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Yer Robotlarıyla Yapılan Uzaktan Siber Saldırılara İlişkin Bir İnceleme

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 1286 - 1308, 30.09.2021


Sağlık hizmetleri, hastaların verilerini daha verimli bir şekilde yönetmek için karmaşık sistemler oluşturan çeşitli bilgi işlem cihazları içerirler. Sınırlı işlem gücüne sahip olan, bir iletişim ağına bağlı bilgi işlem cihazları, Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT) gibi, giyilebilir vücut alanı ağlarının (WBAN) ortaya çıkmasıyla daha yararlı bir hale geldi. Bu cihazlar, hassas sağlık verilerini hastaneler, araştırma kurumları ve sigorta şirketleri gibi ilgili kuruluşlarla paylaşmak için diğer tıbbi cihazlara bağlanır. Sağlık verileri çok hassas olduğundan, bu veriler yetkili kuruluşlar tarafından her zaman erişilebilir olmalı ve diğer kuruluşlar tarafından kullanılamaz olmalıdır. Bununla beraber, COVID-19 salgını sağlık verilerine ek bir değer katmıştır ve bu durum, farklı araçlarla e-sağlık sistemlerine yapılan siber saldırıların sayısını önemli ölçüde artırmıştır. Bu yazıda, e-sağlık sistemlerine yönelik siber saldırlar incelenmiştir. Özellikle IoT tabanlı giyilebilir sağlık cihazlarına yönelik saldırılara odaklanılmıştır. Makalede, potansiyel saldırı yüzeyini göstermek için giyilebilir sağlık cihazlarının mimarisi de işlenmiştir. Makalenin ana katkılarından biri, insansız kara robotları ile giyilebilir e-sağlık cihazlarına yönelik potansiyel siber saldırıları göstermektir. Taktiksel bir kara robotu, e-sağlık sistemlerine çeşitli siber saldırılar gerçekleştirmek için kullanılabilen taşınabilir bir cihazdır. Ayrıca makale, bu kara robotları ile yapılan saldırıların analizlerini de içermektedir.


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A Survey on Security Attacks with Remote Ground Robots

Year 2021, Volume: 8 Issue: 3, 1286 - 1308, 30.09.2021


Contemporary healthcare systems contain diverse computing devices that construct very complex systems to manage patients’ data more efficiently. Connected computing devices, such as the Internet of Things (IoT) that may have limited processing powers, have contributed more than ever with the advent of wearable body area networks (WBAN). These devices are connected to other medical devices to share sensitive health data with corresponding entities like hospitals, research institutions, and insurance companies. Since health data are very sensitive, they should be always available to authorized entities and unavailable to other entities. Moreover, COVID-19 pandemic has added additional value to health data which case increases cyber-attacks on e-health systems with different tools dramatically. In this paper, several cyber-attacks on e-health systems are explored. Particularly, we have focused on attacks to IoT based wearable health devices for body area networks. The paper contains the architecture of wearable health devices to show the potential attack surface. One of the main contributions of the paper is to present cyber-attacks on wearable e-health devices with ground robots. A tactical ground robot is portable devices that may be used to carry out several cyber-attacks on e-health systems. Moreover, the paper contains analyses of the attacks with ground robots.


  • [1]. Butpheng C., Yeh K., Xiong H., “Security and privacy in IoT-cloud-based e-health systems—a comprehensive review. Symmetry”, 2020, 12:1191.
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  • [3]. Islam S. M. R., Kwak D., Kabir M. H., Hossain M., Kwak H., “The internet of things for health care: A comprehensive survey”, 2015, IEEE Access, 3:678–708.
  • [4]. Holler J., Tsiatsis V., Mulligan C., Karnouskos S., Avesand S., Boyle D., “From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence”, Academic Press, Inc. 6277 Sea Harbor Drive Orlando, FL, United States, 2014.
  • [5]. Yu L., Lu Y., Zhu X. J,.” Smart hospital based on internet of things”, 2012, Journal of Networks, 7(10).
  • [6]. Efe A., Aksoz E., Hanecioğlu N, Yalman Ş. N., “Smart security of IoT against to ddos attacks”, 2019, International Journal of Innovative Engineering Applications, 2:35 – 43.
  • [7]. Al-Issa Y., Ottom M. A., Tamrawi A., “E-health cloud security challenges: A survey”, 2019, Journal of Healthcare Engineering, 2019:1–15.
  • [8]. Kintzlinger M., Nissim N., “Keep an eye on your personal belongings! the security of personal medical devices and their ecosystems”, 2019, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 95:103233.
  • [9]. McCall M. K., Skutsch M. M., Honey-Roses J., “Surveillance in the covid-19 normal: Tracking, tracing, and snooping–trade-offs in safety and autonomy in the e-city”, 2021, International Journal of E-Planning Research, 10(2):27–44.
  • [10]. Hiremath S, Yang G., Mankodiya K., “Wearable Internet of things: Concept, architectural components and promises for person-centered healthcare”, 4th International Conference on Wireless Mobile Communication and Healthcare, Athens, Greece, November 3-5, 2014, 304–307, 2014.
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  • [12]. Al-Janabi S., Al-Shourbaji I., Shojafar M., Shamshirband S., “Survey of main challenges (security and privacy) in wireless body area networks for healthcare applications”, 2017, Egyptian Informatics Journal, 18(2):113–122.
  • [13]. Karmakar N. C., Yang Y., Rahim A., “Microwave Sleep Apnoea Monitoring”, Series in BioEngineering, Springer, 2018.
  • [14]. Darwish A., Hassanien A. E., “Wearable and implantable wireless sensor network solutions for healthcare monitoring”, 2011, Sensors, 11(6):5561–5595.
  • [15]. Milenkovic A., Otto C., Jovanov E., “Wireless sensor networks for personal health monitoring: Issues and an implementation”, 2006, Computer Communications, 29:2521–2533.
  • [16]. Fu K., Xu W., “Risks of trusting the physics of sensors”, 2018, Communications of the ACM, 61(2):20–23.
  • [17]. Halperin D., Heydt-Benjamin T. S., Ransford B., Clark S.S., Defend B., Morgan W., Fu K., Kohno T., Maisel W. H., “Pacemakers and implantable cardiac defibrillators: Software radio attacks and zero-power defenses”, In 2008 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (SP 2008), Oakland, California, USA, 129–142, 2008.
  • [18]. Trippel T., Weisse O., Xu W., Honeyman P., Fu K., “Walnut: Waging doubt on the integrity of mems accelerometers with acoustic injection attacks,” In 2017 IEEE European symposium on security and privacy (EuroS&P), Paris, France, 3–18, April 26-28, 2017.
  • [19]. Xue Q., Chuah M. C., “New attacks on RNN based healthcare learning system and their detections”, 2018, Smart Health, 9:144–157.
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There are 103 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Subjects Engineering
Journal Section Makaleler

Batuhan Özdol 0000-0002-2601-633X

Elif Köseler 0000-0002-3882-2689

Ezgi Alçiçek 0000-0003-2487-9884

Süha Eren Cesur 0000-0003-1672-0216

Perif Jan Aydemir This is me 0000-0002-1493-8513

Şerif Bahtiyar 0000-0003-0314-2621

Publication Date September 30, 2021
Submission Date April 16, 2021
Acceptance Date July 5, 2021
Published in Issue Year 2021 Volume: 8 Issue: 3


IEEE B. Özdol, E. Köseler, E. Alçiçek, S. E. Cesur, P. J. Aydemir, and Ş. Bahtiyar, “A Survey on Security Attacks with Remote Ground Robots”, El-Cezeri Journal of Science and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 3, pp. 1286–1308, 2021, doi: 10.31202/ecjse.916532.
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