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Research Article
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Year 2019, , 156 - 165, 31.01.2019



  • [1] Hansen, T. C., Recycling of demolished concrete and masonry, London: E&FN SPON, 1992.
  • [2] Poon, C. S., Azhar, S., Kou, S. C., Recycled aggregates for concrete applications, Proceeding of the Materials Science and Technology in Engineering Conference-Now, New and Next, Hong Kong, China, 2003, 15-17.
  • [3] Evangelista, L., Brito, J., Mechanical behaviour of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregate, Cem. Concr. Compos., 2007, 5:397-401.
  • [4] López-Gayarre, F., Serna, P., Domingo-Cabo, A., Serrano-López, M. A., López-Colina, C., Influence of recycled aggregate quality and proportioning criteria on recycled concrete properties, Waste Manag. 2009, 12:3022-3028.
  • [5] Malesev, M., Radonjanin, V., Marinkovic, S., Recycled concrete as aggregate for structural concrete production, Sustainability, 2010, 2, 1204-1225.
  • [6] Gomez, J. M. V., Shrinkage of concrete with replacement of aggregate with recycled concrete aggregate, ACI Spec. Publ., 2002a, 209:475-496.
  • [7] Gomez, J. M. V., Creep of concrete with substitution of normal aggregate by recycled concrete aggregate, ACI Spec. Publ., 2002b, 209:461-474.
  • [8] Domingo, A., Lazaro, C., Lopez, F., Serrano, M. A., Serna, P., Castano, J. O., Creep and shrinkage of recycled aggregate concrete, Constr. Build. Mater., 2009, 7:2545-2553.
  • [9] Ajdukiewicz, A., Kliszczewicz, A., Influence of recycled aggregates on mechanical properties of HS/HPC, Cem. Concr. Compos., 2002, 2:269-279.
  • [10] Sanchez, M., Gutierrez, P. A., Influence of recycled aggregate quality on concrete properties, Proceeding of the International RILEM Conference: The Use of Recycled Materials in Building and Structures, Barcelona, Spain, 2004, 8-11 November; pp. 545-553.
  • [11] Rahal, K., Mechanical properties of concrete with recycled coarse aggregate, Build. Environ., 2007, 1:407-415.
  • [12] Yang, K. H., Chung, H. S., Ashour, A., Influence of type and replacement level of recycled aggregates on concrete properties, ACI Mater. J., 2008, 3:289-296.
  • [13] Salem, R. M., Burdette, E. G., Jackson, N. M., Resistance to freezing and thawing of recycled aggregate concrete, ACI Mater. J., 2003, 100:216-221.
  • [14] Zaharieva, R., Buyle-Bodin, F., Wirguin, E., Frost resistance of recycled aggregate concrete, Cem. Concr. Res., 2004, 100:1927-1932.
  • [15] Hognestad, E., A study of combined bending and axial load in reinforced concrete members, University of Illinois Bulletin. 1951, Vol. 49, no. 22.
  • [16] Kent, D. C., and Park, R., Flexural members with confined concrete, Journal of the Structural Division, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1971, 97(ST7), 1969-1990.
  • [17] Popovics, S., A numerical approach to the complete stress-strain curves of concret, Cement and Concrete Research, 1973, 3(5), 583-599.
  • [18] Thorenfeldt, E., Tomaszewicz, A., and Jensen, J. J., Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete and application in design, Proc. of the Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength Concrete, Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, 1987, 149-159.
  • [19] Tsai, W.T., Uniaxial compression stress-strain relation of concrete, J. Struct. Eng., 1988, 114(9), 2133-2136.
  • [20] Ravindrarajah, R. S., Tam, C. T., Properties of concrete made with crushed concrete as coarse aggregate. Mag. Concr. Res., 1985, 37(130), 29-38.
  • [21] Xiao, J. Z., Li, J. B., Zhang, C. Z., On relationships between the mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete: an overview. Mater. Struct., 2006, 39, 655–664.
  • [22] Bairagi, N. K., Ravande, K. and Pareek. V. K., Behaviour of concrete with different proportions of natural and recycled aggregate, Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 1993, 9 (1): 109-126.
  • [23] Belén, G. F., Fernando, M. A., Diego, C. L. and Sindy, S. P., Stress-strain relationship in axial compression for concrete using recycled saturated coarse aggregate, Constr. Build. Mater., 2011, 25 (5): 2335–2342.
  • [24] González-Fonteboa, B., Martínez-Abella, F., Eiras-Lopez, J. and Seara-Paz, S., Effect of recycled coarse aggregate on damage of recycled concrete, Mater. Struct., 2011, 44 (10): 1759-1771.
  • [25] Folino, P., and Xargay, H., Recycled aggregate concrete-Mechanical behavior under uniaxial and triaxial compression, Constr. Build. Mater., 2014, 56: 21–31.
  • [26] Martínez-Lage, I., Martínez-Abella, F., Vázquez-Herrero, C. and Pérez-Ordonez, J. L., Properties of plain concrete made with mixed recycled coarse aggregate, Constr. Build. Mater., 2012, 37: 171-176.
  • [27] Medina, C., Zhu, W., Howind, T., de Rojas, M. I. S. and Frías, M., Influence of mixed recycled aggregate on the physical-mechanical properties of recycled concrete, J. Cleaner Prod., 2014, 68: 216–225.
  • [28] Xiao, J., Li, J. and Zhang, C., Mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete under uniaxial loading, Cem. Concr. Res., 2005, 35 (6): 1187-1194.
  • [29] Breccolotti, M., D’Alessandro, A., Roscini, F., Bonfigli, M. F., Investigation of stress-strain behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete under cyclic loads, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2015, Vol.14, No. 7, 1543-1552.
  • [30] Saribas, I., Goksu, C. and Ilki, A., Seismic Performance of Full-Scale Recycled Aggregate Concrete Columns, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June 2017.
  • [31] Saribaş, I., Goksu, C İlki, A., Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Recycled Aggregate Concrete, ERMCO, Oslo, Norway, 7-8 June 2018.
  • [32] Xie, T., Gholampour, A. and Ozbakkaloglu, T., Toward The Development of Sustainable Concretes with Recycled Concrete Aggregates: Comprehensive Review of Studies on Mechanical Properties, J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(9).

Geri Dönüşümlü Agrega Katkılı Beton için Gerilme-Şekil Değiştirme Modeli

Year 2019, , 156 - 165, 31.01.2019


İkinci dünya savaşından sonra tahrip
olan şehirleri inşaat ve yıkıntı atığı molozlardan temizlemek amacıyla ortaya
çıkan dönüşüm ve yeniden kullanım faaliyetlerinin kapsamı gelişmek suretiyle
devam etmektedir. Günümüzde gelişmiş makine ve ekipman ile yapılan dönüşüm
çalışmaları sonucunda inşaat ve yıkıntı atığı betonlardan elde edilen geri
dönüşümlü agregalar geniş bir kullanım alanı bulmaktadır. Geri dönüşümlü
agregaların kullanım alanlarından birisi de bu agregaların yeni beton
üretiminde kullanılmasıdır. Literatürdeki çalışmalarda geri dönüşümlü
agregaların, kullanıldığı betonun karakteristik özelliklerinden beton basınç
dayanımını ve elastisite modülünü dolayısıyla da yeni betonun gerilme-şekil
değiştirme ilişkisini önemli oranda etkilediği görülmüştür. Bu noktadan
hareketle geri dönüşümlü agrega katkılı betonlarda doğal malzemeden üretilen
betonlar için ortaya konulan teknik ifadelerin kullanılamayacağı açıktır. Bu çalışma
kapsamında geri dönüşümlü agrega katkılı beton için karışıma giren geri
dönüşümlü agrega oranına bağlı olarak yeni bir gerilme-şekil değiştirme modeli
önerilmiştir. Önerilen modelden elde edilen gerilme-şekil değiştirme ilişkileri
deneysel çalışmalardan elde edilen sonuçlarla uyumlu olduğu ve yakınsamanın
yüksek oranda olduğu görülmüştür.


  • [1] Hansen, T. C., Recycling of demolished concrete and masonry, London: E&FN SPON, 1992.
  • [2] Poon, C. S., Azhar, S., Kou, S. C., Recycled aggregates for concrete applications, Proceeding of the Materials Science and Technology in Engineering Conference-Now, New and Next, Hong Kong, China, 2003, 15-17.
  • [3] Evangelista, L., Brito, J., Mechanical behaviour of concrete made with fine recycled concrete aggregate, Cem. Concr. Compos., 2007, 5:397-401.
  • [4] López-Gayarre, F., Serna, P., Domingo-Cabo, A., Serrano-López, M. A., López-Colina, C., Influence of recycled aggregate quality and proportioning criteria on recycled concrete properties, Waste Manag. 2009, 12:3022-3028.
  • [5] Malesev, M., Radonjanin, V., Marinkovic, S., Recycled concrete as aggregate for structural concrete production, Sustainability, 2010, 2, 1204-1225.
  • [6] Gomez, J. M. V., Shrinkage of concrete with replacement of aggregate with recycled concrete aggregate, ACI Spec. Publ., 2002a, 209:475-496.
  • [7] Gomez, J. M. V., Creep of concrete with substitution of normal aggregate by recycled concrete aggregate, ACI Spec. Publ., 2002b, 209:461-474.
  • [8] Domingo, A., Lazaro, C., Lopez, F., Serrano, M. A., Serna, P., Castano, J. O., Creep and shrinkage of recycled aggregate concrete, Constr. Build. Mater., 2009, 7:2545-2553.
  • [9] Ajdukiewicz, A., Kliszczewicz, A., Influence of recycled aggregates on mechanical properties of HS/HPC, Cem. Concr. Compos., 2002, 2:269-279.
  • [10] Sanchez, M., Gutierrez, P. A., Influence of recycled aggregate quality on concrete properties, Proceeding of the International RILEM Conference: The Use of Recycled Materials in Building and Structures, Barcelona, Spain, 2004, 8-11 November; pp. 545-553.
  • [11] Rahal, K., Mechanical properties of concrete with recycled coarse aggregate, Build. Environ., 2007, 1:407-415.
  • [12] Yang, K. H., Chung, H. S., Ashour, A., Influence of type and replacement level of recycled aggregates on concrete properties, ACI Mater. J., 2008, 3:289-296.
  • [13] Salem, R. M., Burdette, E. G., Jackson, N. M., Resistance to freezing and thawing of recycled aggregate concrete, ACI Mater. J., 2003, 100:216-221.
  • [14] Zaharieva, R., Buyle-Bodin, F., Wirguin, E., Frost resistance of recycled aggregate concrete, Cem. Concr. Res., 2004, 100:1927-1932.
  • [15] Hognestad, E., A study of combined bending and axial load in reinforced concrete members, University of Illinois Bulletin. 1951, Vol. 49, no. 22.
  • [16] Kent, D. C., and Park, R., Flexural members with confined concrete, Journal of the Structural Division, Proc. of the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1971, 97(ST7), 1969-1990.
  • [17] Popovics, S., A numerical approach to the complete stress-strain curves of concret, Cement and Concrete Research, 1973, 3(5), 583-599.
  • [18] Thorenfeldt, E., Tomaszewicz, A., and Jensen, J. J., Mechanical properties of high-strength concrete and application in design, Proc. of the Symposium on Utilization of High-Strength Concrete, Tapir, Trondheim, Norway, 1987, 149-159.
  • [19] Tsai, W.T., Uniaxial compression stress-strain relation of concrete, J. Struct. Eng., 1988, 114(9), 2133-2136.
  • [20] Ravindrarajah, R. S., Tam, C. T., Properties of concrete made with crushed concrete as coarse aggregate. Mag. Concr. Res., 1985, 37(130), 29-38.
  • [21] Xiao, J. Z., Li, J. B., Zhang, C. Z., On relationships between the mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete: an overview. Mater. Struct., 2006, 39, 655–664.
  • [22] Bairagi, N. K., Ravande, K. and Pareek. V. K., Behaviour of concrete with different proportions of natural and recycled aggregate, Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 1993, 9 (1): 109-126.
  • [23] Belén, G. F., Fernando, M. A., Diego, C. L. and Sindy, S. P., Stress-strain relationship in axial compression for concrete using recycled saturated coarse aggregate, Constr. Build. Mater., 2011, 25 (5): 2335–2342.
  • [24] González-Fonteboa, B., Martínez-Abella, F., Eiras-Lopez, J. and Seara-Paz, S., Effect of recycled coarse aggregate on damage of recycled concrete, Mater. Struct., 2011, 44 (10): 1759-1771.
  • [25] Folino, P., and Xargay, H., Recycled aggregate concrete-Mechanical behavior under uniaxial and triaxial compression, Constr. Build. Mater., 2014, 56: 21–31.
  • [26] Martínez-Lage, I., Martínez-Abella, F., Vázquez-Herrero, C. and Pérez-Ordonez, J. L., Properties of plain concrete made with mixed recycled coarse aggregate, Constr. Build. Mater., 2012, 37: 171-176.
  • [27] Medina, C., Zhu, W., Howind, T., de Rojas, M. I. S. and Frías, M., Influence of mixed recycled aggregate on the physical-mechanical properties of recycled concrete, J. Cleaner Prod., 2014, 68: 216–225.
  • [28] Xiao, J., Li, J. and Zhang, C., Mechanical properties of recycled aggregate concrete under uniaxial loading, Cem. Concr. Res., 2005, 35 (6): 1187-1194.
  • [29] Breccolotti, M., D’Alessandro, A., Roscini, F., Bonfigli, M. F., Investigation of stress-strain behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete under cyclic loads, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 2015, Vol.14, No. 7, 1543-1552.
  • [30] Saribas, I., Goksu, C. and Ilki, A., Seismic Performance of Full-Scale Recycled Aggregate Concrete Columns, 6th ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Rhodes Island, Greece, 15–17 June 2017.
  • [31] Saribaş, I., Goksu, C İlki, A., Seismic Performance of Reinforced Concrete Columns with Recycled Aggregate Concrete, ERMCO, Oslo, Norway, 7-8 June 2018.
  • [32] Xie, T., Gholampour, A. and Ozbakkaloglu, T., Toward The Development of Sustainable Concretes with Recycled Concrete Aggregates: Comprehensive Review of Studies on Mechanical Properties, J. Mater. Civ. Eng., 2018, 30(9).
There are 32 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

İlyas Sarıbaş 0000-0002-9855-6941

Publication Date January 31, 2019
Submission Date September 20, 2018
Acceptance Date December 5, 2018
Published in Issue Year 2019


IEEE İ. Sarıbaş, “Geri Dönüşümlü Agrega Katkılı Beton için Gerilme-Şekil Değiştirme Modeli”, ECJSE, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 156–165, 2019, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.461828.