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Dil Eğitiminde ChatGPT Kullanımı

Year 2024, , 72 - 82, 14.06.2024


Bu çalışma, dil öğretimi ve öğrenme bağlamlarında ChatGPT adlı yapay zeka dil modelini çok yönlü rolünü araştırmaktadır. Sistematik literatür taraması yapılarak ChatGPT'nin dil eğitimine entegrasyonunun faydaları ve dezavantajları incelenmektedir. Bulgular, ChatGPT'nin kişiselleştirilmiş geri bildirim sağladığını, özelleştirilmiş ders planlamasını kolaylaştırdığını ve bireysel öğrenme deneyimleri aracılığıyla dil yeterliliğini artırdığını ortaya koymaktadır. Ancak, yanlış bilgi, insan düzeltmesine ihtiyaç duyulması ve etik sonuçlar gibi konuların dikkatli bir şekilde ele alınması gerektiği belirtilmektedir. Dil öğretimi için sonuçlar, stratejik entegrasyonun ve eğitimci eğitiminin önemini vurgularken, ileri araştırmalar için öneriler, ChatGPT'nin sınırlılıklarını ele almayı ve potansiyelini derinlemesine keşfetmeyi vurgulamaktadır. Bu hususların ele alınmasıyla, eğitimcilerin dil öğretimini geliştirmek ve daha etkili öğrenme sonuçları elde etmek için ChatGPT'nin yeteneklerinden yararlanabileceği düşünülmektedir.


  • 1. Zhu C, Wang M, Li T, et al. How to harness the potential of chatgpt in education? Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal. 2023;15(2):133–52. doi:10.34105/j.kmel.2023.15.008
  • 2. Grassini S. Shaping the future of education: Exploring the potential and consequences of AI and CHATGPT in educational settings. Education Sciences. 2023;13(7):692. doi:10.3390/educsci13070692
  • 3. Chen, X., Zou, D., Xie, H. R., et al. Twenty-five years of computer-assisted language learning: A Topic modeling analysis. Language Learning & Technology, 2021;25(3):151-185
  • 4. Weng X, Chiu TKF. Instructional design and learning outcomes of Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning: Systematic review in the field. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. 2023;4:100117. doi:10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100117
  • 5. Hockly N. Artificial Intelligence in English language teaching: The good, the bad and the ugly. RELC Journal. 2023;54(2):445–51. doi:10.1177/00336882231168504
  • 6. Zhou T, Cao S, Zhou S, et al. Chinese intermediate English learners outdid chatgpt in deep cohesion: Evidence from English narrative writing. System. 2023;118:103141. doi:10.1016/j.system.2023.103141
  • 7. Tri Julianto I, Kurniadi D, Septiana Y, Sutedi A. Alternative text pre-processing using Chat GPT Open Ai. Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI). 2023;12(1):67–77. doi:10.23887/janapati.v12i1.59746 8. Huang, X., Zou, D., Cheng, G., et al. Trends, Research Issues and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Language Education. Educational Technology & Society, 2023;26(1):112–131.
  • 9. Ji H, Han I, Ko Y. A systematic review of Conversational AI in language education: Focusing on the collaboration with human teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 2022;55(1):48–63. doi:10.1080/15391523.2022.2142873
  • 10. García Sánchez OV. Uso y Percepción de chatgpt en la educación superior. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información. 2023;11(23):98–107. doi:10.36825/riti.11.23.009
  • 11. Bozkurt, A. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered conversational educational agents: The inevitable paradigm shift. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 2023;18(1):198-204.
  • 12. Sabzalieva, E. & Valentini, A. Chat GPT and artificial intelligence in higher education. UNESCO. 2023.
  • 13. García-Peñalvo FJ. La Percepción de la Inteligencia artificial en contextos Educativos Tras El Lanzamiento de chatgpt: Disrupción o Pánico. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS). 2023;24. doi:10.14201/eks.31279
  • 14. Javaid M, Haleem A, Singh RP, et al. Unlocking the opportunities through CHATGPT tool towards ameliorating the education system. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations. 2023;3(2):100115. doi:10.1016/j.tbench.2023.100115
  • 15. Mohamed AM. Exploring the potential of an AI-based chatbot (CHATGPT) in enhancing English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching: Perceptions of EFL faculty members. Education and Information Technologies. 2023;29(3):3195–217. doi:10.1007/s10639-023-11917-z
  • 16. Perkins M. Academic integrity considerations of AI large language models in the post-pandemic era: Chatgpt and beyond. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 2023;20(2). doi:10.53761/
  • 17. Baskara, R., Mukarto, M. Exploring the implications of Chat GPT for language learning in higher education. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2023;7(2):343-358. DOI: 10.4018/IJCALLT.326135
  • 18. Baskara FR. Integrating CHATGPT into EFL writing instruction: Benefits and challenges. International Journal of Education and Learning. 2023;5(1):44–55. doi:10.31763/ijele.v5i1.858
  • 19. Firat M. How chat GPT can transform autodidactic experiences and open education? 2023 Jan 12; doi:10.31219/
  • 20. Fauzi F, Tuhuteru L, Sampe F, et al. Analysing the role of chatgpt in improving student productivity in higher education. Journal on Education. 2023;5(4):14886–91. doi:10.31004/joe.v5i4.2563
  • 21. Xiao Y, Zhi Y. An exploratory study of EFL learners’ use of CHATGPT for language learning tasks: Experience and perceptions. Languages. 2023;8(3):212. doi:10.3390/languages8030212
  • 22. Young JC, Shishido M. Investigating OpenAI’s CHATGPT potentials in generating Chatbot’s dialogue for English as a foreign language learning. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 2023;14(6). doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2023.0140607
  • 23. Şenyaman G. Arapça Yabancı Dil öğretiminde Yapay Zekânın Geleceği: Chatgpt örneği. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;(33):1057–70. doi:10.29000/rumelide.1285940
  • 24. Athanassopoulos S, Manoli P, Gouvi M, Lavidas K, et al. The use of chatgpt as a learning tool to improve foreign language writing in a multilingual and multicultural classroom. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research. 2023;3(2):818–24. doi:10.25082/amler.2023.02.009
  • 25. Zileli EN. Chatgpt example in learning Turkish as a foreign language. Uluslararası Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;5(1):42–51. doi:10.47770/ukmead.1296013
  • 26. Strzelecki A. To use or not to use chatgpt in higher education? A study of students’ acceptance and use of Technology. Interactive Learning Environments. 2023;1(14). doi:10.1080/10494820.2023.2209881

The Use of ChatGPT in Language Education

Year 2024, , 72 - 82, 14.06.2024


This study explores the multifaceted role of ChatGPT, an AI language model, in language teaching and learning contexts. Drawing upon a comprehensive review of literature and empirical studies, the benefits and disadvantages of integrating ChatGPT into language education are examined. Findings reveal that ChatGPT offers personalized feedback, facilitates customized lesson planning, and enhances language proficiency through individualized learning experiences. However, concerns regarding misinformation, lack of human connection, and ethical implications necessitate careful consideration. Implications for language teaching underscore the importance of strategic integration and educator training, while recommendations for further research highlight the need for addressing ChatGPT's limitations and exploring its potential in-depth. By addressing these considerations, educators can harness ChatGPT's capabilities to enhance language instruction and foster more effective learning outcomes.


  • 1. Zhu C, Wang M, Li T, et al. How to harness the potential of chatgpt in education? Knowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal. 2023;15(2):133–52. doi:10.34105/j.kmel.2023.15.008
  • 2. Grassini S. Shaping the future of education: Exploring the potential and consequences of AI and CHATGPT in educational settings. Education Sciences. 2023;13(7):692. doi:10.3390/educsci13070692
  • 3. Chen, X., Zou, D., Xie, H. R., et al. Twenty-five years of computer-assisted language learning: A Topic modeling analysis. Language Learning & Technology, 2021;25(3):151-185
  • 4. Weng X, Chiu TKF. Instructional design and learning outcomes of Intelligent Computer Assisted Language Learning: Systematic review in the field. Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence. 2023;4:100117. doi:10.1016/j.caeai.2022.100117
  • 5. Hockly N. Artificial Intelligence in English language teaching: The good, the bad and the ugly. RELC Journal. 2023;54(2):445–51. doi:10.1177/00336882231168504
  • 6. Zhou T, Cao S, Zhou S, et al. Chinese intermediate English learners outdid chatgpt in deep cohesion: Evidence from English narrative writing. System. 2023;118:103141. doi:10.1016/j.system.2023.103141
  • 7. Tri Julianto I, Kurniadi D, Septiana Y, Sutedi A. Alternative text pre-processing using Chat GPT Open Ai. Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Teknik Informatika (JANAPATI). 2023;12(1):67–77. doi:10.23887/janapati.v12i1.59746 8. Huang, X., Zou, D., Cheng, G., et al. Trends, Research Issues and Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Language Education. Educational Technology & Society, 2023;26(1):112–131.
  • 9. Ji H, Han I, Ko Y. A systematic review of Conversational AI in language education: Focusing on the collaboration with human teachers. Journal of Research on Technology in Education. 2022;55(1):48–63. doi:10.1080/15391523.2022.2142873
  • 10. García Sánchez OV. Uso y Percepción de chatgpt en la educación superior. Revista de Investigación en Tecnologías de la Información. 2023;11(23):98–107. doi:10.36825/riti.11.23.009
  • 11. Bozkurt, A. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) powered conversational educational agents: The inevitable paradigm shift. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 2023;18(1):198-204.
  • 12. Sabzalieva, E. & Valentini, A. Chat GPT and artificial intelligence in higher education. UNESCO. 2023.
  • 13. García-Peñalvo FJ. La Percepción de la Inteligencia artificial en contextos Educativos Tras El Lanzamiento de chatgpt: Disrupción o Pánico. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS). 2023;24. doi:10.14201/eks.31279
  • 14. Javaid M, Haleem A, Singh RP, et al. Unlocking the opportunities through CHATGPT tool towards ameliorating the education system. BenchCouncil Transactions on Benchmarks, Standards and Evaluations. 2023;3(2):100115. doi:10.1016/j.tbench.2023.100115
  • 15. Mohamed AM. Exploring the potential of an AI-based chatbot (CHATGPT) in enhancing English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching: Perceptions of EFL faculty members. Education and Information Technologies. 2023;29(3):3195–217. doi:10.1007/s10639-023-11917-z
  • 16. Perkins M. Academic integrity considerations of AI large language models in the post-pandemic era: Chatgpt and beyond. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. 2023;20(2). doi:10.53761/
  • 17. Baskara, R., Mukarto, M. Exploring the implications of Chat GPT for language learning in higher education. Indonesian Journal of English Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics, 2023;7(2):343-358. DOI: 10.4018/IJCALLT.326135
  • 18. Baskara FR. Integrating CHATGPT into EFL writing instruction: Benefits and challenges. International Journal of Education and Learning. 2023;5(1):44–55. doi:10.31763/ijele.v5i1.858
  • 19. Firat M. How chat GPT can transform autodidactic experiences and open education? 2023 Jan 12; doi:10.31219/
  • 20. Fauzi F, Tuhuteru L, Sampe F, et al. Analysing the role of chatgpt in improving student productivity in higher education. Journal on Education. 2023;5(4):14886–91. doi:10.31004/joe.v5i4.2563
  • 21. Xiao Y, Zhi Y. An exploratory study of EFL learners’ use of CHATGPT for language learning tasks: Experience and perceptions. Languages. 2023;8(3):212. doi:10.3390/languages8030212
  • 22. Young JC, Shishido M. Investigating OpenAI’s CHATGPT potentials in generating Chatbot’s dialogue for English as a foreign language learning. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications. 2023;14(6). doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2023.0140607
  • 23. Şenyaman G. Arapça Yabancı Dil öğretiminde Yapay Zekânın Geleceği: Chatgpt örneği. RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;(33):1057–70. doi:10.29000/rumelide.1285940
  • 24. Athanassopoulos S, Manoli P, Gouvi M, Lavidas K, et al. The use of chatgpt as a learning tool to improve foreign language writing in a multilingual and multicultural classroom. Advances in Mobile Learning Educational Research. 2023;3(2):818–24. doi:10.25082/amler.2023.02.009
  • 25. Zileli EN. Chatgpt example in learning Turkish as a foreign language. Uluslararası Karamanoğlu Mehmetbey Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi. 2023;5(1):42–51. doi:10.47770/ukmead.1296013
  • 26. Strzelecki A. To use or not to use chatgpt in higher education? A study of students’ acceptance and use of Technology. Interactive Learning Environments. 2023;1(14). doi:10.1080/10494820.2023.2209881
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Clinical Sciences (Other)
Journal Section Review

Vildan İnci Kavak 0000-0001-7249-9048

Duygu Evis 0000-0002-0137-2151

Abdurrahim Ekinci 0000-0002-5509-2569

Early Pub Date July 4, 2024
Publication Date June 14, 2024
Submission Date April 2, 2024
Acceptance Date June 13, 2024
Published in Issue Year 2024


Vancouver İnci Kavak V, Evis D, Ekinci A. The Use of ChatGPT in Language Education. Exp Appl Med Sci. 2024;5(2):72-8.

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