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An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 461 - 472, 01.11.2013


Grey Relational Analysis (GIA) means measurement of variable relationship between two elements in a system ortwosubsystems. There lational grade between two factors in GIA is obtained by comparing geometrical pattern’s of factors. It is mentioned that the more thepatterns displayed by factors similar to each other thes tronger there lationship between factors are. In this study GIA and Grey Analytic Network Process (GANP) are used integral lytosolve group decision making problems in which both subjective and objective criteria are taking place. As a case study personnel selection problem of an education institution is handled. Out comes show that GIA can be used successfully in the process of solving personnel selection problems


  • Ayub, M., Kabir, J. ve Alam, G.R. (2009) “Personnel Selection Method Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Fuzzy Concept” 12th International Conference on Computerand Information Technology, 373-377.
  • Chen, M.F. ve Tzeng, G.H. (2004) “Combining GreyRelationand Topsis Conceptsfor Selecting an Expat- riate Host Country”Mathematical and Computer Model- ling, 40:1473-1490.
  • Chen, C.H. ve Tzeng, G.H. (2011) “Assessment Model for Improving Educational Curriculum Materials Based on The DANP Techniquewith Grey Relational Analysis”IJISLM, 6(2): 23-36.
  • Chen, C.T., Hwang, Y.C. ve Hung, W.Z. (2009) “Applying Multiple Linguistic PROMETHEE Grey-Based Decision-Making Approachto The Supplier Method for Personnel Evaluation and Selection” IEEE Selection Problem”Mathematical and Computer Modeling, International Conference, 1312-1316.
  • Deng, J.L. (1982) “Control Problems of Grey Systems” Systems& Control Letters, 5: 288-294.
  • Deng, J.L. (1996) “Difference among Grey, Probability, Fuzzy” Journal of Grey System, 3: 256-262.
  • Dursun, M. ve Karsak, E.E. (2010) “A Fuzzy MCDM Approachfor Personnel Selection” Expert Systemswith Applications, 37:4324-4330.
  • Feng, C.M. ve Wang,R.T. (2000) “Performance Evalu- ation for Airlines Including The Consideration Financial Ratios” Journal of Air Transport Management, 6:133-142.
  • Gibney, R. ve Shang, J. (2007) “Decision-Making in Academia: A Case of The Dean Selection Process” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 46:1030-1040.
  • Goyal, S. ve Grover, S. (2012) “Applying Fuzzy Grey Relational Analysis for Ranking The Advanced Manu- facturing Systems”Grey Systems: Theoryand Application, 2(2):284-298.
  • Güngör, Z., Serhadlıoğlu, G. ve Kesen, S.E. (2009) “A fuzzy AHP Approach to Personnel Selection” Applied Soft Computing, 9:641-646.
  • Hsu, P.F. (2012) “Selection Model Based on ANP and GRA for Independent Media Agencies” Quality & Quantity, 46(1): 1-17.
  • Jadidi, O., Hong, T.S., Firouzi, F. ve Yusuf, R.M. (2008) “An Optimal Grey Based Approach Based on TOPSIS Concepts for Supplier Selection Problem” Priority Theory with Analytic Hierarchy Process, Pittsburg, International Journal of Management Scienceand Engineering Management, 4(2):104-117.
  • Jharkharia, S. ve Shankar, R. (2007) “Selection of Logistics Service Provider: An Analytic Network Process (ANP) Approach” Omega, 35:274-289.
  • Kabak, M., Burmaoğlu, S. ve Kazancoğlu, Y. (2012) “A Fuzzy Hybrid MCDM Approach for Professional Selection”Expert Systems with Applications, 39(3):3516-3525.
  • Kelemenis, A.M. ve Askounis, D. (2010) “A New TOPSIS-Based Multi-Criteria Approach to Personnel Selection” Expert Systemswith Applications, 37(7):4999-5008.
  • Kose, E., Temiz, I. ve Erol, S.(2011)“Grey System Approach for Economic Order Quantity Models Under Uncertainty” The Journal of Grey System, 1:71-82.
  • Lazarevic-Petrovic, S. (2001) “Personnel Selection FuzzyModel”International Transactions in Operational Research, 8:89-105.
  • Li, G.D.,Yamaguchi, D. ve Nagai,M. (2007) “A 46:537-581.
  • Liu, S. ve Lin,Y. (2006) “Grey Information: Theoryand Practical Applications” Springer,11-21.
  • Mohammad, Y.N.,Vahid,B. ve Majid, A. (2011) “Planning a Model for Supplier Selection with AHP and Grey Systems Theory” Business and Management Review, 1(7):09-19.
  • Mohanty, R.P., Agarwal, R., Choudhury, A.K. ve Tiwari, M.K. (2005) “A Fuzzy ANP Based Approach to R&D Project Selection: A Case Study” International Journal of Production Research, 43(24):5199-5216.
  • Onut, S., Kara, S.S. ve Isık, E. (2009) “Long Term Supplier Selection Using a Combined Fuzzy MCDM Approach: A Case Studyfor a Telecommunication Company” Expert Systems with Applications, 36:3887- 3895.
  • Pramanik, S. ve Mukhopadhyaya, D. (2011) “GreyRelational Analysis Based IntuitionisticFuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision-Making Approach for Teacher Selection in Higher Education” International Journal of Computer Applications, 34(10):21-29.
  • Saaty, T.L. (1985) TheAnalyticHierarchyProcess,New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Saaty, T.L. (1996) Decision Making with Dependenceand Feedback: The Analytic Network Process, Pittsburgh, RWS Publications.
  • Saaty, T.L. (2000) Fundamentals of cision Makingand
  • Song, Q. ve Jamalipour, A. (2005) “An AdaptiveQuality-of-Service Network Selection Mecha- nism for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks”Wireless Com- munications and Mobile Computing, 5: 697-708.
  • Song, Q., Shepperd, M. ve Mair, C. (2005) “Using Grey Relational Analysis to Predict Software Effortwith Small Data Sets” 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 10-35.
  • Wang, D. (2009) “Extension of TOPSIS Methodfor R& D Personnel Selection Problem with Interval Grey Number” International conference on IEEE IEEM, 1-4.
  • Wen, K.L. (2004) Grey Systems: Modeling and Prediction,TucsonUSA, Yang Sky ScientificPress.
  • Wu, H.H. (2002) “A Comparative Study of Using Grey Relational Analysis in Multiple AttributeDecision- Making Problems” Quality Engineering, 15(2): 209-217.
  • Wu, Q. ve Luyan, L. (2012) “Research on Investment Decision-Making of Construction Engineering Projects Based on the Grey Relation Grade” Advanced Science Letters, 15(1): 407-409.
  • Yeh, M.F. ve Lu, H.C. (2000) “Evaluating Weapon Systems Based on GreyRelational Analyisand Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 23(2):211-221.
  • Zhang, S.F. ve Liu, S.Y. (2011) “A GRA- BasedIntuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group DecisionMaking Method for Personnel Selection” Expert Systems with Applications, 38: 11401-11405.

Personel Seçimi için Gri Sistem Teori Tabanlı Bütünleşik Bir Yaklaşım

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 461 - 472, 01.11.2013


Gri İlişkisel Analiz (GİA) belirli bir sistem içerisinde iki eleman ya da iki alt sistem arasında değişen ilişkinin ölçümünü ifade eder. GİA’ de iki faktör arasındaki ilişkinin derecesi, faktörlerin sergilemiş oldukları seyirlerin geometrik olarak karşılaştırılması ile elde edilir. Faktörlerin sergilemiş oldukları seyir geometrik olarak birbirine ne kadar çok benzerse aradaki ilişkinin o denli güçlü olduğundan bahsedilir. Bu çalışmada hem sübjektif hem de objektif kriterlerin yer aldığı grup karar verme problemlerinin çözümü için GİA ve Gri Analitik Ağ Süreci (GANP) bütünleşik olarak kullanılmıştır. Örnek uygulama olarak eğitim hizmetleri sağlayan bir kurum için personel seçim problemi ele alınmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar GİA’ in personel seçim problemlerinin çözümü aşamasında başarı ile uygulanabileceğini göstermiştir


  • Ayub, M., Kabir, J. ve Alam, G.R. (2009) “Personnel Selection Method Using Analytic Network Process (ANP) and Fuzzy Concept” 12th International Conference on Computerand Information Technology, 373-377.
  • Chen, M.F. ve Tzeng, G.H. (2004) “Combining GreyRelationand Topsis Conceptsfor Selecting an Expat- riate Host Country”Mathematical and Computer Model- ling, 40:1473-1490.
  • Chen, C.H. ve Tzeng, G.H. (2011) “Assessment Model for Improving Educational Curriculum Materials Based on The DANP Techniquewith Grey Relational Analysis”IJISLM, 6(2): 23-36.
  • Chen, C.T., Hwang, Y.C. ve Hung, W.Z. (2009) “Applying Multiple Linguistic PROMETHEE Grey-Based Decision-Making Approachto The Supplier Method for Personnel Evaluation and Selection” IEEE Selection Problem”Mathematical and Computer Modeling, International Conference, 1312-1316.
  • Deng, J.L. (1982) “Control Problems of Grey Systems” Systems& Control Letters, 5: 288-294.
  • Deng, J.L. (1996) “Difference among Grey, Probability, Fuzzy” Journal of Grey System, 3: 256-262.
  • Dursun, M. ve Karsak, E.E. (2010) “A Fuzzy MCDM Approachfor Personnel Selection” Expert Systemswith Applications, 37:4324-4330.
  • Feng, C.M. ve Wang,R.T. (2000) “Performance Evalu- ation for Airlines Including The Consideration Financial Ratios” Journal of Air Transport Management, 6:133-142.
  • Gibney, R. ve Shang, J. (2007) “Decision-Making in Academia: A Case of The Dean Selection Process” Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 46:1030-1040.
  • Goyal, S. ve Grover, S. (2012) “Applying Fuzzy Grey Relational Analysis for Ranking The Advanced Manu- facturing Systems”Grey Systems: Theoryand Application, 2(2):284-298.
  • Güngör, Z., Serhadlıoğlu, G. ve Kesen, S.E. (2009) “A fuzzy AHP Approach to Personnel Selection” Applied Soft Computing, 9:641-646.
  • Hsu, P.F. (2012) “Selection Model Based on ANP and GRA for Independent Media Agencies” Quality & Quantity, 46(1): 1-17.
  • Jadidi, O., Hong, T.S., Firouzi, F. ve Yusuf, R.M. (2008) “An Optimal Grey Based Approach Based on TOPSIS Concepts for Supplier Selection Problem” Priority Theory with Analytic Hierarchy Process, Pittsburg, International Journal of Management Scienceand Engineering Management, 4(2):104-117.
  • Jharkharia, S. ve Shankar, R. (2007) “Selection of Logistics Service Provider: An Analytic Network Process (ANP) Approach” Omega, 35:274-289.
  • Kabak, M., Burmaoğlu, S. ve Kazancoğlu, Y. (2012) “A Fuzzy Hybrid MCDM Approach for Professional Selection”Expert Systems with Applications, 39(3):3516-3525.
  • Kelemenis, A.M. ve Askounis, D. (2010) “A New TOPSIS-Based Multi-Criteria Approach to Personnel Selection” Expert Systemswith Applications, 37(7):4999-5008.
  • Kose, E., Temiz, I. ve Erol, S.(2011)“Grey System Approach for Economic Order Quantity Models Under Uncertainty” The Journal of Grey System, 1:71-82.
  • Lazarevic-Petrovic, S. (2001) “Personnel Selection FuzzyModel”International Transactions in Operational Research, 8:89-105.
  • Li, G.D.,Yamaguchi, D. ve Nagai,M. (2007) “A 46:537-581.
  • Liu, S. ve Lin,Y. (2006) “Grey Information: Theoryand Practical Applications” Springer,11-21.
  • Mohammad, Y.N.,Vahid,B. ve Majid, A. (2011) “Planning a Model for Supplier Selection with AHP and Grey Systems Theory” Business and Management Review, 1(7):09-19.
  • Mohanty, R.P., Agarwal, R., Choudhury, A.K. ve Tiwari, M.K. (2005) “A Fuzzy ANP Based Approach to R&D Project Selection: A Case Study” International Journal of Production Research, 43(24):5199-5216.
  • Onut, S., Kara, S.S. ve Isık, E. (2009) “Long Term Supplier Selection Using a Combined Fuzzy MCDM Approach: A Case Studyfor a Telecommunication Company” Expert Systems with Applications, 36:3887- 3895.
  • Pramanik, S. ve Mukhopadhyaya, D. (2011) “GreyRelational Analysis Based IntuitionisticFuzzy Multi-Criteria Group Decision-Making Approach for Teacher Selection in Higher Education” International Journal of Computer Applications, 34(10):21-29.
  • Saaty, T.L. (1985) TheAnalyticHierarchyProcess,New York, McGraw-Hill.
  • Saaty, T.L. (1996) Decision Making with Dependenceand Feedback: The Analytic Network Process, Pittsburgh, RWS Publications.
  • Saaty, T.L. (2000) Fundamentals of cision Makingand
  • Song, Q. ve Jamalipour, A. (2005) “An AdaptiveQuality-of-Service Network Selection Mecha- nism for Heterogeneous Mobile Networks”Wireless Com- munications and Mobile Computing, 5: 697-708.
  • Song, Q., Shepperd, M. ve Mair, C. (2005) “Using Grey Relational Analysis to Predict Software Effortwith Small Data Sets” 11th IEEE International Software Metrics Symposium, 10-35.
  • Wang, D. (2009) “Extension of TOPSIS Methodfor R& D Personnel Selection Problem with Interval Grey Number” International conference on IEEE IEEM, 1-4.
  • Wen, K.L. (2004) Grey Systems: Modeling and Prediction,TucsonUSA, Yang Sky ScientificPress.
  • Wu, H.H. (2002) “A Comparative Study of Using Grey Relational Analysis in Multiple AttributeDecision- Making Problems” Quality Engineering, 15(2): 209-217.
  • Wu, Q. ve Luyan, L. (2012) “Research on Investment Decision-Making of Construction Engineering Projects Based on the Grey Relation Grade” Advanced Science Letters, 15(1): 407-409.
  • Yeh, M.F. ve Lu, H.C. (2000) “Evaluating Weapon Systems Based on GreyRelational Analyisand Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations” Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, 23(2):211-221.
  • Zhang, S.F. ve Liu, S.Y. (2011) “A GRA- BasedIntuitionistic Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Group DecisionMaking Method for Personnel Selection” Expert Systems with Applications, 38: 11401-11405.
There are 35 citations in total.


Other ID JA53AP86BY
Journal Section Research Article

Erkan Köse This is me

Hakan Soner Aplak This is me

Mehmet Kabak This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Köse, E., Aplak, H. S., & Kabak, M. (2013). An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection. Ege Academic Review, 13(4), 461-472.
AMA Köse E, Aplak HS, Kabak M. An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection. ear. November 2013;13(4):461-472.
Chicago Köse, Erkan, Hakan Soner Aplak, and Mehmet Kabak. “An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection”. Ege Academic Review 13, no. 4 (November 2013): 461-72.
EndNote Köse E, Aplak HS, Kabak M (November 1, 2013) An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection. Ege Academic Review 13 4 461–472.
IEEE E. Köse, H. S. Aplak, and M. Kabak, “An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection”, ear, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 461–472, 2013.
ISNAD Köse, Erkan et al. “An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection”. Ege Academic Review 13/4 (November 2013), 461-472.
JAMA Köse E, Aplak HS, Kabak M. An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection. ear. 2013;13:461–472.
MLA Köse, Erkan et al. “An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 13, no. 4, 2013, pp. 461-72.
Vancouver Köse E, Aplak HS, Kabak M. An Integrated Approach Based on Grey System Theory for Personnel Selection. ear. 2013;13(4):461-72.