management, 15(1):66-76.
  • Bozoğlu, M. ve Ceyhan, V. (2007) “Measuring The Technical Efficiency and Exploring The İnefficiency Determinants of Vegetable Farms in Samsun Province, Turkey” Agricultural Systems, 94:649-656.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W. ve Rhodes, E. (1978) “Measuring The Efficiency of Decision Making Units” European Journal of Operational Research, 2:429-444.
  • Chavas, J-P. ve Aliber, M. (1993) “An Analysis of Economic Efficiency in Agriculture: A Nonparametric Approach” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 18(1):1-16.
  • Coelli, T.J. (1996) “A guide to DEAP version 2.0: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program” Center for Efficiency and Productive Analysis (CEPA) Department of Econometrics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
  • Coelli, T., Rahman, S. ve Thirtle, C. (2002) “Technical, Allocative, Cost and Scale Efficiencies in Bnagladesh Rice Cultivation: A Non-Parametric Approach” Journal of Economic Journal of Agricultural Economics, 53:607-626.
  • Çakmak, E., Dudu, H. ve Öcal, N. (2008) “Türk Tarım Sektöründe Etkinlik:Yöntem ve Hanehalkı Düzeyinde Nicel Analiz” Report prepared for Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, Ankara.
  • Deliktaş, E. ve Candemir, M. (2007) “Production Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Turkish State Agricultural Enterprises” Ege University, Working Papers in Economics, No:03.
  • FAO, Food and Agriculture. Organization (2003) “Compendium of Agricultural-Environmental Indicators 1989-91 to 2000” FAO Statistics Analysis Services, Statistics Devision, Rome.
  • Farrell, M.J. (1957) “The Measurement of Productive Efficiency” Journal of The Royal Statistical Society, 120(3):253-290.
  • Gül, M. (2006) “Technical Efficiency of Apple Farming in Turkey: A Case Study Covering Isparta, Karaman and Niğde Provinces” Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(4):601-605.
  • Haji, J. ve Andersson, H.C. (2006) “Determinants of Efficiency of Vegetable Production in Smallholder Farms: The Case of Ethiopia” Food Economics-Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, 3:125-137.
  • Hayami, Y. ve Ruttan, V.W. (1970) “Agricultural Productivity Differences among Countries” The American Economic Review, 60(5):895-911.
  • Helfand, S.M. (2003) “Farm Size and The Determinants of Productive Efficiency in The Brazilian Center-West” 25th International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economist, August 16-22, Durban, South Africa.
  • Hsu, S-H.,Yu, M-M. ve Chang, C-C. (2003) “An Analysis of Total Factor Productivity Growth in China’s Agricultural Sector” American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada.
  • Javed, M.I., Adil, S.A., Ali, A. ve Raza M.A. (2010) “Measurement of Technical Efficiency of Rice-Wheat System in Punjab, Pakistan Using DEA Technique” Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(2):227-238.
  • Kaya, P. ve Erdoğan Aktan, H. (2011) “Türk Tarım Sektörü Verimliliğinin Parametrik Olmayan Bir Yöntemle Analizi” Journal of Alanya Faculty of Business, 3(1):261-282.
  • Krasachat, W. (2003) “Technical Efficiencies of Rice Farms in Thailand: A Nonparametric Approach” in Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Business, June 18-21, Honolulu.
  • Oni, O.A., Akinseinde, A.A. ve Adepoju, A. A. (2009) “Non-Farm Activity and Production Efficiency of Farm Households in Egbeda Local Government Area Oyo State, Journal of New Seeds, 10(1):1-13.
  • Ören, M.N. ve Alemdar, T. (2006) “Technical Efficiency Analysis of Tobacco Farming in Southeastern Anatolia” Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 30:165-172.
  • Simar, L. ve Wilson, P.W. (2007) “Estimation and Inference in Two-Stage, Semi-Parametric Models of Production Processes” Journal of Econometrics, 136:31- 64.
  • SPO, State Planning Organization. (2011) Available at (15.09.2011).
  • Tipi, T. ve Rehber, E. (2006) “Measuring Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity in Agriculture: The Case of The South Marmara Region of Turkey” New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 49:137-145.
  • Tipi, T., Yildiz, N., Nargeleçekenler, M. ve Çetin, B. (2009) “Measuring The Technical Efficiency and Determinants of Efficiency of Rice (Oryza Sativa) Farms in Marmara Region, Turkey” New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticulturual Science, 37:121-129.
  • Tobin, J. (1958) “Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables” Econometrica, 26:24-36.
  • Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R. (2008) “An Assessment of Operational Efficiencies in The UK Retail Sector” International Journal of Retail& Distribution Management, 36(11):861-882.
  • Zaim, O., Bayaner, A. ve Kandemir, M.U. (2001) “Tarımda İller ve Bölgeler Düzeyinde Üretkenlik ve Etkinlik: Farklar ve Nedenler” Agricultural Economics Research Institute Project Report, Ankara.

Türk Tarımının Etkinlik Bileşenlerinin İki Aşamalı Veri Zarflama Analizi (VZA) ile İncelenmesi

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 1, 21 - 28, 01.02.2013


Ülke genelinde etkinliğin sağlanabilmesi ancak verimsiz olan iller ve bölgelerdeki kaynakların dengeli dağıtılarak, yetersizliklerin giderilmesi ve her biri için ayrı planlamaların yapılması ile mümkün olabilecektir. Bu amaçla, makalede, iki aşamalı veri zarflama analizi (VZA) yöntemi ile 2009 yılı Türk tarım sektörü etkinliği iller ve bölgeler bazında analiz edilmiş, verimliliğe etki eden faktörler belirlenmiş ve bölgeler arasındaki farklılıklara odaklanılmıştır. İlk olarak, ölçeğe göre değişken getiri varsayımı altında 4 girdi, 1 çıktı kullanılarak girdi odaklı veri zarflama analizi yapılmıştır. İllerin ortalama teknik etkinliği %75 bulunurken, tarımsal işgücü ve tarımsal elektrik kullanımı girdilerinin azaltılması gereği ortaya çıkmıştır. İkinci olarak ise Tobit Regresyon modeli kullanılarak, illerin teknik etkinlik değerleri ile tarımsal verimliliği dışsal olarak etkileyen değişkenler arasındaki ilişki incelenmiştir. Kestirilen model sonucunda; m2’ye düşen yağış miktarı, tarımla uğraşan hane halkı, okur yazar ve asfalt yol oranı illerin tarımsal verimliliğine katkıda bulunan değişkenler olarak belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, bölgesel etkinlik farklılıkları incelenerek sonuçlar değerlendirilmiştir


  • Armağan, G., Özden, A. ve Bekçioğlu, S. (2010) “Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity of Crop Production at NUTS1 Level in Turkey: Malmquist Index Approach” Quality&Quantity, 44:573- 581.
  • Artukoğlu, M.M., Olgun, A. ve Adanacıoğlu, H. (2010) “The Efficiency Analysis of Organic and Conventional Olive Farms: Case of Turkey” Agricultural Economics-Czech, 56(2):89-96.
  • Banker, R.D., Charnes, A. ve Cooper, W.W. (1984) “Some Models for Estimating Technical and Scale Inefficiencies in Data Envelopment Analysis” Management Science, 30(9):1078-1092.
  • Barros, C.P. (2006) “Efficiency Measurement among Hypermarkets and Supermarkets and The Identification of The Efficiency Drivers” International Journal of Retail&Distribution Management, 34(2):135-154.
  • Başarır, A., Karlı, B. ve Bilgiç, A. (2006) “An Evaluation of Turkish Agricultural Production Performance” International Journal of Agriculture&Biology, 8(4):511-515.
  • Binam, J.N., Sylla, K., Diarra, I. ve Nyambi, G. (2003) “Factors Affecting Technical Efficiency among Coffee Farmers in Cote d’Ivoıre: Evidence from The Centre West Region” R&D Management, 15(1):66-76.
  • Bozoğlu, M. ve Ceyhan, V. (2007) “Measuring The Technical Efficiency and Exploring The İnefficiency Determinants of Vegetable Farms in Samsun Province, Turkey” Agricultural Systems, 94:649-656.
  • Charnes, A., Cooper, W.W. ve Rhodes, E. (1978) “Measuring The Efficiency of Decision Making Units” European Journal of Operational Research, 2:429-444.
  • Chavas, J-P. ve Aliber, M. (1993) “An Analysis of Economic Efficiency in Agriculture: A Nonparametric Approach” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 18(1):1-16.
  • Coelli, T.J. (1996) “A guide to DEAP version 2.0: A Data Envelopment Analysis (Computer) Program” Center for Efficiency and Productive Analysis (CEPA) Department of Econometrics, University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
  • Coelli, T., Rahman, S. ve Thirtle, C. (2002) “Technical, Allocative, Cost and Scale Efficiencies in Bnagladesh Rice Cultivation: A Non-Parametric Approach” Journal of Economic Journal of Agricultural Economics, 53:607-626.
  • Çakmak, E., Dudu, H. ve Öcal, N. (2008) “Türk Tarım Sektöründe Etkinlik:Yöntem ve Hanehalkı Düzeyinde Nicel Analiz” Report prepared for Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey, Ankara.
  • Deliktaş, E. ve Candemir, M. (2007) “Production Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity Growth in Turkish State Agricultural Enterprises” Ege University, Working Papers in Economics, No:03.
  • FAO, Food and Agriculture. Organization (2003) “Compendium of Agricultural-Environmental Indicators 1989-91 to 2000” FAO Statistics Analysis Services, Statistics Devision, Rome.
  • Farrell, M.J. (1957) “The Measurement of Productive Efficiency” Journal of The Royal Statistical Society, 120(3):253-290.
  • Gül, M. (2006) “Technical Efficiency of Apple Farming in Turkey: A Case Study Covering Isparta, Karaman and Niğde Provinces” Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 9(4):601-605.
  • Haji, J. ve Andersson, H.C. (2006) “Determinants of Efficiency of Vegetable Production in Smallholder Farms: The Case of Ethiopia” Food Economics-Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, 3:125-137.
  • Hayami, Y. ve Ruttan, V.W. (1970) “Agricultural Productivity Differences among Countries” The American Economic Review, 60(5):895-911.
  • Helfand, S.M. (2003) “Farm Size and The Determinants of Productive Efficiency in The Brazilian Center-West” 25th International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economist, August 16-22, Durban, South Africa.
  • Hsu, S-H.,Yu, M-M. ve Chang, C-C. (2003) “An Analysis of Total Factor Productivity Growth in China’s Agricultural Sector” American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, July 27-30, Montreal, Canada.
  • Javed, M.I., Adil, S.A., Ali, A. ve Raza M.A. (2010) “Measurement of Technical Efficiency of Rice-Wheat System in Punjab, Pakistan Using DEA Technique” Journal of Agricultural Research, 48(2):227-238.
  • Kaya, P. ve Erdoğan Aktan, H. (2011) “Türk Tarım Sektörü Verimliliğinin Parametrik Olmayan Bir Yöntemle Analizi” Journal of Alanya Faculty of Business, 3(1):261-282.
  • Krasachat, W. (2003) “Technical Efficiencies of Rice Farms in Thailand: A Nonparametric Approach” in Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Business, June 18-21, Honolulu.
  • Oni, O.A., Akinseinde, A.A. ve Adepoju, A. A. (2009) “Non-Farm Activity and Production Efficiency of Farm Households in Egbeda Local Government Area Oyo State, Journal of New Seeds, 10(1):1-13.
  • Ören, M.N. ve Alemdar, T. (2006) “Technical Efficiency Analysis of Tobacco Farming in Southeastern Anatolia” Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 30:165-172.
  • Simar, L. ve Wilson, P.W. (2007) “Estimation and Inference in Two-Stage, Semi-Parametric Models of Production Processes” Journal of Econometrics, 136:31- 64.
  • SPO, State Planning Organization. (2011) Available at (15.09.2011).
  • Tipi, T. ve Rehber, E. (2006) “Measuring Technical Efficiency and Total Factor Productivity in Agriculture: The Case of The South Marmara Region of Turkey” New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research, 49:137-145.
  • Tipi, T., Yildiz, N., Nargeleçekenler, M. ve Çetin, B. (2009) “Measuring The Technical Efficiency and Determinants of Efficiency of Rice (Oryza Sativa) Farms in Marmara Region, Turkey” New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticulturual Science, 37:121-129.
  • Tobin, J. (1958) “Estimation of Relationships for Limited Dependent Variables” Econometrica, 26:24-36.
  • Yu, W. and Ramanathan, R. (2008) “An Assessment of Operational Efficiencies in The UK Retail Sector” International Journal of Retail& Distribution Management, 36(11):861-882.
  • Zaim, O., Bayaner, A. ve Kandemir, M.U. (2001) “Tarımda İller ve Bölgeler Düzeyinde Üretkenlik ve Etkinlik: Farklar ve Nedenler” Agricultural Economics Research Institute Project Report, Ankara.
There are 32 citations in total.


Other ID JA58SM28PC
Journal Section Research Article

Hande Erdoğan Aktan This is me

Pınar Kaya Samut This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13 Issue: 1


APA Aktan, H. E., & Samut, P. K. (2013). Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Ege Academic Review, 13(1), 21-28.
AMA Aktan HE, Samut PK. Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). ear. February 2013;13(1):21-28.
Chicago Aktan, Hande Erdoğan, and Pınar Kaya Samut. “Analysis of the Ef F Iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”. Ege Academic Review 13, no. 1 (February 2013): 21-28.
EndNote Aktan HE, Samut PK (February 1, 2013) Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Ege Academic Review 13 1 21–28.
IEEE H. E. Aktan and P. K. Samut, “Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”, ear, vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 21–28, 2013.
ISNAD Aktan, Hande Erdoğan - Samut, Pınar Kaya. “Analysis of the Ef F Iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”. Ege Academic Review 13/1 (February 2013), 21-28.
JAMA Aktan HE, Samut PK. Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). ear. 2013;13:21–28.
MLA Aktan, Hande Erdoğan and Pınar Kaya Samut. “Analysis of the Ef F Iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 13, no. 1, 2013, pp. 21-28.
Vancouver Aktan HE, Samut PK. Analysis of the Ef f iciency Determinants of Turkey’s Agriculture Sector by Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). ear. 2013;13(1):21-8.