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The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey

Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 75 - 88, 01.02.2017


Internet usage reached global dimensions in the 2000s. The main purpose of this paper is to investigate whether expansion of internet usage have a boosting impact on trade volume between Turkey and European Union countries. The empirical analysis is used data set of Turkey and 25 European Union countries from 2005 to 2014. The data set includes GDP, population, distance, internet usage ratio, openness ratio and civil liberties ratio. To measure the impact of the internet usage upon Turkish international trade, we apply the method of strongly balanced panel data and panel gravity model. Results of panel data analyses and gravity model reveal that internet usage have meaningful impact on trade volume between Turkey and European Union countries. Furthermore, increasing of countries’ GDP, population and opennes ratio boost trade volume between Turkey and European Union countries. On the other hand, distance among these countries decrease international trade volume of Turkey. Civil liberties ratios of European Union countries do not have any impact on Turkey’s trade volume


  • Antonucci, D. ve Manzocchi, S. (2006) “Does Turkey Have A Special Trade Relation with the EU? A Gravity Model Approach”, Economic System, 30: 157 – 169.
  • Artan, S. ve Kalaycı, C. (2009) “İnternetin Uluslararası Ticaret Üzerindeki Etkileri: OECD Ülkeleri Örneği”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(2): 175 – 187.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2015) The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data, England, Oxford University Press.
  • Bojnec, S. ve Fertö, I. (2009) “Impact of the Internet on Manufacturing Trade”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(1): 124 – 132.
  • Chinn, M. D. ve Fairlie R. W. (2007) “The Determinants of the Global Digital Divide: A Cross-Country Analysis of Computer and Internet Penetration”, Oxford Economic Papers, 59: 16–44.
  • Choi, C. (2010) “The Effect of the Internet on Service Trade”, Economics Letters, 109: 102 – 104.
  • Clarke, G. R. ve Wallsten S. J. (2006) “Has the Internet Increased Trade? Developed and Developing Country Evidence”, Economic Inquiry, 44(3): 465 – 484.
  • Clarke, G. R. (2008) “Has the Internet Increased Exports for Firms From Low and Middle-Income Countries?”, Information Economics and Policy, 20: 16 – 37.
  • Freund, C. L. ve Weinhold D. (2000) “On Effect of the Internet on International Trade”, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System International Finance Discussion Papers, Number 693: 1 – 42.
  • Freund, C. L. ve Weinhold D. (2002) “The Internet and International Trade in Services”, American Economic Review, 92(2): 236 – 240.
  • Freund, C. L. ve Weinhold D. (2004) “The Effect of the Internet on International Trade”, Journal of International Economics, 62: 171 – 189.
  • Gujarati, D. N. (2003) Basic Econometrics, 4. Edition, New York, McGraw Hill.
  • Karagöz, K. (2007) “Bilgi İletişim Teknolojilerindeki Gelişmenin İhracata Etkisi: Türkiye İçin Ampirik Bir Analiz”, Maliye Dergisi, 153: 214 – 223.
  • Lee, J. (2012) “Network Effects on International Trade”,Economics Letters, 116: 199 – 201.
  • Lin, F. (2015) “Estimating the Effect of the Internet on International Trade”, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 24(3): 409 – 428.
  • Meijers, H. (2014) “Does the Internet Generate Economic Growth, International Trade, or Both?”, International Economics and Economic Policy, 11(1): 137 – 163.
  • Melemen, M. (2006) “Türk İhracat Şirketlerine İnternet’in Katkıları Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması”, Öneri Dergisi, 7(25): 193 – 198.
  • Miraskari, S. R., Asfiji, N. S., Siadat, S. A. ve Mirasgari S. A. (2011) “The Effect of the Internet on Trade Flows”, Economics and Finance Review, 1(6): 100 – 106.
  • Salmani, B., Saremi, M. ve Pourebrahim, F. (2013) “The Effect of the Internet on International Trade in Services: Developing Countries’ Case Study”, E-Commerce in Developing Countries: With Focus on e-Security (ECDC), 7th Intenational Conference, April 2013, Kish Island, Iran.
  • Şen, A., Çelebioğlu, F. ve Altay H. (2009) “The Effects of Knowledge and Technology Variables on Terms of Trade”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2): 361 – 374.
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013) Panel Veri Ekonometrisi, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Timmis, J. (2012) “The Internet and International Trade in Goods”, Discussion Papers in Economics, 12/03.
  • Vemuri, V. K. ve Siddiqi, S. (2009) “Impact of Commercialization of the Internet on International Trade: A Panel Study Using the Extended Gravity Model”, The International Trade Journal, 23(4): 458 – 484.
  • Yadav, N. (2014) “The Role of Internet Use on International Trade: Evidence from Asian and SubSaharan African Enterprises”, Global Economy Journal, 14(2): 189 – 214.
  • Yurtsever, H. (2010) “Uluslararası Ödeme Şekillerinde Bankalarca Alınan Komisyon ve Vergi Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım”, Ege Akademik Bakış, 10(3): 855 – 869.
  • Yushkova, E. (2014) “Impact of ICT on Trade in Different Technology Groups: Analysis and Implications”, International Economics and Economic Policy, 11: 165 – 177.

Uluslararası Ticarette İnternet Kullanımının Rolü: Türkiye Örneği

Year 2017, Volume: 17 Issue: 1, 75 - 88, 01.02.2017


2000’li yıllarda internet kullanımı artarak küresel boyutlara ulaşmıştır. Bu çalışma kapsamında, internet kullanımının Türkiye’nin Avrupa Birliği ülkeleri ile toplam ticaret hacmi üzerindeki etkisi araştırılmıştır. Çalışmada, Türkiye ve 25 Avrupa Birliği üyesi ülkenin 2005 ve 2014 yılları arasındaki gayrisafi yurtiçi hâsıla, nüfus, ülkeler arası mesafe, internet kullanım oranları, ticari açıklıkları ve sivil özgürlük oranlarına ait veriler kullanılmıştır. İnternet kullanımının Türkiye’nin toplam ticaret hacmi üzerindeki etkisi dengeli panel veri analizi ve panel çekim modeli ile incelenmiştir. Çalışma sonucunda, internet kullanımının Türkiye’nin toplam ticaret hacmi üzerinde olumlu ve önemli etkilerinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca, ülkelerin gayrisafi yurtiçi hâsılalarının, nüfuslarının ve ticari açıklık düzeylerinin artması ile Türkiye’nin söz konusu ülkeler ile ticaret hacminin artacağı, aralarındaki mesafenin ise ticaretlerini olumsuz etkilediği görülmüştür. Avrupa Birliği ülkelerinin sivil özgürlük oranının Türkiye’nin toplam ticaret hacmi üzerinde herhangi bir etkisi olmadığı tespit edilmiştir


  • Antonucci, D. ve Manzocchi, S. (2006) “Does Turkey Have A Special Trade Relation with the EU? A Gravity Model Approach”, Economic System, 30: 157 – 169.
  • Artan, S. ve Kalaycı, C. (2009) “İnternetin Uluslararası Ticaret Üzerindeki Etkileri: OECD Ülkeleri Örneği”, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 10(2): 175 – 187.
  • Baltagi, B. H. (2015) The Oxford Handbook of Panel Data, England, Oxford University Press.
  • Bojnec, S. ve Fertö, I. (2009) “Impact of the Internet on Manufacturing Trade”, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 50(1): 124 – 132.
  • Chinn, M. D. ve Fairlie R. W. (2007) “The Determinants of the Global Digital Divide: A Cross-Country Analysis of Computer and Internet Penetration”, Oxford Economic Papers, 59: 16–44.
  • Choi, C. (2010) “The Effect of the Internet on Service Trade”, Economics Letters, 109: 102 – 104.
  • Clarke, G. R. ve Wallsten S. J. (2006) “Has the Internet Increased Trade? Developed and Developing Country Evidence”, Economic Inquiry, 44(3): 465 – 484.
  • Clarke, G. R. (2008) “Has the Internet Increased Exports for Firms From Low and Middle-Income Countries?”, Information Economics and Policy, 20: 16 – 37.
  • Freund, C. L. ve Weinhold D. (2000) “On Effect of the Internet on International Trade”, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System International Finance Discussion Papers, Number 693: 1 – 42.
  • Freund, C. L. ve Weinhold D. (2002) “The Internet and International Trade in Services”, American Economic Review, 92(2): 236 – 240.
  • Freund, C. L. ve Weinhold D. (2004) “The Effect of the Internet on International Trade”, Journal of International Economics, 62: 171 – 189.
  • Gujarati, D. N. (2003) Basic Econometrics, 4. Edition, New York, McGraw Hill.
  • Karagöz, K. (2007) “Bilgi İletişim Teknolojilerindeki Gelişmenin İhracata Etkisi: Türkiye İçin Ampirik Bir Analiz”, Maliye Dergisi, 153: 214 – 223.
  • Lee, J. (2012) “Network Effects on International Trade”,Economics Letters, 116: 199 – 201.
  • Lin, F. (2015) “Estimating the Effect of the Internet on International Trade”, The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development, 24(3): 409 – 428.
  • Meijers, H. (2014) “Does the Internet Generate Economic Growth, International Trade, or Both?”, International Economics and Economic Policy, 11(1): 137 – 163.
  • Melemen, M. (2006) “Türk İhracat Şirketlerine İnternet’in Katkıları Üzerine Bir Saha Araştırması”, Öneri Dergisi, 7(25): 193 – 198.
  • Miraskari, S. R., Asfiji, N. S., Siadat, S. A. ve Mirasgari S. A. (2011) “The Effect of the Internet on Trade Flows”, Economics and Finance Review, 1(6): 100 – 106.
  • Salmani, B., Saremi, M. ve Pourebrahim, F. (2013) “The Effect of the Internet on International Trade in Services: Developing Countries’ Case Study”, E-Commerce in Developing Countries: With Focus on e-Security (ECDC), 7th Intenational Conference, April 2013, Kish Island, Iran.
  • Şen, A., Çelebioğlu, F. ve Altay H. (2009) “The Effects of Knowledge and Technology Variables on Terms of Trade”, Süleyman Demirel Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi, 14(2): 361 – 374.
  • Tatoğlu, F. Y. (2013) Panel Veri Ekonometrisi, 2. Baskı, İstanbul, Beta Yayıncılık.
  • Timmis, J. (2012) “The Internet and International Trade in Goods”, Discussion Papers in Economics, 12/03.
  • Vemuri, V. K. ve Siddiqi, S. (2009) “Impact of Commercialization of the Internet on International Trade: A Panel Study Using the Extended Gravity Model”, The International Trade Journal, 23(4): 458 – 484.
  • Yadav, N. (2014) “The Role of Internet Use on International Trade: Evidence from Asian and SubSaharan African Enterprises”, Global Economy Journal, 14(2): 189 – 214.
  • Yurtsever, H. (2010) “Uluslararası Ödeme Şekillerinde Bankalarca Alınan Komisyon ve Vergi Üzerine Eleştirel Bir Yaklaşım”, Ege Akademik Bakış, 10(3): 855 – 869.
  • Yushkova, E. (2014) “Impact of ICT on Trade in Different Technology Groups: Analysis and Implications”, International Economics and Economic Policy, 11: 165 – 177.
There are 26 citations in total.


Other ID JA87VA75ZS
Journal Section Research Article

Ayberk Şeker This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 17 Issue: 1


APA Şeker, A. (2017). The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey. Ege Academic Review, 17(1), 75-88.
AMA Şeker A. The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey. ear. February 2017;17(1):75-88.
Chicago Şeker, Ayberk. “The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey”. Ege Academic Review 17, no. 1 (February 2017): 75-88.
EndNote Şeker A (February 1, 2017) The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey. Ege Academic Review 17 1 75–88.
IEEE A. Şeker, “The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey”, ear, vol. 17, no. 1, pp. 75–88, 2017.
ISNAD Şeker, Ayberk. “The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey”. Ege Academic Review 17/1 (February 2017), 75-88.
JAMA Şeker A. The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey. ear. 2017;17:75–88.
MLA Şeker, Ayberk. “The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey”. Ege Academic Review, vol. 17, no. 1, 2017, pp. 75-88.
Vancouver Şeker A. The Role Of Internet Usage on Intertanional Trade: Evidence From Turkey. ear. 2017;17(1):75-88.