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Dental Bleachıng Treatment: A Case Report

Year 2017, Volume: 44 Issue: 1 - Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 35 - 38, 01.02.2017


In cosmetic dentistry, vital tooth bleaching with gel techniques has been very popular. It involves home and office bleaching techniques. At home bleaching, generally, a soft private plastic tray filled with a commercially carbamide peroxide CP gel is used by the patient. Studies showed significant shade or color improvement following at-home use of the CP. In-office bleaching, higher concentration of CP or hydrogen peroxide HP is applied to tooth surface under the dentist’s supervision. It provides faster results compared with home bleaching systems. However, when the two gel techniques were combined, whiter teeth could be obtained. The 25-year-old man was dissatisfied with the brighter ceramic bridges and crowns than his own teeth, which he had done two months ago in a dentist. There were two options; either all of the fixed prothesis will be renewed or bleaching treatment will be applied to his own teeth. Replace the prothesis is more expensive and time consuming. In addition, dental tissue may be damaged during this procedure. Later was chosen and the combined bleaching home+office was used in this case. Patient did not suffer from local complications of teeth and irritation of gums during bleaching. After bleaching treatment, dental hypersensitivity was minimal. The patient was satisfied with the results of the bleaching.


  • ) Perdigao J. Tooth Whitening. Springer In- ternational Publishing, Switzerland, 2016.
  • ) Giachetti L, Bertini F, Bambi C, Nieri M, Scaminaci RD. A randomized clinical trial comparing at-home and in-office whiten- ing techniques: a nine-month follow-up. J Am Dent Assoc 2010; 141:1357–64.
  • ) Simões RC, Soares D, de Souza CA, San- tos PD, Cintra L, Briso A. Effect of differ- ent light sources and enamel precondition- ing on color change, H2O2 penetration, and cytotoxicity in bleached teeth. Oper Dent 2015; 41:83–92.
  • ) Serraglio CR, Zanella L, Dalla-Vecchia KB, Rodrigues-Junior SA. Efficacy and safety of over-the-counter whitening strips as compared to home-whitening with 10% carbamide peroxide gel-systematic review of RCTs and meta-analysis. Clin Oral In- vest 2016; 20:1–14.
  • ) Gökay O, Müjdeci A, Algin E. In vitro peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber from newer bleaching products. Int Endod J 2005; 38:516–20.
  • ) Hargreaves KM, Berman LH. Cohen’s pathways of the pulp. Elsevier Inc. Eleven Edition 2016.
  • ) Matis BA. Tray whitening: what the evi- dence shows. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2003;24:354-62.
  • ) Tam L. The safety of home bleaching techniques. 1999;65:453-5. Dent Assoc
  • ) Bernardon J, Sartori N, Ballarin A, Per- digao J, Lopes G, Baratieri L. Clinical per- formance of vital bleaching techniques. Oper Dent 2010;35:3-10.
  • ) Leonard RH Jr, Bentley C, Eagle JC, Gar- land GE, Knight MC, Phillips C. Night- guard vital bleaching: a long-term study on efficacy, shade retention, side effects, and patients’ perceptions. J Esthet Restor Dent 2001; 13:357–69.
  • ) Almeida LC, Riehl H, Santos PH, Sundfeld ML, Briso AL. Clinical evalua- tion of the effectiveness of different bleaching therapies in vital teeth. Int J Per- iodontics Restorative Dent 2012; 32:303– 9.
  • ) Firat E, Ercan E, Gurgan S, Yucel OO, Cakir FY, Berker E. The effect of bleach- ing systems on the gingiva and the levels of IL-1β and IL-10 in gingival crevicular fluid. Oper Dent 2011; 36:572–80.
  • ) Almeida AF, Torre Edo N, Selayaran Mdos S, Leite FR, Demarco FF, Loguercio AD, Etges A. Genotoxic potential of 10% and 16% carbamide peroxide in dental bleaching. Braz Oral Res 2015; 29:1–7.
  • ) Soares DG, Basso FG, Hebling J, de Sou- za Costa CA. Concentrations of and appli- cation protocols for hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels: effect on pulp cell viability and 2014;42:185–98. J Dent


Year 2017, Volume: 44 Issue: 1 - Volume: 44 Issue: 1, 35 - 38, 01.02.2017


Renk bozukluğuna sahip dişlerin beyazlatılmaları estetik ve kozmetik diş hekimliğinin en popüler konusudur. Özellikle anterior dişlerde meydana gelen diş renklenmeleri hastayı oldukça rahatsız eder. Beyazlatma tedavilerine olan ilgi her geçen gün artmaktadır ve jel teknikleri kullanılarak yapılan diş beyazlatma tedavileri günümüzde popüler olmuştur. Bu tekniklerde beyazlatıcı jel dişlere evde ya da klinikte uygulanır. Evde uygulanan teknikte, genellikle karbamid peroksit CP içeren beyazlatma jeli kişiye özel olarak oluşturulmuş yumuşak bir plak ile kendisi tarafından uygulanır. Çalışmalar evde uygulanan tekniği takiben başarılı sonuçları göstermiştir. Klinikte uygulanan teknikte ise daha yüksek konsantrasyona sahip CP ya da hidrojen peroksit HP içeren beyazlatma jeli hekim kontrolünde dişlere uygulanır. Bu teknik evde uygulanan yönteme göre daha hızlı sonuç verir. Bununla birlikte iki tekniğin kombine kullanılması ev+klinik durumunda daha etkili ve başarılı sonuç alınmaktadır 1 .


  • ) Perdigao J. Tooth Whitening. Springer In- ternational Publishing, Switzerland, 2016.
  • ) Giachetti L, Bertini F, Bambi C, Nieri M, Scaminaci RD. A randomized clinical trial comparing at-home and in-office whiten- ing techniques: a nine-month follow-up. J Am Dent Assoc 2010; 141:1357–64.
  • ) Simões RC, Soares D, de Souza CA, San- tos PD, Cintra L, Briso A. Effect of differ- ent light sources and enamel precondition- ing on color change, H2O2 penetration, and cytotoxicity in bleached teeth. Oper Dent 2015; 41:83–92.
  • ) Serraglio CR, Zanella L, Dalla-Vecchia KB, Rodrigues-Junior SA. Efficacy and safety of over-the-counter whitening strips as compared to home-whitening with 10% carbamide peroxide gel-systematic review of RCTs and meta-analysis. Clin Oral In- vest 2016; 20:1–14.
  • ) Gökay O, Müjdeci A, Algin E. In vitro peroxide penetration into the pulp chamber from newer bleaching products. Int Endod J 2005; 38:516–20.
  • ) Hargreaves KM, Berman LH. Cohen’s pathways of the pulp. Elsevier Inc. Eleven Edition 2016.
  • ) Matis BA. Tray whitening: what the evi- dence shows. Compend Contin Educ Dent 2003;24:354-62.
  • ) Tam L. The safety of home bleaching techniques. 1999;65:453-5. Dent Assoc
  • ) Bernardon J, Sartori N, Ballarin A, Per- digao J, Lopes G, Baratieri L. Clinical per- formance of vital bleaching techniques. Oper Dent 2010;35:3-10.
  • ) Leonard RH Jr, Bentley C, Eagle JC, Gar- land GE, Knight MC, Phillips C. Night- guard vital bleaching: a long-term study on efficacy, shade retention, side effects, and patients’ perceptions. J Esthet Restor Dent 2001; 13:357–69.
  • ) Almeida LC, Riehl H, Santos PH, Sundfeld ML, Briso AL. Clinical evalua- tion of the effectiveness of different bleaching therapies in vital teeth. Int J Per- iodontics Restorative Dent 2012; 32:303– 9.
  • ) Firat E, Ercan E, Gurgan S, Yucel OO, Cakir FY, Berker E. The effect of bleach- ing systems on the gingiva and the levels of IL-1β and IL-10 in gingival crevicular fluid. Oper Dent 2011; 36:572–80.
  • ) Almeida AF, Torre Edo N, Selayaran Mdos S, Leite FR, Demarco FF, Loguercio AD, Etges A. Genotoxic potential of 10% and 16% carbamide peroxide in dental bleaching. Braz Oral Res 2015; 29:1–7.
  • ) Soares DG, Basso FG, Hebling J, de Sou- za Costa CA. Concentrations of and appli- cation protocols for hydrogen peroxide bleaching gels: effect on pulp cell viability and 2014;42:185–98. J Dent
There are 14 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Research Article

Osman Gökay This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2017
Published in Issue Year 2017 Volume: 44 Issue: 1 - Volume: 44 Issue: 1


Vancouver Gökay O. Dental Bleachıng Treatment: A Case Report. EADS. 2017;44(1):35-8.