A New Social Contract: Rethinking the Role of the State Towards Post- 2015 Development Agenda
Year 2015,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 253 - 264, 01.05.2015
Meneviş Uzbay Pirili
Mustafa Pirili
As the target date for achieving the Millennium Development Goals ends in 2015 a broad consultative process headed by UN is being conducted all around the world in order to formulate new goals/targets within the broader framework of sustainable human development. The main argument of this paper is founded on the major fault line in neoliberal thinking with its belief in self regulating markets and its anti-state rhetoric whose harmful consequences have been exposed by the current economic crisis. We argue that there is a need for reconsidering the potential for the role of the modern State which is adapted to the challenges of the 21st century. We suggest that the concept of social contract in discussing the role of the State may be very helpful as it broadens the concern for development beyond the State versus Economy dichotomy. The essence of any social contract is a consensus among the members of a society with regards the regulation of collective life which is grounded upon the utmost values. As such it legitimizes the roles of the State in promoting these goals, and also the structures of interaction between the State and the civil society. Therefore we argue that, the concept of social contract may provide a basic framework into the post-Millenium debates which seek to construct a new global development agenda based upon globally agreed values and goals
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- Meneviş UZBAY PİRİLİ, Mustafa PIRILI
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Rousseau’, The Language of Political Theory in Early Modern
Europe, ed. A. Pagden Cambridge University Press,
A New Social Contract: Rethinking the Role of the State Towards Post- 2015 Development Agenda
Year 2015,
Volume: 15 Issue: 2, 253 - 264, 01.05.2015
Meneviş Uzbay Pirili
Mustafa Pirili
Binyıl kalkınma hedefleri için belirlenen son tarih olan 2015 yılına yaklaşıldıkça BM önderliğinde uluslararası düzeyde çok çeşitli toplantı ve zirveler yapılmaktadır. Bu toplantıların amacı bir yandan geçmiş on beş yılın değerlendirmesini yapmak diğer yandan sürdürülebilir kalkınma genel çerçevesi içinde 2015 sonrası genel kalkınma hedeflerini belirlemektir. Bu makalenin temel argümanı; son büyük iktisadi krizin gösterdiği gibi, serbest piyasaların etkin işlediği ve minimum devlet tezleri üzerine kurulu neoliberal görüşün ciddi yetersizlikleri ve eleştirisi üzerine odaklanarak, devletin rolünün yeniden tanımlanmasının gerekliliğidir. Bu kapsamda 21 yüzyıldaki ciddi tehditlerle mücadele edebilmek için modern devletin rolünün neler olabileceği tartışılmaktadır. Toplumların kalkınmasında devletin rolünün ne olabileceğine ilişkin tartışmada , tartışmada, devletpiyasa ikileminin dar çerçevesini aşmamıza yardımcı olabilecek olan, toplumsal “sözleşme” kavramını temel almaktayız. Her toplumsal sözleşme toplumsal hayatın nasıl düzenleneceğine ve yönetileceğine ilişkin toplumdaki öznelerin konsensüsünü içerir ve o toplamca benimsenmiş temel değerler ve hedefler üzerine kuruludur. Bu temel değerlerin ve hedeflerin gerçekleşmesi doğrultusunda gerek devletin rolünü gerekse devlet-sivil toplum arasındaki ilişkiler ile hak ve yükümlülükleri tanımlar. Buna bağlı olarak toplumsal sözleşme kavramının küresel olarak benimsenmiş değer ve hedeflere dayalı 2015 sonrası kalkınma gündeminin oluşturulmasında temel bir çerçeve sağlayacağını savunuyoruz
- Alexander, J. M. (2008), Capabilities and Social Justice,
Ashgate Publishing ltd., UK
- Andersen, G. E (1990) The Three Worlds of Welfare
Capitalism. UK: Blackwell Publishers Ltd.
- Baum, G. (1996) Karl Polanyi, Ethics and Economics.
McGill-Queens University Press.
- Ban Ki-moon, (2014), “The Road to Dignity by
2030”, Synthesis Report of the Secretary General on the Post
2015 Development Agenda, New York
- Becker, G.S. (1976) The Economic Approach to Human
Behaviour, University of Chicago.
- Beiner, R. (1992) What’s the Matter with Liberalism,
Berkeley, University of California Press.
- Bentham, J. (1963) An Introduction to the Principles of
Morals and Legislations. New York: Hafner.
- Berlin, I. (1958) Two Concepts of Liberty. Oxford:
Clarendon Press,
- Blin, A and G. Marin (2012), “The Commons and
World Governance, toward a global social contract” ,Forum
for a New World Governance, http://www.worldgovernance.org/IMG/pdf_862_AB_GM_Communs_
GM_EN_v2_oct12-2.pdf (12. 01.2015)
- Crotty, J. (2000) ‘Trading State-Led Prosperity for
Market Led Stagnation: From the Age to Global Neoliberalism’,
Political Economy Research Centre, PERI. http://
PS7.pdf (accessed 17.09 2013)
- Fleischacker, S. (2005) A Short History of Distributive
Justice. Harvard University Press FNWG- Forum for
a New World Governance, web site http://www.worldgovernance.org/rubrique48.html?lang=en
- Gooin, R.E; P.A. Pettit and T. Pogge (2007) Companion
To Contemporary Politic Philosophy. Blackwell Publishing
Ltd International Union for Conservation of Nature
and Natural Resources (1980), World Conservation
- Strategy . Living Resource Conservation for Sustainable
Development, Chapter 18, “The Global Commons”
Jevons, W.S. (1957) The Theory on Political Economy.
New York: Kelley and Millian Inc.
- Lessnoff, M. (1990) The Social Contract Theory. NY:
New York Unviversity Press.
- Marshall, T.H. and T. Bottomore (2006) Yurttaşlık ve
Toplumsal Sınıflar. İstanbul: Bilgi University Press
- Marshall, T.H. (2006) Yurttaşlık ve Toplumsal
Sınıflar, in Marshall T.H & T. Bottomore (1-50)
Mill, J.S. (1989) On Liberty. S. Colilini (Ed) Cambridge
University Press
- Meneviş UZBAY PİRİLİ, Mustafa PIRILI
Mouffe, C. (1992) Dimension Of Radical Democracy:
Pluralism, Citizenship, Community.(Ed)UK: Verso
Nozick, R. (1974) Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New
York: Basic Books.
- Offe, C. (1984) Contradictions of the Welfare State.
Hutchinson & Co. Publisher
- Pettit, .P (1995) The Virtual Reality of ‘Homo Economicus
, Monist, 78 (3)
- Pettit, P. (1996) Freedom and Anti-power, Ethics 106:
- Pettit, P. (1997) Republicanism: A Theory of Freedom
and Government, New York: Oxford University Press
- Pettit, P. (2003) ‘Agency-Freedom and Option-Freedom’.
Journal of Theoretical Politics 15: 387–403.
- Petitt, P. (2006) ‘Freedom in The Market’, Politics,
Philosophy & Economics, Sage Publication 5 (2): 131-149
- Pettit, P. (2008) “Republican Political Theory”, in
Marc Fleurbaey, Maurice Salles, and John A. Weymark
(eds.), Justice. Political Liberalism, and Utilitarianism:
Themes from Harsanyi and Rawls. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press. pp. 389-410
- Pettit, P. (2012) “Legitimacy and Justice in Republican
Perspective”, Current Legal Problems Vol. 65: 59–82
Available at: http://clp.oxfordjournals.org/ (17.September.2013)
- Polanyi, K. (1944) The Great Transformation. New
York: Rinehart.
- Rawls, J.A. (1971) Theory of Justice. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
- Rosanvallon, P. (2000) The New Social Question: Rethinking
the Welfare State. Princeton University Press
- Rosanvallon, P. (2004) Refah Devletinin Krizi. Ankara:
Dost Kitabevi.
- Rosanvallon P (2006) Democracy Past And Future
(Ed), Samuel Moyn, Columbi University Press.
- Ronald, D. (1989) Liberal Community. California
Law Review 77 (3): 479-504
- Sachs, J (2015) “What Bankers Must do to Help Save
the Earth”, in Market Watch, http://www.marketwatch.
- Sandel, M. (2009) What’s The Right Things To Do.
Canada: D&M Publishers inc.
- Sen, A. (1992) Inequality Re examined. Cambridge:
Mass. Harvard University Press,
- Skinner, Q. (1998) Liberty Before Liberalism. Cambridge
University Press,UK.
- Stiglitz, J.E. (1995), “The theory of International
Public Goods and the Architecture of International Organizations”,
United Nations Background Papers, 7, New
- Stiglitz J.E.., (2004) “The Future of Global Governance”,
Initiative for Policy Dialoge Working Paper Series,
University of Colombia
- Swan, K. (2012), “Republican Equality”, Social Theory
and Practice, 38 (3): 432-454
- UNCSD (2012) , The Future We Want, The Rio+20
Outcome Document, UN.
- UNCTAD (2009) The Least Developed Countries: The
State and Development Governance. Report of United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development.
- UNDP (2000) Human Rights and Human Development
. Human Development Report 2000 of UN. http://
hdr.undp.org/en/media/HDR_2000_EN.pdf (accessed
- UNDP (2013) The Rise of the South, Human Development
Report 2013 of UN. http://hdr.undp.org/en/
reports/global/hdr2013/ (17.October.2013)
- United Nations, (2013a) A New Global Partnership:
Eradicate Poverty And Transform Economies Through Sustainable
Development, Report of UN. Available at: http://
UN-Report.pdf (17.10.2013)
- United Nations, (2013b) Follow up of to the Outcome
of Millennium Summit. Report of the Secretary General,
of%20Dignity%20for%20All.pdf (17.10.2013)
- Viroli, M. (2002) ‘The Concept of Order and The
Language of Classical Republicanism in Jean-Jacues
Rousseau’, The Language of Political Theory in Early Modern
Europe, ed. A. Pagden Cambridge University Press,