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Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 27.05.2015


In this study, the determining the main spermatological properties of the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1814) by the changes in sperm quality were investigated during the spawning season. Twenty brook trout brood stock males were used during the spawning season. The sperm volume, spermatozoa motility, duration of spermatozoa movement, spermatozoa concentration, spermatokrit rate and semen pH in obtained were determined. It was observed that the production of sperm in trout begins in October and ends in March. The increasing in amount of sperm stared in October and the maximum level (8.10±0.86 ml) was recorded in December (p<0.05). During the spawning season, average motility ranged from 64.60±10.03% to 98.30±1.67%; motility duration varied from 38.30±4.26 to 60.70±4.70 s (p>0.05). The highest density of spermatozoa were obtained as 9,10±1,16x10 sp/ml in November, whereas the lowest in March as 2.42±1.30x109 sp/ml; the highest rate of spermatokrit was found as 23.71±2.26% in January and the lowest in March as 13.28±4.67% (p>0.05). The lowest pH value was observed as 6.87±0.03 in November and the highest value was obtained as 7.67±0.17 in March (p<0.05)


  • Polat, N., Uğurlu, S. ve Kandemir, Ş., Türkiye’nin endemik ve egzotik alabalıkları. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 4(1) (2011) 1-9.
  • Billard, R., Cosson, J., Perches, G. and Linhart, O., Biology of sperm and artificial reproduction in carp. Aquaculture, 129 (1995) 95-112.
  • Linhart, O., Rodina, M., Gela, D. and Kocour, M., Optimization of artificial propagation in European catfish, Silurus glanis L. Aquaculture, 235 (2004) 619–632.
  • Hatipoğlu, T., Abant alabalığında (Salmo trutta abanticus) bazı reprodüktif özelliklerin saptanması, spermanın kısa süreli saklanması ve döl verimi. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007, 75 s.
  • Hatipoğlu, T. ve Akçay, E., Fertilizing ability of short-term preserved spermatozoa Abant trout (Salmo trutta abanticus, T, 1954). Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 57 (2010) 33-38.
  • Bozkurt, Y., Secer, S., Bukan, N., Akçay, E. ve Tekin, N., Relationship between body condition, physiological and biochemical paramaters in brown torut (Salmo trutta fario) sperm. Pak. J. of Biol. Sci., 9(5) (2006) 940-944.
  • Bozkurt, Y., Öğretmen, F., Kökçü, Ö. ve Erçin, U., Relationship between seminal plasma composition and sperm quality parameters of the Salmo trutta magrostigma (Dumeril, 1858) semen: with emphasis on sperm motility. Czech.Anim.Sci., 56(8) (2011) 355-364.
  • Tekin, N., Secer, S., Akçay, E., Bozkurt, Y. ve Kayam, S., Effects of glycerol additions on post-thaw of frozen rainbow trout sperm, with an emphasis on interaction between extender and cryoprotectant. J.Appl.Ichthyol, 23 (2007) 60-63.
  • Şahin, T., Kurtoğlu, İ.Z. ve Köse, Ö., Gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss)’nın spermatolojik özellikleri ve spermanın kısa süreli muhafazası. Fırat Unv. Journal of Science, 25(1) (2013) 87-92.
  • Şahin, T., Kurtoğlu, İ.Z., Delihasan Sonay, F. ve Ak, K., Quantitative characteristics and short-term storage of Salmo coruhensis sperm. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, IJA_65 (2013) 828, 6 pages.
  • Novozhenin, N.P., Quality of the gonads of rainbow trout depending on the conditions of maintenance of spawning during winter period and their change through the spawning season. Sb. n.i. rabot vses. n.i. inta produov. rybn. khozva po prudovomu rybovodstvu, 4 (1970) 99-101.
  • Hochman, L. and Penaz, M., The volume of milt quality and quality of sperm in Coragenus peled (Gmelin,1978) from pond culture. Zool. Listy, 23(4) (1970) 387-390.
  • Babushkin, Y.P., Semen prodution by the rainbow trout males of different groups and age. Izv. Gos. n.i. inta ozern. İ. rechn. rybn. khozva, 97 (1974) 115-122.
  • Minenkova, G.M., On the semen quality of Lodago whitefish. Izv. Gos. n.i. inta ozern. İ. rechn. rybn. khozva, 92 (1974) 94-97.
  • Prokez, M. and Penez, M., Characteristics of male gondas in Chondrostoma nasus L. From the Oslava river. Zool. Listy, 23(2) (1974) 175-185.
  • Kazakov, R.V., Change in the quality of gonads of atlantic salmon males from the Neva population during spawning. Izv. Gos. n.i. inta ozern. İ. rechn. rybn. khozva., 129 (1978) 35-93
  • Billard, R., Reproduction in rainbow trout. Aquaculture, 100 (1992) 263-298.
  • Munkittrick, K.R. and Moccia, R.D., Seasonal changes in the quality of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) semen: effect of a delay in stripping on spermatocrit, motility, volume and seminal plasma contituents. Aquaculture, 64 (1978) 147-156.
  • Suquet, M.R., Billard, R., Cosson, J., Dorange ,G., Chauvaud, L., Mugnier, C. and Fauvel, C., Sperm features in turbot Scophthalmus maximus: A comparison with other freshwater and marine fish species. Aquat. Living Resour., 7 (1994) 283-294.
  • Rurangwa, E., Kime, D.E., Ollevier, F. and Nash, J.P., The measurement of sperm motility and factors affecting sperm quality in cultured fish. Aquaculture, 234 (2004) 1-28.
  • Dziewulska, K., Rzemieniecki, A. and Domagala, J., Basic physico-chemical parameters of milt from sea trout ( Salmo trutta m.trutta), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J. Appl. Ichthyol, 24 (2008) 497-502.
  • Ciereszko, A. and Dabrowski, K., Estimation of sperm concentration of rainbow trout, whitefish and yellow perch using a spectrophotometric technique. Aquaculture, 109 (1993) 367-373.
  • Tekin. N., Seçer, S., Akçay, E., Bozkurt, Y. ve Kayam, S., The efect of age on spermatological properties in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.1972). Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 27(1) (2003) 33-47.

Üreme Mevsimi Boyunca Kaynak Alabalığı (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1814) Sperma Kalitesindeki Değişimler

Year 2015, Volume: 2 Issue: 3, 0 - 0, 27.05.2015


Bu araştırmada kaynak alabalığının başlıca spermatolojik özellikleri belirlenerek, üreme mevsimi boyunca sperma kalitesinde meydana gelen değişimler araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada üreme sezonu boyunca 20 adet erkek damızlık kaynak alabalığı kullanılmıştır. Sperma miktarı, motilite oranı, motilite süresi, sperma yoğunluğu, spermatokrit oranı ve sperma pH’sı belirlenmiştir. Kaynak alabalıklarında sperma üretiminin ekim ayında başladığı ve mart ayında sona erdiği gözlenmiştir. Ekim ayından itibaren artmaya başlayan sperma miktarının aralık ayında 8,10±0,86 ml ile maksimum düzeye çıktığı saptanmıştır (p<0,05). Üreme mevsiminde ortalama motilite %64,60±10,03 ile %98,30±1,67, motilite süresi 38,30±4,26 s ile 60,70±4,70 s arasında belirlenmiştir (p>0,05). Spermatozoa yoğunluğu en yüksek kasım ayında 9,10±1,16x109 sp/ml, en düşük mart ayında 2,42±1,30x109 sp/ml, spermatokrit oranı en yüksek ocak ayında %23,71±2,26; en düşük mart ayında %13,28±4,67 olarak tespit edilmiştir (p>0,05). pH değeri en düşük 6,87±0,03 ile kasım ayında; en yüksek 7,67±0,17 ile mart ayında tespit edilmiştir (p<0,05).

Anahtar Kelimeler: Kaynak Alabalığı, Salvelinus fontinalis, Sperma, Sperma kalitesi, Üreme mevsimi.





Changes in Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1814) Sperm Quality Throughout the Reproductive Season


In this study, the determining the main spermatological properties of the brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1814) by the changes in sperm quality were investigated during the spawning season. Twenty brook trout brood stock males were used during the spawning season. The sperm volume, spermatozoa motility, duration of spermatozoa movement, spermatozoa concentration, spermatokrit rate and semen pH in obtained were determined. It was observed that the production of sperm in trout begins in October and ends in March. The increasing in amount of sperm stared in October and the maximum level (8.10±0.86 ml) was recorded in December (p<0.05). During the spawning season, average motility ranged from 64.60±10.03% to 98.30±1.67%; motility duration varied from 38.30±4.26 to 60.70±4.70 s (p>0.05). The highest density of spermatozoa were obtained as 9,10±1,16x109 sp/ml in November, whereas the lowest in March as 2.42±1.30x109 sp/ml; the highest rate of spermatokrit was found as 23.71±2.26% in January and the lowest in March as 13.28±4.67% (p>0.05). The lowest pH value was observed as 6.87±0.03 in November and the highest value was obtained as 7.67±0.17 in March (p<0.05).

Keywords: Brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, Sperm, Sperm quality, Spawning season.


  • Polat, N., Uğurlu, S. ve Kandemir, Ş., Türkiye’nin endemik ve egzotik alabalıkları. Türk Bilimsel Derlemeler Dergisi, 4(1) (2011) 1-9.
  • Billard, R., Cosson, J., Perches, G. and Linhart, O., Biology of sperm and artificial reproduction in carp. Aquaculture, 129 (1995) 95-112.
  • Linhart, O., Rodina, M., Gela, D. and Kocour, M., Optimization of artificial propagation in European catfish, Silurus glanis L. Aquaculture, 235 (2004) 619–632.
  • Hatipoğlu, T., Abant alabalığında (Salmo trutta abanticus) bazı reprodüktif özelliklerin saptanması, spermanın kısa süreli saklanması ve döl verimi. Doktora Tezi, Ankara Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007, 75 s.
  • Hatipoğlu, T. ve Akçay, E., Fertilizing ability of short-term preserved spermatozoa Abant trout (Salmo trutta abanticus, T, 1954). Ankara Üniv. Vet. Fak. Derg., 57 (2010) 33-38.
  • Bozkurt, Y., Secer, S., Bukan, N., Akçay, E. ve Tekin, N., Relationship between body condition, physiological and biochemical paramaters in brown torut (Salmo trutta fario) sperm. Pak. J. of Biol. Sci., 9(5) (2006) 940-944.
  • Bozkurt, Y., Öğretmen, F., Kökçü, Ö. ve Erçin, U., Relationship between seminal plasma composition and sperm quality parameters of the Salmo trutta magrostigma (Dumeril, 1858) semen: with emphasis on sperm motility. Czech.Anim.Sci., 56(8) (2011) 355-364.
  • Tekin, N., Secer, S., Akçay, E., Bozkurt, Y. ve Kayam, S., Effects of glycerol additions on post-thaw of frozen rainbow trout sperm, with an emphasis on interaction between extender and cryoprotectant. J.Appl.Ichthyol, 23 (2007) 60-63.
  • Şahin, T., Kurtoğlu, İ.Z. ve Köse, Ö., Gökkuşağı alabalığı (Oncorhynchus mykiss)’nın spermatolojik özellikleri ve spermanın kısa süreli muhafazası. Fırat Unv. Journal of Science, 25(1) (2013) 87-92.
  • Şahin, T., Kurtoğlu, İ.Z., Delihasan Sonay, F. ve Ak, K., Quantitative characteristics and short-term storage of Salmo coruhensis sperm. The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh, IJA_65 (2013) 828, 6 pages.
  • Novozhenin, N.P., Quality of the gonads of rainbow trout depending on the conditions of maintenance of spawning during winter period and their change through the spawning season. Sb. n.i. rabot vses. n.i. inta produov. rybn. khozva po prudovomu rybovodstvu, 4 (1970) 99-101.
  • Hochman, L. and Penaz, M., The volume of milt quality and quality of sperm in Coragenus peled (Gmelin,1978) from pond culture. Zool. Listy, 23(4) (1970) 387-390.
  • Babushkin, Y.P., Semen prodution by the rainbow trout males of different groups and age. Izv. Gos. n.i. inta ozern. İ. rechn. rybn. khozva, 97 (1974) 115-122.
  • Minenkova, G.M., On the semen quality of Lodago whitefish. Izv. Gos. n.i. inta ozern. İ. rechn. rybn. khozva, 92 (1974) 94-97.
  • Prokez, M. and Penez, M., Characteristics of male gondas in Chondrostoma nasus L. From the Oslava river. Zool. Listy, 23(2) (1974) 175-185.
  • Kazakov, R.V., Change in the quality of gonads of atlantic salmon males from the Neva population during spawning. Izv. Gos. n.i. inta ozern. İ. rechn. rybn. khozva., 129 (1978) 35-93
  • Billard, R., Reproduction in rainbow trout. Aquaculture, 100 (1992) 263-298.
  • Munkittrick, K.R. and Moccia, R.D., Seasonal changes in the quality of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) semen: effect of a delay in stripping on spermatocrit, motility, volume and seminal plasma contituents. Aquaculture, 64 (1978) 147-156.
  • Suquet, M.R., Billard, R., Cosson, J., Dorange ,G., Chauvaud, L., Mugnier, C. and Fauvel, C., Sperm features in turbot Scophthalmus maximus: A comparison with other freshwater and marine fish species. Aquat. Living Resour., 7 (1994) 283-294.
  • Rurangwa, E., Kime, D.E., Ollevier, F. and Nash, J.P., The measurement of sperm motility and factors affecting sperm quality in cultured fish. Aquaculture, 234 (2004) 1-28.
  • Dziewulska, K., Rzemieniecki, A. and Domagala, J., Basic physico-chemical parameters of milt from sea trout ( Salmo trutta m.trutta), brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). J. Appl. Ichthyol, 24 (2008) 497-502.
  • Ciereszko, A. and Dabrowski, K., Estimation of sperm concentration of rainbow trout, whitefish and yellow perch using a spectrophotometric technique. Aquaculture, 109 (1993) 367-373.
  • Tekin. N., Seçer, S., Akçay, E., Bozkurt, Y. ve Kayam, S., The efect of age on spermatological properties in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss W.1972). Turk J Vet Anim Sci, 27(1) (2003) 33-47.
There are 23 citations in total.


Primary Language Turkish
Journal Section Makaleler

Temel Şahin This is me

Publication Date May 27, 2015
Submission Date May 27, 2015
Published in Issue Year 2015 Volume: 2 Issue: 3


IEEE T. Şahin, “Üreme Mevsimi Boyunca Kaynak Alabalığı (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchill, 1814) Sperma Kalitesindeki Değişimler”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 2, no. 3, 2015, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.67129.
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