Research Article
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Effect of Conventional and Microwave Heating on Organic Sulphur Desulfurization from Coal by Electron Transfer Process

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 983 - 993, 30.09.2020


A novel experiment was carried out for the removal of organic sulphur by electron transfer process. In these experiments, the effect of conventional and microwave heating were investigated on desulfurization of organic sulphur. The aim of the study was formed soluble metal-organic sulfur bonds using Pd+2, Sn2+ and Sb3+ metal ions of variable valence state. In this way, it was tried to create a mechanism that cleavage the C-S bonds. Desulfurization is occur by breaking the aliphatic sulfur bonds of metal ions with high negative oxidation potential. As a result of the studies, the 24.30% of total sulfur was removed with Pd2+ ion. In microwave heating, it was determined that higher organic sulfur was removed in less leaching times.


  • Borah, D., Baruah, M.K., “Electron Transfer Process Part 1. Removal of Organic Sulphur from High Sulphur Indian Coal”, Fuel, 1999, 78: 1083-1088.
  • J. Chakrabarti, “Analytical procedures for sulfur in coal desulfurization products C.J. Karr (Eds) Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products”, Academic Press, 1978, New York 279–323.
  • Leonard, J.W., “Coal Preparation”, The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Petroleum Engineers, 1979. Wills, B.A., “Mineral Processing Technology”, Pregamon Press, Oxford, 1988, 456p.
  • Göktepe, F., “Kömür Flotasyonunda Bakteri İlavesinin Piritik Kükürt Uzaklaştırmasına Etkisi”, Türkiye 13. Kömür Kongresi, Zonguldak, 125-132, 2002.
  • Qi, Y., Li, W., Chen, H., Li, B., “Desulfurization of Coal Through Pyrolysis in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor under Nitrogen and 0.6% O2-N2 Atmosphere”, Fuel, 2004, 83: 705-712.
  • Palmer, SR., Hippo, EJ., Dorai, XA., “Selective oxidation pretreatment for enhanced desulfurization of coal”, Fuel, 1995, 74(2): 193-200.
  • Zhao, J.L., Zhang, Y.Y., Chen, Q., Fu, Q., “Study on Removal of Organic Sulfur from Coal by Glacial Acetic Acid–Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation Process”. Environ Prot Chem Ind., 2002, 22(5): 249-253.
  • Levent, M., Kaya, Ö., Kocakerim, M., Yiğit, V., Küçük, Ö., “Optimization of Desulphurization of Artvin-Yusufeli Lignite with Acidic Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions”, Fuel, 2007, 86: 983-992.
  • Gürü, M., Sarıöz, B.V., Çakanyıldırım, Ç., “Oxidative Desulfurization of Tufanbeyli Coal by Hydrogen Peroxide Solution”, Energy Sources Part A, 2008, 30:981-987.
  • Van Aelst, J., Rodriguez, R.A., Yperman, J., Jul, C.C., Franco, D.V., Mullens, J., and Van Poucke, L.C., “A.p.-t.p.r. Investigation of the Effect of Nitric Acid Leaching on the Sulphur Distribution in Coal”, Fuel, 2000, 79: 537-544.
  • Karaca, S., Akyürek, M.., Bayrakçeken, S., “The Removal of Pyritic Sulfur from Askale Lignite in Aqueous Suspention by Nitric Acid”. Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 80: 1-8.
  • Alvarez, R., Clemente, C., Limon, D.G., “The İnfluence of Nitric Acid Oxidation of Low Rank Coal And Its Impact on Coal Structure”. Fuel, 2003, 82: 2007-2015.
  • Pietrzak, R., Wachowska, H., “The Influence of Oxidation with HNO3 on the Surface Composition of High-Sulphur Coald: XPS Study”. Fuel Processing Technology, 2006, 87: 1021-1029.
  • Gürü, M., “Oxidative Desulfurization of Askale Coal by Nitric Acid Solution”. Energy Sources Part A, 2007, 29:463-469.
  • Alam, H.,G., Moghaddam, A.,Z, Omidkhah, M.,R., “The İnfluence of Process Parameters on Desulfuruzation of Mezino Caol by HNO3/HCl Leaching”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 90: 1-7.
  • Rodriguez, R.A., Clemente, C., “Effect of Nitric Acid Attack on the Organic Sulphur Content of Coals”, Coal Science, 1995, 1717-1720.
  • Sonmez O., Giray E.S., “ The influence of process parameters on desulfurization of two Turkis lignites by selective oxidation”, Fuel Process Technology, 2001;70: 159–69.
  • Gürü, M., Tüzün, F.N., Murathan, A.S., Asan, A., Kıyak, T., “Oxidative Desulfurization of Çayırhan Lignites by Permanganate Solution”, Energy Sources Part A, 2008, 30:1508-1515.
  • Lee, S., Kesavan, S.K., Ghosh, A., Fullerton, K.L., “Selective Precombustion Desulphurization of Ohio Coals Using Supercritical Fluids”, Fuel, 1989, 68:1210-1213.
  • Meffe, S., Perkson, A., Trass, O., “Coal Beneficiation and Organic Sulfur Removal”, Fuel, 1996, 75:25-30.
  • Mukherjee, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Demineralization of Subbitumious High Sulphur Coal Using Mineral Acids” Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 85:157-164.
  • Elsamak, G., G., Öztas, N., A., Yürüm, Y., “Chemical Desulfurization of Turkish Çayırhan lignite with HI Using Microwave and Thermal Energy”, Fuel, 2003, 82: 531-537.
  • Li, W., Guo, S., “Supercritical Desulphurization of High Rank Coal with Alchol/Water and Alchol/KOH”, Fuel Processing Technology, 1996, 46:143-155.
  • Lolja, S.A., “A Model for Alkaline Removal of Sulfur from a Low-Rank Coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 1999, 60: 185-194.
  • Sugawara, K., Abe, K., Sugawara, T., “Organic Sulfur Removal from Coal by Rapid Pyrolysis with Alkali Leaching and Density Separation”, Coal Science, 1995, 1709-1712.
  • Ratanakandilok, S., Ngamprasertsith, S., Prasassarakick, P., “Coal Desulphurization with Methanol/Water and Methanol/KOH”, Fuel, 2001, 80: 1937-1942.
  • Charutawai, K., Ngamprasertsith, S., Prasassarakich, P., “Supercritical Desulphurization of Low Rank Coal with Ethanol/KOH”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 84:207-216.
  • Mukherjee, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Effect Of Leaching High Sulphur Subbituminous Coal by Potassium Hydroxide and Acid on Removal of Mineral Matter and Sulphur”, Fuel, 2003, 82:783-788.
  • Mukherjee, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Effect of Alkali Treatment on Ash and Sulphur Removal from Assm Coal”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 85:93-101.
  • Mukherjee, S., Mahjuddin, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Demineralization and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Soal with Hydrogen Peroxide”, Energy&Fuels, 2001, 15:1418-1424.
  • Lui, K., Yang, J., Jia, J., Wang, Y., “Desulfurization of Coal Via Low Temperature Atmospheric Alkaline Oxidation”, Chemosphere, 2008, 71:183-188
  • Demirbaş, A., “Desulfurization of Organic Sulfur From Lignite by An Eletron Transfer Process. Energy Sources Part A”, 2006, 28:1295-1301.
  • Borah, D., Baruah, M.K., “Electron Transfer Process Part 2. Desulphurization of Organic Sulphur From Feed and Mercury-Treated Coals Oxidized in Air at 50, 100 and 150 °C”, Fuel, 2000, 79: 1785-1796.
  • Borah, D., Baruah, M.K., Haque, I., “Oxidation of High Sulphur Coal. Part 1. Desulphurization and Evidance of the Formation of Oxidised Organic Sulphur Species”, Fuel, 2001, 80:501-507.
  • Borah, D, Mrinal K, Baruahb T, Haquea I., “Oxidation of high sulphur coal. 3. Desulphurisation of organic sulphur by peroxyacetic acid (produced in situ) in presence of metal ions”, Fuel Process Technology, 2005, 86:959–76
  • Jorjani, E., Rezai, B., Vossouhgi, M., and Osanloo, M., “Desulfurization of Tabas Coal with Microwave Irridation/Peroxyacetic Acid Washing at 25, 55 and 85 oC”, Fuel, 2004, 83: 943-949.
  • Zhao, H., Li, Y., Qu, Y., Duan, Z., Zhang J., and Liu J., “Experimental Study on Microwave Desulfurization of Coal”, International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy& Environment, 2011, 1706-1710.
  • International Standard, ISO 334. Solid mineral fuels – determination of total sulfur-Eschka method; 1992. p. 1–5.
  • International Standard, ISO157. Coal – DEtermination of forms of sulfur; 1992. p. 1–15.

Elektron Transfer Yöntemiyle Kömürden Organik Sülfürün Desülfürizasyonuna Klasik ve Mikrodalga Isıtmanın Etkisi

Year 2020, Volume: 7 Issue: 3, 983 - 993, 30.09.2020


Bu Çalışmada, organik kükürdün elektron transfer işlemi ile uzaklaştırılması araştırılmıştır. Deneylerde, organik kükürdün uzaklaştırılmasında klasik ve mikrodalga ısıtma teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada farklı değerlikli Pb, Sn ve Sb metal iyonları kullanılarak çözünebilir metal-organik kükürt bağlarının oluşturulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu sayede, C-S bağlarını parçalayan bir mekanizma oluşturulmaya çalışılmıştır. Böylece, yüksek negatif oksidasyon potansiyeline sahip metal iyonlarının alifatik sülfür bağlarının kırılmasıyla kükürt uzaklaştırma sağlanabilmiştir. Çalışmaların sonucunda toplam sülfürün %24.30'u Pd2+ iyonu ile uzaklaştırılmıştır. Ayrıca, mikrodalga ısıtmada, daha kısa zamanda daha yüksek organik sülfürün uzaklaştırıldığı belirlenmiştir.


  • Borah, D., Baruah, M.K., “Electron Transfer Process Part 1. Removal of Organic Sulphur from High Sulphur Indian Coal”, Fuel, 1999, 78: 1083-1088.
  • J. Chakrabarti, “Analytical procedures for sulfur in coal desulfurization products C.J. Karr (Eds) Analytical Methods for Coal and Coal Products”, Academic Press, 1978, New York 279–323.
  • Leonard, J.W., “Coal Preparation”, The American Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and Petroleum Engineers, 1979. Wills, B.A., “Mineral Processing Technology”, Pregamon Press, Oxford, 1988, 456p.
  • Göktepe, F., “Kömür Flotasyonunda Bakteri İlavesinin Piritik Kükürt Uzaklaştırmasına Etkisi”, Türkiye 13. Kömür Kongresi, Zonguldak, 125-132, 2002.
  • Qi, Y., Li, W., Chen, H., Li, B., “Desulfurization of Coal Through Pyrolysis in a Fluidized-Bed Reactor under Nitrogen and 0.6% O2-N2 Atmosphere”, Fuel, 2004, 83: 705-712.
  • Palmer, SR., Hippo, EJ., Dorai, XA., “Selective oxidation pretreatment for enhanced desulfurization of coal”, Fuel, 1995, 74(2): 193-200.
  • Zhao, J.L., Zhang, Y.Y., Chen, Q., Fu, Q., “Study on Removal of Organic Sulfur from Coal by Glacial Acetic Acid–Hydrogen Peroxide Oxidation Process”. Environ Prot Chem Ind., 2002, 22(5): 249-253.
  • Levent, M., Kaya, Ö., Kocakerim, M., Yiğit, V., Küçük, Ö., “Optimization of Desulphurization of Artvin-Yusufeli Lignite with Acidic Hydrogen Peroxide Solutions”, Fuel, 2007, 86: 983-992.
  • Gürü, M., Sarıöz, B.V., Çakanyıldırım, Ç., “Oxidative Desulfurization of Tufanbeyli Coal by Hydrogen Peroxide Solution”, Energy Sources Part A, 2008, 30:981-987.
  • Van Aelst, J., Rodriguez, R.A., Yperman, J., Jul, C.C., Franco, D.V., Mullens, J., and Van Poucke, L.C., “A.p.-t.p.r. Investigation of the Effect of Nitric Acid Leaching on the Sulphur Distribution in Coal”, Fuel, 2000, 79: 537-544.
  • Karaca, S., Akyürek, M.., Bayrakçeken, S., “The Removal of Pyritic Sulfur from Askale Lignite in Aqueous Suspention by Nitric Acid”. Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 80: 1-8.
  • Alvarez, R., Clemente, C., Limon, D.G., “The İnfluence of Nitric Acid Oxidation of Low Rank Coal And Its Impact on Coal Structure”. Fuel, 2003, 82: 2007-2015.
  • Pietrzak, R., Wachowska, H., “The Influence of Oxidation with HNO3 on the Surface Composition of High-Sulphur Coald: XPS Study”. Fuel Processing Technology, 2006, 87: 1021-1029.
  • Gürü, M., “Oxidative Desulfurization of Askale Coal by Nitric Acid Solution”. Energy Sources Part A, 2007, 29:463-469.
  • Alam, H.,G., Moghaddam, A.,Z, Omidkhah, M.,R., “The İnfluence of Process Parameters on Desulfuruzation of Mezino Caol by HNO3/HCl Leaching”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2008, 90: 1-7.
  • Rodriguez, R.A., Clemente, C., “Effect of Nitric Acid Attack on the Organic Sulphur Content of Coals”, Coal Science, 1995, 1717-1720.
  • Sonmez O., Giray E.S., “ The influence of process parameters on desulfurization of two Turkis lignites by selective oxidation”, Fuel Process Technology, 2001;70: 159–69.
  • Gürü, M., Tüzün, F.N., Murathan, A.S., Asan, A., Kıyak, T., “Oxidative Desulfurization of Çayırhan Lignites by Permanganate Solution”, Energy Sources Part A, 2008, 30:1508-1515.
  • Lee, S., Kesavan, S.K., Ghosh, A., Fullerton, K.L., “Selective Precombustion Desulphurization of Ohio Coals Using Supercritical Fluids”, Fuel, 1989, 68:1210-1213.
  • Meffe, S., Perkson, A., Trass, O., “Coal Beneficiation and Organic Sulfur Removal”, Fuel, 1996, 75:25-30.
  • Mukherjee, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Demineralization of Subbitumious High Sulphur Coal Using Mineral Acids” Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 85:157-164.
  • Elsamak, G., G., Öztas, N., A., Yürüm, Y., “Chemical Desulfurization of Turkish Çayırhan lignite with HI Using Microwave and Thermal Energy”, Fuel, 2003, 82: 531-537.
  • Li, W., Guo, S., “Supercritical Desulphurization of High Rank Coal with Alchol/Water and Alchol/KOH”, Fuel Processing Technology, 1996, 46:143-155.
  • Lolja, S.A., “A Model for Alkaline Removal of Sulfur from a Low-Rank Coal. Fuel Processing Technology, 1999, 60: 185-194.
  • Sugawara, K., Abe, K., Sugawara, T., “Organic Sulfur Removal from Coal by Rapid Pyrolysis with Alkali Leaching and Density Separation”, Coal Science, 1995, 1709-1712.
  • Ratanakandilok, S., Ngamprasertsith, S., Prasassarakick, P., “Coal Desulphurization with Methanol/Water and Methanol/KOH”, Fuel, 2001, 80: 1937-1942.
  • Charutawai, K., Ngamprasertsith, S., Prasassarakich, P., “Supercritical Desulphurization of Low Rank Coal with Ethanol/KOH”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 84:207-216.
  • Mukherjee, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Effect Of Leaching High Sulphur Subbituminous Coal by Potassium Hydroxide and Acid on Removal of Mineral Matter and Sulphur”, Fuel, 2003, 82:783-788.
  • Mukherjee, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Effect of Alkali Treatment on Ash and Sulphur Removal from Assm Coal”, Fuel Processing Technology, 2003, 85:93-101.
  • Mukherjee, S., Mahjuddin, S., Borthakur, P.C., “Demineralization and Desulfurization of Subbituminous Soal with Hydrogen Peroxide”, Energy&Fuels, 2001, 15:1418-1424.
  • Lui, K., Yang, J., Jia, J., Wang, Y., “Desulfurization of Coal Via Low Temperature Atmospheric Alkaline Oxidation”, Chemosphere, 2008, 71:183-188
  • Demirbaş, A., “Desulfurization of Organic Sulfur From Lignite by An Eletron Transfer Process. Energy Sources Part A”, 2006, 28:1295-1301.
  • Borah, D., Baruah, M.K., “Electron Transfer Process Part 2. Desulphurization of Organic Sulphur From Feed and Mercury-Treated Coals Oxidized in Air at 50, 100 and 150 °C”, Fuel, 2000, 79: 1785-1796.
  • Borah, D., Baruah, M.K., Haque, I., “Oxidation of High Sulphur Coal. Part 1. Desulphurization and Evidance of the Formation of Oxidised Organic Sulphur Species”, Fuel, 2001, 80:501-507.
  • Borah, D, Mrinal K, Baruahb T, Haquea I., “Oxidation of high sulphur coal. 3. Desulphurisation of organic sulphur by peroxyacetic acid (produced in situ) in presence of metal ions”, Fuel Process Technology, 2005, 86:959–76
  • Jorjani, E., Rezai, B., Vossouhgi, M., and Osanloo, M., “Desulfurization of Tabas Coal with Microwave Irridation/Peroxyacetic Acid Washing at 25, 55 and 85 oC”, Fuel, 2004, 83: 943-949.
  • Zhao, H., Li, Y., Qu, Y., Duan, Z., Zhang J., and Liu J., “Experimental Study on Microwave Desulfurization of Coal”, International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy& Environment, 2011, 1706-1710.
  • International Standard, ISO 334. Solid mineral fuels – determination of total sulfur-Eschka method; 1992. p. 1–5.
  • International Standard, ISO157. Coal – DEtermination of forms of sulfur; 1992. p. 1–15.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Selçuk Özgen 0000-0002-2078-5349

Oktay Bayat

Publication Date September 30, 2020
Submission Date March 25, 2020
Acceptance Date June 12, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 7 Issue: 3


IEEE S. Özgen and O. Bayat, “Effect of Conventional and Microwave Heating on Organic Sulphur Desulfurization from Coal by Electron Transfer Process”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 983–993, 2020, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.708904.
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