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Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 571 - 582, 01.11.2014


The Country-Of-Origin (COO) effect is a reality of international marketing and multifaceted structure of COO makes it important in this field. Albania is a particular instance to examine this topic in order to observe current situation after the communism term. The main objective of this research is to examine the country-of-origin effect upon Albanian consumers to observe their product preferences, reactions, and willingness toward domestic and foreign products. Furthermore this research intended to provide an idea regarding the countries whose products are more preferable and what, among these countries, the place of Turkish products in Albanian market is. We adapted and used CETSCALE (Consumer Ethnocentric Tendencies Scale) to measure consumer attitudes. Findings reveal that ethnocentric tendency of Albanian consumers is strong and Turkish products are preferred less than the products of European countries, whereas more than Chinese products in this market


  • Abhilash, P. ve Roy, S. (2009) “Indian Consum- ers’ Perception of Country of Origin on Organizational Capabilities” The IUP Journal of Management Research, 8(10):63-72.
  • Al-Sulaiti, K.I. ve Baker, M.J. (1998) “Country of Origin Effects: a Literature Review” Marketing Intelli- gence & Planning,16(3):150–199.
  • Armağan, E.C. ve Gürsoy, Ö. (2011) “Satın Alma Kararlarında Tüketici Etnosentrizmi ve Menşe Ülke Etki- sinin Cetscale Ölçeği ile Değerlendirilmesi” Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2):67-77.
  • Balabanis, G. ve Diamantopoulos, A. (2004) “Do- mestic Country Bias, Country of Origin Effects, and Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Multidimensional Unfold- ing Approach” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sci- ence, 32(1):80-95.
  • Bawa, A. (2004) “Consumer Ethnocentrism: CETSCALE Validation and Measurement of Extent” Vi- kalpa, 29(3):43-57.
  • Berentzen, J.B., Backhaus, C., Michaelis, M., Blut, M. ve Ahlert, D. (2008) “Does “Made in….” Also Apply to Servic- es? An Empirical Assessment of the Country-of-Origin Effect in Service Settings” Journal of Relationship Marketing, 7(4).
  • Bilkey, W. ve Nes, E. (1982) “Country of Origin Ef- fects on Product Evaluations” Journal of International Business Studies, 13:89-100.
  • Biswas, K., Chowdhury, M.H.K. ve Kabir, H. (2011) “Effects of Price and Country of Origin on Consumer Product Quality Perceptions: An Empirical Study in Ban- gladesh” International Journal of Management, 28(3):659- 674.
  • Brodowskya, G.H., Tanb, J. ve Meilich, O. (2004) “Managing Country of Origin Choices: Competitive Advantages and Opportunities” International Business Re- view, 13:729-748.
  • Catton, W.R. (1960) “The Functions and Dysfunctions of Ethnocentrism: A Theory” Social Problem, 8:201-211.
  • Chaloff, J. (2008) “Albania and Italy Migration poli- cies and their development relevance A Survey of Inno- vative and “Development- Friendly” Practices in Albania and Italy” Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale Work- ing Papers No:51.
  • Cheong, A.L.H. (2011) “Country of Origin Infor- mation, Ethnocentrism and Perceived Quality of Mobile Phones: Experience from the Field” International Review of Business Research Papers, 7(6):15-32.
  • Chowdhury, H.K. ve Ahmed, J.U. (2009) “An Exam- ination of the Effects of Partitioned Country of Origin on Consumer Product Quality Perceptions” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33:496-502.
  • Cordell, V.V. (1992) “Effects of Consumer Preferenc- es for Foreign Sourced Products” Journal of International Business Studies, 23(2):251-69.
  • Cordell, V.V. (1993) “Interaction Effects of Country of Origin With Branding, Price and Perceived Perfor- mance Risk” Journal of International Consumer Market- ing, 5(2):5-18.
  • Coskun, G. (2007) “Balkan Politikasında Arnavut- luk (1912 Sonrası)” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Çipuri, R. (2005) “Türk’e Evet, Malına Hayır”, Za- man Gazetesi, 25 Ağustos 2005. tr/pazar_turke-evet-malina-hayir_205391.html
  • Dikčius, V. ve Stankevičienė, G. (2010) “Perception of Country of Brand Origin and Country of Product Manufacturing Among Lithuanians and Emigrants from Lithuania” Organizations and Markets in Emerging Econo- mies, 1, No. 2(2).
  • Dmitrovic, T., Vida, I. ve Reardon, J. (2009) “Pur- chase Behavior in Favor of Domestic Products in the West Balkans” International Business Review, 18:523-535.
  • Doka, D. (2005) “Socio-Economic and Regional De- velopments of Albania After 1999” Geographical Studies, 24. Posdam.
  • European Commission (2013) Directorate General for Trade htm.pdf, (11.03.2013).
  • Ghazali, M., Othman, M.S. Yahya, A.Z. ve Ibrahim, M.S. (2008) “Products and Country of Origin Effects: The Malaysian Consumers’ Perception” International Review of Business Research Papers, 4(2):91-102.
  • Hajdinjak, M. (2005) “Don’t Want To Live With Them, Can’t Afford To Live Without Them: Albanian Labor Migration In Greece” Migrations, Integration Se- curity And Quality of Life in Mediterranean Cities, an In- ternational Conference, University of Lugano, September 30th – October 1st, Switzerland.
  • İstanbul Ticaret Odası, (2012) “Arnavutluk Ülke Raporu” pdf, (11.10.212).
  • Han, C.M. ve Terpstra, V. (1988) “Country-of-origin: Effects for Uni-national and Binational Products” Journal of International Business Studies, 16:235-256.
  • Herche, J. (1990) “The Measurement of Consumer Ethnocentrism: Revisiting the CETSCALE” Proceed- ings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, B. J. Dunlap, ed. Western Carolina University, 371-375.
  • Hong, S. ve Wyer, R.S.Jr. (1989) “Effects of Country of Origin and Product Attribute Information on Product Evaluation: An Information Processing Perspective” Con- sumer Research, 16:175-185.
  • Hult, G.T.M., Keillor, B.D. ve Lafferty, B.A. (1999) “A Cross-National Assessment of Social Desirability Bias and Consumer Ethnocentrism” Journal of Global Market- ing, 12(4):29-43.
  • IMF, (2013) “Albania 2012 Article IV Consultation” Country Report No. 13/7, International Monetary Fund Country Report,
  • Insch, G.S. (2003) “The Impact of Country-of-Ori- gin Effects on Industrial Buyers’ Perceptions of Product Quality” Management International Review, 43(3):291- 310.
  • Javalgi, R.G., Khare, V.P. Gross, A.C. ve Scherer ,R.F. (2005) “An Application of the Consumer Ethnocentrism Model to French Consumers”, International Business Re- view, 14:325-344.
  • Johansson, J.K., Douglas, S.P. ve Nonaka, I. (1985) “Assessing the Impact of Country of Origin on Product Evaluations: A New Methodological Perspective” Journal of Marketing Research, 22:388-396.
  • Kaynak, E. ve Kara, A. (2002) “Consumer Perception of Foreign Products; An Analyses of Product-Country- Images and Ethnocentrism” European Journal of Market- ing, 38(7/8):928-949.
  • Kucukemiroglu, O. (1999) “Market Segmentation by Using Consumer Lifestyle Dimensions and Ethnocen- trism: An Empirical Study” European Journal of Market- ing, 33(5/6):470-487.
  • Li, Y. ve He, H. (2011) “Evaluation of International Brand Alliances: Brand Order and Consumer Ethnocen- trism” Journal of Business Research, Article in Press. Avail- able in Science Direct.
  • Lim, J.S. ve Darley, W.K. (1997) “An Assessment of Demand Artifacts in Country of Origin Studies, Using Three Alternative Approaches” International Marketing Review, 14(4):201-216.
  • Lin, L.Y ve Chen S.C. (2006) “The Influence of the Country-Of-Origin Image, Product Knowledge and Prod- uct Involvement on Consumer Purchase Decisions: An Empirical Study of Insurance and Catering Services in Tai- wan” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(5):248-265.
  • Luque-Martı´nez, T., Iba´n˜ez-Zapata, J.-A. ve Barrio-Garcı´a, S.D.(2000) “Consumer Ethnocentrism Measurement- an Assessment of the Reliability and Va- lidity of the CETSCALE in Spain” European Journal of Marketing, 34(11/12):1353-1373.
  • Lynn, R. (1976) “The Sociobiology of Nationalism”. New Society, July:11–14.
  • Nagashima, A. (1970) “A Comparison of Japanese and US Attitudes toward Foreign Products” Journal of Marketing, 34(1):68-74.
  • Netemeyer, R.G., Durvasula, S. ve Lichtenstein, D.R. (1991) “A Cross-National Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of the CETSCALE” Journal of Marketing Re- search, 28:320-327.
  • Ouellet, J.F. (2007) “Consumer Racism and Its Ef- fects on Domestic Cross-Ethnic Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the United States, Canada, and France” Journal of Marketing, 71(1):113-128.
  • Papadopolous, N.G. ve Heslop, L.A. (2002) “Coun- try Equity and Country Branding: Problems and Pros- pects,” Journal of Brand Management, 9(4-5):294-314.
  • Papadopoulos, N. ve Heslop, L.A. (1993) “Product- Country Image: Impact and Role in International Market- ing.” London: International Business Press.
  • Pereira, A., Hsu C.C. ve Kundu, S.K. (2005) “Coun- try-of-Origin Image: Measurement and Cross-national Testing” Journal of Business Research, 58:103-106
  • Pharr, J.M. (2005) “Synthesizing Country-of-Origin Research from the Last Decade: Is the Concept Still Sa- lient in an era of Global Brands?” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 13(4):34-45.
  • Reuber, A.R. ve Fischer, E. (2011) “When Nobody Knows Your Name: Country-of-Origin as a Reputational Signal for Online Businesses”Corporate Reputation Re- view, 14(1):37-51.
  • Rezvanil, S., Shenjari, G., Dehkorti, G.J., Salehi, M., Nahid, N. ve Soleimani, S. (2012) “Country of Origin: A Study over Perspective of Intrinsic and Extrin- sic Cues on Consumers Purchase Decision” Business and Management Dynamics, 1(11):68-75.
  • Ruyter, K., Marcel, B. ve Wetzels, M. (1998) “Con- sumer Ethnocentrism in International Services Market- ing” International Business Review, 7:185–202.
  • Saffu, K. ve Walker, J.H. (2005) “An Assessment of the Consumer Ethnocentric Scale (CETSCALE) in an Advanced and Transitional Country: The Case of Can- ada and Russia” International Journal of Management, 22(4):556-571.
  • Samiee, S. (1994) “Customer Evaluation of Products in A Global Market” Journal of International Business Studies, 25(3):579-604.
  • Sharma, S., Shimp, T.A. ve Shin, J. (1995) “Consum- er Ethnocentrism: A Test of Antecedents and Moderators” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23(1):26-37.
  • Shimp, T.A. ve Sharma, S. (1987) “Consumer Ethnocentrism: Construction and Validation of the CETSCALE” Journal of Marketing Research, 24:280–289.
  • Sülkü, M. (2010) “Political Relations between Turkey and Albania in the Post-Cold War Period” Unpublished Thesis Master Of Science in the Department Of Interna- tional Relations, Middle East Technical University.
  • Sumner, W.G. (1906) Folkways; Study of the Socio- logical Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs Mores and Morals. Boston: Ginn.
  • Thanasuta, K., Patoomsuwan T. Chaimahawong V. ve Chiaravutthi Y. (2009) “Brand and Country of Origin Valuations of Automobiles” Asia Pacific Journal of Market- ing and Logistics, 21(3):355-375.
  • Tigli, M., Pirtini, S. ve Erdem, Y.C. (2010) “The Per- ceived Country Of Origin Images In Turkey” Internation- al Business & Economics Research Journal, 9(8).
  • Tse, D.K. ve Lee, W. (1993) “Removing Negative Country Images: Effects of Decomposition, Branding and Product Experience” Journal of International Market- ing, 1(3):25-48.
  • Verlegh, P.W.J. ve Steenkamp, J.B.E.M. (1999). “A Review and Meta-Analysis of Country-of-Origin Re- search” Journal of Economic Psychology, 20(5):521-546.
  • Wang, C.L. ve Chen, Z.X. (2004) “Consumer Eth- nocentrism and Willingness to Buy Domestic Products in a Developing Country Setting: Testing Moderating Effects” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(6):391-400.
  • Watson, J.J. ve Wright, K. (2000) “Consumer Eth- nocentrism and Attitudes toward Domestic and Foreign Products” European Journal of Marketing, 34(9/10):1149- 1166.
  • 2011%20Ulke%20Rapo.pdf. Cited;11. 10. 2012.

Arnavutluk Pazarında Yabancı Ürün Algısı, Menşei Ülke Etkisi ve Türk Ürünlerinin Pazardaki Yeri Üzerine Bir İnceleme

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 571 - 582, 01.11.2014


Ürünlerdeki menşei ülke etkisi uluslararası pazarlamanın bir gerçeğidir ve menşei ülke etkisinin çok yönlü yapısı onu uluslararası pazarlamada daha önemli hale getirmektedir. Arnavutluk, komünizm sonrası mevcut durumu görmek açısından, bu konuda güzel bir örnek niteliğindedir. Bu çalışmanın temel amacı, Arnavutluk halkının tüketim tercihlerinde, yabancı ürünlerin yeri, yabancı ürün tüketimindeki isteklilik düzeylerinin incelenmesi ve onların ithal ve yerel ürünlere karşı bakışının ortaya çıkarılmasıdır. Ayrıca, bu pazarda hangi ülke ürünlerinin daha çok tercih edildiğinin belirlenmesi ve Türk ürünlerinin pazardaki yerinin tespit edilmesi de araştırmanın amaçları arasındadır. Bu alandaki tüketici tutumlarını ölçmek için Amerika’da geliştirilen ve pekçok ülkede uygulanan ethosentrizm (CETSCALE) ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Bulgular, Arnavut halkının yabancı ülke ürünlerine kapalı olmadığını ve bu pazarda Türk ürünleri algısının Avrupa ülkelerinin gerisinde fakat Çin ürünlerinin ilerisinde olduğunu göstermektedir


  • Abhilash, P. ve Roy, S. (2009) “Indian Consum- ers’ Perception of Country of Origin on Organizational Capabilities” The IUP Journal of Management Research, 8(10):63-72.
  • Al-Sulaiti, K.I. ve Baker, M.J. (1998) “Country of Origin Effects: a Literature Review” Marketing Intelli- gence & Planning,16(3):150–199.
  • Armağan, E.C. ve Gürsoy, Ö. (2011) “Satın Alma Kararlarında Tüketici Etnosentrizmi ve Menşe Ülke Etki- sinin Cetscale Ölçeği ile Değerlendirilmesi” Organizasyon ve Yönetim Bilimleri Dergisi, 3(2):67-77.
  • Balabanis, G. ve Diamantopoulos, A. (2004) “Do- mestic Country Bias, Country of Origin Effects, and Consumer Ethnocentrism: A Multidimensional Unfold- ing Approach” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Sci- ence, 32(1):80-95.
  • Bawa, A. (2004) “Consumer Ethnocentrism: CETSCALE Validation and Measurement of Extent” Vi- kalpa, 29(3):43-57.
  • Berentzen, J.B., Backhaus, C., Michaelis, M., Blut, M. ve Ahlert, D. (2008) “Does “Made in….” Also Apply to Servic- es? An Empirical Assessment of the Country-of-Origin Effect in Service Settings” Journal of Relationship Marketing, 7(4).
  • Bilkey, W. ve Nes, E. (1982) “Country of Origin Ef- fects on Product Evaluations” Journal of International Business Studies, 13:89-100.
  • Biswas, K., Chowdhury, M.H.K. ve Kabir, H. (2011) “Effects of Price and Country of Origin on Consumer Product Quality Perceptions: An Empirical Study in Ban- gladesh” International Journal of Management, 28(3):659- 674.
  • Brodowskya, G.H., Tanb, J. ve Meilich, O. (2004) “Managing Country of Origin Choices: Competitive Advantages and Opportunities” International Business Re- view, 13:729-748.
  • Catton, W.R. (1960) “The Functions and Dysfunctions of Ethnocentrism: A Theory” Social Problem, 8:201-211.
  • Chaloff, J. (2008) “Albania and Italy Migration poli- cies and their development relevance A Survey of Inno- vative and “Development- Friendly” Practices in Albania and Italy” Centro Studi di Politica Internazionale Work- ing Papers No:51.
  • Cheong, A.L.H. (2011) “Country of Origin Infor- mation, Ethnocentrism and Perceived Quality of Mobile Phones: Experience from the Field” International Review of Business Research Papers, 7(6):15-32.
  • Chowdhury, H.K. ve Ahmed, J.U. (2009) “An Exam- ination of the Effects of Partitioned Country of Origin on Consumer Product Quality Perceptions” International Journal of Consumer Studies, 33:496-502.
  • Cordell, V.V. (1992) “Effects of Consumer Preferenc- es for Foreign Sourced Products” Journal of International Business Studies, 23(2):251-69.
  • Cordell, V.V. (1993) “Interaction Effects of Country of Origin With Branding, Price and Perceived Perfor- mance Risk” Journal of International Consumer Market- ing, 5(2):5-18.
  • Coskun, G. (2007) “Balkan Politikasında Arnavut- luk (1912 Sonrası)” Yayınlanmamış Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Isparta, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü.
  • Çipuri, R. (2005) “Türk’e Evet, Malına Hayır”, Za- man Gazetesi, 25 Ağustos 2005. tr/pazar_turke-evet-malina-hayir_205391.html
  • Dikčius, V. ve Stankevičienė, G. (2010) “Perception of Country of Brand Origin and Country of Product Manufacturing Among Lithuanians and Emigrants from Lithuania” Organizations and Markets in Emerging Econo- mies, 1, No. 2(2).
  • Dmitrovic, T., Vida, I. ve Reardon, J. (2009) “Pur- chase Behavior in Favor of Domestic Products in the West Balkans” International Business Review, 18:523-535.
  • Doka, D. (2005) “Socio-Economic and Regional De- velopments of Albania After 1999” Geographical Studies, 24. Posdam.
  • European Commission (2013) Directorate General for Trade htm.pdf, (11.03.2013).
  • Ghazali, M., Othman, M.S. Yahya, A.Z. ve Ibrahim, M.S. (2008) “Products and Country of Origin Effects: The Malaysian Consumers’ Perception” International Review of Business Research Papers, 4(2):91-102.
  • Hajdinjak, M. (2005) “Don’t Want To Live With Them, Can’t Afford To Live Without Them: Albanian Labor Migration In Greece” Migrations, Integration Se- curity And Quality of Life in Mediterranean Cities, an In- ternational Conference, University of Lugano, September 30th – October 1st, Switzerland.
  • İstanbul Ticaret Odası, (2012) “Arnavutluk Ülke Raporu” pdf, (11.10.212).
  • Han, C.M. ve Terpstra, V. (1988) “Country-of-origin: Effects for Uni-national and Binational Products” Journal of International Business Studies, 16:235-256.
  • Herche, J. (1990) “The Measurement of Consumer Ethnocentrism: Revisiting the CETSCALE” Proceed- ings of the Thirteenth Annual Conference of the Academy of Marketing Science, B. J. Dunlap, ed. Western Carolina University, 371-375.
  • Hong, S. ve Wyer, R.S.Jr. (1989) “Effects of Country of Origin and Product Attribute Information on Product Evaluation: An Information Processing Perspective” Con- sumer Research, 16:175-185.
  • Hult, G.T.M., Keillor, B.D. ve Lafferty, B.A. (1999) “A Cross-National Assessment of Social Desirability Bias and Consumer Ethnocentrism” Journal of Global Market- ing, 12(4):29-43.
  • IMF, (2013) “Albania 2012 Article IV Consultation” Country Report No. 13/7, International Monetary Fund Country Report,
  • Insch, G.S. (2003) “The Impact of Country-of-Ori- gin Effects on Industrial Buyers’ Perceptions of Product Quality” Management International Review, 43(3):291- 310.
  • Javalgi, R.G., Khare, V.P. Gross, A.C. ve Scherer ,R.F. (2005) “An Application of the Consumer Ethnocentrism Model to French Consumers”, International Business Re- view, 14:325-344.
  • Johansson, J.K., Douglas, S.P. ve Nonaka, I. (1985) “Assessing the Impact of Country of Origin on Product Evaluations: A New Methodological Perspective” Journal of Marketing Research, 22:388-396.
  • Kaynak, E. ve Kara, A. (2002) “Consumer Perception of Foreign Products; An Analyses of Product-Country- Images and Ethnocentrism” European Journal of Market- ing, 38(7/8):928-949.
  • Kucukemiroglu, O. (1999) “Market Segmentation by Using Consumer Lifestyle Dimensions and Ethnocen- trism: An Empirical Study” European Journal of Market- ing, 33(5/6):470-487.
  • Li, Y. ve He, H. (2011) “Evaluation of International Brand Alliances: Brand Order and Consumer Ethnocen- trism” Journal of Business Research, Article in Press. Avail- able in Science Direct.
  • Lim, J.S. ve Darley, W.K. (1997) “An Assessment of Demand Artifacts in Country of Origin Studies, Using Three Alternative Approaches” International Marketing Review, 14(4):201-216.
  • Lin, L.Y ve Chen S.C. (2006) “The Influence of the Country-Of-Origin Image, Product Knowledge and Prod- uct Involvement on Consumer Purchase Decisions: An Empirical Study of Insurance and Catering Services in Tai- wan” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 23(5):248-265.
  • Luque-Martı´nez, T., Iba´n˜ez-Zapata, J.-A. ve Barrio-Garcı´a, S.D.(2000) “Consumer Ethnocentrism Measurement- an Assessment of the Reliability and Va- lidity of the CETSCALE in Spain” European Journal of Marketing, 34(11/12):1353-1373.
  • Lynn, R. (1976) “The Sociobiology of Nationalism”. New Society, July:11–14.
  • Nagashima, A. (1970) “A Comparison of Japanese and US Attitudes toward Foreign Products” Journal of Marketing, 34(1):68-74.
  • Netemeyer, R.G., Durvasula, S. ve Lichtenstein, D.R. (1991) “A Cross-National Assessment of the Reliability and Validity of the CETSCALE” Journal of Marketing Re- search, 28:320-327.
  • Ouellet, J.F. (2007) “Consumer Racism and Its Ef- fects on Domestic Cross-Ethnic Product Purchase: An Empirical Test in the United States, Canada, and France” Journal of Marketing, 71(1):113-128.
  • Papadopolous, N.G. ve Heslop, L.A. (2002) “Coun- try Equity and Country Branding: Problems and Pros- pects,” Journal of Brand Management, 9(4-5):294-314.
  • Papadopoulos, N. ve Heslop, L.A. (1993) “Product- Country Image: Impact and Role in International Market- ing.” London: International Business Press.
  • Pereira, A., Hsu C.C. ve Kundu, S.K. (2005) “Coun- try-of-Origin Image: Measurement and Cross-national Testing” Journal of Business Research, 58:103-106
  • Pharr, J.M. (2005) “Synthesizing Country-of-Origin Research from the Last Decade: Is the Concept Still Sa- lient in an era of Global Brands?” Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 13(4):34-45.
  • Reuber, A.R. ve Fischer, E. (2011) “When Nobody Knows Your Name: Country-of-Origin as a Reputational Signal for Online Businesses”Corporate Reputation Re- view, 14(1):37-51.
  • Rezvanil, S., Shenjari, G., Dehkorti, G.J., Salehi, M., Nahid, N. ve Soleimani, S. (2012) “Country of Origin: A Study over Perspective of Intrinsic and Extrin- sic Cues on Consumers Purchase Decision” Business and Management Dynamics, 1(11):68-75.
  • Ruyter, K., Marcel, B. ve Wetzels, M. (1998) “Con- sumer Ethnocentrism in International Services Market- ing” International Business Review, 7:185–202.
  • Saffu, K. ve Walker, J.H. (2005) “An Assessment of the Consumer Ethnocentric Scale (CETSCALE) in an Advanced and Transitional Country: The Case of Can- ada and Russia” International Journal of Management, 22(4):556-571.
  • Samiee, S. (1994) “Customer Evaluation of Products in A Global Market” Journal of International Business Studies, 25(3):579-604.
  • Sharma, S., Shimp, T.A. ve Shin, J. (1995) “Consum- er Ethnocentrism: A Test of Antecedents and Moderators” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 23(1):26-37.
  • Shimp, T.A. ve Sharma, S. (1987) “Consumer Ethnocentrism: Construction and Validation of the CETSCALE” Journal of Marketing Research, 24:280–289.
  • Sülkü, M. (2010) “Political Relations between Turkey and Albania in the Post-Cold War Period” Unpublished Thesis Master Of Science in the Department Of Interna- tional Relations, Middle East Technical University.
  • Sumner, W.G. (1906) Folkways; Study of the Socio- logical Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs Mores and Morals. Boston: Ginn.
  • Thanasuta, K., Patoomsuwan T. Chaimahawong V. ve Chiaravutthi Y. (2009) “Brand and Country of Origin Valuations of Automobiles” Asia Pacific Journal of Market- ing and Logistics, 21(3):355-375.
  • Tigli, M., Pirtini, S. ve Erdem, Y.C. (2010) “The Per- ceived Country Of Origin Images In Turkey” Internation- al Business & Economics Research Journal, 9(8).
  • Tse, D.K. ve Lee, W. (1993) “Removing Negative Country Images: Effects of Decomposition, Branding and Product Experience” Journal of International Market- ing, 1(3):25-48.
  • Verlegh, P.W.J. ve Steenkamp, J.B.E.M. (1999). “A Review and Meta-Analysis of Country-of-Origin Re- search” Journal of Economic Psychology, 20(5):521-546.
  • Wang, C.L. ve Chen, Z.X. (2004) “Consumer Eth- nocentrism and Willingness to Buy Domestic Products in a Developing Country Setting: Testing Moderating Effects” Journal of Consumer Marketing, 21(6):391-400.
  • Watson, J.J. ve Wright, K. (2000) “Consumer Eth- nocentrism and Attitudes toward Domestic and Foreign Products” European Journal of Marketing, 34(9/10):1149- 1166.
  • 2011%20Ulke%20Rapo.pdf. Cited;11. 10. 2012.
There are 62 citations in total.


Other ID JA63NT22VF
Journal Section Research Article

Yüksel Köksal This is me

Albana Tatar This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA Köksal, Y., & Tatar, A. (2014). Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products. Ege Academic Review, 14(4), 571-582.
AMA Köksal Y, Tatar A. Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products. ear. November 2014;14(4):571-582.
Chicago Köksal, Yüksel, and Albana Tatar. “Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; An Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products”. Ege Academic Review 14, no. 4 (November 2014): 571-82.
EndNote Köksal Y, Tatar A (November 1, 2014) Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products. Ege Academic Review 14 4 571–582.
IEEE Y. Köksal and A. Tatar, “Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products”, ear, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 571–582, 2014.
ISNAD Köksal, Yüksel - Tatar, Albana. “Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; An Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products”. Ege Academic Review 14/4 (November 2014), 571-582.
JAMA Köksal Y, Tatar A. Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products. ear. 2014;14:571–582.
MLA Köksal, Yüksel and Albana Tatar. “Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; An Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 14, no. 4, 2014, pp. 571-82.
Vancouver Köksal Y, Tatar A. Foreign Product Perception in Albanian Market; an Analysis of Country Origin Image, Ethnocentrism and the Position of Turkish Products. ear. 2014;14(4):571-82.