In vitro comparison of canal working length determination with NaOCl of three different apex locators
Year 2017,
Volume: 44 Issue: 1 - Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 15 - 26, 01.02.2017
A. Enes Erdoğan
Bade Sonat
In vitro comparison of Canal working length determination with NaOCl of three different apex locators. The aim of this in vitro study is the compare and determine the success of three different modern electronic apex locators. In this study 36 undecayed upper central teeth have been used. To have a certain reference the teeth have been cut from the cemento enamel junction limit. Easy access has been achieved by using gates-glidden drills to the files of 1\3 of the coronal root canals. Each teeth length has been measured by using #15 K-File X8 magnified stereomicroscope pushing forward until the tip is visible from the apical foramen. The measurements have been repeated three times and the mean for each tooth has been recorded as actual lengths AL . Later the teeth have been embeded to the alginate placed in plastic boxes and are measured with %5.25 NaOCl in the root canals via #15 K-File electronic apex locators. The mean of the measurements has been taken after repeating them thrice. They are recorded as RU, PU and I2U. All values measured from each electronic apex locator have been compared with the results and actual lengths. The statistical analysis has been made with Sample paired t test. The relevance between the parameters is determined as p
- 1. Sjögren HB, Sandqvist, G ,Wing K.
Factors effecting the long-term resulst of
endodontic treatment, J Endod, 1990;
- 2. Ricucci D.,Langeland K Apical limit of
root canal instrumentation and obturation, part 2.A histological study. Int Endod J.
1998; 31:394-409.
- 3. Gordon MPJ ,Chandler NP. Electronic
apex locators. Int Endod J.2004;37: 425-
- 4. Dummer P.M.H,Mcginn, J H Rees, D G
The position and topography of the apical
canal constriction and apical foramen, Int
Endod J;1984;17:192-8.
- 5. Tınaz C A . Kanal tedavisinde çalışma
boyutu. G.Ü. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg.2001;18:
- 6. Guise G M ,Goodell GG, Imamura G.M.
In vitro comparison of three electronic
apex locators. J. Endod.2010;36(2):279-
- 7. Sunada I. New method for measuring the
length of therootcanal. J. Dent Res.
1962;41: 375-87.
- 8. Ushiyama J. New principle and method for
measuring the root canal length. J Endod,
1983;9: 97-104.
- 9. Christie W Clinical observation on a newly
designed electronic apex locator. Can Dent
J. 1994;59: 756-62.
- 10. Alaçam T Endodonti, 2012. Özyurt
Matbaacılık Ankara, s.521.
- 11. Frank A L ,Torabinejad, M. An in vivo
evaluation of Endex electronic
apexlocator. J. Endod. 1993;19: 177-9.
- 12. Welk A R,Baumgartner JC, Marshall J.G.
An in vivo comparison of two frequencybased electronic apex locators. J. Endod.
2003; 29: 497–500.
- 13. Hoer D , Atin T. The accuracy of
electronic working length determination.
Int Endod J.2004; 7: 125-31.
- 14. Tınaz A C , Sevimli S L, Görgül G,
Türköz E G The effects of sodium
hypocholorite concentrations on
theaccuracy of an apex locating device. J.
Endod, 2002; 28: 160-2.
- 15. Plotino G, Grande NM , Brigante L, Lesti
B, Somma F. Ex vivo accuracy of three
electronic apex locators: Root ZX,
Elements Diagnostic Unit and Apex
Locator and ProPex. Int Endod J. 2006;
39 (5):408-14.
- 16. He L, Hu T Q, Zhao H., Lin J Q, Li, P.
Effect of four different solutions on the
accuracy of electronic apex locators.
Shangai Kou Qiang Yi Xue, 2008;17: 304-
- 17. Meares A.W. Steiman R. The influence of
sodium hypochlorite irrigation on the
accuracy of the Root ZX electronic
apexlocator. J Endod, 2002;28: 595–8.
- 18. Pilot T.F., Pitts D.L.Determination of
impedance changes at varying frequencies
in relation to root canal file position and
irrigant. J Endod. 1997;23: 719-24.
- 19. Özsezer E, İnan U., Aydın U. In vivo
evaluation of Propex electronic apex
locator. J. Endod .2007; 33 : 974-7.
- 20. Kim E., MarmoM., Lee CY, Oh, N S,
Kim, I K. An in vivo comparison of
working length determination by only rootZX apex locator versus combining root-ZX
apex locator with radiographs using a new
impression technique. Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008;
- 21. Krajczar K,Marada G., Gyulaı G., Toth V.
Comparison of radiographic and
electronical working length determination
on palatal and mesio-buccal root canals of
extracted upper molars. Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.
2008;106 :90-3.
- 22. Campbell D, Friedman S, Nguyen H.Q,
Kaufman, AY, Keila S. Apical extent of
rotary canal instrumentation with an apexlocating hand piece in vitro.Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
- 23. Kaufman, AY, Keila S ,Yosphe, M.
Accuracy of a newapexlocator: an in
vitrostudy. Int Endod J.2002;35: 186-92.
- 24. Wrbas K T, Ziegler A.A., Altenburger M
J, Schirrmeister J F. In vivo comparison of working length determination with two
electronic apex locators.Int Endod J.
2007;40 (2):133-8.
- 25. Venturi M,Breschi L. A comparison
between two electronic apex locators: an
ex vivo investigation. Int Endod J. 2007
- 26. Pascon E A, Marrelli M , Congi O, Cincio
R., MiceliI F., Veriani M.A.An ex vivo
comparison of working length
determination by 3 electronic apex
locators.OralSurg Oral Med Oral Pathol
Oral Radiol Endod. . 2009;108 (3):147-51.
- 27. ;Herrera M, Abalos C, Planas A J,Liamas
R. Influence of apical constriction
diameter on Root ZX apex locator
precision. J. Endod, . 2007;33: 995-8.
- 28. Huang L. An experimental study of the
principle of electronic root canal
measurement .J. Endod. 1987; 13: 60-4.
- 29. KaufmannAY, Katz A. Reliability of Root
ZX apex locator tested by an in vitro
model. J. Endod, 1993;19: 201.
- 30. Donnelly JC. A simplified model to
demonstrate the operation of electronic
root canal measuring devices. J.
Endod.1993;19: 579-80.
- 31. Czerw R J ,Fulkerson M.S., Donnelly J.C.
An in vitro test of a simplified model to
demonstrate the operation of electronic
root canal measuring devices. J. Endod,
1994;20: 605-6.
- 32. Meares A.W.,Steiman R. The influence of
sodium hypochlorite irrigation on the
accuracy of the Root ZX electronic apex
locator. J Endod, 2002;28: 595–8.
- 33. Bodur H, Odabaş, M., Tulunoğlu O.,
Tınaz, A.C. Accuracy of two different
apex locators in primary teeth with and
without root resorption. Clinical Oral
Investigations, 2008;12: 137-41.
- 34. Ebrahim AK,Wadachi R, Suda H. An in
vitro evaluation of theaccuracy of
Dentaport ZX apex locator in enlarged root
canals. Aust Dent J, 2007;52: 193-7.
- 35. Shabang S,Goon W, Gluskin A. An in vivo
evaluation of Root ZX electronic apex
locator. J. Endod.1996;22: 616-18.
- 36. Dunlap C, Remeikis N, Begole E,
Rauschenberger C. An in vivo evaluation
of an electronic apex locator that uses the
ratio metod in vital and necrotic canals. J
Endod, 1998;24: 48-50.
- 37. Ounsi HF Naaman A.In vitro evaluation of
the reliability of the Root ZX electronic
apex locator. Int Endod J.1999;32: 120-3.
- 38. Tselnik M., Baumgartner J C, Marshall
J.G. An evaluation of Root ZX and
Elements diagnostic apex locators. J.
Endod, 2005;31: 507-9.
- 39. D’Assuncao F L, De Albuquerque D S, De
Queiroz Ferrerira LC. The ability of two
apex locators to locate the apical foramen:
an in vitro study. J Endod, 2006; 32: 560-2.
- 40. Bernardes RA,Duarte M A H, Vasconcelos
B C, Moares, IG, Bernerdineli N , Garcia
R B, Baldi JV, Victorino F R, Bramente
CM. Evaluation of precision of length
determination with 3 electronic apex
locators: Root ZX, Elements Diagnostic
Unitand Apex Locator and Romi Apex D30. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
Radiol Endod, 2007;104: 91-4.
- 41. Mancini M, Felici R, Conte G, Costantini
M., Cianconi L. Accuracy of three
electronic apex locators in anterior and
posterior teeth: an ex vivo study. J Endod.
- 42. Stöber E K, Sindreu F D, Mercade M,
Vera J, Bueno R. An evaluation of Root
ZX and IpexApex locators: an in vivo
study. J. Endod, 2011; 37: 608-10.
- 43. Aggarwal V,Singla M, Kabi D. An in vitro
evaluation of performance of two
electronic root canal length measurement
devices during retreatment of different
obstructing materials. J. Endod, . 2010;36:
- 44. Kang JA, Kim SK.Accuracies of seven
different apex locators under various
conditions.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.106 (4):57-62.
- 45. Somma F, Castagnola R, Lajolo C.,
Paterno H L, Marigo L. In vivo accuracy
of three electronic root canal length
measurement devices: Dentaport ZX,
Raypex 5 and ProPex II. Int Endod J.
2012;45 (6):552-6.
- 46. De Vasconcelos B C, Do Vale T M, De
Menezes AS, Pinheiro-Junior EC,
Vivacqua-Gomes N., Bernardes R.A.,
Hungaro Duarte M A. An ex vivo
comparison of root canal length
determination by three electronic apex
locators at positions short of the apical
foramen.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
Oral Radiol Endod. 2010;110 (2) :57-61.
Üç farklı apeks bulucunun NAOCI varlığında kanal çalışma boyu belirleme etkinliklerinin in vitro karşılaştırılması
Year 2017,
Volume: 44 Issue: 1 - Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 15 - 26, 01.02.2017
A. Enes Erdoğan
Bade Sonat
Bu in vitro çalışmanın amacı, üç farklı gelişmiş elektronik apeks bulucunun kanal çalışma boyunu tesbitinde ki başarısını belirlemek ve birbirleriyle karşılaştırmaktır.Çalışmamızda kök oluşumunu tamamlamış rezorpsiyon bulunmayan, çürüksüz 36 adet üst santral diş kullanılmıştır. Belirli bir referans olması için dişler mine sement sınırından kesilmiştir. Kök kanallarının 1/3 lük kısmında Gates glidden frezler kullanılarak eğelere rahat bir giriş sağlanmıştır. Her dişin uzunluğu #15 nolu K-file kullanılarak X8 büyütmeli stereomikroskop altında eğenin ucu apikal foramenden görülünceye kadar ilerletilerek ölçülmüştür. Ölçümler üç kere tekrarlanmış ve ortalamalar her diş için gerçek uzunluk olarak kaydedilmiştir. Sonra dişler aljinat modele gömülmüş ve elektronik apeks bulucular ile ölçümler yapılmıştır. Bu ölçümler de 3 kez tekrarlanarak ortalaması alınmıştır. Ortalamalar Root ZX Mini uzunluğu RU , Propex Pixi uzunluğu PU , Ipex II uzunluğu I2U olarak kaydedilmiştir. Her elektronik apeks bulucularla ölçülen değerler birbirleriyle ve gerçek uzunluklar ile karşılaştırılmıştır. İstatistiksel analizler Sample Paired t testi kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Parametreler arasındaki anlamlılık düzeyi p
- 1. Sjögren HB, Sandqvist, G ,Wing K.
Factors effecting the long-term resulst of
endodontic treatment, J Endod, 1990;
- 2. Ricucci D.,Langeland K Apical limit of
root canal instrumentation and obturation, part 2.A histological study. Int Endod J.
1998; 31:394-409.
- 3. Gordon MPJ ,Chandler NP. Electronic
apex locators. Int Endod J.2004;37: 425-
- 4. Dummer P.M.H,Mcginn, J H Rees, D G
The position and topography of the apical
canal constriction and apical foramen, Int
Endod J;1984;17:192-8.
- 5. Tınaz C A . Kanal tedavisinde çalışma
boyutu. G.Ü. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg.2001;18:
- 6. Guise G M ,Goodell GG, Imamura G.M.
In vitro comparison of three electronic
apex locators. J. Endod.2010;36(2):279-
- 7. Sunada I. New method for measuring the
length of therootcanal. J. Dent Res.
1962;41: 375-87.
- 8. Ushiyama J. New principle and method for
measuring the root canal length. J Endod,
1983;9: 97-104.
- 9. Christie W Clinical observation on a newly
designed electronic apex locator. Can Dent
J. 1994;59: 756-62.
- 10. Alaçam T Endodonti, 2012. Özyurt
Matbaacılık Ankara, s.521.
- 11. Frank A L ,Torabinejad, M. An in vivo
evaluation of Endex electronic
apexlocator. J. Endod. 1993;19: 177-9.
- 12. Welk A R,Baumgartner JC, Marshall J.G.
An in vivo comparison of two frequencybased electronic apex locators. J. Endod.
2003; 29: 497–500.
- 13. Hoer D , Atin T. The accuracy of
electronic working length determination.
Int Endod J.2004; 7: 125-31.
- 14. Tınaz A C , Sevimli S L, Görgül G,
Türköz E G The effects of sodium
hypocholorite concentrations on
theaccuracy of an apex locating device. J.
Endod, 2002; 28: 160-2.
- 15. Plotino G, Grande NM , Brigante L, Lesti
B, Somma F. Ex vivo accuracy of three
electronic apex locators: Root ZX,
Elements Diagnostic Unit and Apex
Locator and ProPex. Int Endod J. 2006;
39 (5):408-14.
- 16. He L, Hu T Q, Zhao H., Lin J Q, Li, P.
Effect of four different solutions on the
accuracy of electronic apex locators.
Shangai Kou Qiang Yi Xue, 2008;17: 304-
- 17. Meares A.W. Steiman R. The influence of
sodium hypochlorite irrigation on the
accuracy of the Root ZX electronic
apexlocator. J Endod, 2002;28: 595–8.
- 18. Pilot T.F., Pitts D.L.Determination of
impedance changes at varying frequencies
in relation to root canal file position and
irrigant. J Endod. 1997;23: 719-24.
- 19. Özsezer E, İnan U., Aydın U. In vivo
evaluation of Propex electronic apex
locator. J. Endod .2007; 33 : 974-7.
- 20. Kim E., MarmoM., Lee CY, Oh, N S,
Kim, I K. An in vivo comparison of
working length determination by only rootZX apex locator versus combining root-ZX
apex locator with radiographs using a new
impression technique. Oral Surg Oral Med
Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod. 2008;
- 21. Krajczar K,Marada G., Gyulaı G., Toth V.
Comparison of radiographic and
electronical working length determination
on palatal and mesio-buccal root canals of
extracted upper molars. Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.
2008;106 :90-3.
- 22. Campbell D, Friedman S, Nguyen H.Q,
Kaufman, AY, Keila S. Apical extent of
rotary canal instrumentation with an apexlocating hand piece in vitro.Oral Surg Oral
Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol
- 23. Kaufman, AY, Keila S ,Yosphe, M.
Accuracy of a newapexlocator: an in
vitrostudy. Int Endod J.2002;35: 186-92.
- 24. Wrbas K T, Ziegler A.A., Altenburger M
J, Schirrmeister J F. In vivo comparison of working length determination with two
electronic apex locators.Int Endod J.
2007;40 (2):133-8.
- 25. Venturi M,Breschi L. A comparison
between two electronic apex locators: an
ex vivo investigation. Int Endod J. 2007
- 26. Pascon E A, Marrelli M , Congi O, Cincio
R., MiceliI F., Veriani M.A.An ex vivo
comparison of working length
determination by 3 electronic apex
locators.OralSurg Oral Med Oral Pathol
Oral Radiol Endod. . 2009;108 (3):147-51.
- 27. ;Herrera M, Abalos C, Planas A J,Liamas
R. Influence of apical constriction
diameter on Root ZX apex locator
precision. J. Endod, . 2007;33: 995-8.
- 28. Huang L. An experimental study of the
principle of electronic root canal
measurement .J. Endod. 1987; 13: 60-4.
- 29. KaufmannAY, Katz A. Reliability of Root
ZX apex locator tested by an in vitro
model. J. Endod, 1993;19: 201.
- 30. Donnelly JC. A simplified model to
demonstrate the operation of electronic
root canal measuring devices. J.
Endod.1993;19: 579-80.
- 31. Czerw R J ,Fulkerson M.S., Donnelly J.C.
An in vitro test of a simplified model to
demonstrate the operation of electronic
root canal measuring devices. J. Endod,
1994;20: 605-6.
- 32. Meares A.W.,Steiman R. The influence of
sodium hypochlorite irrigation on the
accuracy of the Root ZX electronic apex
locator. J Endod, 2002;28: 595–8.
- 33. Bodur H, Odabaş, M., Tulunoğlu O.,
Tınaz, A.C. Accuracy of two different
apex locators in primary teeth with and
without root resorption. Clinical Oral
Investigations, 2008;12: 137-41.
- 34. Ebrahim AK,Wadachi R, Suda H. An in
vitro evaluation of theaccuracy of
Dentaport ZX apex locator in enlarged root
canals. Aust Dent J, 2007;52: 193-7.
- 35. Shabang S,Goon W, Gluskin A. An in vivo
evaluation of Root ZX electronic apex
locator. J. Endod.1996;22: 616-18.
- 36. Dunlap C, Remeikis N, Begole E,
Rauschenberger C. An in vivo evaluation
of an electronic apex locator that uses the
ratio metod in vital and necrotic canals. J
Endod, 1998;24: 48-50.
- 37. Ounsi HF Naaman A.In vitro evaluation of
the reliability of the Root ZX electronic
apex locator. Int Endod J.1999;32: 120-3.
- 38. Tselnik M., Baumgartner J C, Marshall
J.G. An evaluation of Root ZX and
Elements diagnostic apex locators. J.
Endod, 2005;31: 507-9.
- 39. D’Assuncao F L, De Albuquerque D S, De
Queiroz Ferrerira LC. The ability of two
apex locators to locate the apical foramen:
an in vitro study. J Endod, 2006; 32: 560-2.
- 40. Bernardes RA,Duarte M A H, Vasconcelos
B C, Moares, IG, Bernerdineli N , Garcia
R B, Baldi JV, Victorino F R, Bramente
CM. Evaluation of precision of length
determination with 3 electronic apex
locators: Root ZX, Elements Diagnostic
Unitand Apex Locator and Romi Apex D30. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral
Radiol Endod, 2007;104: 91-4.
- 41. Mancini M, Felici R, Conte G, Costantini
M., Cianconi L. Accuracy of three
electronic apex locators in anterior and
posterior teeth: an ex vivo study. J Endod.
- 42. Stöber E K, Sindreu F D, Mercade M,
Vera J, Bueno R. An evaluation of Root
ZX and IpexApex locators: an in vivo
study. J. Endod, 2011; 37: 608-10.
- 43. Aggarwal V,Singla M, Kabi D. An in vitro
evaluation of performance of two
electronic root canal length measurement
devices during retreatment of different
obstructing materials. J. Endod, . 2010;36:
- 44. Kang JA, Kim SK.Accuracies of seven
different apex locators under various
conditions.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral
Pathol Oral Radiol Endod.106 (4):57-62.
- 45. Somma F, Castagnola R, Lajolo C.,
Paterno H L, Marigo L. In vivo accuracy
of three electronic root canal length
measurement devices: Dentaport ZX,
Raypex 5 and ProPex II. Int Endod J.
2012;45 (6):552-6.
- 46. De Vasconcelos B C, Do Vale T M, De
Menezes AS, Pinheiro-Junior EC,
Vivacqua-Gomes N., Bernardes R.A.,
Hungaro Duarte M A. An ex vivo
comparison of root canal length
determination by three electronic apex
locators at positions short of the apical
foramen.Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol
Oral Radiol Endod. 2010;110 (2) :57-61.