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The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 583 - 596, 01.11.2014


The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of relational and transactional psychological contract breach on turnover intention and perceived organizational support. For this purpose data for the sample was collected from 570 academicians from state and foundation universities in Turkey via survey method. Hierarchical regression analyses were conducted to test the hypotheses. The results show that relational psychological contract breach had an increasing effect on turnover intention and had a reducing effect on perceived organizational support. On the other hand, transactional psychological contract breach had an insignificant effect on turnover intention, but only the benefits dimension of transactional psychological contract had a reducing effect on perceived organizational support


  • Anderson, N. ve Schalk, R. (1998) “The Psychological Contract in Retrospect and Prospect” Journal of Reciprocity through the Lens of the Psychological Organizational Behavior, 19: 637-647. Contract: Employee and Employer Perspective” European
  • Argyris, C. (1960) Understanding Organizational Behavior, Homewood, Dorsey Press.
  • Aselage, J. ve Eisenberger, R. (2003) “Perceived Organizational Support and Psychological Contracts: A Theoretical Integration” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24(5): 491-509.
  • Aydın, İ., Memduhoğlu, H.B., Oğuz, E. ve Güngör, S. (2008) “Academic and Non-Academic Staff’s Psychological Contract in Turkey” Higher Education Quarterly, 62(3): 252-272.
  • Brown, T.A. (2006) Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research, New York, The Guilford Press.
  • Cammann, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, G.D. ve Klesh, J. R. (1983) “The Michigan Organizational Assessment Survey: Conceptualization and Instrumentation” Seashore, et al. (eds.) Assessing Organizational Change: A Guide to Methods, Measures and Practices, New York, Wiley Interstice.
  • Cassar, V. ve Briner, R.B. (2011) “The Relationship between Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Commitment: Exchange Imbalance as a Moderator of the Mediating Role of Violation” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78(2): 283-289.
  • Cho, S., Johanson, M.M. ve Guchait, P. (2009) “Employees Intent to Leave: A Comparison of Determinants of Intent to Leave Versus Intent to Stay” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3): 374-381.
  • Conway, N. ve Briner, R. B. (2005) Understanding Psychological Contracts at Work: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Research, New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Conway, N. ve Coyle-Shapiro, J.A.M. (2012) “The Reciprocal Relationship between Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Employee Performance and the Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Tenure” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85(2): 1-23.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J.A.M. ve Conway, N. (2005) “Exchange Relationships: Examining Psychological Contracts and Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4): 774-781.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.M. ve Kessler, I. (2000) Practices in Small Business” Journal of Small Business Management, 39(4): 320-335. “Consequences of the Psychological Contract for the Employment Relationship: A Large Scale Survey” Journal of Management Studies, 37(7): 903-930.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.M. ve Kessler, I. (2002) “Exploring Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11(1): 69- 86.
  • Dabos, G.E. ve Rousseau, D.M. (2004) “Mutuality and Reciprocity in the Psychological Contracts of Employees and Employers” Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(1): 52-72.
  • Eisenberger, R., Armeli, S., Rexwinkel, B., Lynch, P.D. ve Rhoades, L. (2001) “Reciprocation of Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1): 42-51.
  • Eisenberger, R., Curnmings, J., Armeli, S. ve Lynch, P. (1997) “Perceived Organizational Support, Discretionary Treatment, and Job Satisfaction” Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(5): 812-820.
  • Eisenberger, R., Huntington, R., Hutchison, S. ve Sowa, D. (1986) “Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 500-507.
  • George, J.M. ve Jones, G.R. (1996) “The Experience of Work and Turnover Intentions: Interactive Value Attainment, Job Satisfaction, and Positive Mood” Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(3): 318-325.
  • Guest, D.E. (1998) “Is the Psychological Contract Worth Taking Seriously?” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19: 649-664.
  • Guest, D.E. (2004) “The Psychology of the Employment Relationship: An Analysis Based on the Psychological Contract” Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(4): 541-555.
  • Grimmer, M. ve Oddy, M. (2007) “Violation of the Psychological Contract: The Mediating Effect of Relational Versus Transactional Beliefs” Australian Journal of Management, 32(1): 153-174.
  • Iverson, R.D. ve Deery, M. (1997) “Turnover Culture in the Hospitality Industry” Human Resource Management Journal, 7(4): 71-82.
  • Kickul, J. (2001) “Promises Made, Promises Broken:
  • Kickul, J. ve Lester, S.W. (2001) “Broken Promises: Equity Sensitivity as a Moderator between Psychological Contract Breach and Employee Attitudes and Behaviors” Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(2): 191-217.
  • Kiefer, T. ve Briner, R.B. (2006) “Emotion at Work” Jackson, P. and Shams, M. (eds.) Developments in Work and Organizational Psychology: Implications for International Business, Oxford, UK, Elsevier Ltd.
  • Kiewitz, C., Restubog, S.L.D., Zagenczyk T. ve Hochwarter, W. (2009) “The Interactive Effects of Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Politics on Perceived Organizational Support: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies” Journal of Management Studies, 46(5): 806-834.
  • Levinson, H., Price, C.R., Munden, K.J., Mandl, H.J. ve Solley, C. M. (1962) Men, Management and Mental Health. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
  • Millward, L.J. ve Hopkins, L.J. (1998) “Psychological Contracts, Organizational and Job Commitment” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28(16): 1530-1556.
  • Morrison, E.W. ve Robinson, S.L. (1997) “When Employees Feel Betrayed: A Model of How Psychological Contract Violation Develops” Academy of Management Review, 22(1): 226-256.
  • Nunnally, J.C. ve Bernstein, I.H. (1994) Psychometric Theory, 3rd Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill Inc.
  • Orvis, K.A., Dudley, N.M. ve Cortina, J.M. (2008) “Conscientiousness and Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach: A Longitudinal Field Study” Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(5): 1183-1193.
  • Petersitzke, M. (2009) Supervisor Psychological Contract Management, Wissenschaft, Germany, Gabler Edition.
  • Rhoades, L. ve Eisenberger, R. (2002) “Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature” Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4): 698-714.
  • Robinson, S.L. (1996) “Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract” Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4): 574-599.
  • Robinson, S.L., Kraatz, M.S. ve Rousseau, D.M. (1994) “Changing Obligations and the Psychological Contract: A Longitudinal Study” Academy of Management Journal, 37(1): 137-152.
  • Robinson, S. L. ve Morrison, E.W. (1995) “Psychological Contracts and OCB: The Effect of Unfulfilled Obligations on Civic Virtue Behavior” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16(3): 189-298.
  • Robinson, S.L. ve Rousseau, D.M. (1994) “Violating the Psychological Contract: Not the Exception But the Norm” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(3): 245- 259.
  • Rousseau, D.M. (1989) “Psychological and Implied Contracts in Organizations” Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2(2): 121-139.
  • Rousseau, D.M. (1995) Psychological Contracts in Organizations: Understanding Written and Unwritten Agreements, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
  • Rusbult, C.E., Farrell, D., Rogers, G. ve Mainous III, A.G. (1988) “Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect: An Integrative Model of Responses to Declining Job Satisfaction” Academy of Management Journal, 31(3): 599-627.
  • Schein, E.H. (1965) Organizational Psychology, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
  • Sekaran, U. (1992) Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, 2nd Edition, New York, John Wiley.
  • Settoon, R.P., Bennett, N. ve Liden, R.C. (1996) “Social Exchange in Organizations: Perceived Organizational Support, Leader-Member Exchange, and Employee Reciprocity” Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(3): 219-227.
  • Shore, L.M. ve Tetrick, L.E. (1994) “The Psychological Contract as an Explanatory Framework in the Employment Relationship” Cooper, C. L. and Rousseau, D. M. (eds.) Trends in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 1, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Shore, L.M. ve Wayne, S.J. (1993) “Commitment and Employee Behavior: Comparison of Affective Commitment and Continuance Commitment with Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(5): 774-780.
  • Steel, R.P. ve Ovalle, N.K. (1984) “A Review and Meta-Analysis of Research on the Relationship between Behavioral Intentions and Employee Turnover” Journal of Applied Psychology, 69(4): 673-686.
  • Suazo, M.M. (2009) “The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Violation on the Relations between Psychological Contract Breach and Work- Related Attitudes and Behaviors” Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(2): 136-160.
  • Suazo, M.M., Turnley, W.H. ve Mai-Dalton, R.R. (2005) “The Role of Perceived Violation in Determining Employees’ Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach” Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 12(1): 24-36.
  • Tett, R.P. ve Meyer, J.P. (1993) “Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analyses Based on Meta-Analytic Findings” Personnel Psychology, 46(2): 259-293.
  • Topa, G.C., Dominguez, J.F.M. ve DePolo, M. (2008) “Psychological Contract Breach and Outcomes: Combining Meta-Analysis and Structural Equation Models” Psicothema, 20(3): 487-496.
  • Turnley, W.H., Bolino, C., Lester, S.W. ve Bloodgood, J.M. (2003) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Fulfillment on the Performance of In-Role and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors” Journal of Management, 29(2): 187-206.
  • Turnley, W.H. ve Feldman, D.C. (1999) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Violations on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect” Human Relations, 52(7): 895-922.
  • Turnley, W.H. ve Feldman, D.C. (2000) “Re- Examining the Effects of Psychological Contract Violations: Unmet Expectations and Job Dissatisfaction as Mediators” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(1): 25-42.
  • Wayne, S.J., Shore, L.M. ve Liden, R.C. (1997) “Perceived Organizational Support and Leader-Member Exchange: A Social Exchange Perspective” Academy of Management Journal, 40(1): 82-111.
  • Zhang, H.M., Ma, J., Liao, S.Y. ve Wang, S.T. (2010) “A Study on Psychological Contract Breach, Equity Sensitivity and Turnover Intention of Knowledge Workers” 17. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 1002-1007.
  • Zhao, H., Wayne, S.J., Glibkowski, B C. ve Bravo, J. (2007) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Work-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis” Personnel Psychology, 60(3): 647-680.

İlişkisel ve İşlemsel Psikolojik Sözleşmede Algılanan İhlalin İşten Ayrılma Niyeti ve Algılanan Örgütsel Destek Üzerindeki Etkisi

Year 2014, Volume: 14 Issue: 4, 583 - 596, 01.11.2014


Bu çalışmanın amacı, psikolojik sözleşmelerin iki türü olan ilişkisel ve işlemsel sözleşmelerde algılanan ihlalin, işten ayrılma niyeti ve algılanan örgütsel destek üzerindeki etkisini belirleyebilmektir. Bu amaç kapsamında, Türkiye’de yer alan devlet ve vakıf üniversitelerinde görev yapan 570 akademik personelden anket yöntemi kullanılarak veriler elde edilmiştir. Hipotezleri test etmek amacıyla hiyerarşik regresyon analizinden yararlanılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonucunda, ilişkisel psikolojik sözleşmede algılanan ihlalin, işten ayrılma niyetini artırıcı ve algılanan örgütsel desteği azaltıcı bir etkisinin bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. İşlemsel psikolojik sözleşme algılanan ihlalin ise işten ayrılma niyeti üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin bulunmadığı, fakat yalnızca işlemsel sözleşmenin faydalar boyutunda algılanan ihlalin, algılanan örgütsel desteği azaltıcı bir etkisinin bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir


  • Anderson, N. ve Schalk, R. (1998) “The Psychological Contract in Retrospect and Prospect” Journal of Reciprocity through the Lens of the Psychological Organizational Behavior, 19: 637-647. Contract: Employee and Employer Perspective” European
  • Argyris, C. (1960) Understanding Organizational Behavior, Homewood, Dorsey Press.
  • Aselage, J. ve Eisenberger, R. (2003) “Perceived Organizational Support and Psychological Contracts: A Theoretical Integration” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 24(5): 491-509.
  • Aydın, İ., Memduhoğlu, H.B., Oğuz, E. ve Güngör, S. (2008) “Academic and Non-Academic Staff’s Psychological Contract in Turkey” Higher Education Quarterly, 62(3): 252-272.
  • Brown, T.A. (2006) Confirmatory Factor Analysis for Applied Research, New York, The Guilford Press.
  • Cammann, C., Fichman, M., Jenkins, G.D. ve Klesh, J. R. (1983) “The Michigan Organizational Assessment Survey: Conceptualization and Instrumentation” Seashore, et al. (eds.) Assessing Organizational Change: A Guide to Methods, Measures and Practices, New York, Wiley Interstice.
  • Cassar, V. ve Briner, R.B. (2011) “The Relationship between Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Commitment: Exchange Imbalance as a Moderator of the Mediating Role of Violation” Journal of Vocational Behavior, 78(2): 283-289.
  • Cho, S., Johanson, M.M. ve Guchait, P. (2009) “Employees Intent to Leave: A Comparison of Determinants of Intent to Leave Versus Intent to Stay” International Journal of Hospitality Management, 28(3): 374-381.
  • Conway, N. ve Briner, R. B. (2005) Understanding Psychological Contracts at Work: A Critical Evaluation of Theory and Research, New York, Oxford University Press.
  • Conway, N. ve Coyle-Shapiro, J.A.M. (2012) “The Reciprocal Relationship between Psychological Contract Fulfillment and Employee Performance and the Moderating Role of Perceived Organizational Support and Tenure” Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 85(2): 1-23.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J.A.M. ve Conway, N. (2005) “Exchange Relationships: Examining Psychological Contracts and Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 90(4): 774-781.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.M. ve Kessler, I. (2000) Practices in Small Business” Journal of Small Business Management, 39(4): 320-335. “Consequences of the Psychological Contract for the Employment Relationship: A Large Scale Survey” Journal of Management Studies, 37(7): 903-930.
  • Coyle-Shapiro, J. A.M. ve Kessler, I. (2002) “Exploring Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 11(1): 69- 86.
  • Dabos, G.E. ve Rousseau, D.M. (2004) “Mutuality and Reciprocity in the Psychological Contracts of Employees and Employers” Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(1): 52-72.
  • Eisenberger, R., Armeli, S., Rexwinkel, B., Lynch, P.D. ve Rhoades, L. (2001) “Reciprocation of Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(1): 42-51.
  • Eisenberger, R., Curnmings, J., Armeli, S. ve Lynch, P. (1997) “Perceived Organizational Support, Discretionary Treatment, and Job Satisfaction” Journal of Applied Psychology, 82(5): 812-820.
  • Eisenberger, R., Huntington, R., Hutchison, S. ve Sowa, D. (1986) “Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 71(3): 500-507.
  • George, J.M. ve Jones, G.R. (1996) “The Experience of Work and Turnover Intentions: Interactive Value Attainment, Job Satisfaction, and Positive Mood” Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(3): 318-325.
  • Guest, D.E. (1998) “Is the Psychological Contract Worth Taking Seriously?” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 19: 649-664.
  • Guest, D.E. (2004) “The Psychology of the Employment Relationship: An Analysis Based on the Psychological Contract” Applied Psychology: An International Review, 53(4): 541-555.
  • Grimmer, M. ve Oddy, M. (2007) “Violation of the Psychological Contract: The Mediating Effect of Relational Versus Transactional Beliefs” Australian Journal of Management, 32(1): 153-174.
  • Iverson, R.D. ve Deery, M. (1997) “Turnover Culture in the Hospitality Industry” Human Resource Management Journal, 7(4): 71-82.
  • Kickul, J. (2001) “Promises Made, Promises Broken:
  • Kickul, J. ve Lester, S.W. (2001) “Broken Promises: Equity Sensitivity as a Moderator between Psychological Contract Breach and Employee Attitudes and Behaviors” Journal of Business and Psychology, 16(2): 191-217.
  • Kiefer, T. ve Briner, R.B. (2006) “Emotion at Work” Jackson, P. and Shams, M. (eds.) Developments in Work and Organizational Psychology: Implications for International Business, Oxford, UK, Elsevier Ltd.
  • Kiewitz, C., Restubog, S.L.D., Zagenczyk T. ve Hochwarter, W. (2009) “The Interactive Effects of Psychological Contract Breach and Organizational Politics on Perceived Organizational Support: Evidence from Two Longitudinal Studies” Journal of Management Studies, 46(5): 806-834.
  • Levinson, H., Price, C.R., Munden, K.J., Mandl, H.J. ve Solley, C. M. (1962) Men, Management and Mental Health. Cambridge, Harvard University Press.
  • Millward, L.J. ve Hopkins, L.J. (1998) “Psychological Contracts, Organizational and Job Commitment” Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 28(16): 1530-1556.
  • Morrison, E.W. ve Robinson, S.L. (1997) “When Employees Feel Betrayed: A Model of How Psychological Contract Violation Develops” Academy of Management Review, 22(1): 226-256.
  • Nunnally, J.C. ve Bernstein, I.H. (1994) Psychometric Theory, 3rd Edition, New York, McGraw-Hill Inc.
  • Orvis, K.A., Dudley, N.M. ve Cortina, J.M. (2008) “Conscientiousness and Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach: A Longitudinal Field Study” Journal of Applied Psychology, 93(5): 1183-1193.
  • Petersitzke, M. (2009) Supervisor Psychological Contract Management, Wissenschaft, Germany, Gabler Edition.
  • Rhoades, L. ve Eisenberger, R. (2002) “Perceived Organizational Support: A Review of the Literature” Journal of Applied Psychology, 87(4): 698-714.
  • Robinson, S.L. (1996) “Trust and Breach of the Psychological Contract” Administrative Science Quarterly, 41(4): 574-599.
  • Robinson, S.L., Kraatz, M.S. ve Rousseau, D.M. (1994) “Changing Obligations and the Psychological Contract: A Longitudinal Study” Academy of Management Journal, 37(1): 137-152.
  • Robinson, S. L. ve Morrison, E.W. (1995) “Psychological Contracts and OCB: The Effect of Unfulfilled Obligations on Civic Virtue Behavior” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 16(3): 189-298.
  • Robinson, S.L. ve Rousseau, D.M. (1994) “Violating the Psychological Contract: Not the Exception But the Norm” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 15(3): 245- 259.
  • Rousseau, D.M. (1989) “Psychological and Implied Contracts in Organizations” Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, 2(2): 121-139.
  • Rousseau, D.M. (1995) Psychological Contracts in Organizations: Understanding Written and Unwritten Agreements, Thousand Oaks, Sage Publications.
  • Rusbult, C.E., Farrell, D., Rogers, G. ve Mainous III, A.G. (1988) “Impact of Exchange Variables on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect: An Integrative Model of Responses to Declining Job Satisfaction” Academy of Management Journal, 31(3): 599-627.
  • Schein, E.H. (1965) Organizational Psychology, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall.
  • Sekaran, U. (1992) Research Methods for Business: A Skill Building Approach, 2nd Edition, New York, John Wiley.
  • Settoon, R.P., Bennett, N. ve Liden, R.C. (1996) “Social Exchange in Organizations: Perceived Organizational Support, Leader-Member Exchange, and Employee Reciprocity” Journal of Applied Psychology, 81(3): 219-227.
  • Shore, L.M. ve Tetrick, L.E. (1994) “The Psychological Contract as an Explanatory Framework in the Employment Relationship” Cooper, C. L. and Rousseau, D. M. (eds.) Trends in Organizational Behavior, Vol. 1, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons.
  • Shore, L.M. ve Wayne, S.J. (1993) “Commitment and Employee Behavior: Comparison of Affective Commitment and Continuance Commitment with Perceived Organizational Support” Journal of Applied Psychology, 78(5): 774-780.
  • Steel, R.P. ve Ovalle, N.K. (1984) “A Review and Meta-Analysis of Research on the Relationship between Behavioral Intentions and Employee Turnover” Journal of Applied Psychology, 69(4): 673-686.
  • Suazo, M.M. (2009) “The Mediating Role of Psychological Contract Violation on the Relations between Psychological Contract Breach and Work- Related Attitudes and Behaviors” Journal of Managerial Psychology, 24(2): 136-160.
  • Suazo, M.M., Turnley, W.H. ve Mai-Dalton, R.R. (2005) “The Role of Perceived Violation in Determining Employees’ Reactions to Psychological Contract Breach” Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 12(1): 24-36.
  • Tett, R.P. ve Meyer, J.P. (1993) “Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, Turnover Intention, and Turnover: Path Analyses Based on Meta-Analytic Findings” Personnel Psychology, 46(2): 259-293.
  • Topa, G.C., Dominguez, J.F.M. ve DePolo, M. (2008) “Psychological Contract Breach and Outcomes: Combining Meta-Analysis and Structural Equation Models” Psicothema, 20(3): 487-496.
  • Turnley, W.H., Bolino, C., Lester, S.W. ve Bloodgood, J.M. (2003) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Fulfillment on the Performance of In-Role and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors” Journal of Management, 29(2): 187-206.
  • Turnley, W.H. ve Feldman, D.C. (1999) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Violations on Exit, Voice, Loyalty, and Neglect” Human Relations, 52(7): 895-922.
  • Turnley, W.H. ve Feldman, D.C. (2000) “Re- Examining the Effects of Psychological Contract Violations: Unmet Expectations and Job Dissatisfaction as Mediators” Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(1): 25-42.
  • Wayne, S.J., Shore, L.M. ve Liden, R.C. (1997) “Perceived Organizational Support and Leader-Member Exchange: A Social Exchange Perspective” Academy of Management Journal, 40(1): 82-111.
  • Zhang, H.M., Ma, J., Liao, S.Y. ve Wang, S.T. (2010) “A Study on Psychological Contract Breach, Equity Sensitivity and Turnover Intention of Knowledge Workers” 17. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, Melbourne, Australia, 1002-1007.
  • Zhao, H., Wayne, S.J., Glibkowski, B C. ve Bravo, J. (2007) “The Impact of Psychological Contract Breach on Work-Related Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis” Personnel Psychology, 60(3): 647-680.
There are 56 citations in total.


Other ID JA26HD36YP
Journal Section Research Article

Ozan Büyükyılmaz This is me

Ahmet F. Çakmak This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2014
Published in Issue Year 2014 Volume: 14 Issue: 4


APA Büyükyılmaz, O., & Çakmak, A. F. (2014). The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support. Ege Academic Review, 14(4), 583-596.
AMA Büyükyılmaz O, Çakmak AF. The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support. ear. November 2014;14(4):583-596.
Chicago Büyükyılmaz, Ozan, and Ahmet F. Çakmak. “The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support”. Ege Academic Review 14, no. 4 (November 2014): 583-96.
EndNote Büyükyılmaz O, Çakmak AF (November 1, 2014) The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support. Ege Academic Review 14 4 583–596.
IEEE O. Büyükyılmaz and A. F. Çakmak, “The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support”, ear, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 583–596, 2014.
ISNAD Büyükyılmaz, Ozan - Çakmak, Ahmet F. “The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support”. Ege Academic Review 14/4 (November 2014), 583-596.
JAMA Büyükyılmaz O, Çakmak AF. The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support. ear. 2014;14:583–596.
MLA Büyükyılmaz, Ozan and Ahmet F. Çakmak. “The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 14, no. 4, 2014, pp. 583-96.
Vancouver Büyükyılmaz O, Çakmak AF. The Effect of Relational and Transactional Psychological Contract Breach on Turnover Intention and Perceived Organizational Support. ear. 2014;14(4):583-96.