ISSN: 2148-3736
e-ISSN: 2148-3736
Founded: 2013
Publisher: Tayfun UYGUNOĞLU
Cover Image

The El-Cezerî Journal of Science and Engineering (ECJSE) is a research journal covering Science and Engineering subjects since 2014. ECJSE publishes three issues per year of rigorous and original contributions in the Science disciplines of Chemistry, Sciences, and Physics, and in the Engineering disciplines of Civil, Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical, Mechatronic, Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Computer Science and Engineering, and along with a Theme Issue on a specific topic.

Manuscripts must be submitted in the English language irrespective of the native language of the author(s) anymore. All manuscripts are considered for review subject to the author(s)’ written undertaking that they have not been and will not be published elsewhere in any format and that there are no ethical concerns with the contents of the manuscripts or data collection. In addition, the author(s) warrant that the information submitted is not redundant and respects general ethics guidelines in publishing.

No fee is charged from the author for the article application or after the acceptance. The articles published in the Journal are open-access.

Journal is indexed by the followings:

SCOPUS, Google Scholar, DOAJ, SJIF, DRJI, CiteFactor, International Institute of Organized Research (I2OR), ICI Journals Master List database for 2019, Index Copernicus, Scientific Indexing Services.

2024 - Volume: 11 Issue: 3

Research Article

10. Examining the Effect of Annealing Parameters on Surface Quality and Tensile Strength of ABS 3D-Printed Materials

Impact Factor

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