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The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 317 - 324, 01.08.2013


Quality of work life is one of the many factors that infl uence employees’ turnover intention. In this study, the eff ect of quality of work life on turnover intention in sports and physical activity organizations was investigated. The quality of work life scale developed by Chen and Farh (2000) was used to measure quality of work life and turnover intention scale developed Landa uand Hammer (1986) was used to measure employees’ turnover intention. The data were obtained from the trainers (N=105) of swimming and fi tness clubs. The results of the study demonstrated that quality of work life signifi cantly and inversely infl uenced turnover intention of trainers. According to these results, sports and physical activity organizations that seek to provide attractive work conditions to the successful employees should try to implement programs to improve the quality of work life in their organizations to reduce the intentions of employee turnover


  • Altarawneh, I. ve Al-Kilani, M.H. (2010) “Human Resource Management and Turnover Intentions in the Jordanian Hotel Sector” Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 18(1):46-59.
  • Al-Qutop, M.A.Y. ve Harrim, H. (2011) “Quality of Worklife Human Well-Being Linkage: Integrated Conceptual Framework” International Journal of Business and Management, 6(8):193-205.
  • Beh, L. ve Rose, R.C. (2007) “Linking QWL and Job Performance: Implications for Organizations” Performance Improvement, 46(6):30-35.
  • Chang, C.P. ve Chang, W.C. (2008) “Internal Marketing Practices and Employees’ Turnover Intentions in Tourism and Leisure Hotels” Th e Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 4(2):161-172.
  • Cherns, A. (1975) “Perspectives on the Quality of Working Life” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 48(3):155-167.
  • Davis, L. (1977) “Enhancing the Quality of Work Life: Developments in the United States of America” International Labor Review, 116(1):53-65.
  • Demir, M. (2011) “Relationships between Employees’ Perceptions of Quality of Work Life, Intent to Remain with the Organization and Employee Absenteeism” Ege Academic Review, 11(3):453-464.
  • Demirbilek, S. ve Türkan, Ö.U. (2008) “Çalışma Yaşamı Kalitesinin Artırılmasında Personel Güçlendirmenin Rolü” Is, Guc, Th e Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 10(1):47-67.
  • Dess, G.G. ve Shaw, J.D. (2001) “Voluntary Turnover, Social Capital, and Organizational Performance” Academy Managemet Review, 26(3):446-456.
  • Edvardsson, B. ve Gustavsson, B. (2003) “Quality in the Work Environment: A Prerequisite for Success in New Service Development” Managing Service Quality, 13(2):148-163.
  • Erdem, M. (2010) “Quality of Work Life and its Relation to Organizational Commitment According to Teachers in Secondary Schools” Educational Administration:Th eory and Practice, 16(4):511-536.
  • Gormley, D.K. ve Kennerly, S. (2010) “Infl uence of Work Role and Perceptions of Climate on Faculty Organizational Commitment” Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(2):108-115.
  • Havlovic, S.J. (1991) “Quality of Work Life and Human Resource Outcomes” Industrial Relations, 30(3):469-479.
  • Huang, T.C., Lawyer, J. ve Lei, C.Y. (2007) “Th e Eff ects of Quality of Work Life on Commitment and Turnover Intention” Social Behavior and Personality, 35(6):735-750.
  • Kornbluh, H. (1984) “Work Place Democracy and Quality of Work Life: Problems and Prospects” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1(473):88-95.
  • Korunka, C., Hoonakker, P. ve Carayon, P. (2008) “Quality of Working Life and Turnover Intention in Information Technology Work” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 18(4):409-423.
  • Lambert, E. ve Paoline, E.A. (2010) “Take Th is Job and Shove it: An Exploratory Study of Turnover Intent among Jail Staff ” Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(2):139-148.
  • Landau, J. ve Hammer, T.H. (1986) “Clerical Employees’ Perceptions of Intraorganizational Career Opportunities” 29(2):385-404.
  • Lau, R.S.M. ve May, B.E. (1998) “A Win-win Paradigm for Quality of Work Life and Business Performance” Human Resource Development Quarterly, 9(3):211-226.
  • Lau, R.S.M. (2000) “Quality of Work Life and Performance-An Investigation of Two Key Elements in the Service Profit Chain Model” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 11(5):422-437.
  • Liu, B., Liu, J. ve Hu, J. (2010) “Person-Organization Fit, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Public Sector” Social Behavior and Personality, 38(5):615-626.
  • Moen P. (1999) “Eff ective Work/Lifes: Working Couples, Work Conditions, Gender, and Life Quality” Social Problems, 47(3):291-326.
  • Nadler, D. ve Lawler, E. (1983) “Quality of Work Life: Perspectives and Directions” Organizational Dynamics, 11:22-36.
  • Nayeri, N.D., Salehi, T. ve Noghabi, A.A.A. (2011) “Quality of Work Life and Productivity among Iranian Nurses” Contemporary Nurse, 39(1):106-118.
  • Nazim A. (2008) “Factors Aff ecting Overall Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention” Journal of Managerial Sciences, 2(2):239-252.
  • Sabarirajan, A. ve Geethanjali, N. (2011) “A Study on Quality of Work Life and Organizational Performance among the Employees of Public and Private Banks in Dindigul” International Journal of Economics and Research, 2(6):38-45.
  • Şahin, F. (2011) “Th e Eff ect of Gender on the Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Intention to Quit” Ege Academic Review, 11(2): 277-288.
  • Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. ve Osborn, R.N. (1994) Managing Organizational Behavior, 5th Edition, New York, John Wiley and Sons.
  • Smith, C., Daskalaki, M., Elger, T. ve Brown, D. (2004) “Labour Turnover and Management Retention Strategies in New Manufacturing Plants” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(2):371-396.
  • Staw, B.M. (1980) “Th e Consequences of Turnover” Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 1(4):253-273.
  • Turunç, O., Tabak, A., Şeşen, H. ve Türkyılmaz, A. (2010) “Th e Eff ect of Work Life Quality on Procedural Justice, Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and Intention to Quit” Is, Guc, Th e Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 12(3):77-96.
  • Wallace, C., Pichler, F. ve Hayes, B.C. (2007) “First European Quality of Life Survey: Quality of Work and Life Satisfaction” European Foundation for Th e İmprovement of Living and Working Conditions, 1-68.
  • Wasmuth, W.J. ve Dawis, S.W. (1983) “Managing Employee Turnover” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 24(1):15-22.
  • Wasmuth, W.J. ve Dawis, S.W. (1993) “Managing Employee Turnover: Why Employees Leave” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 24(2):11- 18.
  • Watrous, K.M., Huff man, A.H. ve Pritchard, R.D. (2006) “When Coworkers and Managers Quit: Th e Eff ects of Turnover and Shared Values on Performance” Journal of Business and Psychology, 21(1):103-126.
  • Wells, J.E. ve Peachey, J.W. (2011) “Turnover Intentions: Do Leadership Behaviors and Satisfaction with the Leader Matter?” Team Performance Management, 17(1/2):23-40.
  • Xhallorari, L. (2011) “Constructs of Quality of Work Life: A Perspective of Mental Health Professionals” Social Studies, 2(5):123-130.
  • Yıldız, S.M. (2011) “İçsel Pazarlama, İş Tatmini ve Örgütsel Bağlılık İlişkisi: Spor Okulu Antrenörleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme” Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi, 13(2):216-225.
  • Yin-Fah, B.C., Foon, Y.S., Chee-Leong, L. ve Osman, S. (2010) “An Exploratory Study on Turnover Intention among Private Sector Employees” International Journal of Business and Management, 5(8):57-64.
  • Zin, R.M. (2004) “Perception of Professional Engineers Toward Quality of Worklife and Organizational Commitment: A Case Study” Gadjah Mada Inlentalional Journal of Business, 6(3):323-334.
  • High Cost of Employee Turnover, http://www. w f 1 b row a rd . c o m / u p l o a d / 2 2 6 1 / H i g h _ c o s t _ o f _ Employee_Turnover-jm514.pdf, (07.05.2012).

Spor ve Fiziksel Etkinlik İşletmelerinde İş Yaşam Kalitesinin Çalışanların İşten Ayrılma Niyetine Etkisi

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 3, 317 - 324, 01.08.2013


Çalışanların işten ayrılma niyeti üzerine birçok faktör etki etmekte ve iş yaşam kalitesi de bu faktörlerden birini oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada, iş yaşam kalitesinin çalışanların işten ayrılma niyetine etkisi spor ve fiziksel etkinlik sektöründe incelenmiştir. Chen ve Farh (2000) tarafından geliştirilen iş yaşam kalitesi ölçeği ile Landau ve Hammer (1986) tarafından geliştirilen işten ayrılma niyeti ölçeğinin kullanıldığı bu araştırmada veriler ticari olarak faaliyet gösteren yüzme ve fitness işletmelerinde çalışan antrenörlerden (N=105) elde edilmiştir. Araştırma bulguları, iş yaşam kalitesinin işten ayrılma niyetini anlamlı ve negatif olarak etkilediğini göstermiştir. Bu sonuca göre, başarılı çalışanlarla istikrarlı bir hizmet sunmak isteyen spor ve fiziksel etkinlik işletmelerinin iş yaşam kalitesini artırarak çalışanlarının işten ayrılma niyetlerini azaltması akılcı bir yol olarak görülmektedir


  • Altarawneh, I. ve Al-Kilani, M.H. (2010) “Human Resource Management and Turnover Intentions in the Jordanian Hotel Sector” Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 18(1):46-59.
  • Al-Qutop, M.A.Y. ve Harrim, H. (2011) “Quality of Worklife Human Well-Being Linkage: Integrated Conceptual Framework” International Journal of Business and Management, 6(8):193-205.
  • Beh, L. ve Rose, R.C. (2007) “Linking QWL and Job Performance: Implications for Organizations” Performance Improvement, 46(6):30-35.
  • Chang, C.P. ve Chang, W.C. (2008) “Internal Marketing Practices and Employees’ Turnover Intentions in Tourism and Leisure Hotels” Th e Journal of Human Resource and Adult Learning, 4(2):161-172.
  • Cherns, A. (1975) “Perspectives on the Quality of Working Life” Journal of Occupational Psychology, 48(3):155-167.
  • Davis, L. (1977) “Enhancing the Quality of Work Life: Developments in the United States of America” International Labor Review, 116(1):53-65.
  • Demir, M. (2011) “Relationships between Employees’ Perceptions of Quality of Work Life, Intent to Remain with the Organization and Employee Absenteeism” Ege Academic Review, 11(3):453-464.
  • Demirbilek, S. ve Türkan, Ö.U. (2008) “Çalışma Yaşamı Kalitesinin Artırılmasında Personel Güçlendirmenin Rolü” Is, Guc, Th e Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 10(1):47-67.
  • Dess, G.G. ve Shaw, J.D. (2001) “Voluntary Turnover, Social Capital, and Organizational Performance” Academy Managemet Review, 26(3):446-456.
  • Edvardsson, B. ve Gustavsson, B. (2003) “Quality in the Work Environment: A Prerequisite for Success in New Service Development” Managing Service Quality, 13(2):148-163.
  • Erdem, M. (2010) “Quality of Work Life and its Relation to Organizational Commitment According to Teachers in Secondary Schools” Educational Administration:Th eory and Practice, 16(4):511-536.
  • Gormley, D.K. ve Kennerly, S. (2010) “Infl uence of Work Role and Perceptions of Climate on Faculty Organizational Commitment” Journal of Professional Nursing, 26(2):108-115.
  • Havlovic, S.J. (1991) “Quality of Work Life and Human Resource Outcomes” Industrial Relations, 30(3):469-479.
  • Huang, T.C., Lawyer, J. ve Lei, C.Y. (2007) “Th e Eff ects of Quality of Work Life on Commitment and Turnover Intention” Social Behavior and Personality, 35(6):735-750.
  • Kornbluh, H. (1984) “Work Place Democracy and Quality of Work Life: Problems and Prospects” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 1(473):88-95.
  • Korunka, C., Hoonakker, P. ve Carayon, P. (2008) “Quality of Working Life and Turnover Intention in Information Technology Work” Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing, 18(4):409-423.
  • Lambert, E. ve Paoline, E.A. (2010) “Take Th is Job and Shove it: An Exploratory Study of Turnover Intent among Jail Staff ” Journal of Criminal Justice, 38(2):139-148.
  • Landau, J. ve Hammer, T.H. (1986) “Clerical Employees’ Perceptions of Intraorganizational Career Opportunities” 29(2):385-404.
  • Lau, R.S.M. ve May, B.E. (1998) “A Win-win Paradigm for Quality of Work Life and Business Performance” Human Resource Development Quarterly, 9(3):211-226.
  • Lau, R.S.M. (2000) “Quality of Work Life and Performance-An Investigation of Two Key Elements in the Service Profit Chain Model” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 11(5):422-437.
  • Liu, B., Liu, J. ve Hu, J. (2010) “Person-Organization Fit, Job Satisfaction, and Turnover Intention: An Empirical Study in the Chinese Public Sector” Social Behavior and Personality, 38(5):615-626.
  • Moen P. (1999) “Eff ective Work/Lifes: Working Couples, Work Conditions, Gender, and Life Quality” Social Problems, 47(3):291-326.
  • Nadler, D. ve Lawler, E. (1983) “Quality of Work Life: Perspectives and Directions” Organizational Dynamics, 11:22-36.
  • Nayeri, N.D., Salehi, T. ve Noghabi, A.A.A. (2011) “Quality of Work Life and Productivity among Iranian Nurses” Contemporary Nurse, 39(1):106-118.
  • Nazim A. (2008) “Factors Aff ecting Overall Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention” Journal of Managerial Sciences, 2(2):239-252.
  • Sabarirajan, A. ve Geethanjali, N. (2011) “A Study on Quality of Work Life and Organizational Performance among the Employees of Public and Private Banks in Dindigul” International Journal of Economics and Research, 2(6):38-45.
  • Şahin, F. (2011) “Th e Eff ect of Gender on the Relationship between Leader-Member Exchange and Intention to Quit” Ege Academic Review, 11(2): 277-288.
  • Schermerhorn, J.R., Hunt, J.G. ve Osborn, R.N. (1994) Managing Organizational Behavior, 5th Edition, New York, John Wiley and Sons.
  • Smith, C., Daskalaki, M., Elger, T. ve Brown, D. (2004) “Labour Turnover and Management Retention Strategies in New Manufacturing Plants” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 15(2):371-396.
  • Staw, B.M. (1980) “Th e Consequences of Turnover” Journal of Occupational Behaviour, 1(4):253-273.
  • Turunç, O., Tabak, A., Şeşen, H. ve Türkyılmaz, A. (2010) “Th e Eff ect of Work Life Quality on Procedural Justice, Job Satisfaction, Job Stress and Intention to Quit” Is, Guc, Th e Journal of Industrial Relations and Human Resources, 12(3):77-96.
  • Wallace, C., Pichler, F. ve Hayes, B.C. (2007) “First European Quality of Life Survey: Quality of Work and Life Satisfaction” European Foundation for Th e İmprovement of Living and Working Conditions, 1-68.
  • Wasmuth, W.J. ve Dawis, S.W. (1983) “Managing Employee Turnover” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 24(1):15-22.
  • Wasmuth, W.J. ve Dawis, S.W. (1993) “Managing Employee Turnover: Why Employees Leave” Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 24(2):11- 18.
  • Watrous, K.M., Huff man, A.H. ve Pritchard, R.D. (2006) “When Coworkers and Managers Quit: Th e Eff ects of Turnover and Shared Values on Performance” Journal of Business and Psychology, 21(1):103-126.
  • Wells, J.E. ve Peachey, J.W. (2011) “Turnover Intentions: Do Leadership Behaviors and Satisfaction with the Leader Matter?” Team Performance Management, 17(1/2):23-40.
  • Xhallorari, L. (2011) “Constructs of Quality of Work Life: A Perspective of Mental Health Professionals” Social Studies, 2(5):123-130.
  • Yıldız, S.M. (2011) “İçsel Pazarlama, İş Tatmini ve Örgütsel Bağlılık İlişkisi: Spor Okulu Antrenörleri Üzerine Bir İnceleme” Selçuk Üniversitesi Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Bilim Dergisi, 13(2):216-225.
  • Yin-Fah, B.C., Foon, Y.S., Chee-Leong, L. ve Osman, S. (2010) “An Exploratory Study on Turnover Intention among Private Sector Employees” International Journal of Business and Management, 5(8):57-64.
  • Zin, R.M. (2004) “Perception of Professional Engineers Toward Quality of Worklife and Organizational Commitment: A Case Study” Gadjah Mada Inlentalional Journal of Business, 6(3):323-334.
  • High Cost of Employee Turnover, http://www. w f 1 b row a rd . c o m / u p l o a d / 2 2 6 1 / H i g h _ c o s t _ o f _ Employee_Turnover-jm514.pdf, (07.05.2012).
There are 41 citations in total.


Other ID JA79FE39NM
Journal Section Research Article

Süleyman Murat Yıldız This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13 Issue: 3


APA Yıldız, S. M. (2013). The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations. Ege Academic Review, 13(3), 317-324.
AMA Yıldız SM. The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations. ear. August 2013;13(3):317-324.
Chicago Yıldız, Süleyman Murat. “The Eff Ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations”. Ege Academic Review 13, no. 3 (August 2013): 317-24.
EndNote Yıldız SM (August 1, 2013) The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations. Ege Academic Review 13 3 317–324.
IEEE S. M. Yıldız, “The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations”, ear, vol. 13, no. 3, pp. 317–324, 2013.
ISNAD Yıldız, Süleyman Murat. “The Eff Ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations”. Ege Academic Review 13/3 (August 2013), 317-324.
JAMA Yıldız SM. The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations. ear. 2013;13:317–324.
MLA Yıldız, Süleyman Murat. “The Eff Ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 13, no. 3, 2013, pp. 317-24.
Vancouver Yıldız SM. The Eff ect of Quality of Work Life on Employee Turnover Intention in Sports and Physical Activity Organizations. ear. 2013;13(3):317-24.