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Diagnosis of Early Dental Caries by Traditional, Contemporary and Developing Imaging Methods

Year 2022, , 38 - 45, 30.04.2022


Dental caries is an important problem for human health which is frequently seen under clinical conditions and also progresses slowly, causes severe pain and even tooth loss, and affects the quality of life. Especially in pediatric patients, with the early detection of caries, treatment procedures can be performed with uncomplicated methods. In today's dentistry; preventive applications and minimally invasive approaches are gaining importance, and early diagnosis of initial caries lesions is very important for minimally invasive dentistry. With the development of technology, many new methods are being introduced to ensure the early diagnosis of dental caries. In this review, conventional, contemporary, and developing approaches used in the detection of dental caries will be presented.


  • 1. Gül EB, Sepet E. Okluzal Çürük Lezyonlarının Saptanmasında Lazer Floresans Yöntemi: DIAGNOdent, DIAGNO-PEN. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):45-50.
  • 2. Kalyoncu IÖ, KUŞÇU ÖÖ, Akyüz S. Çürük Tehşisinde Gelişmekte Olan Yöntemler. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):51-8.
  • 3. Petersen PE, Bourgeois D, Ogawa H, Estupinan-Day S, Ndiaye C. The global burden of oral diseases and risks to oral health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2005;83:661-9.
  • 4. Bala O, Akgül S. Çürük Teşhis Yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Restorative Dentistry-Special Topics. 2016;2(1):34-40.
  • 5. Yalçinkaya Şe. Diş Çürüğünde Radyolojik Yorumlama. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):6-13.
  • 6. Selwitz RH, Ismail AI, Pitts NB. Dental caries. The Lancet. 2007;369(9555):51-9.
  • 7. Aren G, Çayirci M. Geleneksel Çürük Teşhis Yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):1-5.
  • 8. Lussi A. Comparison of different methods for the diagnosis of fissure caries without cavitation. Caries research. 1993;27(5):409-16.
  • 9. Özgür B, Ünverdi GE, Çehreli Z. Diş Çürüğünün Tespitinde Geleneksel ve Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2018;4(1):1-9.
  • 10. Nyvad B, Machiulskiene V, Bælum V. Reliability of a new caries diagnostic system differentiating between active and inactive caries lesions. Caries research. 1999;33(4):252-60.
  • 11. Kühnisch J, Goddon I, Berger S, Senkel H, Bücher K, Oehme T, et al. Development, methodology and potential of the new Universal Visual Scoring System (UniViSS) for caries detection and diagnosis. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2009;6(9):2500-9.
  • 12. Ekstrand KR, Martignon S, Ricketts D, Qvist V. Detection and activity assessment of primary coronal caries lesions: a methodologic study. Operative dentistry. 2007;32(3):225-35.
  • 13. Iannucci JM HL. Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques, 5th ed. St Louis Missouri: Elsevier. 2017:403-11.
  • 14. A H. Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi, editör. İstanbul: Nobel Matbaacılık. 2014:299-307.
  • 15. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology-E-Book: Principles and interpretation: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014.
  • 16. Bader JD, Shugars DA, Bonito AJ. A systematic review of the performance of methods for identifying carious lesions. Journal of public health dentistry. 2002;62(4):201-13.
  • 17. Gomez J, Amin AG, Gregg L, Gailloud P. Classification schemes of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulas. Neurosurgery Clinics. 2012;23(1):55-62.
  • 18. Neuhaus KW, Lussi A. Carious Lesion Diagnosis: Methods, Problems, Thresholds. Caries Excavation: Evolution of Treating Cavitated Carious Lesions. 27: Karger Publishers; 2018. p. 24-31.
  • 19. Abdelaziz M, Krejci I, Perneger T, Feilzer A, Vazquez L. Near infrared transillumination compared with radiography to detect and monitor proximal caries: A clinical retrospective study. Journal of dentistry. 2018;70:40-5.
  • 20. Gomez J, editor Detection and diagnosis of the early caries lesion. BMC oral health; 2015: Springer.
  • 21. Berg SC, Stahl JM, Lien W, Slack CM, Vandewalle KS. A clinical study comparing digital radiography and near‐infrared transillumination in caries detection. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. 2018;30(1):39-44.
  • 22. Abogazalah N, Eckert G, Ando M. In vitro visual and visible light transillumination methods for detection of natural non-cavitated approximal caries. Clinical oral investigations. 2019;23(3):1287-94.
  • 23. Eden E. Evidence-based caries prevention: Springer; 2016.
  • 24. Akyildiz BM, Sönmez I. Diş Çürüğünün Erken Teşhisinde Transillüminasyon Yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):14-20.
  • 25. Mialhe FL, Pereira AC, de Castro Meneghim M, Ambrosano GMB, Pardi V. The relative diagnostic yields of clinical, FOTI and radiographic examinations for the detection of approximal caries in youngsters. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2009;20(2):136.
  • 26. Kirzioğlu Z, Güngör ÖE. Okluzal yüz çürüklerinin tanı yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences. 2009;15(1):30-9.
  • 27. Gündüz DK, Çelenk P. Çürük Tanisinda Kullanilan Yeni Yöntemler. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal. 2003;6(1).
  • 28. Richards D. Best clinical practice guidance for management of early caries lesions in children and young adults: an EAPD policy document. Evidence-based dentistry. 2016;17(2):35-7.
  • 29. Chawla N, Messer L, Adams G, Manton D. An in vitro comparison of detection methods for approximal carious lesions in primary molars. Caries research. 2012;46(2):161-9.
  • 30. Garg A, Biswas G, Saha S. Recent Advancements in Diagnosis of Dental Caries: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2014.
  • 31. Bin-Shuwaish M, Yaman P, Dennison J, Neiva G. The correlation of DIFOTI to clinical and radiographic images in Class II carious lesions. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2008;139(10):1374-81.
  • 32. Vaarkamp J, Ten Bosch J, Verdonschot E. Light propagation through teeth containing simulated caries lesions. Physics in medicine & biology. 1995;40(8):1375.
  • 33. Karlsson L. Caries detection methods based on changes in optical properties between healthy and carious tissue. International journal of dentistry. 2010;2010.
  • 34. Friedman J, Marcus MI. Transillumination of the oral cavity with use of fiber optics. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1970;80(4):801-9.
  • 35. Schneiderman A, Elbaum M, Shultz T, Keem S, Greenebaum M, Driller J. Assessment of dental caries with digital imaging fiber-optic translllumination (DIFOTITM): in vitro Study. Caries Research. 1997;31(2):103-10.
  • 36. Baltacioglu IH, Orhan K. Comparison of diagnostic methods for early interproximal caries detection with near-infrared light transillumination: an in vivo study. BMC oral health. 2017;17(1):130.
  • 37. Ozkan G, Guzel KGU. Clinical evaluation of near-infrared light transillumination in approximal dentin caries detection. Lasers in medical science. 2017;32(6):1417-22.
  • 38. [Available from: (
  • 39. Alsayed EZ, Hariri I, Sadr A, Nakashima S, Bakhsh TA, Shimada Y, et al. Optical coherence tomography for evaluation of enamel and protective coatings. Dental materials journal. 2015;34(1):98-107.
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  • 44. Yavuz BŞ, KargüL B. Erken Çürük Lezyonlarının Görüntülenmesinde ve Değerlendirilmesinde Optik Koherens Tomografi (OCT)’nin Kullanımı. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):38-44.
  • 45. Nakagawa H, Sadr A, Shimada Y, Tagami J, Sumi Y. Validation of swept source optical coherence tomography (SS-OCT) for the diagnosis of smooth surface caries in vitro. Journal of dentistry. 2013;41(1):80-9.
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Year 2022, , 38 - 45, 30.04.2022



  • 1. Gül EB, Sepet E. Okluzal Çürük Lezyonlarının Saptanmasında Lazer Floresans Yöntemi: DIAGNOdent, DIAGNO-PEN. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):45-50.
  • 2. Kalyoncu IÖ, KUŞÇU ÖÖ, Akyüz S. Çürük Tehşisinde Gelişmekte Olan Yöntemler. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):51-8.
  • 3. Petersen PE, Bourgeois D, Ogawa H, Estupinan-Day S, Ndiaye C. The global burden of oral diseases and risks to oral health. Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 2005;83:661-9.
  • 4. Bala O, Akgül S. Çürük Teşhis Yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Restorative Dentistry-Special Topics. 2016;2(1):34-40.
  • 5. Yalçinkaya Şe. Diş Çürüğünde Radyolojik Yorumlama. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):6-13.
  • 6. Selwitz RH, Ismail AI, Pitts NB. Dental caries. The Lancet. 2007;369(9555):51-9.
  • 7. Aren G, Çayirci M. Geleneksel Çürük Teşhis Yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):1-5.
  • 8. Lussi A. Comparison of different methods for the diagnosis of fissure caries without cavitation. Caries research. 1993;27(5):409-16.
  • 9. Özgür B, Ünverdi GE, Çehreli Z. Diş Çürüğünün Tespitinde Geleneksel ve Güncel Yaklaşımlar. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2018;4(1):1-9.
  • 10. Nyvad B, Machiulskiene V, Bælum V. Reliability of a new caries diagnostic system differentiating between active and inactive caries lesions. Caries research. 1999;33(4):252-60.
  • 11. Kühnisch J, Goddon I, Berger S, Senkel H, Bücher K, Oehme T, et al. Development, methodology and potential of the new Universal Visual Scoring System (UniViSS) for caries detection and diagnosis. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2009;6(9):2500-9.
  • 12. Ekstrand KR, Martignon S, Ricketts D, Qvist V. Detection and activity assessment of primary coronal caries lesions: a methodologic study. Operative dentistry. 2007;32(3):225-35.
  • 13. Iannucci JM HL. Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques, 5th ed. St Louis Missouri: Elsevier. 2017:403-11.
  • 14. A H. Ağız, Diş ve Çene Radyolojisi, editör. İstanbul: Nobel Matbaacılık. 2014:299-307.
  • 15. White SC, Pharoah MJ. Oral radiology-E-Book: Principles and interpretation: Elsevier Health Sciences; 2014.
  • 16. Bader JD, Shugars DA, Bonito AJ. A systematic review of the performance of methods for identifying carious lesions. Journal of public health dentistry. 2002;62(4):201-13.
  • 17. Gomez J, Amin AG, Gregg L, Gailloud P. Classification schemes of cranial dural arteriovenous fistulas. Neurosurgery Clinics. 2012;23(1):55-62.
  • 18. Neuhaus KW, Lussi A. Carious Lesion Diagnosis: Methods, Problems, Thresholds. Caries Excavation: Evolution of Treating Cavitated Carious Lesions. 27: Karger Publishers; 2018. p. 24-31.
  • 19. Abdelaziz M, Krejci I, Perneger T, Feilzer A, Vazquez L. Near infrared transillumination compared with radiography to detect and monitor proximal caries: A clinical retrospective study. Journal of dentistry. 2018;70:40-5.
  • 20. Gomez J, editor Detection and diagnosis of the early caries lesion. BMC oral health; 2015: Springer.
  • 21. Berg SC, Stahl JM, Lien W, Slack CM, Vandewalle KS. A clinical study comparing digital radiography and near‐infrared transillumination in caries detection. Journal of Esthetic and Restorative Dentistry. 2018;30(1):39-44.
  • 22. Abogazalah N, Eckert G, Ando M. In vitro visual and visible light transillumination methods for detection of natural non-cavitated approximal caries. Clinical oral investigations. 2019;23(3):1287-94.
  • 23. Eden E. Evidence-based caries prevention: Springer; 2016.
  • 24. Akyildiz BM, Sönmez I. Diş Çürüğünün Erken Teşhisinde Transillüminasyon Yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Pediatric Dentistry-Special Topics. 2019;5(3):14-20.
  • 25. Mialhe FL, Pereira AC, de Castro Meneghim M, Ambrosano GMB, Pardi V. The relative diagnostic yields of clinical, FOTI and radiographic examinations for the detection of approximal caries in youngsters. Indian Journal of Dental Research. 2009;20(2):136.
  • 26. Kirzioğlu Z, Güngör ÖE. Okluzal yüz çürüklerinin tanı yöntemleri. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Dental Sciences. 2009;15(1):30-9.
  • 27. Gündüz DK, Çelenk P. Çürük Tanisinda Kullanilan Yeni Yöntemler. Cumhuriyet Dental Journal. 2003;6(1).
  • 28. Richards D. Best clinical practice guidance for management of early caries lesions in children and young adults: an EAPD policy document. Evidence-based dentistry. 2016;17(2):35-7.
  • 29. Chawla N, Messer L, Adams G, Manton D. An in vitro comparison of detection methods for approximal carious lesions in primary molars. Caries research. 2012;46(2):161-9.
  • 30. Garg A, Biswas G, Saha S. Recent Advancements in Diagnosis of Dental Caries: LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2014.
  • 31. Bin-Shuwaish M, Yaman P, Dennison J, Neiva G. The correlation of DIFOTI to clinical and radiographic images in Class II carious lesions. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 2008;139(10):1374-81.
  • 32. Vaarkamp J, Ten Bosch J, Verdonschot E. Light propagation through teeth containing simulated caries lesions. Physics in medicine & biology. 1995;40(8):1375.
  • 33. Karlsson L. Caries detection methods based on changes in optical properties between healthy and carious tissue. International journal of dentistry. 2010;2010.
  • 34. Friedman J, Marcus MI. Transillumination of the oral cavity with use of fiber optics. The Journal of the American Dental Association. 1970;80(4):801-9.
  • 35. Schneiderman A, Elbaum M, Shultz T, Keem S, Greenebaum M, Driller J. Assessment of dental caries with digital imaging fiber-optic translllumination (DIFOTITM): in vitro Study. Caries Research. 1997;31(2):103-10.
  • 36. Baltacioglu IH, Orhan K. Comparison of diagnostic methods for early interproximal caries detection with near-infrared light transillumination: an in vivo study. BMC oral health. 2017;17(1):130.
  • 37. Ozkan G, Guzel KGU. Clinical evaluation of near-infrared light transillumination in approximal dentin caries detection. Lasers in medical science. 2017;32(6):1417-22.
  • 38. [Available from: (
  • 39. Alsayed EZ, Hariri I, Sadr A, Nakashima S, Bakhsh TA, Shimada Y, et al. Optical coherence tomography for evaluation of enamel and protective coatings. Dental materials journal. 2015;34(1):98-107.
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There are 104 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Dentistry
Journal Section Review Articles

Emine Akyıldız 0000-0001-8479-5186

Nurhan Özalp 0000-0003-4192-2960

Publication Date April 30, 2022
Submission Date December 31, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2022


Vancouver Akyıldız E, Özalp N. Diagnosis of Early Dental Caries by Traditional, Contemporary and Developing Imaging Methods. EADS. 2022;49(1):38-45.