Management of Second Traumatıc Injured Complıcated Crown Root Fracture Permanent Maxıllary Central Incısor
Year 2017,
Volume: 44 Issue: 3 - Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 171 - 174, 01.08.2017
Bade Sonat
Meltem Dartar Öztan
Tooth fracture can occur at any age due to trauma. Sport accidents are more common among teenagers. Prevalence of trauma to anterior teeth has been reported as 37 % and crown root fractures are about 5 % of all dental traumas. Crown-root fractures are complex injuries that are both difficult to evaluate and treat. This case report describes the management of endodontic and restorative treatment of complicated crown root fractured in maxillary central incisor in which there had been a second trauma on the same tooth. This practice is a temporary treatment for the patient .The aesthetic is provided until the patient will be adult. After 18th yearsold, prosthetic options will be implemented according to the situation of tooth.
- Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM. Classifica- tion, etiology and epidemiology. In: And- reasen JO, Andreasen FM editors. Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth. Copenhagen: Munksgard; 1994. s. 151-80
- Goenka P, Marwah N, Dutta S. Biological approach for managment of anterior tooth trauma: Triple case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2010; 28:223-9
- Fariniuk LF, Sousa MH, Westphalen VPD, Carneiro E, Silva Neto UX, Ros- kamp L, Cavali AE. Evaluation of care of dentoalveolar trauma. J Appl Oral Sci 2010; 18: 343-5
- Kırzıoğlu Z, Karayılmaz H. Surgical extrusin of a crown-root fractured immatu- re permanent incisor: 36 month follow-up. Dent Traumatol 2007; 23:380-5
- Alaçam T.(2012) Endodonti. Ankara; Öz- yurt Matbaacılık: 20 s. 1011-14
- Rajput A, Ataide I, Fernandes M. Un- complicated crown fracture, complicated crown-root fracture, and horizontal root fracture simultaneously treated in a patient during emergency visit: a case report. Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: 48
- Turgut MD, Gönül N, Altay N. Multiple complicated crown-root fracture of a per- manent incisor. Dent Traumatol 2004; 20:288-92 8. Hargreaves M.K, and Berman l.H(2016):,Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp Expert Mosby.s.763-65 11th Edition:
- Torabinejad,M,Walton,R.E(2009) Endo- dontics principles and practice4th Saun- ders.s.170-72
- Baraban DJ. The restoration of pulpless teeth. Dent Clin Nor Am 1967; 11: 633
- Hudis SI, Golstein GR. Restoration of en- dodonticaly treated teeth: A review of lite- rature. J Prosthet Dent 1986; 55: 33-8
- Rosen H. Operative procedures on mutila- ted endodontically treated teeth. Prosthet Dent 1961; 11: 973-86
- Stern N, Hirshfeld Z. Principles of prepa- ring endodontically treated teeth for dowel and core restorations. J Prosthet Dent 1973; 20: 162-5
- Keyf F and Sahin E. Retentive properties of three post-core systems. Aust Dent J 1994; 39: 20-4
- Olsburg S, Jacoby T, Krejci I. Crown frac- tures in the permanent dentititon: pulpal and restorative considerations. Dent Tra- umatol.2002 ;18: 103-15
- Vilela Maia EA, Baratieri LN, Andrada MAC, Monteiro S, Araujo EM. Tooth fragment reattachment: fundementals of the technique and two case reports. Quin- tessence Int. 2003;34: 99-107
- Öz İA, Haytaç MC, Toroğlu MS. Multi- disciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of a crown-root fracture with original fragment for immediate esthetics: a case report with 4-year follow-up. Dent Trau- matol. 2006;22: 48-52
- Cengiz SB, Kocadereli I, Gungor HC, Al- tay N. Adhesive fragment reattachment af- ter orthodontic extrusion: a case report. Dent Traumatol.2005; 21: 60-4
- Chu FCS, Yim TM, Wei S. Clinical consi- derations for reattachment of tooth frag- ments. Quintessence Int.2000 31: 385-91
Year 2017,
Volume: 44 Issue: 3 - Volume: 44 Issue: 3, 171 - 174, 01.08.2017
Bade Sonat
Meltem Dartar Öztan
Dento alveolar travmalar genellikle genç hastalarda özellikle spor yaralanmaları sırasında meydana gelir. Travmadan en çok etkilenen dişler maksiller kesici dişlerdir. Travmatik yaralanmaların ön grup dişlerde görülme oranı % 37 , kron kök yaralanmalarının oranı ise %5 dir. Kron kök yaralanmaları kompleks yaralanmalardır, teşhis ve tedavileri güçtür. Bu vaka raporunda ikinci defa oluşan travma sonucu komplike kron-kök kırığı meydana gelen maksiller santral kesici dişte yapılan koruyucu restorasyon ve 1 yıllık takibi sunulmaktadır. Bir yıllık takip sonucunda dişte klinik ve radyografik olarak herhangi bir patolojiye rastlanmamıştır
- Andreasen JO, Andreasen FM. Classifica- tion, etiology and epidemiology. In: And- reasen JO, Andreasen FM editors. Textbook and Color Atlas of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth. Copenhagen: Munksgard; 1994. s. 151-80
- Goenka P, Marwah N, Dutta S. Biological approach for managment of anterior tooth trauma: Triple case report. J Indian Soc Pedod Prev Dent 2010; 28:223-9
- Fariniuk LF, Sousa MH, Westphalen VPD, Carneiro E, Silva Neto UX, Ros- kamp L, Cavali AE. Evaluation of care of dentoalveolar trauma. J Appl Oral Sci 2010; 18: 343-5
- Kırzıoğlu Z, Karayılmaz H. Surgical extrusin of a crown-root fractured immatu- re permanent incisor: 36 month follow-up. Dent Traumatol 2007; 23:380-5
- Alaçam T.(2012) Endodonti. Ankara; Öz- yurt Matbaacılık: 20 s. 1011-14
- Rajput A, Ataide I, Fernandes M. Un- complicated crown fracture, complicated crown-root fracture, and horizontal root fracture simultaneously treated in a patient during emergency visit: a case report. Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod 2009; 107: 48
- Turgut MD, Gönül N, Altay N. Multiple complicated crown-root fracture of a per- manent incisor. Dent Traumatol 2004; 20:288-92 8. Hargreaves M.K, and Berman l.H(2016):,Cohen's Pathways of the Pulp Expert Mosby.s.763-65 11th Edition:
- Torabinejad,M,Walton,R.E(2009) Endo- dontics principles and practice4th Saun- ders.s.170-72
- Baraban DJ. The restoration of pulpless teeth. Dent Clin Nor Am 1967; 11: 633
- Hudis SI, Golstein GR. Restoration of en- dodonticaly treated teeth: A review of lite- rature. J Prosthet Dent 1986; 55: 33-8
- Rosen H. Operative procedures on mutila- ted endodontically treated teeth. Prosthet Dent 1961; 11: 973-86
- Stern N, Hirshfeld Z. Principles of prepa- ring endodontically treated teeth for dowel and core restorations. J Prosthet Dent 1973; 20: 162-5
- Keyf F and Sahin E. Retentive properties of three post-core systems. Aust Dent J 1994; 39: 20-4
- Olsburg S, Jacoby T, Krejci I. Crown frac- tures in the permanent dentititon: pulpal and restorative considerations. Dent Tra- umatol.2002 ;18: 103-15
- Vilela Maia EA, Baratieri LN, Andrada MAC, Monteiro S, Araujo EM. Tooth fragment reattachment: fundementals of the technique and two case reports. Quin- tessence Int. 2003;34: 99-107
- Öz İA, Haytaç MC, Toroğlu MS. Multi- disciplinary approach to the rehabilitation of a crown-root fracture with original fragment for immediate esthetics: a case report with 4-year follow-up. Dent Trau- matol. 2006;22: 48-52
- Cengiz SB, Kocadereli I, Gungor HC, Al- tay N. Adhesive fragment reattachment af- ter orthodontic extrusion: a case report. Dent Traumatol.2005; 21: 60-4
- Chu FCS, Yim TM, Wei S. Clinical consi- derations for reattachment of tooth frag- ments. Quintessence Int.2000 31: 385-91