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Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries

Year 2015, Volume: 15 Issue: 4, 551 - 564, 01.11.2015


Economic and institutional determinants of foreign direct investment are analyzed for 29 OECD countries. In the study, twelve subcomponents are used such as investment profile, corruption, law and order, bureaucratic quality and government stability which can give information about political risk and institutional quality of the countries. According to results; main determinants of foreign direct investment in OECD countries are institutional factors like government stability, socioeconomic condition, investment profile, internal conflict, military in politics, religious tensions, law and order, ethnic tensions and bureaucratic quality rather than economic determinants. Our findings indicate that a good institutional structure plays an important role in attracting foreign direct investment in OECD countries


  • Acemoğlu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press.
  • Acemoğlu, Daron ve Diğerleri (2003) “Institutional Causes, Macroeconomic Symptoms Volatility, Crises and Growth” Journal of Monetary Economics, 50, 49-123.
  • Acemoğlu, Daron ve Robinson, James (2012) Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, New York: Crown Publishers.
  • Anghel, Brindusa (2005) “Do Institutions Affect Foreign Direct Investment?” International Doctorate in Economic Analysis, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, institutions.pdf
  • Antonakakis, Nikolaos ve Tondl, Gabriele (2011) “Do Determinants of FDI to Developing Countries Differ among OECD Investors? Insights from Bayesian Model Averaging” FIW Working Paper No. 76.
  • Azam vd. (2010) “Institutional and Macro Economic Policy Factors on Foreign Direct Investment: South Asian Countries Case” African Journal of Business Management, 5(11): 4306-4313.
  • Azemar, C. ve Desbordes, R. (2009) “Short-Run Strategies For Attracting Foreign Direct Investment” Working Papers 24, Department of Economics, University of Glasgow.
  • Barrell, R. ve Pain, N. (1997) “Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Change, and Economic Growth within Europe” The Economic Journal, 107(445): 1770- 1786.
  • Bellak, C., Leibrecht, M. ve Riedl, A. (2008) “Labor Costs and FDI Flows into Central and Eastern European Countries: A Survey of the Literature and Empirical Evidence” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 19(1): 17-37.
  • Benassy-Quere, Agnès; Coupet, Maylis ve Mayer, Thierry (2007) “Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment” The World Economy, 767-782.
  • Billington, N. (1999) “The Location of Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis” Applied Economics, 31: 65-76.
  • Busse, M. ve Hefeker, C. (2007) “Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment” European Journal of Political Economy, 23(2): 397-415.
  • Campos, N. F., Kinoshita ve Y. (2008) “Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Reforms: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Latin America” IMF Working Papers 08/26, International Monetary Fund.
  • Culem, C. (1988) “The Locational Determinants of Direct Investments among Industrialized Countries” European Economic Review, 32(4): 885-904.
  • Daniele, Vittorio ve Marani, Ugo (2006) “Do Institutions Matter for FDI? A Comparative Analysis of the MENA Countries” MPRA Paper No. 2426.
  • Dawson, John W. (2003) “Causality in the FreedomGrowth Relationship” European Journal of Political Economy, 19: 479-495.
  • Dawson, John W. (2010) “Macroeconomic Volatility and Economic Freedom-A Preliminary Analysis” Economic Freedom of the World: 2010 Annual Report, 175- 185.
  • De Haan, Jakob ve Siermann, Clemens L. J. (1995) “New Evidence on the Relationship Between Democracy and Economic Growth”, Public Choice, 86(1-2): 175-198.
  • De Haan, Jakob ve Siermann, Clemens L. J. (1998) “Further Evidence on the Relationship Between Economic Freedom and Economic Growth”, Public Choice, 95(3-4): 363-380.
  • Del Bo, Chiara (2009) “Foreign Direct Investment, Exchange Rate Volatility and Political Risk”, http://www.
  • Demirtaş, Gökhan ve Akçay, Selçuk (2006) “Kurum sal Faktörlerin Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Üzerine Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Kanıt” Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8/2, 15-33.
  • Easterly, William (2005) “National Policies and Economic Growth: A Reappraisal”, P. Aghion ve S. Durlauf (Ed.), Handbook of Economic Growth, 1A, Elsevier, B.V.
  • Edwards, S. (1990) “Capital Flows, Foreign Direct Investment, and Debt-Equity Swaps in Developing Countries” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No 3497.
  • Gast, Michael ve Herrmann, Roland (2008) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment of OECD Countries 1991-2001” International Economic Journal, 22(4): 509-524.
  • Gastanaga, Victor, Jeffrey Nugent ve Bistra, Pashamova (1998) “Host Country Reforms and FDI Inflows: How Much Difference Do They Make?” World Development, 26(7): 1299-1314.
  • Gedik, Melek Akdoğan (2013) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment for OECD Countries: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Data Analysis” British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 7(2): 119- 140.
  • Grogan, Louise ve Moers, Luc (2001) “Growth Empirics with Institutional Measures for Transition Countries” Economic Systems, 25: 323-344.
  • Hall, Robert E. ve Jones, Charles I. (1999) “Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Worker than Others?” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1): 1-50.
  • Hausmann, R. ve E. Fernandez-Arias (2000) “Foreign Direct Investment: Good Cholesterol?” Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department Working Paper 417, Washington D.C.
  • Khan, Mashrur Mustaque ve Akbar, Mashque Ibne (2013) “The Impact of Political Risk on Foreign Direct Investment” MPRA Paper No. 47283.
  • Knack, Stephen ve Keefer, Philip (1997) “Does Social Capital Have an Economic Pay Off? A Cross-Country Investigation” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4): 1251-1288.
  • Konings, J. ve Murphy, A. P. (2006) “Do Multinational Enterprises Relocate Employment to Low-Wage Regions? Evidence from European Multinationals” Review of World Economics 142(2): 267-286.
  • Loree, D., Guisinger, S. E. (1995) “Policy and NonPolicy Determinants of U.S. Equity Foreign Direct Investment” Journal of International Business Studies, 26: 281-300.
  • Moore, M.O. (1993) “Determinants of German Manufacturing Direct Investment in Manufacturing Industries” Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 129: 120-137.
  • Moosa, Imad A. (2009) “The Determınants of Foreign Direct Investment in Mena Countries: An Extreme Bounds Analysis” Applied Economics Letters, 16: 1559- 1563.
  • Noorbakhsh, F., Paloni, A. ve Youssef, A. (2001) “Human Capital and FDI Inflows to Developing Countries: New Empirical Evidence” World Development, 29(9): 1593-1610.
  • PRS (2014) “International Country Risk Guide Methodology” Schneider, Friedrich (1985) “Economic and Political Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment” World Development, 13(2): 161-175.
  • Sekkat, Khalid ve Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange Veganzones (2004) “Trade and Foreign Exchange Liberalization, Investment Climate and FDI in the MENA Countries” Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CERDI, Clermont Ferrand, France and World Bank, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Sekkat, Khalid ve Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange Veganzones (2007) “Openness, Investment Climate, and FDI in Developing Countries” Review of Development Economics, 11(4): 607-620.
  • Sin, C.Y. ve Leung, W.F. (2001) “Impacts of FDI Liberalization on Investment Inflows”, Applied Economics Letters, 8: 253-256.
  • Stein Ernesto ve Daude, Christian (2001) “Institutions, Integration, and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment” Washington DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Wheeler, David ve Mody, Ashoka (1992) “International Investment Location Decisions: The Case of U.S. Firms” Journal of International Economics, 33: 57-76.

Doğrudan Yabancı Sermaye Yatırımlarının Kurumsal Belirleyicileri: OECD Ülkeleri Örneği

Year 2015, Volume: 15 Issue: 4, 551 - 564, 01.11.2015


Doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarının ekonomik ve kurumsal belirleyicileri 29 OECD ülkesi için analiz edilmiştir. Çalışmada politik riski oluşturan ve ülkelerin kurumsal kaliteleri hakkında bilgi veren hükümet istikrarı, yatırım profili, yolsuzluk, kanun ve düzen, bürokratik kalite gibi on iki alt bileşen kullanılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlara göre; OECD ülkelerinde doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarının temel belirleyicileri ekonomik göstergelerden ziyade hükümet istikrarı, sosyoekonomik durum, yatırım profili, iç karışıklık, askeriyenin politikaya etkisi, dinsel gerilimler, kanun ve düzen, etnik gerilimler ve bürokratik kalite gibi kurumsal göstergelerdir. Elde edilen bu sonuç, iyi bir kurumsal yapının OECD ülkelerinde doğrudan yabancı sermaye yatırımlarını çekmede önemli bir rol oynadığını ortaya koymaktadır


  • Acemoğlu, Daron (2009) Introduction to Modern Economic Growth, Princeton University Press.
  • Acemoğlu, Daron ve Diğerleri (2003) “Institutional Causes, Macroeconomic Symptoms Volatility, Crises and Growth” Journal of Monetary Economics, 50, 49-123.
  • Acemoğlu, Daron ve Robinson, James (2012) Why Nations Fail: The Origins of Power, Prosperity and Poverty, New York: Crown Publishers.
  • Anghel, Brindusa (2005) “Do Institutions Affect Foreign Direct Investment?” International Doctorate in Economic Analysis, Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, institutions.pdf
  • Antonakakis, Nikolaos ve Tondl, Gabriele (2011) “Do Determinants of FDI to Developing Countries Differ among OECD Investors? Insights from Bayesian Model Averaging” FIW Working Paper No. 76.
  • Azam vd. (2010) “Institutional and Macro Economic Policy Factors on Foreign Direct Investment: South Asian Countries Case” African Journal of Business Management, 5(11): 4306-4313.
  • Azemar, C. ve Desbordes, R. (2009) “Short-Run Strategies For Attracting Foreign Direct Investment” Working Papers 24, Department of Economics, University of Glasgow.
  • Barrell, R. ve Pain, N. (1997) “Foreign Direct Investment, Technological Change, and Economic Growth within Europe” The Economic Journal, 107(445): 1770- 1786.
  • Bellak, C., Leibrecht, M. ve Riedl, A. (2008) “Labor Costs and FDI Flows into Central and Eastern European Countries: A Survey of the Literature and Empirical Evidence” Structural Change and Economic Dynamics, 19(1): 17-37.
  • Benassy-Quere, Agnès; Coupet, Maylis ve Mayer, Thierry (2007) “Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment” The World Economy, 767-782.
  • Billington, N. (1999) “The Location of Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis” Applied Economics, 31: 65-76.
  • Busse, M. ve Hefeker, C. (2007) “Political Risk, Institutions and Foreign Direct Investment” European Journal of Political Economy, 23(2): 397-415.
  • Campos, N. F., Kinoshita ve Y. (2008) “Foreign Direct Investment and Structural Reforms: Evidence from Eastern Europe and Latin America” IMF Working Papers 08/26, International Monetary Fund.
  • Culem, C. (1988) “The Locational Determinants of Direct Investments among Industrialized Countries” European Economic Review, 32(4): 885-904.
  • Daniele, Vittorio ve Marani, Ugo (2006) “Do Institutions Matter for FDI? A Comparative Analysis of the MENA Countries” MPRA Paper No. 2426.
  • Dawson, John W. (2003) “Causality in the FreedomGrowth Relationship” European Journal of Political Economy, 19: 479-495.
  • Dawson, John W. (2010) “Macroeconomic Volatility and Economic Freedom-A Preliminary Analysis” Economic Freedom of the World: 2010 Annual Report, 175- 185.
  • De Haan, Jakob ve Siermann, Clemens L. J. (1995) “New Evidence on the Relationship Between Democracy and Economic Growth”, Public Choice, 86(1-2): 175-198.
  • De Haan, Jakob ve Siermann, Clemens L. J. (1998) “Further Evidence on the Relationship Between Economic Freedom and Economic Growth”, Public Choice, 95(3-4): 363-380.
  • Del Bo, Chiara (2009) “Foreign Direct Investment, Exchange Rate Volatility and Political Risk”, http://www.
  • Demirtaş, Gökhan ve Akçay, Selçuk (2006) “Kurum sal Faktörlerin Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırımlar Üzerine Etkisi: Ampirik Bir Kanıt” Gazi Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 8/2, 15-33.
  • Easterly, William (2005) “National Policies and Economic Growth: A Reappraisal”, P. Aghion ve S. Durlauf (Ed.), Handbook of Economic Growth, 1A, Elsevier, B.V.
  • Edwards, S. (1990) “Capital Flows, Foreign Direct Investment, and Debt-Equity Swaps in Developing Countries” National Bureau of Economic Research, Working Paper No 3497.
  • Gast, Michael ve Herrmann, Roland (2008) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment of OECD Countries 1991-2001” International Economic Journal, 22(4): 509-524.
  • Gastanaga, Victor, Jeffrey Nugent ve Bistra, Pashamova (1998) “Host Country Reforms and FDI Inflows: How Much Difference Do They Make?” World Development, 26(7): 1299-1314.
  • Gedik, Melek Akdoğan (2013) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment for OECD Countries: Evidence from Dynamic Panel Data Analysis” British Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 7(2): 119- 140.
  • Grogan, Louise ve Moers, Luc (2001) “Growth Empirics with Institutional Measures for Transition Countries” Economic Systems, 25: 323-344.
  • Hall, Robert E. ve Jones, Charles I. (1999) “Why Do Some Countries Produce So Much More Output per Worker than Others?” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 114(1): 1-50.
  • Hausmann, R. ve E. Fernandez-Arias (2000) “Foreign Direct Investment: Good Cholesterol?” Inter-American Development Bank, Research Department Working Paper 417, Washington D.C.
  • Khan, Mashrur Mustaque ve Akbar, Mashque Ibne (2013) “The Impact of Political Risk on Foreign Direct Investment” MPRA Paper No. 47283.
  • Knack, Stephen ve Keefer, Philip (1997) “Does Social Capital Have an Economic Pay Off? A Cross-Country Investigation” The Quarterly Journal of Economics, 112(4): 1251-1288.
  • Konings, J. ve Murphy, A. P. (2006) “Do Multinational Enterprises Relocate Employment to Low-Wage Regions? Evidence from European Multinationals” Review of World Economics 142(2): 267-286.
  • Loree, D., Guisinger, S. E. (1995) “Policy and NonPolicy Determinants of U.S. Equity Foreign Direct Investment” Journal of International Business Studies, 26: 281-300.
  • Moore, M.O. (1993) “Determinants of German Manufacturing Direct Investment in Manufacturing Industries” Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, 129: 120-137.
  • Moosa, Imad A. (2009) “The Determınants of Foreign Direct Investment in Mena Countries: An Extreme Bounds Analysis” Applied Economics Letters, 16: 1559- 1563.
  • Noorbakhsh, F., Paloni, A. ve Youssef, A. (2001) “Human Capital and FDI Inflows to Developing Countries: New Empirical Evidence” World Development, 29(9): 1593-1610.
  • PRS (2014) “International Country Risk Guide Methodology” Schneider, Friedrich (1985) “Economic and Political Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment” World Development, 13(2): 161-175.
  • Sekkat, Khalid ve Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange Veganzones (2004) “Trade and Foreign Exchange Liberalization, Investment Climate and FDI in the MENA Countries” Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CERDI, Clermont Ferrand, France and World Bank, Washington D.C., USA.
  • Sekkat, Khalid ve Veganzones-Varoudakis, Marie-Ange Veganzones (2007) “Openness, Investment Climate, and FDI in Developing Countries” Review of Development Economics, 11(4): 607-620.
  • Sin, C.Y. ve Leung, W.F. (2001) “Impacts of FDI Liberalization on Investment Inflows”, Applied Economics Letters, 8: 253-256.
  • Stein Ernesto ve Daude, Christian (2001) “Institutions, Integration, and the Location of Foreign Direct Investment” Washington DC, United States: Inter-American Development Bank.
  • Wheeler, David ve Mody, Ashoka (1992) “International Investment Location Decisions: The Case of U.S. Firms” Journal of International Economics, 33: 57-76.
There are 42 citations in total.


Other ID JA63GM59CV
Journal Section Research Article

Seyfettin Artan This is me

Pınar Hayaloğlu This is me

Publication Date November 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 15 Issue: 4


APA Artan, S., & Hayaloğlu, P. (2015). Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries. Ege Academic Review, 15(4), 551-564.
AMA Artan S, Hayaloğlu P. Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries. ear. November 2015;15(4):551-564.
Chicago Artan, Seyfettin, and Pınar Hayaloğlu. “Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries”. Ege Academic Review 15, no. 4 (November 2015): 551-64.
EndNote Artan S, Hayaloğlu P (November 1, 2015) Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries. Ege Academic Review 15 4 551–564.
IEEE S. Artan and P. Hayaloğlu, “Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries”, ear, vol. 15, no. 4, pp. 551–564, 2015.
ISNAD Artan, Seyfettin - Hayaloğlu, Pınar. “Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries”. Ege Academic Review 15/4 (November 2015), 551-564.
JAMA Artan S, Hayaloğlu P. Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries. ear. 2015;15:551–564.
MLA Artan, Seyfettin and Pınar Hayaloğlu. “Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 15, no. 4, 2015, pp. 551-64.
Vancouver Artan S, Hayaloğlu P. Institutional Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from OECD Countries. ear. 2015;15(4):551-64.