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Comparison of microleakage of nanofilled resin composites cured with different light curing units

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 1 - Volume: 42 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 01.02.2015


Comparison of microleakage of nanofilled resin composites cured with different light curing units Aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of two different light curing units used to cure resin composites with different monomer structures on microleakage of Class II box cavities with restoration margins ending in dentin in vitro. Ninty extraceted sound human third molar teeth were used. 180 cavities with mesial and distal box cavities were prepared on 90 teeth. For each resin composite and curing unit 10 teeth were restored. Microleakage values were compared with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney U tests p


  • Kidd EA, Beighton D. Prediction of secondary caries around tooth-colored restorations: a clinical and microbiological study. Journal of dental research 1996, 75:1942-6.
  • Bowen RL, Rapson JE, Dickson G. Hardening shrinkage and hygroscopic expansion of composite resins. Journal of dental research 1982, 61:654-8.
  • Coli P, Brannstrom M. The marginal adaptation of four different bonding agents in Class II composite resin restorations applied in bulk or in two increments. Quintessence international 1993, 24:583-91.
  • Beznos C. Microleakage at the cervical margin of composite Class II cavities with different restorative techniques. Operative dentistry 2001, 26:60-9.
  • Aranha AC, Pimenta LA. Effect of two different restorative techniques using resin-based composites on microleakage. American journal of dentistry 2004, 17:99-103.
  • Going RE. Microleakage around dental restorations: a summarizing review. Journal of the American Dental Association 1972, 84:1349-57.
  • Mitra SB, Wu D, Holmes BN. An application of nanotechnology in advanced dental materials. Journal of the American Dental Association 2003, 134:1382-90. 11
  • Braga RR, Ballester RY, Ferracane JL. Factors involved in the development of polymerization shrinkage stress in resin- composites: a systematic review. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2005, 21:962-70.
  • Weinmann W, Thalacker C, Guggenberger R. Siloranes in dental composites. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2005, 21:68-74.
  • Eick JD, Kotha SP, Chappelow CC, Kilway KV, Giese GJ, Glaros AG, Pinzino CS. Properties of silorane-based dental resins and composites containing a stress-reducing monomer. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2007, 23:1011-7.
  • Hilton TJ, Schwartz RS, Ferracane JL. Microleakage of four Class II resin composite insertion techniques at intraoral temperature. Quintessence international 1997, 28:135-44.
  • Hürmüzlü F, Siso ù, Işın D. Sınıf II restorasyonlarda beş restoratif materyalin mikrosızıntı değerlendirmesi. CÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg 2002, 5:67-70.
  • Besnault C, Attal JP. Simulated oral environment and microleakage of Class II resin- based composite and sandwich restorations. American journal of dentistry 2003, 16:186-90.
  • Civelek A, Ersoy M, L'Hotelier E, Soyman M, Say EC. Polymerization shrinkage and microleakage in Class II cavities of various resin composites. Operative dentistry 2003, 28:635-41.
  • Nalcaci A, Salbas M, Ulusoy N. The effects of soft-start vs continuous-light polymerization on microleakage in Class II resin composite restorations. The journal of adhesive dentistry 2005, 7:309-14.
  • Peris AR, Duarte S, Jr., de Andrade MF. Evaluation of marginal microleakage in class II cavities: effect of microhybrid, flowable, and compactable resins. Quintessence international 2003, 34:93-8.
  • Erdilek D, Dorter C, Koray F, Kunzelmann KH, Efes BG, Gomec Y. Effect of Thermo-mechanical Load Cycling on Microleakage in Class II Ormocer Restorations. European journal of dentistry 2009, 3:200-5.
  • M R, Sajjan GS, B NK, Mittal N. Effect of different placement techniques on marginal microleakage of deep class-II cavities restored with two composite resin formulations. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD 2010, 13:9-15.
  • Rodrigues Junior SA, Pin LF, Machado G, Della Bona A, Demarco FF. Influence of different restorative techniques on marginal seal of class II composite restorations. Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB 2010, 18:37-43.
  • Hardan LS, Amm EW, Ghayad A, Ghosn C, Khraisat A. Effect of different modes of light curing and resin composites on microleakage of Class II restorations--Part II. Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal 2009, 32:29-37.
  • Sadeghi M. Influence of flowable materials on microleakage of nanofilled and hybrid Class II composite restorations with LED and QTH LCUs. Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research 2009, 20:159-63.
  • Yamazaki PC, Bedran-Russo AK, Pereira PN, Wsift EJ, Jr.. Microleakage evaluation of a new low-shrinkage composite restorative material. Operative dentistry 2006, 31:670-6.
  • Ure D, Harris J: Nanotechnology in dentistry: reduction to practice. Dental update 2003, 30:10-5.
  • Hegde MN, Vyapaka P, Shetty S. A comparative evaluation of microleakage of three different newer direct composite resins using a self etching primer in class V cavities: An in vitro study. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD 2009, 12:160-3.
  • Majeed A, Osman YI, Al-Omari T. Microleakage of four composite resin systems in class II restorations. SADJ : journal of the South African Dental Association = tydskrif van die Suid- Afrikaanse Tandheelkundige Vereniging 2009, 64:484-8.
  • Palin WM, Fleming GJ, Nathwani H, Burke FJ, Randall RC. In vitro cuspal deflection and microleakage of maxillary premolars restored with novel low-shrink dental composites. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2005, 21:324-35.
  • Ernst CP, Galler P, Willershausen B, Haller B. Marginal integrity of class V restorations: SEM versus dye penetration. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2008, 24:319-27.
  • Yaman BC, Efes BG, Dorter C, Gomec Y, Erdilek D, Yazicioglu O. Microleakage of repaired class V silorane and nano-hybrid composite restorations after preparation with erbium:yttrium- aluminum-garnet laser and diamond bur. Lasers in medical science 2011, 26:163-70.
  • Al-Boni R, Raja OM. Microleakage evaluation of silorane based composite versus methacrylate based composite. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD 2010, 13:152-5.
  • Bagis YH, Baltacioglu IH, Kahyaogullari S. Comparing microleakage and the layering methods of silorane-based resin composite in wide Class II MOD cavities. Operative dentistry 2009, 34:578-85.

Nanodoldurucu içeren kompozitlerin farklı ışık cihazları ile mikrosızıntı yönünden karşılaştırılması

Year 2015, Volume: 42 Issue: 1 - Volume: 42 Issue: 1, 1 - 12, 01.02.2015


Nanodoldurucu øçeren Kompozitlerin FarklÕ IúÕk CihazlarÕ ile MikrosÕzÕntÕ Yönünden KarúÕlaútÕrÕlmasÕ Bu çalÕúmanÕn amacÕ farklÕ doldurucu özelliklerine, farklÕ monomer yapÕsÕna sahip kompozit rezinlerin ve kompozit rezinlerin polimerizasyonunda kullanÕlan iki farklÕ ÕúÕk cihazÕnÕn, restorasyon sÕnÕrÕ dentinde sonlanan SÕnÕf II kutu kavitelerdeki mikrosÕzÕntÕya olan etkilerini in-vitro olarak incelemektir. ÇalÕúmamÕzda 90 adet çürüksüz insan molar diúi kullanÕldÕ. Bu 90 diúe mesial ve distal olmak üzere 180 SÕnÕf II kutu kavite açÕldÕ. Her bir kompozit rezin ve ÕúÕk cihazÕ için 10 örnek olacak úekilde gruplar hazÕrlandÕ ve restorasyonlar yapÕldÕ. Boya penetrasyon tekni÷i ile sÕzÕntÕ testi uygulandÕ. MikrosÕzÕntÕ testinden elde edilen veriler Kruskal –Wallis ve Mann- Whitney –U testleriyle de÷erlendirildi p


  • Kidd EA, Beighton D. Prediction of secondary caries around tooth-colored restorations: a clinical and microbiological study. Journal of dental research 1996, 75:1942-6.
  • Bowen RL, Rapson JE, Dickson G. Hardening shrinkage and hygroscopic expansion of composite resins. Journal of dental research 1982, 61:654-8.
  • Coli P, Brannstrom M. The marginal adaptation of four different bonding agents in Class II composite resin restorations applied in bulk or in two increments. Quintessence international 1993, 24:583-91.
  • Beznos C. Microleakage at the cervical margin of composite Class II cavities with different restorative techniques. Operative dentistry 2001, 26:60-9.
  • Aranha AC, Pimenta LA. Effect of two different restorative techniques using resin-based composites on microleakage. American journal of dentistry 2004, 17:99-103.
  • Going RE. Microleakage around dental restorations: a summarizing review. Journal of the American Dental Association 1972, 84:1349-57.
  • Mitra SB, Wu D, Holmes BN. An application of nanotechnology in advanced dental materials. Journal of the American Dental Association 2003, 134:1382-90. 11
  • Braga RR, Ballester RY, Ferracane JL. Factors involved in the development of polymerization shrinkage stress in resin- composites: a systematic review. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2005, 21:962-70.
  • Weinmann W, Thalacker C, Guggenberger R. Siloranes in dental composites. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2005, 21:68-74.
  • Eick JD, Kotha SP, Chappelow CC, Kilway KV, Giese GJ, Glaros AG, Pinzino CS. Properties of silorane-based dental resins and composites containing a stress-reducing monomer. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2007, 23:1011-7.
  • Hilton TJ, Schwartz RS, Ferracane JL. Microleakage of four Class II resin composite insertion techniques at intraoral temperature. Quintessence international 1997, 28:135-44.
  • Hürmüzlü F, Siso ù, Işın D. Sınıf II restorasyonlarda beş restoratif materyalin mikrosızıntı değerlendirmesi. CÜ Diş Hek Fak Derg 2002, 5:67-70.
  • Besnault C, Attal JP. Simulated oral environment and microleakage of Class II resin- based composite and sandwich restorations. American journal of dentistry 2003, 16:186-90.
  • Civelek A, Ersoy M, L'Hotelier E, Soyman M, Say EC. Polymerization shrinkage and microleakage in Class II cavities of various resin composites. Operative dentistry 2003, 28:635-41.
  • Nalcaci A, Salbas M, Ulusoy N. The effects of soft-start vs continuous-light polymerization on microleakage in Class II resin composite restorations. The journal of adhesive dentistry 2005, 7:309-14.
  • Peris AR, Duarte S, Jr., de Andrade MF. Evaluation of marginal microleakage in class II cavities: effect of microhybrid, flowable, and compactable resins. Quintessence international 2003, 34:93-8.
  • Erdilek D, Dorter C, Koray F, Kunzelmann KH, Efes BG, Gomec Y. Effect of Thermo-mechanical Load Cycling on Microleakage in Class II Ormocer Restorations. European journal of dentistry 2009, 3:200-5.
  • M R, Sajjan GS, B NK, Mittal N. Effect of different placement techniques on marginal microleakage of deep class-II cavities restored with two composite resin formulations. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD 2010, 13:9-15.
  • Rodrigues Junior SA, Pin LF, Machado G, Della Bona A, Demarco FF. Influence of different restorative techniques on marginal seal of class II composite restorations. Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB 2010, 18:37-43.
  • Hardan LS, Amm EW, Ghayad A, Ghosn C, Khraisat A. Effect of different modes of light curing and resin composites on microleakage of Class II restorations--Part II. Odonto-stomatologie tropicale = Tropical dental journal 2009, 32:29-37.
  • Sadeghi M. Influence of flowable materials on microleakage of nanofilled and hybrid Class II composite restorations with LED and QTH LCUs. Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research 2009, 20:159-63.
  • Yamazaki PC, Bedran-Russo AK, Pereira PN, Wsift EJ, Jr.. Microleakage evaluation of a new low-shrinkage composite restorative material. Operative dentistry 2006, 31:670-6.
  • Ure D, Harris J: Nanotechnology in dentistry: reduction to practice. Dental update 2003, 30:10-5.
  • Hegde MN, Vyapaka P, Shetty S. A comparative evaluation of microleakage of three different newer direct composite resins using a self etching primer in class V cavities: An in vitro study. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD 2009, 12:160-3.
  • Majeed A, Osman YI, Al-Omari T. Microleakage of four composite resin systems in class II restorations. SADJ : journal of the South African Dental Association = tydskrif van die Suid- Afrikaanse Tandheelkundige Vereniging 2009, 64:484-8.
  • Palin WM, Fleming GJ, Nathwani H, Burke FJ, Randall RC. In vitro cuspal deflection and microleakage of maxillary premolars restored with novel low-shrink dental composites. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2005, 21:324-35.
  • Ernst CP, Galler P, Willershausen B, Haller B. Marginal integrity of class V restorations: SEM versus dye penetration. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials 2008, 24:319-27.
  • Yaman BC, Efes BG, Dorter C, Gomec Y, Erdilek D, Yazicioglu O. Microleakage of repaired class V silorane and nano-hybrid composite restorations after preparation with erbium:yttrium- aluminum-garnet laser and diamond bur. Lasers in medical science 2011, 26:163-70.
  • Al-Boni R, Raja OM. Microleakage evaluation of silorane based composite versus methacrylate based composite. Journal of conservative dentistry : JCD 2010, 13:152-5.
  • Bagis YH, Baltacioglu IH, Kahyaogullari S. Comparing microleakage and the layering methods of silorane-based resin composite in wide Class II MOD cavities. Operative dentistry 2009, 34:578-85.
There are 30 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Research Article

İsmail Hakkı Baltacıoğlu This is me

Yıldırım Hakan Bağış This is me

Publication Date February 1, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 42 Issue: 1 - Volume: 42 Issue: 1


Vancouver Baltacıoğlu İH, Bağış YH. Nanodoldurucu içeren kompozitlerin farklı ışık cihazları ile mikrosızıntı yönünden karşılaştırılması. EADS. 2015;42(1):1-12.