Son yıllarda, perakendecilik sektörü, tek kanallı perakende formatından çok kanallı perakende ortamına doğru çarpıcı bir kaymaya tanık olmuştur. Rekabetçi baskılar ve müşterilerin artan talepleri nedeniyle, perakendeciler müşterilere hizmet etmek için sürekli yeni kanallar eklemektedir. Günümüzdeki “teknoloji etkin” perakende ortamı, müşterilere günün her saatinde ve her yerden alışveriş yapma olanağı sağlamaktadır. Akıllı telefon ve tablet alımlarındaki artışın yanı sıra, sosyal medya platformlarında kullanıcı tarafından oluşturulan içeriğe olan bağlılığın artması nedeniyle, çok kanallı perakendecilik, çeşitli perakende kanallarının kesintisiz ve entegre bir yaklaşımını karakterize etmektedir. Omnichannel perakendeciliği, çeşitli perakende kanallarının kesintisiz ve entegre bir yaklaşımını karakterize eder. “Showrooming” ve “webrooming”, çok kanallı perakendede tüketiciler arasında öne çıkan alışveriş eğilimleridir. Bu çalışmanın amacı fiyat karşılaştırması motivasyonunun çok kanallı tüketicilerin “Showrooming” ve “webrooming” kararları üzerinde etkili olup olmadığını kavramsal açıdan incelemektir.
Andrews, M., Goehring, J., Hui, S., Pancras, J. And Thornswood, L. (2016), “Mobile promotions: a framework and research priorities”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 15-24.
Beck, N., & Rygl, D. (2015, November). Categorization of multiple channel retailing in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni‐Channel Retailing for retailers and retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services(27), pp. 170-178.
Bloomberg, J. (2014, September 30). Omnichannel: More than a Digital Transformation Buzzword. Retrieved February 12, 2016, from Forbes:
Chiu, H.C., Hsieh, Y.C., Roan, J., Tseng, K.J. and Hsieh, J.K. (2011), “The challenge for multichannel services: cross-channel free-riding behavior”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 268-277.
Chou, S.Y., Shen, G.C., Chiu, H.C. and Chou, Y.T. (2016), “Multichannel service providers’ strategy: understanding customers’ switching and free-riding behavior”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69 No. 6, pp. 2226-2232.
Coughlan, A. T. (2006). Marketing Channels. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
D’Alessandro, S., Girardi, A. and Tiangsoongnern, L. (2012), “Perceived risk and trust as antecedents of online purchasing behavior in the USA gemstone industry”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 433-460.
Flavián, C., Gurrea, R. andOrús, C. (2016), “Choiceconfidence in the webrooming purchase process: the impact of online positive reviews and the motivation to touch”, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 459-476.
Forsythe, S., Liu, C., Shannon, D. and Gardner, L.C. (2006), “Development of a scale to measure the perceived benefits and risks of online shopping”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 55-75.
Ha, S. and Stoel, L. (2009), “Consumer e-shopping acceptance: antecedents in a technology acceptance model”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 62 No. 5, pp. 565-571.
Heinemann, G. (2011). Cross-Channel-Management: Integrationserfordernisse im Multi-Channel-Handel (3. ed.). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
IDC Retail Insights. (2010). Maximizing Value from the Omnichannel Consumer.
Jiresch, G. (2015). Überlebensfaktor Mobilitat - alle Wege führen zum Kunden. In M. Knoppe (Ed.), CSR und Retail Management. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.
Jones, C. (2015). The Multichannel Retail Handbook 2016 Edition.
Kaur, G. and Quareshi, T. (2015), “Factors obstructing intentions to trust and purchase products online”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 27 No. 5, pp. 758-783.
Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L. and Rao, H.R. (2008), “A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: the role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 544-564.
Martínez, C. (2015). Gestión de marketing en la empresa detallista. La venta relacional y el personal de ventas como proveedor de experiencias. In G. Aparicio, & P. Zorrilla, Distribución comercial en la era omnicanal (pp. 307-342). (n.p.): Ediciones Pirámide.
Mehra, A., Kumar, S. and Raju, J.S. (2013), “Showrooming’ and the competition between store and online retailers”, pp. 29-43, available at: (accessed July, 2016).
Michelis, D. (2015). Der vernetzte Konsument: Grundlagen des Marketing im Zeitalter partizipativer Unternehmensführung. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.
Neslin, S.A., Grewal, D., Leghorn, R., Shankar, V., Teerling, M.L., Thomas, J.S. and Verhoef, P.C. (2006), “Challenges and opportunities in multichannel customer management”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 95-112.
Nichols, K. (2015). Enterprise Content Strategy. Online: XML Press.
Piotrowicz, W., & Cuthbertson, R. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue Information Technology in Retail: Toward Omnichannel Retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 4(18), pp. 5-15.
Pophal, L. (2015, March 2). Multichannel vs. Omnichannel Marketing: Is There a Difference, and What Does It Mean to You? EContent.
Rapp, A., Baker, T.L., Bachrach, D.G., Ogilvie, J. andBeitelspacher, L.S. (2015), “Perceivedcustomershowroomingbehaviorandtheeffect on retailsalesperson self-efficacyandperformance”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 91 No. 2, pp. 358-369.
Rigby, D. (2011, December). The Future of Shopping. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
Rittinger, S. (2014). Multi-Channel Retailing: Prinzip, Konzepte und Erfolgsfaktoren. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.
Simpson, P. (2015, April 13). The Lexicon of Omnichannel Marketing. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
Stolz, D. (2013). Multi-Channel-Strategien im stationären Einzelhandel: Wie das Internet den Handel verändert. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
Van Bruggen, G.H., Antia, K.D., Jap, S.D., Reinartz, W.J. andPallas, F. (2010), “Managing marketing channelmultiplicity”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 331-340.
Verhoef, P.C., Kannan, P.K. andInman, J.J. (2015), “From multi-channel retailing to omni-channel retailing: Introduction to the special issue on multi-channel retailing”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 91 No. 2, pp. 174-181.
Wallace, D. W., Giese, J. L., & Johnson, J. L. (2004). Customer retailer loyalty in the context of multiple channel strategies. Journal of Retailing(80), pp. 249–263.
Witold Świeczak, M.Sc. Eng. The impact of modern technology On changing marketing actions In organisations. Marketing 4.0
Zorrilla, P. (2015). Marketing en la empresa detallista. In G. Aparicio, & P. Zorrilla, Distribución comercial en la era omnicanal (pp. 125-154). (n.p.): Ediciones Pirámide.
Webrooming Application On Marketing 4.0 Axis
Year 2020,
Volume: 4 Issue: 2, 363 - 374, 30.12.2020
In recent years, the retail industry has witnessed a dramatic shift from a single-channel retail format to a multi-channel retail environment.Due to competitive pressures and increasing customer demands, retailers are constantly adding new channels to serve customers. Today's “technology-efficient” retail environment allows customers to shop at any time of the day and from anywhere. Multi-channel retailing characterizes a seamless and integrated approach of various retail channels, due to the increase in smartphone and tablet purchases, as well as the increased reliance on user-generated content on social media platforms. Omnichannel retailing characterizes a seamless and integrated approach of various retail channels. “Showrooming” and “webrooming” are prominent shopping trends among consumers in multi-channel retail. The purpose of this study is to examine conceptually whether the motivation of price comparison has an impact on the "showrooming" and "webrooming" decisions of multichannel consumers.
Andrews, M., Goehring, J., Hui, S., Pancras, J. And Thornswood, L. (2016), “Mobile promotions: a framework and research priorities”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 34 No. 1, pp. 15-24.
Beck, N., & Rygl, D. (2015, November). Categorization of multiple channel retailing in Multi-, Cross-, and Omni‐Channel Retailing for retailers and retailing. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services(27), pp. 170-178.
Bloomberg, J. (2014, September 30). Omnichannel: More than a Digital Transformation Buzzword. Retrieved February 12, 2016, from Forbes:
Chiu, H.C., Hsieh, Y.C., Roan, J., Tseng, K.J. and Hsieh, J.K. (2011), “The challenge for multichannel services: cross-channel free-riding behavior”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 268-277.
Chou, S.Y., Shen, G.C., Chiu, H.C. and Chou, Y.T. (2016), “Multichannel service providers’ strategy: understanding customers’ switching and free-riding behavior”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 69 No. 6, pp. 2226-2232.
Coughlan, A. T. (2006). Marketing Channels. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
D’Alessandro, S., Girardi, A. and Tiangsoongnern, L. (2012), “Perceived risk and trust as antecedents of online purchasing behavior in the USA gemstone industry”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 24 No. 3, pp. 433-460.
Flavián, C., Gurrea, R. andOrús, C. (2016), “Choiceconfidence in the webrooming purchase process: the impact of online positive reviews and the motivation to touch”, Journal of Consumer Behavior, Vol. 15 No. 5, pp. 459-476.
Forsythe, S., Liu, C., Shannon, D. and Gardner, L.C. (2006), “Development of a scale to measure the perceived benefits and risks of online shopping”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Vol. 20 No. 2, pp. 55-75.
Ha, S. and Stoel, L. (2009), “Consumer e-shopping acceptance: antecedents in a technology acceptance model”, Journal of Business Research, Vol. 62 No. 5, pp. 565-571.
Heinemann, G. (2011). Cross-Channel-Management: Integrationserfordernisse im Multi-Channel-Handel (3. ed.). Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
IDC Retail Insights. (2010). Maximizing Value from the Omnichannel Consumer.
Jiresch, G. (2015). Überlebensfaktor Mobilitat - alle Wege führen zum Kunden. In M. Knoppe (Ed.), CSR und Retail Management. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.
Jones, C. (2015). The Multichannel Retail Handbook 2016 Edition.
Kaur, G. and Quareshi, T. (2015), “Factors obstructing intentions to trust and purchase products online”, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, Vol. 27 No. 5, pp. 758-783.
Kim, D.J., Ferrin, D.L. and Rao, H.R. (2008), “A trust-based consumer decision-making model in electronic commerce: the role of trust, perceived risk, and their antecedents”, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 44 No. 2, pp. 544-564.
Martínez, C. (2015). Gestión de marketing en la empresa detallista. La venta relacional y el personal de ventas como proveedor de experiencias. In G. Aparicio, & P. Zorrilla, Distribución comercial en la era omnicanal (pp. 307-342). (n.p.): Ediciones Pirámide.
Mehra, A., Kumar, S. and Raju, J.S. (2013), “Showrooming’ and the competition between store and online retailers”, pp. 29-43, available at: (accessed July, 2016).
Michelis, D. (2015). Der vernetzte Konsument: Grundlagen des Marketing im Zeitalter partizipativer Unternehmensführung. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.
Neslin, S.A., Grewal, D., Leghorn, R., Shankar, V., Teerling, M.L., Thomas, J.S. and Verhoef, P.C. (2006), “Challenges and opportunities in multichannel customer management”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 9 No. 2, pp. 95-112.
Nichols, K. (2015). Enterprise Content Strategy. Online: XML Press.
Piotrowicz, W., & Cuthbertson, R. (2014). Introduction to the Special Issue Information Technology in Retail: Toward Omnichannel Retailing. International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 4(18), pp. 5-15.
Pophal, L. (2015, March 2). Multichannel vs. Omnichannel Marketing: Is There a Difference, and What Does It Mean to You? EContent.
Rapp, A., Baker, T.L., Bachrach, D.G., Ogilvie, J. andBeitelspacher, L.S. (2015), “Perceivedcustomershowroomingbehaviorandtheeffect on retailsalesperson self-efficacyandperformance”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 91 No. 2, pp. 358-369.
Rigby, D. (2011, December). The Future of Shopping. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
Rittinger, S. (2014). Multi-Channel Retailing: Prinzip, Konzepte und Erfolgsfaktoren. Wiesbaden: Springer-Verlag.
Simpson, P. (2015, April 13). The Lexicon of Omnichannel Marketing. Retrieved February 16, 2016, from
Stolz, D. (2013). Multi-Channel-Strategien im stationären Einzelhandel: Wie das Internet den Handel verändert. Hamburg: Diplomica Verlag.
Van Bruggen, G.H., Antia, K.D., Jap, S.D., Reinartz, W.J. andPallas, F. (2010), “Managing marketing channelmultiplicity”, Journal of Service Research, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 331-340.
Verhoef, P.C., Kannan, P.K. andInman, J.J. (2015), “From multi-channel retailing to omni-channel retailing: Introduction to the special issue on multi-channel retailing”, Journal of Retailing, Vol. 91 No. 2, pp. 174-181.
Wallace, D. W., Giese, J. L., & Johnson, J. L. (2004). Customer retailer loyalty in the context of multiple channel strategies. Journal of Retailing(80), pp. 249–263.
Witold Świeczak, M.Sc. Eng. The impact of modern technology On changing marketing actions In organisations. Marketing 4.0
Zorrilla, P. (2015). Marketing en la empresa detallista. In G. Aparicio, & P. Zorrilla, Distribución comercial en la era omnicanal (pp. 125-154). (n.p.): Ediciones Pirámide.
Öz, M., & Kazak, M. (2020). Webrooming Application On Marketing 4.0 Axis. Econder Uluslararası Akademik Dergi, 4(2), 363-374.
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