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Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 371 - 382, 01.08.2014


The business performance is significantly affected by the relationship between the partners (Lages et al., 2008). Hence, the quality of the relationship between the members of the supply chain is vital for the success of the entire chain where it has a positive effect on profitability (Huntley, 2006) and supply chain performance (Fynes et al., 2008; Mohaghar & Ghasemi, 2011). On the other hand, integration and management of all process links throughout the supply chain is not possible besides, the level of integration may differ among the links or through time. Therefore, some links can be referred as more critical and must be actively managed. As a matter of fact, the relationships and the quality of the relationships within managed, monitored and not managed process links as indicated in the study of Lambert et al. (1998) are expected to show variances. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate and identify the dimensions of relationship quality for each of the above mentioned process links


  • Ambrose, E., Marshall, D. ve Lynch, D. (2010) “Buyer Supplier Perspectives on Supply Chain Relationships” International Journal of Operations & Productions Luxury Restaurants” Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 39(12):1269-1290. Research, 30(2):143-169.
  • Crosby, L.A., Evans, K.R. ve Cowles, D. (1990) “Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective” The Journal of Marketing, 54(3):68-81.
  • Dorsch, M.J, Swanson, S.R. ve Kelley, S.W. (1998) “The Role of Relationship Quality in the Stratification of Vendors as Perceived by Customers” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26(2):128-142.
  • Dwyer, E.R. ve Oh, S. (1987) “Output Sector Munificence Effects on the Internal Political Economy of Marketing Channels” Journal of Marketing Research, 24:347-358.
  • Ellram, L.M. (1992) “International Purchasing Alliances: An Empirical Study”The International Journal of Logistics Management, 3(1):23-36.
  • Fang, S.R., Chang, Y.S. ve Peng, Y.C. (2011) “Dark Side of Relationships: A Tensions-Based View” Industrial Marketing Management, 40:774-784.
  • Fynes, B., Voss, C. ve Burca, S. (2005) “The Impact of Supply Chain Relationship Quality on Quality Performance” International Journal of Production Economics, 96:339-354.
  • Fynes, B., Burca, S. ve Mangan, J. (2008) “The effect of Relationship Characteristics on Relationship Quality and Performance” International Journal of Production Economics, 111:56-69.
  • Gummesson, E. (1987) “The New Marketing Developing Long-Term Interactive Relationships” Long Range Planning, 20(49):10-20.
  • Hakkanson, H. ve Snehota, I. (1995) Developing Relationships in Business Networks, London, Routledge.
  • Holmlund, M. (2008) “A Definition, Model, and Empirical Analysis of Business-to-Business Relationship Quality” International Journal of Service Industry Callarisa, L. (2007) “Perceived Relationship Quality and Management, 19(1):32-62. Post-Purchase Perceived Value An Integrating Framework”
  • Huntley, J.K. (2006) “Conceptualization and European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12):1392-1422 Measurement of Relationship Quality: Linking Relationship Quality to Actual Sales and Recommendation Intention” Industrial Marketing Management, 35:703-714.
  • Jarvelin, A. ve Lehtinen, U. (1996) “Relationship Quality in Business-to-Business Service Context” Edvardsso et al. (eds.) QUIS 5 Advancing Service Quality, A Global Perspective, Warwick Printing Company Ltd.
  • Kim, W.G., Lee, Y.K. ve Yoo, Y.J. (2006) “Predictors of Relationship Quality and Relationship Outcomes in
  • Kumar, N., Scheer, L.K. ve Steenkamp, J.B. (1995) “The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Vulnerable Resellers” Journal of Marketing Research, 32(1):54-65.
  • Kühne, B., Gellynck, X. ve Weaver, R.D. (2013) “The Influence of Relationship Quality on the Innovation Capacity in Traditional Food Chains” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(1):52-65.
  • Lages, C., Lages, C.R. ve Lages, L.F. (2005) “The RELQUAL Scale: A Measure of Relationship Quality in Export Market Ventures” Journal of Business Research, 58:1040-1048.
  • Lages, L.F., Lancastre, A. ve Lages, C. (2008) “The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: Bringing Relationship Marketing Theory into Business-to-Business Practice” Industrial Marketing Management, 37:686-697.
  • Lambert, D.M., Cooper, M.C. ve Pagh, J.D. (1998) “Supply Chain Management: Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities” International Journal of Logistics Management, 9(2):1-19.
  • Lambert, D.M. ve Cooper, M.C. (2000) “Issues in Supply Chain Management” Industrial Marketing Management, 29:65-83.
  • Liljander, V. ve Strandvik, T. (1995) “The nature of customer relationships in services” Swartz et al. (eds.) Advances in Services Marketing and Management, London, JAI Press Inc.
  • Mohaghar, A. ve Ghasemi, R. (2011) “A Conceptual Model for Supply Chain Relations Quality and Supply Chain Performance by Structural Equation Modeling: A Case Study in the Iranian Automotive Industry” European Journal of Social Sciences, 21(3):456-470.
  • Moliner, M.A, Sanchez, J., Rodriguez, R.M. ve Payan, J.M., Svensson, G. ve Hair, J. (2010) “A Cross-Cultural RELQUAL-Scale in Supplier-Distributer Relationships of Sweden and the USA” International Marketing Review, 27(5):541-561.
  • Rauyruen, P. ve Miller, K.E. (2007) “Relationship Quality as A Predictor of B2B Customer Loyalty” Journal of Business Research, 60:21-31.
  • Robicheaux, R.A. ve Coleman, J. E. (1994) “The Structure of Marketing Channel Relationships” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(1):38-51
  • Skarmeas, D., Katsikeas, C.S., Spyropoulou, S. ve Salehi-Sangari, E. (2008) “Market and Supplier Characteristics Driving Distributor Relationship Quality in International Marketing Channels of Industrial Products” Industrial Marketing Management, 37:23-36.
  • Storbacka, K., Strandvik, T. ve Grönroos, C. (1994) “Managing Customer Relationships for Profit: The Dynamics of Relationship Quality” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 5(5):21-38.
  • Su, Q., Song, Y., Li, Z. ve Dang, J. (2008) “The Impact of Supply Chain Relationship Quality on Cooperative Strategy” Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 14:263-272.
  • Svensson, G. ve Mysen, T. (2011) “A Construct of RELQUAL: Measurement Model and Theory Testing” Baltic Journal of Management, 6(2):227-244.
  • Walter, A., Muller, T.A., Helfert, G. ve Ritter, T. (2003) “Functions of Industrial Supplier Relationships and Their Impact on Relationship Quality” Industrial Marketing Management, 32:159-169.
  • Woo, K. ve Ennew, C.T. (2004) “Business-to- Business Relationship Quality: An IMP Interaction- Based Conceptualization and Measurement” European Journal of Marketing, 38(9/10):1252-1271.
  • Yin, R.K. (1984) Case Study Research: Design and Methods Applied Social Research Methods Series, USA, Sage Publications.
  • Yin, R.K. (2003) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 3rd Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.

Tedarik Zinciri Yönetiminde İlişki Kalitesi: Çift Yönlü Perspektif

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 3, 371 - 382, 01.08.2014


İşletme performansı iş ortaklarının birbiriyle olan ilişkisinden anlamlı ölçüde etkilenmektedir (Lages vd., 2008). Bu sebeple, tedarik zinciri üyelerinin arasında var olan ilişkinin kalitesi, tüm zincirin başarısı için büyük önem teşkil etmekte, zincirin karlılığı (Huntley, 2006) ve performansı (Fynes vd., 2008; Mohaghar ve Ghasemi, 2011) üzerinde olumlu etki yaratmaktadır. Öte yandan, tedarik zinciri boyunca tüm süreç bağlantılarının entegrasyon ve yönetimi mümkün değildir bunun yanısıra, entegrasyon düzeyi, bağlantılar arasında ya da zaman içinde farklılaşabilmektedir. Bu nedenle, bazı bağlantılar daha kritik olarak ifade edilebilir ve bu bağlantılar aktif yönetilmelidir. Dolayısıyla, Lambert ve arkadaşlarının (1998) çalışmasında belirtildiği üzere, yönetilen, izlenen ve yönetilmeyen süreç bağlantılarındaki ilişki kalitesinin de farklılık göstermesi beklenmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amacı yukarıda belirtilen süreç bağlantılarının her biri için ilişki kalitesinin boyutlarını araştırmak ve ortaya çıkartmaktır


  • Ambrose, E., Marshall, D. ve Lynch, D. (2010) “Buyer Supplier Perspectives on Supply Chain Relationships” International Journal of Operations & Productions Luxury Restaurants” Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Management, 39(12):1269-1290. Research, 30(2):143-169.
  • Crosby, L.A., Evans, K.R. ve Cowles, D. (1990) “Relationship Quality in Services Selling: An Interpersonal Influence Perspective” The Journal of Marketing, 54(3):68-81.
  • Dorsch, M.J, Swanson, S.R. ve Kelley, S.W. (1998) “The Role of Relationship Quality in the Stratification of Vendors as Perceived by Customers” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 26(2):128-142.
  • Dwyer, E.R. ve Oh, S. (1987) “Output Sector Munificence Effects on the Internal Political Economy of Marketing Channels” Journal of Marketing Research, 24:347-358.
  • Ellram, L.M. (1992) “International Purchasing Alliances: An Empirical Study”The International Journal of Logistics Management, 3(1):23-36.
  • Fang, S.R., Chang, Y.S. ve Peng, Y.C. (2011) “Dark Side of Relationships: A Tensions-Based View” Industrial Marketing Management, 40:774-784.
  • Fynes, B., Voss, C. ve Burca, S. (2005) “The Impact of Supply Chain Relationship Quality on Quality Performance” International Journal of Production Economics, 96:339-354.
  • Fynes, B., Burca, S. ve Mangan, J. (2008) “The effect of Relationship Characteristics on Relationship Quality and Performance” International Journal of Production Economics, 111:56-69.
  • Gummesson, E. (1987) “The New Marketing Developing Long-Term Interactive Relationships” Long Range Planning, 20(49):10-20.
  • Hakkanson, H. ve Snehota, I. (1995) Developing Relationships in Business Networks, London, Routledge.
  • Holmlund, M. (2008) “A Definition, Model, and Empirical Analysis of Business-to-Business Relationship Quality” International Journal of Service Industry Callarisa, L. (2007) “Perceived Relationship Quality and Management, 19(1):32-62. Post-Purchase Perceived Value An Integrating Framework”
  • Huntley, J.K. (2006) “Conceptualization and European Journal of Marketing, 41(11/12):1392-1422 Measurement of Relationship Quality: Linking Relationship Quality to Actual Sales and Recommendation Intention” Industrial Marketing Management, 35:703-714.
  • Jarvelin, A. ve Lehtinen, U. (1996) “Relationship Quality in Business-to-Business Service Context” Edvardsso et al. (eds.) QUIS 5 Advancing Service Quality, A Global Perspective, Warwick Printing Company Ltd.
  • Kim, W.G., Lee, Y.K. ve Yoo, Y.J. (2006) “Predictors of Relationship Quality and Relationship Outcomes in
  • Kumar, N., Scheer, L.K. ve Steenkamp, J.B. (1995) “The Effects of Supplier Fairness on Vulnerable Resellers” Journal of Marketing Research, 32(1):54-65.
  • Kühne, B., Gellynck, X. ve Weaver, R.D. (2013) “The Influence of Relationship Quality on the Innovation Capacity in Traditional Food Chains” Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, 18(1):52-65.
  • Lages, C., Lages, C.R. ve Lages, L.F. (2005) “The RELQUAL Scale: A Measure of Relationship Quality in Export Market Ventures” Journal of Business Research, 58:1040-1048.
  • Lages, L.F., Lancastre, A. ve Lages, C. (2008) “The B2B-RELPERF scale and scorecard: Bringing Relationship Marketing Theory into Business-to-Business Practice” Industrial Marketing Management, 37:686-697.
  • Lambert, D.M., Cooper, M.C. ve Pagh, J.D. (1998) “Supply Chain Management: Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities” International Journal of Logistics Management, 9(2):1-19.
  • Lambert, D.M. ve Cooper, M.C. (2000) “Issues in Supply Chain Management” Industrial Marketing Management, 29:65-83.
  • Liljander, V. ve Strandvik, T. (1995) “The nature of customer relationships in services” Swartz et al. (eds.) Advances in Services Marketing and Management, London, JAI Press Inc.
  • Mohaghar, A. ve Ghasemi, R. (2011) “A Conceptual Model for Supply Chain Relations Quality and Supply Chain Performance by Structural Equation Modeling: A Case Study in the Iranian Automotive Industry” European Journal of Social Sciences, 21(3):456-470.
  • Moliner, M.A, Sanchez, J., Rodriguez, R.M. ve Payan, J.M., Svensson, G. ve Hair, J. (2010) “A Cross-Cultural RELQUAL-Scale in Supplier-Distributer Relationships of Sweden and the USA” International Marketing Review, 27(5):541-561.
  • Rauyruen, P. ve Miller, K.E. (2007) “Relationship Quality as A Predictor of B2B Customer Loyalty” Journal of Business Research, 60:21-31.
  • Robicheaux, R.A. ve Coleman, J. E. (1994) “The Structure of Marketing Channel Relationships” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 22(1):38-51
  • Skarmeas, D., Katsikeas, C.S., Spyropoulou, S. ve Salehi-Sangari, E. (2008) “Market and Supplier Characteristics Driving Distributor Relationship Quality in International Marketing Channels of Industrial Products” Industrial Marketing Management, 37:23-36.
  • Storbacka, K., Strandvik, T. ve Grönroos, C. (1994) “Managing Customer Relationships for Profit: The Dynamics of Relationship Quality” International Journal of Service Industry Management, 5(5):21-38.
  • Su, Q., Song, Y., Li, Z. ve Dang, J. (2008) “The Impact of Supply Chain Relationship Quality on Cooperative Strategy” Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management, 14:263-272.
  • Svensson, G. ve Mysen, T. (2011) “A Construct of RELQUAL: Measurement Model and Theory Testing” Baltic Journal of Management, 6(2):227-244.
  • Walter, A., Muller, T.A., Helfert, G. ve Ritter, T. (2003) “Functions of Industrial Supplier Relationships and Their Impact on Relationship Quality” Industrial Marketing Management, 32:159-169.
  • Woo, K. ve Ennew, C.T. (2004) “Business-to- Business Relationship Quality: An IMP Interaction- Based Conceptualization and Measurement” European Journal of Marketing, 38(9/10):1252-1271.
  • Yin, R.K. (1984) Case Study Research: Design and Methods Applied Social Research Methods Series, USA, Sage Publications.
  • Yin, R.K. (2003) Case Study Research: Design and Methods, 3rd Edition, Thousand Oaks, CA, Sage.
There are 33 citations in total.


Other ID JA87HM23UB
Journal Section Research Article

Banu Atrek This is me

Maria Rosaria Marcone This is me

Gian Luca Gregorı This is me

Valerio Temperını This is me

Laura Moscatellı This is me

Publication Date August 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 14 Issue: 3


APA Atrek, B., Marcone, M. R., Gregorı, G. L., Temperını, V., et al. (2014). Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective. Ege Academic Review, 14(3), 371-382.
AMA Atrek B, Marcone MR, Gregorı GL, Temperını V, Moscatellı L. Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective. ear. August 2014;14(3):371-382.
Chicago Atrek, Banu, Maria Rosaria Marcone, Gian Luca Gregorı, Valerio Temperını, and Laura Moscatellı. “Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective”. Ege Academic Review 14, no. 3 (August 2014): 371-82.
EndNote Atrek B, Marcone MR, Gregorı GL, Temperını V, Moscatellı L (August 1, 2014) Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective. Ege Academic Review 14 3 371–382.
IEEE B. Atrek, M. R. Marcone, G. L. Gregorı, V. Temperını, and L. Moscatellı, “Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective”, ear, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 371–382, 2014.
ISNAD Atrek, Banu et al. “Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective”. Ege Academic Review 14/3 (August 2014), 371-382.
JAMA Atrek B, Marcone MR, Gregorı GL, Temperını V, Moscatellı L. Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective. ear. 2014;14:371–382.
MLA Atrek, Banu et al. “Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 14, no. 3, 2014, pp. 371-82.
Vancouver Atrek B, Marcone MR, Gregorı GL, Temperını V, Moscatellı L. Relationship Quality in Supply Chain Management: A Dyad Perspective. ear. 2014;14(3):371-82.