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Year 2025,
Volume: 25 Issue: 1, 133 - 156, 04.02.2025
This study presents the findings obtained from the examination of 36 articles published in the field of business between 1983-2023, representing the first known bibliometric analysis in the field of careerism. The analyses not only shed light on the history of the field but also make a significant contribution to identifying trends that will guide future researchers. According to the findings, the most productive period in careerism studies was determined to be 2020-2021, with A. De Vos being identified as the most prolific author. Additionally, the contributions of leading institutions like the Texas University and prestigious journals such as the Journal of Business and Psychology underscore the academic significance of research in the field of careerism. Examining the relationships between keywords also provides valuable insights into the topics researchers focus on and the future directions of the field. This study contributes to the literature by offering a broad perspective on research conducted in the field of careerism.
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