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Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 473 - 480, 01.11.2013


Human resources functions is in a physological trauma as it
has been moving away from administrative duties to focusing
on strategic management roles. Underlying this trauma is the
desire of the professional human resources managers to gain
more respect and recognition within their organizations as
strategic partners with others from this stand. The common
denominator of recognition and respect is being equipped
with financial intelligence. To understand the contribution of
human resources to the financial performance of the company,
and to interpret this rightly with human resources point of
views is also a reality which is stressed by the shareholders. In
this work, first, the literature on the subject is studied, then a
definition of financial intelligence from the view of the human
resources managers who wants to be a partner is attempted
to be made and the significance of human capital is tried to be
analyzed by looking at some ratios.


  • Barber, F., Catchings, P., Morieux, Y. ve Strack, R.(2005) New Rules for People Business, Boston Consulting Group.
  • Bassi, L. ve Mc Murrer, D.(2007) “Maximizing Your Return on People” Harvard Business Review, March:115-123.
  • Beatty, R.W., Huselid, M.A. ve Schneider, C.E. (2003) “New HR Metrics: Scoring on the Business Scorecard”Organizational Dynamics, 32(2):107-121.
  • Becker, B.B., Huselid, M.A. ve Ulrich, D. (2001) The HR Scorecard, Boston, Mass Harvard Business School Press.
  • Becker, B.E. ve Huselid, M.A. (1998) “High Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: A Synthesis of Research and Managerial Implications” Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management,16:53-101.
  • Berman, K., Knight, J. ve Case, J. (2008)Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals, Boston, MassHarvard Business Press.
  • Bhattacharya, M. ve Wright, P.M.(2004) “Managing Human Assets in an Uncertain World: Applying Real Options Theory to HRM” CAHRS Working Paper Series, No:04-03.
  • Borman, W.C.(1991) “Job Behavior, Performance and Effectiveness”Dunnette, et al.(eds.) Handbook of Industrial Psychology, 2nd Edition, Palo Alto, CA Consulting Psychologist Press.
  • Boudreau, J.W. ve Ramstad , P.M. (2006) “Talentship and Human Resource Management and Analysis: From ROI to Strategic Organizational Change” Human Resource Planning Journal, 29(1):25-33.
  • Bryan, L.(2007) “The New Metrics of Corporate Performance: Profit per Employee” McKinsey Quarterly,1:57-65.
  • Conlin, M.,   Herbst, M. ve  Coy, B.(2010) “The Disposable Worker”Business Week,33-39.
  • Cascio, W. ve Boudreau, J. (2008) Investing in People, New Jersey, Pearson Education.
  • Collins, J.(2001) Good to Great, New York, HarperCollins.
  • Davenport, T.N. ve Haris, J.G.(2007)Competing on Analytics, Boston, Mass Harvard Business School Press.
  • Devanna, M.A., Fombrun, C.J. ve Tichy, N.M. (1981) “Human Resource Management: A Strategic Perspective” Organizational Dynamics, 51-64.
  • Dyer, L.(1984) “Studying Human Resource Strategy: An Approach and an Agenda” Industrial Relations, 23:159- 169.
  • Dyer, L.(1985) “Strategic Human Resource Management And Planning” Rowland et al.(eds.) Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Greenwich , JAI Press.
  • Fombrun, C.J., Tichy, N.M. ve Devana, M.A. (1984) Strategic Human Resource Management, New York, Wiley.
  • Gerhart, B. ve Milkovich, G.T. (1992) “Employee Compensation: Research and Practice”Dunnette et al(eds.) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychologist Press, Palo Alto, Consulting Psychologist Press.
  • Hall, B.W. (2008)The New Human Capital Strategy, New York, Amacom Press.
  • Harding, D. ve Rouse, T. (2007)“Human Due Diligence” Harvard Business Review,125-131.
  • Jackson, S.E., Schuler, R. ve Rivero, S.(1989) “Organizational Characteristics As Predictors of Personnel Practices”Personnel Psychology, 42:727-786.
  • Lawler, E., Boudreau, J. ve Mohrman, S. (2006) Achieving Strategic Excellence: An Assessment of Human Resource Organizations, Stanford, CalifStanford Business Books.
  • Lawler, E., Levenson, A. ve Boudreau, J.W. (2004) “HR Metrics and Analytics: Uses and Impacts” Human Resource Planning Journal, 27(4):27-35.
  • Murphy, T.E. ve Zandvakili, S. (2000)“Data-and Metrics-Driven Approach to Human Resource Practices: Using Customers, Employees and Financial Metrics” Human Resource Management,39(1):93-105.
  • Nkomo, S.M.(1986) “The Theory and Practice of HR Planning: The Gap Stil Remains” Personel Administrator, 31:71-84.
  • Nkomo, S.M.(1987)“Human Resource Planning And Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Analysis”Strategic Management Journal, 8:387-392.
  • Phillps, J.J. (1996) Accountability in Human Resource Management, Houston, TX Gulf Publishing Company.
  • Prahalad, C.K. ve Hamel, G. (1990) “The Core Competence of the Corporation”Harvard Business Review, 79-91.
  • Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2009)The Saratoga Review, 1-9.
  • Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2010)The Saratoga Review, 1-9.
  • Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2010)“2009/2010 US Human Capital Effectiveness Report” The Saratoga Review, 3:1-10.
  • Russell, J.S., Terborg, J.R. ve Powers, M.L. (1985) “Organizational Performances and Organizational Level training and Support” Personnel Psychology, 38:849-863.
  • Schiemann, W.A. (2005) “People Equity: A New Paradigm for Measuring and Managing Human Capital”Human Resource Planning, 29(1):34-44.
  • Schneider, C. (2006) “The New Human-Capital Metrics” CFO Magazine, 15:1-5.
  • Schuler, R.S. (1987)“Personnel and Human Resource Management Choices and Corporate Strategy” Schuler et al(eds.) Readings in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, St.Paul, MN West Press.
  • Schuler, R.S. ve Jackson, S.E. (1987) “Linking Competitive Advantage With Human Resource Management Practices”Academy of Management Executive, 1:207-219.
  • SHRM (2008) Customized Human Capital Benchmarking Report.
  • Terpstra, D.E. ve Rozell, E.J. (1993) “The Relationship of Staffing Practices to Organizational Level Measures of Performance” Personnel Psychology, 46:27-48.
  • Ulrich, D. (1997) “Measuring Human Resources: An Overview of Practice and a Prescription for Results” Human Resource Management, 38(3):303-320.
  • Weiss, D.S. (2004) “HR Metrics that Count: Aligning Human Capital Management to Business Results” Human Resource Planning, 28(1):33-38.

İnsan Kaynakları Açısından Finansal Zeka: Kavramsal Bir Çerçeve

Year 2013, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, 473 - 480, 01.11.2013


İnsan kaynakları fonksiyonları yönetsel görevlerden stratejik iş girişimlerine doğru gelişen bir odaklanma eksenindeki kayma nedeni ile psikolojik bir travma yaşamaktadır. Travmanın olası nedenlerinin altında insan kaynakları profesyonellerinin örgütleri içerisinde stratejik iş ortakları olarak artan ölçüde saygı ve tanınma isteği yatmaktadır. Saygı ve tanınmanın ortak paydası finansal zeka ile donatılmış bakış açısıdır. İnsan kaynaklarının sundukları ve sonuçlarının şirketlerin finansal sonuçlarına yönelik etkisi insan lensi ile doğru biçimde yorumlamak bu ortak paydanın altını doldurmanın yanında paydaşlar tarafından dayatılan bir zorunluluk haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada ilk olarak bu konuda yazılmış literatür taranmış, iş ortağı olmak isteyen insan kaynakları yöneticisi açısından finansal zekanın tanımlanması, insan sermayesinin önemi, sayıların gücü ve örnekler verilerek anlatılmıştır


  • Barber, F., Catchings, P., Morieux, Y. ve Strack, R.(2005) New Rules for People Business, Boston Consulting Group.
  • Bassi, L. ve Mc Murrer, D.(2007) “Maximizing Your Return on People” Harvard Business Review, March:115-123.
  • Beatty, R.W., Huselid, M.A. ve Schneider, C.E. (2003) “New HR Metrics: Scoring on the Business Scorecard”Organizational Dynamics, 32(2):107-121.
  • Becker, B.B., Huselid, M.A. ve Ulrich, D. (2001) The HR Scorecard, Boston, Mass Harvard Business School Press.
  • Becker, B.E. ve Huselid, M.A. (1998) “High Performance Work Systems and Firm Performance: A Synthesis of Research and Managerial Implications” Research in Personnel and Human Resource Management,16:53-101.
  • Berman, K., Knight, J. ve Case, J. (2008)Financial Intelligence for HR Professionals, Boston, MassHarvard Business Press.
  • Bhattacharya, M. ve Wright, P.M.(2004) “Managing Human Assets in an Uncertain World: Applying Real Options Theory to HRM” CAHRS Working Paper Series, No:04-03.
  • Borman, W.C.(1991) “Job Behavior, Performance and Effectiveness”Dunnette, et al.(eds.) Handbook of Industrial Psychology, 2nd Edition, Palo Alto, CA Consulting Psychologist Press.
  • Boudreau, J.W. ve Ramstad , P.M. (2006) “Talentship and Human Resource Management and Analysis: From ROI to Strategic Organizational Change” Human Resource Planning Journal, 29(1):25-33.
  • Bryan, L.(2007) “The New Metrics of Corporate Performance: Profit per Employee” McKinsey Quarterly,1:57-65.
  • Conlin, M.,   Herbst, M. ve  Coy, B.(2010) “The Disposable Worker”Business Week,33-39.
  • Cascio, W. ve Boudreau, J. (2008) Investing in People, New Jersey, Pearson Education.
  • Collins, J.(2001) Good to Great, New York, HarperCollins.
  • Davenport, T.N. ve Haris, J.G.(2007)Competing on Analytics, Boston, Mass Harvard Business School Press.
  • Devanna, M.A., Fombrun, C.J. ve Tichy, N.M. (1981) “Human Resource Management: A Strategic Perspective” Organizational Dynamics, 51-64.
  • Dyer, L.(1984) “Studying Human Resource Strategy: An Approach and an Agenda” Industrial Relations, 23:159- 169.
  • Dyer, L.(1985) “Strategic Human Resource Management And Planning” Rowland et al.(eds.) Research in Personnel and Human Resources Management, Greenwich , JAI Press.
  • Fombrun, C.J., Tichy, N.M. ve Devana, M.A. (1984) Strategic Human Resource Management, New York, Wiley.
  • Gerhart, B. ve Milkovich, G.T. (1992) “Employee Compensation: Research and Practice”Dunnette et al(eds.) Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychologist Press, Palo Alto, Consulting Psychologist Press.
  • Hall, B.W. (2008)The New Human Capital Strategy, New York, Amacom Press.
  • Harding, D. ve Rouse, T. (2007)“Human Due Diligence” Harvard Business Review,125-131.
  • Jackson, S.E., Schuler, R. ve Rivero, S.(1989) “Organizational Characteristics As Predictors of Personnel Practices”Personnel Psychology, 42:727-786.
  • Lawler, E., Boudreau, J. ve Mohrman, S. (2006) Achieving Strategic Excellence: An Assessment of Human Resource Organizations, Stanford, CalifStanford Business Books.
  • Lawler, E., Levenson, A. ve Boudreau, J.W. (2004) “HR Metrics and Analytics: Uses and Impacts” Human Resource Planning Journal, 27(4):27-35.
  • Murphy, T.E. ve Zandvakili, S. (2000)“Data-and Metrics-Driven Approach to Human Resource Practices: Using Customers, Employees and Financial Metrics” Human Resource Management,39(1):93-105.
  • Nkomo, S.M.(1986) “The Theory and Practice of HR Planning: The Gap Stil Remains” Personel Administrator, 31:71-84.
  • Nkomo, S.M.(1987)“Human Resource Planning And Organizational Performance: An Exploratory Analysis”Strategic Management Journal, 8:387-392.
  • Phillps, J.J. (1996) Accountability in Human Resource Management, Houston, TX Gulf Publishing Company.
  • Prahalad, C.K. ve Hamel, G. (1990) “The Core Competence of the Corporation”Harvard Business Review, 79-91.
  • Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2009)The Saratoga Review, 1-9.
  • Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2010)The Saratoga Review, 1-9.
  • Pricewaterhouse Coopers (2010)“2009/2010 US Human Capital Effectiveness Report” The Saratoga Review, 3:1-10.
  • Russell, J.S., Terborg, J.R. ve Powers, M.L. (1985) “Organizational Performances and Organizational Level training and Support” Personnel Psychology, 38:849-863.
  • Schiemann, W.A. (2005) “People Equity: A New Paradigm for Measuring and Managing Human Capital”Human Resource Planning, 29(1):34-44.
  • Schneider, C. (2006) “The New Human-Capital Metrics” CFO Magazine, 15:1-5.
  • Schuler, R.S. (1987)“Personnel and Human Resource Management Choices and Corporate Strategy” Schuler et al(eds.) Readings in Personnel and Human Resource Management, 3rd Edition, St.Paul, MN West Press.
  • Schuler, R.S. ve Jackson, S.E. (1987) “Linking Competitive Advantage With Human Resource Management Practices”Academy of Management Executive, 1:207-219.
  • SHRM (2008) Customized Human Capital Benchmarking Report.
  • Terpstra, D.E. ve Rozell, E.J. (1993) “The Relationship of Staffing Practices to Organizational Level Measures of Performance” Personnel Psychology, 46:27-48.
  • Ulrich, D. (1997) “Measuring Human Resources: An Overview of Practice and a Prescription for Results” Human Resource Management, 38(3):303-320.
  • Weiss, D.S. (2004) “HR Metrics that Count: Aligning Human Capital Management to Business Results” Human Resource Planning, 28(1):33-38.
There are 41 citations in total.


Other ID JA79NS75RZ
Journal Section Research Article

Tamer Keçecioğlu This is me

Muzaffer Hıçyılmaz This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2013
Published in Issue Year 2013 Volume: 13 Issue: 4


APA Keçecioğlu, T., & Hıçyılmaz, M. (2013). Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework. Ege Academic Review, 13(4), 473-480.
AMA Keçecioğlu T, Hıçyılmaz M. Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework. ear. November 2013;13(4):473-480.
Chicago Keçecioğlu, Tamer, and Muzaffer Hıçyılmaz. “Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework”. Ege Academic Review 13, no. 4 (November 2013): 473-80.
EndNote Keçecioğlu T, Hıçyılmaz M (November 1, 2013) Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework. Ege Academic Review 13 4 473–480.
IEEE T. Keçecioğlu and M. Hıçyılmaz, “Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework”, ear, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 473–480, 2013.
ISNAD Keçecioğlu, Tamer - Hıçyılmaz, Muzaffer. “Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework”. Ege Academic Review 13/4 (November 2013), 473-480.
JAMA Keçecioğlu T, Hıçyılmaz M. Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework. ear. 2013;13:473–480.
MLA Keçecioğlu, Tamer and Muzaffer Hıçyılmaz. “Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 13, no. 4, 2013, pp. 473-80.
Vancouver Keçecioğlu T, Hıçyılmaz M. Financial Intelligence from The Human Resources Point: A Conceptual Framework. ear. 2013;13(4):473-80.