1) O’Brien, WJ. Dental Materials:
Properties and Selection, Quintessence Pub. Co.,
Tokyo, 1989.
2) Touati B, Miara P, Nathanson P.
Esthetic Dentistry and Ceramic Restorations,
Thieme Med. Pub., New York,1998.
3) Craig RG, Powers JM, Wataha JC.
Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation,
8th. Edition, Mosby Publication, New York,
4) Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resinceramic bonding: A rewiev of the literature, J
Prosthet Dent,2003;89:268-74.
5) Ramos RP, Chinelatti MA, Chimello
DT, Borsatto MC, Pecora JD, Palma-Dibb RG.
Bonding of self-etching and total-etch systems
to Er: YAG Laser-irradiated dentin. Tensile
bond strength and scanning electron microscopy,
Braz. Dent. J. 2004;15:9-20.
6) Strydom C. Self-etching adhesives:
rewiev of adhesion to tooth structure part I.
SADJ. 2004;413-419.
8) Van Meerbeek B, Vargas M, Inoue S,
Yoshida Y, Peumans M, Lambrechts P, Vanherle
G. Adhesives and cements to promote
preservation dentistry. 2001;6:119-144.
9) Araujo CS, Silva TI, Oquari FA,
Meireles SS, Piva E, Demarco FF. Microleakage
of seven adhesive systems in enamel and dentin.
J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 1; 7(5): 26-33.
10) Ayyıldız S, Uyar HA, Yüzügüllü B.
Diş Hekimliğinde Mikrosızıntı ve İnceleme
Yöntemleri. Atatürk Üniv. Dis Hek. Fak. Derg.
Cilt:19, Sayı: 3, Yıl: 2009, Sayfa: 219-226.
11) Knibbs PJ et al. A laboratory and
clinical evaluatıon of three luting cements. J
Oral rehabil,16: 467-73,1996.
12) Özyeşil AG, Kesim B. Estetik
İnleylerin Marjinal Adaptasyonunun
İncelenmesi Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt 4, Sayı 2,
13) Kılıçarslan MA, Zaimoğlu A, Farklı
Rezin Simanlar İle Yapıştırılan Porselen
Laminate Veneerlerin Mine ve Dentindeki
Makaslama Bağlantılarının Karşılaştırılması. T
Kim Diş Hek Bil 1999:5:99-105.
14) Dietschi D, Moor L. Evaluation of
the marginal and internal adaptation of
different ceramic and composite inlay systems
after an in vitro fatigue test. J Adhesive Dent, 1:
41 -56, 1999.
15) Karadağ S. Mikrosızıntı araştırma
teknikleri ve mikrosızıntıyı etkileyen faktörler.
Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg.
17) Behr M, Rosentritt M, Regnet T, Lang
R, Handel G. Marginal adaptation in dentin of a
self-adhesive universal resin cement compared
with well-tried systems. Dent Mater 2004; 20:
18) Rosentritt M, Behr M, Lang R,
Handel G. Influence of cement type on the
marginal adaptation of all-ceramic MOD inlays.
Dent Mater 2004; 20: 463-469.
19) Fabianelli A, Goracci C, Bertelli E,
Monticelli F, Grandini S, Ferrari M. In vitro
evaluation of wall-to-wall adaptation of a selfadhesive resin cement used for luting gold and
ceramic inlays. J Adhes Dent 2005; 7: 33-40.
20) Piwowarczyk A, Lauer HC, Sorensen
JA. Microleakage of various cementing agents
for full cast crowns. Dent Mater 2005;21:445-
21) Wagner WC, Aksu MN, Neme AM,
Linger JB, Pink FE, Walker S. Effect of preheating resin composite on restoration
microleakage. Oper Dent 2008;33(1):72-8.
Farklı kendinden adeziv yapıştırma simanlarının IPS e-max cam seramik restorasyonların mikrosızıntı değerleri üzerine etkisi
1) O’Brien, WJ. Dental Materials:
Properties and Selection, Quintessence Pub. Co.,
Tokyo, 1989.
2) Touati B, Miara P, Nathanson P.
Esthetic Dentistry and Ceramic Restorations,
Thieme Med. Pub., New York,1998.
3) Craig RG, Powers JM, Wataha JC.
Dental Materials: Properties and Manipulation,
8th. Edition, Mosby Publication, New York,
4) Blatz MB, Sadan A, Kern M. Resinceramic bonding: A rewiev of the literature, J
Prosthet Dent,2003;89:268-74.
5) Ramos RP, Chinelatti MA, Chimello
DT, Borsatto MC, Pecora JD, Palma-Dibb RG.
Bonding of self-etching and total-etch systems
to Er: YAG Laser-irradiated dentin. Tensile
bond strength and scanning electron microscopy,
Braz. Dent. J. 2004;15:9-20.
6) Strydom C. Self-etching adhesives:
rewiev of adhesion to tooth structure part I.
SADJ. 2004;413-419.
8) Van Meerbeek B, Vargas M, Inoue S,
Yoshida Y, Peumans M, Lambrechts P, Vanherle
G. Adhesives and cements to promote
preservation dentistry. 2001;6:119-144.
9) Araujo CS, Silva TI, Oquari FA,
Meireles SS, Piva E, Demarco FF. Microleakage
of seven adhesive systems in enamel and dentin.
J Contemp Dent Pract 2006 1; 7(5): 26-33.
10) Ayyıldız S, Uyar HA, Yüzügüllü B.
Diş Hekimliğinde Mikrosızıntı ve İnceleme
Yöntemleri. Atatürk Üniv. Dis Hek. Fak. Derg.
Cilt:19, Sayı: 3, Yıl: 2009, Sayfa: 219-226.
11) Knibbs PJ et al. A laboratory and
clinical evaluatıon of three luting cements. J
Oral rehabil,16: 467-73,1996.
12) Özyeşil AG, Kesim B. Estetik
İnleylerin Marjinal Adaptasyonunun
İncelenmesi Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi
Dişhekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi Cilt 4, Sayı 2,
13) Kılıçarslan MA, Zaimoğlu A, Farklı
Rezin Simanlar İle Yapıştırılan Porselen
Laminate Veneerlerin Mine ve Dentindeki
Makaslama Bağlantılarının Karşılaştırılması. T
Kim Diş Hek Bil 1999:5:99-105.
14) Dietschi D, Moor L. Evaluation of
the marginal and internal adaptation of
different ceramic and composite inlay systems
after an in vitro fatigue test. J Adhesive Dent, 1:
41 -56, 1999.
15) Karadağ S. Mikrosızıntı araştırma
teknikleri ve mikrosızıntıyı etkileyen faktörler.
Atatürk Üniv. Diş Hek. Fak. Derg.
17) Behr M, Rosentritt M, Regnet T, Lang
R, Handel G. Marginal adaptation in dentin of a
self-adhesive universal resin cement compared
with well-tried systems. Dent Mater 2004; 20:
18) Rosentritt M, Behr M, Lang R,
Handel G. Influence of cement type on the
marginal adaptation of all-ceramic MOD inlays.
Dent Mater 2004; 20: 463-469.
19) Fabianelli A, Goracci C, Bertelli E,
Monticelli F, Grandini S, Ferrari M. In vitro
evaluation of wall-to-wall adaptation of a selfadhesive resin cement used for luting gold and
ceramic inlays. J Adhes Dent 2005; 7: 33-40.
20) Piwowarczyk A, Lauer HC, Sorensen
JA. Microleakage of various cementing agents
for full cast crowns. Dent Mater 2005;21:445-
21) Wagner WC, Aksu MN, Neme AM,
Linger JB, Pink FE, Walker S. Effect of preheating resin composite on restoration
microleakage. Oper Dent 2008;33(1):72-8.