Research Article
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Yağ Çalışma Sıcaklığının Dişli Yüzey Hasarları Üzerine Etkisi

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 495 - 503, 31.01.2021


Bu çalışmada test dişlilerinin malzemesi, devir sayısı, yağlama yağı ve uygulanan yük sabit tutulmuş olup yağ çalışma sıcaklıkları değiştirilerek yüzey yorulma hasarları incelenmiştir. Deneysel çalışmalarda dişli numunelerinin deney öncesi ve sonrası ağırlıkları tespit edilmiş, yüzey pürüzlülükleri ölçülmüş, dişli yüzeylerinde mikrograf incelemeleri yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak sıcaklığın artması ile doğru orantılı olarak yüzey pürüzlülüğünün ve aşınmanın da arttığı tespit edilmiştir.

Project Number



  • [1] Başaran, B., “Helisel dişli çarklarda pitting oluşumunun deneysel incelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001, Ankara.
  • [2] Shen,Z., Qiao B., Yang L., Luo W., Yang Z, Chen X., “Fault mechanism and dynamic modeling of planetary gear with gear wear”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 155,104098
  • [3] Flodin, S. AnderssonSimulation of mild wear in helical gears Wear, 2000, 241, 123-128
  • [4] Bajpai P., Kahraman A., Anderson N.E., “A surface wear prediction methodology for parallel-axis gear pairs” J. Tribol.-Trans. ASME, 2004, 126, 597-605
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  • [6] Osman T., Velex P., Static and dynamic simulations of mild abrasive wear in wide-faced solid spur and helical gears”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2010, 45, 911-924
  • [7] Tunalioglu M.S., Tuc B., “Theoretical and experimental investigation of wear in internal gears”, Wear, 2014, 309, pp. 208-215
  • [8] Masjedi M., Khonsari M. M., “On the prediction of steady-state wear rate in spur gears”, Wear, 2015, 342, 234-243
  • [9] Brandao J. A., Cerqueira P., Seabra J. H. O., Castro M. J. D., “Measurement of mean wear coefficient during gear tests under various operating conditions”, Tribology Int., 2016, 102, 61-69
  • [10] Wojnarowski J., Onishchenko V., “Tooth wear effects on spur gear”, Dynamics Mech. Mach. Theory”, 2003, 38,161-178
  • [11] Lundvall O., Klarbring A., “Prediction of transmission error in spur gears as a consequence of wear”, Mechanics of structures and machines, 2001, 29, 431-449
  • [12] Atanasiu V., Oprişan C., Leohchi D., “The effect of tooth wear on the dynamic transmission error of helical gears with smaller number of pinion teeth”, Trans Tech Publ, 2014, 649-653
  • [13] Choy F.K., Polyshchuk V., Zakrajsek J.J., Handschuh R.F., Townsend D.P., “Analysis of the effects of surface pitting and wear on the vibration of a gear transmission system” Tribol. Int., 1996, 29, 77-83
  • [14] Liu X.Z., Yang Y.H., Zhang J., “Investigation on coupling effects between surface wear and dynamics in a spur gear system” Tribol. Int., 2016, 101, 383-394
  • [15] Brethee K. F., Zhen D., Gu F., Ball A.D., “Helical gear wear monitoring: modelling and experimental validation”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2017, 117, 210-229
  • [16] Shen Z., Qiao B., Yang L., Luo W., Chen X., “Evaluating the influence of tooth surface wear on TVMS of planetary gear set”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2019, 136, 206-223
  • [17] Ding H., Kahraman A., “Interactions between nonlinear spur gear dynamics and surface wear”, J. Sound Vibr., 2007, 307, 662-679
  • [18] Amarnath M., Chandramohan S., Seetharaman S., “Experimental investigations of surface wear assessment of spur gear teeth”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2012, 18, 1009-1024
  • [19] Wu S., Zhang H., Wang X., Peng Z., Yang K., Zhu W., “Influence of the backlash generated by tooth accumulated wear on dynamic behavior of compound planetary gear set”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 231, 2025-2041
  • [20] Padgornik, B., Vizintin, J., “Wear resistance of plasma and pulse plasma nitrided gears”, Gear Tecnology, 2003, 33–37
  • [21] Yavuz, I., Kizilaslan, K., Mutlu, I., “Effect of oil viscosity on the gear surface fatigue damages”, Journal of The Balkan Trıbologıcal Association, 2014, 20, 615-624 ‏
  • [22] Dempsey, P.J., Gear Damage Detection Using Oil Debris Analysis, 2001, Nasa/TM- 210936
  • [23] Meshari A.A., Zahrani E.A., Diab M., “Failure analysis of cooling fan gearbox”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2012, 20, 166–172
  • [24] Fontanari V., Benedetti M., Straffelini G., Girardi C., Giordanino L., “Tribologıcal behaviour of the bronze-steel pair for worm gearing”, Wear, 2013, 300, 1-2, 1520-1527
  • [25] Hani, İ., “Madeni yağlar ve petrol ofisi ürünleri”, Petrol ofisi A.Ş. Madeni Yağ Direktörlüğü, 2002, İstanbul.

Effect of the Operating Temperature of Oil on Gear Teeth Surface Damages

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 1, 495 - 503, 31.01.2021


This study investigates surface fatigue damages by keeping fixed the material of test gear teeth, rotation speed, lubricating oil, and the applied load, and changing the operating temperatures of oil. In experimental studies, pre- and post-test weights of gear teeth samples were established, surface roughnesses were measured, and micrograph examinations were carried out on teeth surface. As a result, surface roughness and wear were established to increase in proportion to the rise in temperature of oil.

Supporting Institution

Afyon Kocatepe University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit

Project Number



The Authors are grateful to Afyon Kocatepe University Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit (051.TEF.07) for financial support to this study


  • [1] Başaran, B., “Helisel dişli çarklarda pitting oluşumunun deneysel incelenmesi”, Yüksek Lisans Tezi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2001, Ankara.
  • [2] Shen,Z., Qiao B., Yang L., Luo W., Yang Z, Chen X., “Fault mechanism and dynamic modeling of planetary gear with gear wear”, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 155,104098
  • [3] Flodin, S. AnderssonSimulation of mild wear in helical gears Wear, 2000, 241, 123-128
  • [4] Bajpai P., Kahraman A., Anderson N.E., “A surface wear prediction methodology for parallel-axis gear pairs” J. Tribol.-Trans. ASME, 2004, 126, 597-605
  • [5] Akbarzadeh S., Khonsari M. M., “Prediction of Steady State Adhesive Wear in Spur Gears Using the EHL Load Sharing Concept”, J. Tribol.-Trans. ASME, 2009, 131, 5
  • [6] Osman T., Velex P., Static and dynamic simulations of mild abrasive wear in wide-faced solid spur and helical gears”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2010, 45, 911-924
  • [7] Tunalioglu M.S., Tuc B., “Theoretical and experimental investigation of wear in internal gears”, Wear, 2014, 309, pp. 208-215
  • [8] Masjedi M., Khonsari M. M., “On the prediction of steady-state wear rate in spur gears”, Wear, 2015, 342, 234-243
  • [9] Brandao J. A., Cerqueira P., Seabra J. H. O., Castro M. J. D., “Measurement of mean wear coefficient during gear tests under various operating conditions”, Tribology Int., 2016, 102, 61-69
  • [10] Wojnarowski J., Onishchenko V., “Tooth wear effects on spur gear”, Dynamics Mech. Mach. Theory”, 2003, 38,161-178
  • [11] Lundvall O., Klarbring A., “Prediction of transmission error in spur gears as a consequence of wear”, Mechanics of structures and machines, 2001, 29, 431-449
  • [12] Atanasiu V., Oprişan C., Leohchi D., “The effect of tooth wear on the dynamic transmission error of helical gears with smaller number of pinion teeth”, Trans Tech Publ, 2014, 649-653
  • [13] Choy F.K., Polyshchuk V., Zakrajsek J.J., Handschuh R.F., Townsend D.P., “Analysis of the effects of surface pitting and wear on the vibration of a gear transmission system” Tribol. Int., 1996, 29, 77-83
  • [14] Liu X.Z., Yang Y.H., Zhang J., “Investigation on coupling effects between surface wear and dynamics in a spur gear system” Tribol. Int., 2016, 101, 383-394
  • [15] Brethee K. F., Zhen D., Gu F., Ball A.D., “Helical gear wear monitoring: modelling and experimental validation”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2017, 117, 210-229
  • [16] Shen Z., Qiao B., Yang L., Luo W., Chen X., “Evaluating the influence of tooth surface wear on TVMS of planetary gear set”, Mech. Mach. Theory, 2019, 136, 206-223
  • [17] Ding H., Kahraman A., “Interactions between nonlinear spur gear dynamics and surface wear”, J. Sound Vibr., 2007, 307, 662-679
  • [18] Amarnath M., Chandramohan S., Seetharaman S., “Experimental investigations of surface wear assessment of spur gear teeth”, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2012, 18, 1009-1024
  • [19] Wu S., Zhang H., Wang X., Peng Z., Yang K., Zhu W., “Influence of the backlash generated by tooth accumulated wear on dynamic behavior of compound planetary gear set”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 231, 2025-2041
  • [20] Padgornik, B., Vizintin, J., “Wear resistance of plasma and pulse plasma nitrided gears”, Gear Tecnology, 2003, 33–37
  • [21] Yavuz, I., Kizilaslan, K., Mutlu, I., “Effect of oil viscosity on the gear surface fatigue damages”, Journal of The Balkan Trıbologıcal Association, 2014, 20, 615-624 ‏
  • [22] Dempsey, P.J., Gear Damage Detection Using Oil Debris Analysis, 2001, Nasa/TM- 210936
  • [23] Meshari A.A., Zahrani E.A., Diab M., “Failure analysis of cooling fan gearbox”, Engineering Failure Analysis, 2012, 20, 166–172
  • [24] Fontanari V., Benedetti M., Straffelini G., Girardi C., Giordanino L., “Tribologıcal behaviour of the bronze-steel pair for worm gearing”, Wear, 2013, 300, 1-2, 1520-1527
  • [25] Hani, İ., “Madeni yağlar ve petrol ofisi ürünleri”, Petrol ofisi A.Ş. Madeni Yağ Direktörlüğü, 2002, İstanbul.
There are 25 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

İbrahim Yavuz 0000-0002-4480-2342

İbrahim Mutlu 0000-0001-5563-1000

Ahmet Çetkin 0000-0003-4592-5632

Bahadır İşel This is me 0000-0003-2667-4823

Project Number 051.TEF.07
Publication Date January 31, 2021
Submission Date November 19, 2020
Acceptance Date January 21, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 1


IEEE İ. Yavuz, İ. Mutlu, A. Çetkin, and B. İşel, “Effect of the Operating Temperature of Oil on Gear Teeth Surface Damages”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 495–503, 2021, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.828444.
Creative Commons License El-Cezeri is licensed to the public under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.