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Structural Characteristics of Uşak Recycling Cluster

Year 2012, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 1 - 22, 01.06.2012


This study deals with development and structural properties of Uşak recycling cluster. One of basic aim of the study is exemplifying to an analysis frame in clustering studies. In this study, as production geographies of new economy, industrial clusters are accepted as a socio-spatial organization and evaluated in that perspective. Therefore, Uşak recycling cluster is examined by its institutional structure, firms’ specialization processes, collaboration and solidarity relations between firms; interfirms labour mobility, knowledge transferring, co-learning processes and innovation parameters. All evaluations and findings sign to it has typical cluster characteristics however show many sue generis qualities differing from technologic based clusters. 

Keywords: Clustering, industrial clusters, agglomeration economies, innovation, learning regions. 


  • Adriani, P., 2003. The Emergence of Self-Organisation in Social Systems: The Case of the Geographic Industrial Clusters, Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, University of Durham, Durham Businness School, UK.
  • Amin, A., Thrift, N., 1994. “Living in the global”, in Amin, A., Thrift, N., (Editors) Globalization, Institutions and Regional Development in Europe, pp. 1-20, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Amin, A., Thrift, N., 1999. “Institutional Issues for the European Regions: From Markets and Plans to Socioeconomics and Powers of Association”, in Barnes, T.J., Gertler, M.S. (eds.), Industrial Geography: Regions, Regulation and Institutions, pp. 292-314, Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, Routledge.
  • Asheim, B., 1996. “Industrial Districts as ‘Learning Regions’: A Condition for Prosperity” European Planning Studies, 4(4): 379-400.
  • Asheim, B. T., 1997. “‘Learning Regions’ in a Globalised World Economy: Towards a New Competitive Advantage of Industrial Districts”, in Conti, S., Taylor, M. (eds.) Interdependent and Uneven Development: Global-Local Perspectives, pp. 143-76, Ashgate, Aldershot.
  • Asheim, B. T., 1999. “Interactive Learning and Localised Knowledge in Globalising Learning Economies”, GeoJournal, 49(4): 345-352.
  • Bathelt, H., Malmberg, A., Maskell, P., 2004. “Clusters and Knowledge: Local Buzz, Global Pipelines and the Process of Knowledge Creation”, Progress in Human Geography 28(1): 31-56.
  • Bayırbağ, M.K., 2010. “Local Entrepreneurialism and State Rescaling in Turkey”, Urban Studies, 47(2): 363-385.
  • Becattini, G., 1990. “The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-Economic Notion”, in Pyke, F., Becattini, G., Sengenberger, W. (Editors), Industrial Districts and Inter-firm Cooperation in Italy, ILO Geneva.
  • Birch, K., 2007. “The Knowledge-Space Dynamic in British Biotechnology Industry: Function, Relation and Association”, in Cooke, P., Schwartz, D. (Editors.), Creative Regions: Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship, pp.148-168, Routledge, London-NewYork.
  • Brenner, T., 2004. Local Industrial Clusters: Existence, Emergence and Evolution, Routledge, NewYork.
  • Buğra, A., Savaşkan, O., 2010. “Yerel Sanayi ve Bugünün Türkiyesinde İş Dünyası”, Toplum ve Bilim, 117: 92-123.
  • Cooke, P., 2001. “Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and the Knowledge Economy”, Industrial and Corporate Change. 10 (4): 945-974.
  • Cooke, P., Schwartz, D., 2007. “Creative Regions: An Introduction”, in Cooke, P., Schwartz, D. (Editors), Creative Regions: Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship pp. 1-20, Routledge, London.
  • Dahl, M. S., 2002. “Embedded knowledge flows through labour mobility in regional clusters in Denmark”, Paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference on ‘Industrial Dynamics of the New and Old Economy - who is embracing whom?’ Copenhagen/Elsinore 6-8 June 2002.
  • Feldman, M. P., 1999. “The New Economics of Innovation, Spillovers and Agglomeration: A Review of Empirical Studies” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 8: 5-25.
  • Fujita, M., Krugman, P., Venables, A.J., 1999. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade, MIT Press.
  • Gordon, I.R., McCann, P., 2005. “Innovation, Agglomeration and Regional Development”, Journal of Economic Geography, 5:523-543.
  • Granovetter, M., 1985. ‘Economic action and economic structure: the problem of embeddedness’, American Journal of sociology, 91: 481-510.
  • Hoover, E.M., 1937. Location Theory and the Shoe and Leather Industries, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Isaksen, A., 1996. ‘Towards increased regional specialization? The quantitative importance of new industrial spaces in Norway, 1970- 1990’, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 50: 113-123.
  • Jacobs, J., 1969. The Economies of Cities, Random House, New York.
  • Kaygalak, İ., 2011. Türkiye’de Sanayi Kümelenmesi: Uşak Örneği, Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Krugman, P., 1991a. ‘Increasing Returns and Economic Geography’, Journal of Political Economy, 49:137-150.
  • Krugman, P., 1991b. Geography and Trade, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Lundvall, B.A., 1992. National Systems of Innovation: Towards a theory of innovation and interactive learning, Pinter Publication, London.
  • Maillat, D., 1995. “Territorial Dynamic, Innovative Milieu and Regional Policy”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 7: 157-165.
  • Malmberg, A., 1996. “Industrial Geography: Agglomeration and Local Milieu” Progress in Human Geography, 20: 392–403.
  • Malmberg, A., Maskell, P., 2002. “The Elusive Concept of Localization Economies: Towards a Knowledge-Based Theory of Spatial Clustering”, Environment and Planning A, 34(3): 429-449.
  • Markusen, A., 1999. “Sticky Places in Slippery Space: A Typology of Industrial Districts” in Barnes, T.J., Gertler, M.S. (Editors), Industrial Geography: Regions, Regulation and Institutions, pp.98- 124, Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, Routledge.
  • Marshall, A., 1920. Principles of Economics, MacMillan and Co., London, UK.
  • Martin, R., Sunley, P., 2003. ‘Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea?’ Journal of Economic Geography 3(1):5-35.
  • Martin, R., 2000. ‘Institutional approaches in economic geography’, in Sheppard, E., Barnes, T.J. (eds.) A Companion to Economic Geography, pp.77-94, Oxford-Blackwell.
  • Martin, R., 2006. ‘Economic geography and the new discourse of regional competitiveness’, in Bagchi- Sen, S., Smith, H.L. (eds.) Economic Geography: Past, present and future, pp. 159-172, Routledge Studies in Economic Geography.
  • Massey, D., 1984. Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production, Macmillan, London.
  • Morgan, K., 2007. ‘The learning region: institutions, innovation and regional renewal’, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F. (Editors) The Learning Region, pp.101-126, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK- Northampton, MA, USA.
  • OECD, 1999. Boosting Innovation: The Cluster Approach, OECD, Paris.
  • Özelçi-Eceral, T., 2006. “Ekonomik Coğrafyada Kurumsal Yaklaşım: Denizli Örneği”, A. Eraydın (Derleyen) Değişen Mekân içinde, sf. 458-480, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Park, S.O., 2005. “Network, Embeddedness and Cluster Processes of New Economic Spaces in Korea”, in Le Heron, R., Harrington, J.W. (Editörler) New Economic Spaces: New Economic Geographies, pp.6-14, Ashgate Publication.
  • Piore, M., Sabel, C. F., 1984. The Second Industrial Divide, New York: Basic Books.
  • Porter, M., 1990. Competitive Advantages of Nations, New York: Free Pres.
  • Rutten, R., Boekema, F., 2007. “The Learning Region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future”, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F. (Editors) The Learning Region, pp.1-14., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK- Northampton, MA, USA.
  • Saxenian, A. L., 1994. Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Scott, A.J., 1988. New Industrial Spaces: Flexible Production Organization and Regional Development in North America and Western Europe, London: Pion.
  • Scott, A.J., 2000. The Cultural Economy of Cities: Essays on the Geography of Image-Producing Industries, London:Sage.
  • Scott., A.J., Storper, M., 2003. “Regions, Globalization, Development”, Regional Studies, 37(6-7): 579- 593.
  • Solak, E., 2002. XX.Yüzyılda Uşak, Uşak Valiliği İl Özel İdaresi ve Uşak Merkez Köylerine Hizmet Götürme Birliği Yayınları, No: 1, Uşak.
  • Steiner, M., 1998. Clusters and Regional Specialization: On Geography, Technology and Networks, European Research in Regional Science 8. London: Pion Limited.
  • Storper, M., 1995. “The Resurgence of Regional Economies, Ten Years Later”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 2(3): 191-221.
  • Storper, M., 1997. The Regional World, The Guilford Press, London.
  • Storper, M., Christopherson, S., 1987. “Flexible Specialization and Regional Industrial Agglomeration”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 77(1): 104-117.
  • Tutsak, S., 1998. Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Uşak, Uşak Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları Dizisi No: 2, Uşak.
  • UNIDO, 2001. Development of Clusters and Networks of SMEs, Vienna, 2001.


Year 2012, Volume: 21 Issue: 1, 1 - 22, 01.06.2012


Bu çalışmada Uşak geri dönüşüm kümesinin gelişimi ve yapısal özellikleri ele alınmaktadır. Çalışmanın temelde amaçladığı konu ise kümelenme çalışmalarında örnek bir analiz çerçevesinin nasıl olabileceğine dair kanıt oluşturmaktır. Bu çalışmada, ekonominin yeni üretim coğrafyaları olan endüstriyel kümeler aynı zamanda bir sosyo-mekânsal örüntü olarak kabullenilmekte ve bu perspektifte değerlendirilmektedir. Bu amaçla, Uşak geri dönüşüm kümesi firma içi uzmanlaşma süreçleri, firmalar arası işbirliği ve dayanışma ilişkileri, bilgi transfer süreçleri, kolektif öğrenme, yenilikçilik, işgücü hareketliliği ve kurumsal yapı parametreleri itibariyle sorgulanmaktadır. Değerlendirmeler ve bulgular Uşak geri dönüşüm kümesini oluşturan beş alt sektörün ele alınan parametreler açısından tipik bir küme özelliğini gösterdiğini ancak kendine has bazı özellikler de sergilediğini göstermektedir. 

Anahtar kelimeler: Kümelenme, sanayi kümeleri, yığılma ekonomileri, yenilikçilik, öğrenen bölgeler



  • Adriani, P., 2003. The Emergence of Self-Organisation in Social Systems: The Case of the Geographic Industrial Clusters, Yayınlanmamış doktora tezi, University of Durham, Durham Businness School, UK.
  • Amin, A., Thrift, N., 1994. “Living in the global”, in Amin, A., Thrift, N., (Editors) Globalization, Institutions and Regional Development in Europe, pp. 1-20, Oxford University Press, Oxford.
  • Amin, A., Thrift, N., 1999. “Institutional Issues for the European Regions: From Markets and Plans to Socioeconomics and Powers of Association”, in Barnes, T.J., Gertler, M.S. (eds.), Industrial Geography: Regions, Regulation and Institutions, pp. 292-314, Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, Routledge.
  • Asheim, B., 1996. “Industrial Districts as ‘Learning Regions’: A Condition for Prosperity” European Planning Studies, 4(4): 379-400.
  • Asheim, B. T., 1997. “‘Learning Regions’ in a Globalised World Economy: Towards a New Competitive Advantage of Industrial Districts”, in Conti, S., Taylor, M. (eds.) Interdependent and Uneven Development: Global-Local Perspectives, pp. 143-76, Ashgate, Aldershot.
  • Asheim, B. T., 1999. “Interactive Learning and Localised Knowledge in Globalising Learning Economies”, GeoJournal, 49(4): 345-352.
  • Bathelt, H., Malmberg, A., Maskell, P., 2004. “Clusters and Knowledge: Local Buzz, Global Pipelines and the Process of Knowledge Creation”, Progress in Human Geography 28(1): 31-56.
  • Bayırbağ, M.K., 2010. “Local Entrepreneurialism and State Rescaling in Turkey”, Urban Studies, 47(2): 363-385.
  • Becattini, G., 1990. “The Marshallian Industrial District as a Socio-Economic Notion”, in Pyke, F., Becattini, G., Sengenberger, W. (Editors), Industrial Districts and Inter-firm Cooperation in Italy, ILO Geneva.
  • Birch, K., 2007. “The Knowledge-Space Dynamic in British Biotechnology Industry: Function, Relation and Association”, in Cooke, P., Schwartz, D. (Editors.), Creative Regions: Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship, pp.148-168, Routledge, London-NewYork.
  • Brenner, T., 2004. Local Industrial Clusters: Existence, Emergence and Evolution, Routledge, NewYork.
  • Buğra, A., Savaşkan, O., 2010. “Yerel Sanayi ve Bugünün Türkiyesinde İş Dünyası”, Toplum ve Bilim, 117: 92-123.
  • Cooke, P., 2001. “Regional Innovation Systems, Clusters and the Knowledge Economy”, Industrial and Corporate Change. 10 (4): 945-974.
  • Cooke, P., Schwartz, D., 2007. “Creative Regions: An Introduction”, in Cooke, P., Schwartz, D. (Editors), Creative Regions: Technology, Culture and Knowledge Entrepreneurship pp. 1-20, Routledge, London.
  • Dahl, M. S., 2002. “Embedded knowledge flows through labour mobility in regional clusters in Denmark”, Paper presented at the DRUID Summer Conference on ‘Industrial Dynamics of the New and Old Economy - who is embracing whom?’ Copenhagen/Elsinore 6-8 June 2002.
  • Feldman, M. P., 1999. “The New Economics of Innovation, Spillovers and Agglomeration: A Review of Empirical Studies” Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 8: 5-25.
  • Fujita, M., Krugman, P., Venables, A.J., 1999. The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade, MIT Press.
  • Gordon, I.R., McCann, P., 2005. “Innovation, Agglomeration and Regional Development”, Journal of Economic Geography, 5:523-543.
  • Granovetter, M., 1985. ‘Economic action and economic structure: the problem of embeddedness’, American Journal of sociology, 91: 481-510.
  • Hoover, E.M., 1937. Location Theory and the Shoe and Leather Industries, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Isaksen, A., 1996. ‘Towards increased regional specialization? The quantitative importance of new industrial spaces in Norway, 1970- 1990’, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, 50: 113-123.
  • Jacobs, J., 1969. The Economies of Cities, Random House, New York.
  • Kaygalak, İ., 2011. Türkiye’de Sanayi Kümelenmesi: Uşak Örneği, Yayımlanmamış doktora tezi, Ege Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İzmir.
  • Krugman, P., 1991a. ‘Increasing Returns and Economic Geography’, Journal of Political Economy, 49:137-150.
  • Krugman, P., 1991b. Geography and Trade, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Lundvall, B.A., 1992. National Systems of Innovation: Towards a theory of innovation and interactive learning, Pinter Publication, London.
  • Maillat, D., 1995. “Territorial Dynamic, Innovative Milieu and Regional Policy”, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 7: 157-165.
  • Malmberg, A., 1996. “Industrial Geography: Agglomeration and Local Milieu” Progress in Human Geography, 20: 392–403.
  • Malmberg, A., Maskell, P., 2002. “The Elusive Concept of Localization Economies: Towards a Knowledge-Based Theory of Spatial Clustering”, Environment and Planning A, 34(3): 429-449.
  • Markusen, A., 1999. “Sticky Places in Slippery Space: A Typology of Industrial Districts” in Barnes, T.J., Gertler, M.S. (Editors), Industrial Geography: Regions, Regulation and Institutions, pp.98- 124, Routledge Studies in the Modern World Economy, Routledge.
  • Marshall, A., 1920. Principles of Economics, MacMillan and Co., London, UK.
  • Martin, R., Sunley, P., 2003. ‘Deconstructing Clusters: Chaotic Concept or Policy Panacea?’ Journal of Economic Geography 3(1):5-35.
  • Martin, R., 2000. ‘Institutional approaches in economic geography’, in Sheppard, E., Barnes, T.J. (eds.) A Companion to Economic Geography, pp.77-94, Oxford-Blackwell.
  • Martin, R., 2006. ‘Economic geography and the new discourse of regional competitiveness’, in Bagchi- Sen, S., Smith, H.L. (eds.) Economic Geography: Past, present and future, pp. 159-172, Routledge Studies in Economic Geography.
  • Massey, D., 1984. Spatial Divisions of Labor: Social Structures and the Geography of Production, Macmillan, London.
  • Morgan, K., 2007. ‘The learning region: institutions, innovation and regional renewal’, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F. (Editors) The Learning Region, pp.101-126, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK- Northampton, MA, USA.
  • OECD, 1999. Boosting Innovation: The Cluster Approach, OECD, Paris.
  • Özelçi-Eceral, T., 2006. “Ekonomik Coğrafyada Kurumsal Yaklaşım: Denizli Örneği”, A. Eraydın (Derleyen) Değişen Mekân içinde, sf. 458-480, Dost Kitabevi, Ankara.
  • Park, S.O., 2005. “Network, Embeddedness and Cluster Processes of New Economic Spaces in Korea”, in Le Heron, R., Harrington, J.W. (Editörler) New Economic Spaces: New Economic Geographies, pp.6-14, Ashgate Publication.
  • Piore, M., Sabel, C. F., 1984. The Second Industrial Divide, New York: Basic Books.
  • Porter, M., 1990. Competitive Advantages of Nations, New York: Free Pres.
  • Rutten, R., Boekema, F., 2007. “The Learning Region: Foundations, State of the Art, Future”, in Rutten, R., Boekema, F. (Editors) The Learning Region, pp.1-14., Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK- Northampton, MA, USA.
  • Saxenian, A. L., 1994. Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Scott, A.J., 1988. New Industrial Spaces: Flexible Production Organization and Regional Development in North America and Western Europe, London: Pion.
  • Scott, A.J., 2000. The Cultural Economy of Cities: Essays on the Geography of Image-Producing Industries, London:Sage.
  • Scott., A.J., Storper, M., 2003. “Regions, Globalization, Development”, Regional Studies, 37(6-7): 579- 593.
  • Solak, E., 2002. XX.Yüzyılda Uşak, Uşak Valiliği İl Özel İdaresi ve Uşak Merkez Köylerine Hizmet Götürme Birliği Yayınları, No: 1, Uşak.
  • Steiner, M., 1998. Clusters and Regional Specialization: On Geography, Technology and Networks, European Research in Regional Science 8. London: Pion Limited.
  • Storper, M., 1995. “The Resurgence of Regional Economies, Ten Years Later”, European Urban and Regional Studies, 2(3): 191-221.
  • Storper, M., 1997. The Regional World, The Guilford Press, London.
  • Storper, M., Christopherson, S., 1987. “Flexible Specialization and Regional Industrial Agglomeration”, Annals of the Association of American Geographers 77(1): 104-117.
  • Tutsak, S., 1998. Cumhuriyetin İlk Yıllarında Uşak, Uşak Belediyesi Kültür Yayınları Dizisi No: 2, Uşak.
  • UNIDO, 2001. Development of Clusters and Networks of SMEs, Vienna, 2001.
There are 53 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Articles

İrfan Kaygalak This is me

Arife Karadağ

Publication Date June 1, 2012
Submission Date April 28, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2012 Volume: 21 Issue: 1


APA Kaygalak, İ., & Karadağ, A. (2012). UŞAK GERİ DÖNÜŞÜM KÜMESİNİN YAPISAL ÖZELLİKLERİ. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 21(1), 1-22.