Analyses of Nuclear Power Plant Waste In Terms of Environmental Policies
Year 2016,
Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 30.09.2016
Elif Şahin
Mustafa Şahin
Yılmaz Güven
Yüksel Oğuz
In recent years, the diversity and quantity of wastes have increased parallel to rapid industrialization of countries and it is becoming a major problem day by day. Radioactive waste has taken its place among major waste problems of the century such as industrial wastes, municipal wastes and scrap metals. Radioactive wastes are type of waste which are caused by research, medical and industrial application. Usage of nuclear material in nuclear reactors, medical and industrial application results the formation of radioactive waste. In this context, wastes of nuclear power plant have been studied under the title of radioactive waste types in this work. The environmental impact of nuclear power plant has been researched and techniques to prevent and reducing these effects were also included.
- Lester R. Brown, Environmental Policy, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Vol:24, Issue 1, February 1982, pages 2-4. Published online: 8 Jul 2010
- Nuclear Reactors listed as World Nuclear Industry Status Report/IAEA-PRIS, MSC, 2015
- Miao, A. X., Zacharias, G. L. and Kao S. P., ‘A Computational Situation Assessment Model for Nuclear Power Plant Operations’, IEEE Transacions On Systems, Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 27, No. 6, November 1997
- Özdemir N. ve Çobanoğlu, E.O., (2008) ‘Prospective Teachers’ Attitudes Towards The Use of Nuclear Energy and The Constructionof Nuclear Plants in Turkey’ Hacettepe University Journal of Education 34: 218-232.
- Arvai, J. L., Campbell, V. E. A., Baird, A., ve Rivers, L. (2004). Teaching students to make better decisions about the enviroment: Lessons from the decision sciences. Journal of Enviromental Education, 36 (1), 33–44.
- Fitzsimmons, A. and Ramesh, K., (2013). ‘Statistical Review of World Energy 2013’, IER, Instıtute for Energy Research.
- Goldemberg, J and Johansson, T.B., ‘World Energy Assessment’, Overview 2004 Update, United Nations Development Programme, 2004.
- Energy Information Administration (EIA), Monthly Energy Review, May 2014, Table 7.2a, 2014.
- TEİAŞ, Türkiye Elektrik Enerjisi İstatistikleri, 2014
- Mustafa ŞAHİN, Yüksel OĞUZ, Ertuğrul KARATAY, and Yusuf KIRTILOĞLU, (2014). ‘‘Waste Disposal Methods in Thermal Power Plants to Prevent Enviromental Hazards’’, UKAY
- Koç, E., Şenel, M. C. (2013). “The State of Energy in World and Turkey-General Evaluation” Engineer and Machinery, Vol 54, no 639, p. 32-44.
- Nuclear Reactor Around The World,, Access date: 23.07.2015.
- Kumbur, H., Özer, Z., Özsoy, D.H. ve Avcı, E.D., (2005). ‘Comparing the Potential and Environmental Effects of Conventional and Renewable Energy Source in Turkey’, Symposium of Renewable Energy Resources.
- Prelas, M.A., Weaver, C.L., Watermann, M.L., Lukosi, E.D., Schott, R.J. and Wisniewski, D.A., ‘A review of nuclear batteries’, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 75, August 2014, Pages 117–148
- Aba´nades, A., Pe´ rez-Navarro, A., 2007. Engineering design studies for the transmutation of nuclear wastes with a gas-cooled pebble-bed ADS. Nuclear Engineering and Design 237, 325–333
- Stanton, N., 1996. Simulators: a review of research and practices. In: Stanton, N. (Ed.), Human Factors in Nuclear Safety. Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, pp. 117–140.
- Küpeli, T., Demır; A., SAYGIN, H., KÜÇÜKŞAHİN,. A. (2006). ‘Problems of Nuclear Energy and Turkey within the Dimension of Security’, Journal of Security Strategies, issue: 03, pages: 720.
- Roy, B. and Bouyssou, D., ‘Comparison of two decision-aid models applied to a nuclear power plant siting example’, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 25, Issue 2, May 1986, Pages 200-215
- Temurçin K., Aliağaoğlu A. (2003). ‘The Truth about Nuclear Energy in Turkey in the light of discussions“, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 1(2), 25-39
- Muradov, E., (2012). ‘Factors Affecting Nuclear Energy Policy of Germany’, Marmara University, Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, Vol 10, no 38 (19)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Nucleat Energy, Access date: 23.07.2015.
- Eral, M., Aslan, M.M.A., Akyıl, S., (1997). ‘Nuclear Energy and Environment’, Ege University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, July-Agust-Sept., Issue: 24, İzmir.
- Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of State Hyraulic Works, (2011). ‘Environment and Clean Energy: Electricity’, Ankara – March.
- Marques, J. G., ‘Environmental characteristics of the current Generation III nuclear power plants’, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, Pages 195–212, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/wene.81.
- Brook, B. W., Alonso, A., Meneley, D.A, Misak, J., Blees, T. and Erp, J.B. ‘Why nuclear energy is sustainable and has to be part of the energy mix’, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Volumes 1–2, December 2014, Pages 8–16. Doi:10.1016/j.susmat.2014.11.001.
- Tsang, C.F., Neretnieks, I. And Tsang, Y., ‘Hydrologic issues associated with nuclear waste repositories’, Water Resources Research, Pages 6923–6972, Volume 51, Issue 9, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017641.
Nükleer Enerji Santrali Atiklarinin Çevre Politikalari Açisindan İncelenmesi
Year 2016,
Volume: 3 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 30.09.2016
Elif Şahin
Mustafa Şahin
Yılmaz Güven
Yüksel Oğuz
Son yıllarda, ülkelerin hızla endüstrileşmesine paralel olarak artan atık çeşitliliği ve miktarı her geçen gün
daha da büyük bir sorun haline gelmektedir. Endüstriyel atıklar, evsel atıklar, madeni atıklar ve radyoaktif atıklar
gibi belli başlı atık türlerinden radyoaktif atıklar yüzyılın önemli atık problemleri arasında yerini almıştır.
Radyoaktif atıklar tıp, endüstri, araştırma gibi alanlardaki uygulamalar nedeniyle ortaya çıkan atık türleridir.
Gerek nükleer reaktörlerde gerekse tıbbi ve endüstriyel kullanımlar sonucunda nükleer madde kullanımı
radyoaktif atıkların oluşumuna sebep olmaktadır. Bu nedenle, çalışmada radyoaktif atık türleri başlığı adı
altında, nükleer santral atıkları incelenmiştir. Nükleer enerji santrallerinin çevresel etkileri araştırılmış ve bu
etkileri önlemeye ve azaltmaya yönelik tekniklere yer verilmiştir.
- Lester R. Brown, Environmental Policy, Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development, Vol:24, Issue 1, February 1982, pages 2-4. Published online: 8 Jul 2010
- Nuclear Reactors listed as World Nuclear Industry Status Report/IAEA-PRIS, MSC, 2015
- Miao, A. X., Zacharias, G. L. and Kao S. P., ‘A Computational Situation Assessment Model for Nuclear Power Plant Operations’, IEEE Transacions On Systems, Part A: Systems and Humans, Vol. 27, No. 6, November 1997
- Özdemir N. ve Çobanoğlu, E.O., (2008) ‘Prospective Teachers’ Attitudes Towards The Use of Nuclear Energy and The Constructionof Nuclear Plants in Turkey’ Hacettepe University Journal of Education 34: 218-232.
- Arvai, J. L., Campbell, V. E. A., Baird, A., ve Rivers, L. (2004). Teaching students to make better decisions about the enviroment: Lessons from the decision sciences. Journal of Enviromental Education, 36 (1), 33–44.
- Fitzsimmons, A. and Ramesh, K., (2013). ‘Statistical Review of World Energy 2013’, IER, Instıtute for Energy Research.
- Goldemberg, J and Johansson, T.B., ‘World Energy Assessment’, Overview 2004 Update, United Nations Development Programme, 2004.
- Energy Information Administration (EIA), Monthly Energy Review, May 2014, Table 7.2a, 2014.
- TEİAŞ, Türkiye Elektrik Enerjisi İstatistikleri, 2014
- Mustafa ŞAHİN, Yüksel OĞUZ, Ertuğrul KARATAY, and Yusuf KIRTILOĞLU, (2014). ‘‘Waste Disposal Methods in Thermal Power Plants to Prevent Enviromental Hazards’’, UKAY
- Koç, E., Şenel, M. C. (2013). “The State of Energy in World and Turkey-General Evaluation” Engineer and Machinery, Vol 54, no 639, p. 32-44.
- Nuclear Reactor Around The World,, Access date: 23.07.2015.
- Kumbur, H., Özer, Z., Özsoy, D.H. ve Avcı, E.D., (2005). ‘Comparing the Potential and Environmental Effects of Conventional and Renewable Energy Source in Turkey’, Symposium of Renewable Energy Resources.
- Prelas, M.A., Weaver, C.L., Watermann, M.L., Lukosi, E.D., Schott, R.J. and Wisniewski, D.A., ‘A review of nuclear batteries’, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Volume 75, August 2014, Pages 117–148
- Aba´nades, A., Pe´ rez-Navarro, A., 2007. Engineering design studies for the transmutation of nuclear wastes with a gas-cooled pebble-bed ADS. Nuclear Engineering and Design 237, 325–333
- Stanton, N., 1996. Simulators: a review of research and practices. In: Stanton, N. (Ed.), Human Factors in Nuclear Safety. Taylor & Francis Ltd., London, pp. 117–140.
- Küpeli, T., Demır; A., SAYGIN, H., KÜÇÜKŞAHİN,. A. (2006). ‘Problems of Nuclear Energy and Turkey within the Dimension of Security’, Journal of Security Strategies, issue: 03, pages: 720.
- Roy, B. and Bouyssou, D., ‘Comparison of two decision-aid models applied to a nuclear power plant siting example’, European Journal of Operational Research, Volume 25, Issue 2, May 1986, Pages 200-215
- Temurçin K., Aliağaoğlu A. (2003). ‘The Truth about Nuclear Energy in Turkey in the light of discussions“, Journal of Geographical Sciences, 1(2), 25-39
- Muradov, E., (2012). ‘Factors Affecting Nuclear Energy Policy of Germany’, Marmara University, Journal of the Institute of Social Sciences, Vol 10, no 38 (19)
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Nucleat Energy, Access date: 23.07.2015.
- Eral, M., Aslan, M.M.A., Akyıl, S., (1997). ‘Nuclear Energy and Environment’, Ege University, Institute of Nuclear Sciences, July-Agust-Sept., Issue: 24, İzmir.
- Ministry of Environment and Forestry General Directorate of State Hyraulic Works, (2011). ‘Environment and Clean Energy: Electricity’, Ankara – March.
- Marques, J. G., ‘Environmental characteristics of the current Generation III nuclear power plants’, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Energy and Environment, Pages 195–212, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2014. DOI: 10.1002/wene.81.
- Brook, B. W., Alonso, A., Meneley, D.A, Misak, J., Blees, T. and Erp, J.B. ‘Why nuclear energy is sustainable and has to be part of the energy mix’, Sustainable Materials and Technologies, Volumes 1–2, December 2014, Pages 8–16. Doi:10.1016/j.susmat.2014.11.001.
- Tsang, C.F., Neretnieks, I. And Tsang, Y., ‘Hydrologic issues associated with nuclear waste repositories’, Water Resources Research, Pages 6923–6972, Volume 51, Issue 9, 2015. DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017641.