Research Article
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Modeling the Change of the Turkish Air Transport Network (THUA): Dynamic Spatial - Complex Network Approach

Year 2023, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 173 - 193, 30.06.2023


The aviation industry is a capital-intensive industry with high-quality social capital and high technology. For this reason, it is of strategic importance for both national and regional economies. Air transport networks are able to attract domestic and foreign investments to the regions by the settlement of the complementary sectors of the aviation industry, as well as the passengers, cargo, and information they circulate. The Turkish Air Transport Network (THUA) has a history of almost a century started in 1930 and continues to grow today with the world's largest airport and a global flag carrier. In this context, this article models the change of THUA for each year in the 2012-2017 period using spatial-complex network analysis, estimates the effects of socio-economic and network criterion-based dynamics on the probability of a new connection between airports in THUA using machine learning models and reveals important results. Although the THUA is a sparse network, it tends to be concentrated. New ties are not formed randomly between nodes, on the contrary, they are formed between certain airports. Income and population, as well as degree centrality and clustering coefficient, increase the likelihood of a new link between airport pairs.


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  • Albert, R., & Barabasi, A.-L., (2002) “Statistical mechanics of complex networks”, Reviews of Modern Physics, 74(1), pp.1–47.
  • Allroggen, F., & Malina, R. (2014). Do the regional growth effects of air-transport differ among airports?. Journal of Air-transport Management, 37, 1-4.
  • Bagler, G., (2008) “Analysis of the airport network of India as a complex weighted network”, Physica A, 387, pp.2972–2980.
  • Bakırcı, M. (2012). Ulaşim Coğrafyası Açısından Türkiye’de Havayolu Ulaşımının Tarihsel Gelişimi Ve Mevcut Yapısı. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, (25), 340-377.
  • Barabasi A-L. (2013) “Network science”, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A: Mathematical. Phys Eng Sci, 371(1987), 20120375.
  • Barthelemy, M. (2011). Spatial networks. Physics Reports, 499(1-3), 1-101.
  • Barthelemy, M. (2018). Morphogenesis of spatial networks. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
  • Bastian M, Heymann S, Jacomy M (2009) Gephi: An open source software for exploring and manipulating networks. Proceedings of the Third International ICWSM Conference (AAAI Press, Menlo Park, CA), pp 361–362.
  • Battal, Ü., & Aksoyek, M. (2018). Havayolu taşımacılığında uzun menzilli düşük maliyetli taşıyıcılarda uçak ve hat seçimi (Master's thesis, Tez (yüksek lisans)-Anadolu Üniversitesi).
  • Battal, Ü., & Kiracı, K. (2015). Bankruptcies And Their Causes in The Turkish Airline Industry. Transport & Logistics, 15.
  • Bezirci, M., Ceran, Y., & Otamis, I. V. (2011). Cost analysis of the air-transport sector in Turkey and its impact on competitiveness. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 76, 24-30.
  • Bianconi, G., & Barabasi, A.-L., (2001) “Competition and multiscaling in evolving networks”, Europhysics Letters, 54(4), pp.436–442.
  • Brandes, U., Robins, G., McCranie, A., Wasserman, S., (2013) “What is network science?”, Netw Sci, 1, pp.1–15.
  • Buhl, J., Gautrais, J., Reeves, N., Solé, R. Valverde, S., Kuntz, P., and Theraulaz, G. (2006) “Topological patterns in street networks of selforganized urban settlements”. European Physical Journal B, 49, pp.513–522.
  • Cardillo, A., Scellato, S., Latora, V., Porta, S., (2006) “Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns”, Physical Review E, 73, 066107.
  • Cetin, T., & Benk, S. (2011). Regulation, deregulation, and competition in the Turkish airline industry. In The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey (pp. 193-214). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Ciftci, M. E., & Sevkli, M. (2015). A new hub and spoke system proposal: A case study for Turkey's aviation industry. Journal of Air-transport Management, 47, 190-198.
  • Clark, K. L., Bhatia, U., Kodra, E. A., & Ganguly, A. R. (2018). Resilience of the US national airspace system airport network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(12), 3785-3794.
  • Codal, K.S. & Güner, S. (2022). Exploring the Sources of Centrality in the Turkish Domestic Airport Network. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 7(2):199-212. DOI: 10.26650/JTL.2022.1109878
  • Crucitti, P., Latora, V., Porta, S., (2006) “Centrality measures in spatial networks of urban streets”, Physical Review E, 73, 036125.
  • Duran, H. E., & Erdem, U. (2017). Regional inequality and international trade in Turkey: A dynamic spatial panel approach. A/Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture.
  • Dursun, M. E., O’ Connell, J. F., Lei, Z., & Warnock-Smith, D. (2014). The transformation of a legacy carrier–A case study of Turkish Airlines. Journal of Air-transport Management, 40, 106-118.
  • Erdem, U., Cubukcu, K. M., Tsiotas, D., (2019) “Mapping the Topology of the Air-transport Network in Turkey”, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (doi:10.1177/0308518X19848753).
  • Ersoz, C., Kilic, S., & Aldemir, H. O. (2022). Analysis of Turkey’s airport network structure and centrality in the opening-out period after the first wave of COVID-19: A complex network approach. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4), 2506-2518.
  • Fruchterman, T. M., & Reingold, E. M, (1991) “Graph drawing by force-directed placement”, Software: Practice and experience, 21(11), pp.1129-1164.
  • General Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development of Greece – GSPF (2008), “Approval of the General Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development”, Newspaper of the Greek Government (ΦΕΚ), Issue 1 (Τ-Α), Number 128, 3/7/2008.
  • Gerede, E. (2015). Havayolu taşımacılığı ve ekonomik düzenlemeler teori ve Türkiye uygulaması. Ankara: Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
  • Guida, M., & Maria, F. (2007). Topology of the Italian airport network: A scale-free small-world network with a fractal structure?. Chaos, solitons & fractals, 31(3), 527-536.
  • Guillaumet, M. P. (2018). A complex network approach to the Argentinian Airport Network.
  • Gürsakal, N. (2009). Sosyal ağ analizi: Pajek Ucinet ve Gmine uygulamalı. Dora yayınları.
  • Hossain, M. M., & Alam, S. (2017). A complex network approach towards modeling and analysis of the Australian Airport Network. Journal of Air Transport Management, 60, 1-9.
  • IATA. (2018). Air Passenger Forecasts Country Report, available at
  • Jia, T., Jiang, B., (2012) “Building and analyzing the US airport network based on en-route location information”, Physica A, 391, pp. 4031–4042.
  • Jiang, B., (2007) “A topological pattern of urban street networks: universality and peculiarity”, Physica A, 384, pp.647–655.
  • Jiang, B., & Claramunt, C., (2004) “Topological analysis of urban street networks”, Enviornment and Planning B, 31, pp.151–162.
  • Kasarda, J. D., & Green, J. D. (2005). Air cargo as an economic development engine: A note on opportunities and constraints. Journal of Air-transport Management, 11(6), 459-462.
  • Köroğlu, B. A., & Eceral, T. Ö. (2017). Redefining space in production networks: Network centrality and R&D activities in Ankara defence and aviation cluster. Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(2), 17-33.
  • Köroğlu, N. T., & Köroğlu, B. A. (2014). Çekim Modeli ve Ağ Analizinin Bölgesel Eşitsizlikleri Açıklama Kapasitesi. Ulusal Bölge Bilimi ve Planlama Kongresi Bölge Bilimi Türk Milli Komitesi, 18-19.
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  • Logothetis, M., & Miyoshi, C. (2018). Network performance and competitive impact of the single hub–A case study on Turkish Airlines and Emirates. Journal of Air-transport Management, 69, 215-223.
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Türkiye Hava Ulaşım Ağı’nın (THUA) Değişiminin Modellenmesi: Dinamik Mekânsal - Karmaşık Ağ Yaklaşımı

Year 2023, Volume: 32 Issue: 1, 173 - 193, 30.06.2023


Havacılık sektörü yüksek ve kaliteli sosyal sermaye ve yüksek teknoloji içeren sermaye yoğun bir sektördür. Bu nedenle hem ülke ekonomileri hem de bölge ekonomileri için stratejik önem arz etmektedir. Hava taşımacılığı ağları dolaşımını sağladıkları yolcu, yük ve bilginin yanı sıra havacılık sektörünün tamamlayıcısı sektörlerin bölgelerde yerleşmesiyle yerli ve yabancı yatırımları da bölgelere çekebilmektedirler. Türk Hava Ulaşım Ağı (THUA), 1930'da başlayan neredeyse bir asırlık bir geçmişe sahiptir ve bugün dünyanın en büyük havalimanı ve küresel bir bayrak taşıyıcısı ile büyümeye devam etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, bu makale THUA’nın 2012-2017 periyodunda her yıl için mekânsal-karmaşık ağ analizlerini kullanarak değişimini modellemekte, makine öğrenmesi modelleri kullanarak THUA’da havalimanları arasında yeni bir bağın oluşum olasılığına sosyo-ekonomik ve ağ ölçütü tabanlı dinamiklerin etkilerini tahmin etmekte ve önemli sonuçlar ortaya koymaktadır. THUA her ne kadar seyrek bir ağsa da yoğunlaşma eğilimindedir. Yeni bağlar düğümler arasında rastlantısal olarak oluşmamakta aksine belirli havalimanları arasında oluşmaktadır. Gelir ve nüfus ve ayrıca derece merkeziliği ve kümelenme katsayısı havalimanı çiftleri arasında yeni bir bağın oluşma olasılığını arttırmaktadır.


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  • Allroggen, F., & Malina, R. (2014). Do the regional growth effects of air-transport differ among airports?. Journal of Air-transport Management, 37, 1-4.
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  • Bakırcı, M. (2012). Ulaşim Coğrafyası Açısından Türkiye’de Havayolu Ulaşımının Tarihsel Gelişimi Ve Mevcut Yapısı. Marmara Coğrafya Dergisi, (25), 340-377.
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  • Battal, Ü., & Aksoyek, M. (2018). Havayolu taşımacılığında uzun menzilli düşük maliyetli taşıyıcılarda uçak ve hat seçimi (Master's thesis, Tez (yüksek lisans)-Anadolu Üniversitesi).
  • Battal, Ü., & Kiracı, K. (2015). Bankruptcies And Their Causes in The Turkish Airline Industry. Transport & Logistics, 15.
  • Bezirci, M., Ceran, Y., & Otamis, I. V. (2011). Cost analysis of the air-transport sector in Turkey and its impact on competitiveness. International Research Journal of Finance and Economics, 76, 24-30.
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  • Buhl, J., Gautrais, J., Reeves, N., Solé, R. Valverde, S., Kuntz, P., and Theraulaz, G. (2006) “Topological patterns in street networks of selforganized urban settlements”. European Physical Journal B, 49, pp.513–522.
  • Cardillo, A., Scellato, S., Latora, V., Porta, S., (2006) “Structural properties of planar graphs of urban street patterns”, Physical Review E, 73, 066107.
  • Cetin, T., & Benk, S. (2011). Regulation, deregulation, and competition in the Turkish airline industry. In The Political Economy of Regulation in Turkey (pp. 193-214). Springer, New York, NY.
  • Ciftci, M. E., & Sevkli, M. (2015). A new hub and spoke system proposal: A case study for Turkey's aviation industry. Journal of Air-transport Management, 47, 190-198.
  • Clark, K. L., Bhatia, U., Kodra, E. A., & Ganguly, A. R. (2018). Resilience of the US national airspace system airport network. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 19(12), 3785-3794.
  • Codal, K.S. & Güner, S. (2022). Exploring the Sources of Centrality in the Turkish Domestic Airport Network. Journal of Transportation and Logistics 7(2):199-212. DOI: 10.26650/JTL.2022.1109878
  • Crucitti, P., Latora, V., Porta, S., (2006) “Centrality measures in spatial networks of urban streets”, Physical Review E, 73, 036125.
  • Duran, H. E., & Erdem, U. (2017). Regional inequality and international trade in Turkey: A dynamic spatial panel approach. A/Z ITU Journal of the Faculty of Architecture.
  • Dursun, M. E., O’ Connell, J. F., Lei, Z., & Warnock-Smith, D. (2014). The transformation of a legacy carrier–A case study of Turkish Airlines. Journal of Air-transport Management, 40, 106-118.
  • Erdem, U., Cubukcu, K. M., Tsiotas, D., (2019) “Mapping the Topology of the Air-transport Network in Turkey”, Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space (doi:10.1177/0308518X19848753).
  • Ersoz, C., Kilic, S., & Aldemir, H. O. (2022). Analysis of Turkey’s airport network structure and centrality in the opening-out period after the first wave of COVID-19: A complex network approach. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4), 2506-2518.
  • Fruchterman, T. M., & Reingold, E. M, (1991) “Graph drawing by force-directed placement”, Software: Practice and experience, 21(11), pp.1129-1164.
  • General Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development of Greece – GSPF (2008), “Approval of the General Framework of Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development”, Newspaper of the Greek Government (ΦΕΚ), Issue 1 (Τ-Α), Number 128, 3/7/2008.
  • Gerede, E. (2015). Havayolu taşımacılığı ve ekonomik düzenlemeler teori ve Türkiye uygulaması. Ankara: Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğü Yayınları.
  • Guida, M., & Maria, F. (2007). Topology of the Italian airport network: A scale-free small-world network with a fractal structure?. Chaos, solitons & fractals, 31(3), 527-536.
  • Guillaumet, M. P. (2018). A complex network approach to the Argentinian Airport Network.
  • Gürsakal, N. (2009). Sosyal ağ analizi: Pajek Ucinet ve Gmine uygulamalı. Dora yayınları.
  • Hossain, M. M., & Alam, S. (2017). A complex network approach towards modeling and analysis of the Australian Airport Network. Journal of Air Transport Management, 60, 1-9.
  • IATA. (2018). Air Passenger Forecasts Country Report, available at
  • Jia, T., Jiang, B., (2012) “Building and analyzing the US airport network based on en-route location information”, Physica A, 391, pp. 4031–4042.
  • Jiang, B., (2007) “A topological pattern of urban street networks: universality and peculiarity”, Physica A, 384, pp.647–655.
  • Jiang, B., & Claramunt, C., (2004) “Topological analysis of urban street networks”, Enviornment and Planning B, 31, pp.151–162.
  • Kasarda, J. D., & Green, J. D. (2005). Air cargo as an economic development engine: A note on opportunities and constraints. Journal of Air-transport Management, 11(6), 459-462.
  • Köroğlu, B. A., & Eceral, T. Ö. (2017). Redefining space in production networks: Network centrality and R&D activities in Ankara defence and aviation cluster. Gazi University Journal of Science, 30(2), 17-33.
  • Köroğlu, N. T., & Köroğlu, B. A. (2014). Çekim Modeli ve Ağ Analizinin Bölgesel Eşitsizlikleri Açıklama Kapasitesi. Ulusal Bölge Bilimi ve Planlama Kongresi Bölge Bilimi Türk Milli Komitesi, 18-19.
  • Koschutzki, D., Lehmann, K., Peeters, L., Richter, S. (2005) “Centrality Indices”. In Brandes, U., Erlebach, T., (Eds.), Network Analysis, Berlin, Germany, Springer–Verlag Publications, pp.16-61.
  • Lammer, S., Gehlsen, B., Helbing, D., (2006) “Scaling laws in the spatial structure of urban road networks”, Physica A, 363, 89.
  • Link, H., Dodgson, J. S., Maiback, M., Herry, M., (2012) The costs of road infrastructure and congestion in Europe, Heidelberg, Physica-Verlag (Springer).
  • Logothetis, M., & Miyoshi, C. (2018). Network performance and competitive impact of the single hub–A case study on Turkish Airlines and Emirates. Journal of Air-transport Management, 69, 215-223.
  • Mansfield, E., (1962) “Entry, Gibrat’s law, innovation, and the growth of firms”, The American economic review, 52(5), pp.1023–1051.
  • Melikoglu, M. (2017). Modelling and forecasting the demand for jet fuel and bio-based jet fuel in Turkey till 2023. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 19, 17-23.
  • Merton, R. K., (1968) “The Matthew effect in science: The reward and communication systems of science are considered”, Science, 159(3810), pp.56–63.
  • Mukkala, K., & Tervo, H. (2013). Air-transportation and regional growth: which way does the causality run? Environment and Planning A, 45(6), 1508-1520.
  • Newman, M. E. J., (2010) Networks: an introduction, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
  • Norusis, M., (2004) SPSS 13, Advanced statistical procedures companion, New Jersey (USA), Prentice Hall Publications.
  • Norusis, M., (2008) SPSS 16.0 advanced statistical procedures companion, Prentice Hall Press.
  • Orhan, G., & Gerede, E. (2013). A study of the strategic responses of Turkish airline companies to the deregulation in Turkey. Journal of Management Research, 5(4), 34-63.
  • Orkcu, H. H., Balıkcı, C., Dogan, M. I., & Genc, A. (2016). An evaluation of the operational efficiency of Turkish airports using data envelopment analysis and the Malmquist productivity index: 2009–2014 case. Transport Policy, 48, 92-104.
  • Paez, A., Scott, D. M., Morency, C., (2012) “Measuring accessibility: positive and normative implementations of various accessibility indicators”, Journal of Transport Geography, 25, pp.141–153.
  • Pamuk, Ş. (2014). Fiscal centralisation and the rise of the modern state in the Ottoman empire. The Medieval History Journal, 17(1), 1-26.
  • Polyzos, S., (2015) Urban development, Athens, Kritiki Publications [in Greek].
  • Polyzos, S., (2019) Regional development, 2nd Edition, Athens, Kritiki Publications [in Greek].
  • Polyzos, S., Tsiotas, D., Papagiannis, K., (2014) “Determining the changes in commuting after the Ionian Motorway’s construction”, MIBES TRANSACTIONS International Journal, 8, pp. 113-131.
  • Rodrigue, J. P., Comtois, C., & Slack, B., (2013) The Geography of Transport Systems, New York, Routledge Publications.
  • Saldıraner, Y. (2013). Airport Ownership and Management in European Union Countries, BOT Applications in Turkey, and Suggestions for Turkey. International Journal of Economics, Finance and Management Sciences, 61-67.
  • Sarilgan, A. E. (2016). Impact of Low Cost Carriers on Turkish Tourism Industry. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 6(4), 176-188.
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There are 79 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Human Geography
Journal Section Research Articles

Umut Erdem 0000-0001-9822-3605

Publication Date June 30, 2023
Submission Date May 22, 2023
Acceptance Date June 27, 2023
Published in Issue Year 2023 Volume: 32 Issue: 1


APA Erdem, U. (2023). Türkiye Hava Ulaşım Ağı’nın (THUA) Değişiminin Modellenmesi: Dinamik Mekânsal - Karmaşık Ağ Yaklaşımı. Ege Coğrafya Dergisi, 32(1), 173-193.