Year 2021,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 14 - 23, 31.03.2021
Murat Tuncer
Hikmet Uluğ
- Amatari, V. O. (2015). The instructional process: A review of Flanders’ interaction analysis in a classroom setting. International Journal of Secondary Education, 3(5), 43-49.
- Celce-Murcia, M. 1989. Interaction and Communication in the ESOL Classroom. Forum, 22(1), 2-10.
- Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
- Cook, V. 2000. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (2nd Edition). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
- Crawford, M (1995) Talking Difference: On Gender and Language London: Sage Publications
- Demir, E., Saatçioğlu, Ö. & İmrol, F. (2016). Examination of educational researches published in international journals in terms of normality assumptions. Curr. Res. Educ., 2(3), 130-148.
- Dempsey, M., Halton, C., & Murphy, M. (2001). Reflective learning in social work education: Scaffolding the process. Social Work Education, 20 (6), 631-641.
- Gharvani, A. ve Iravani, H. (2014). Is teacher talk pernicious to students? a discourse analysis of teacher talk. Procedia-Social and Behaviral Sciences, 98, 552-561.
- Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding language, scaffolding learning: Teaching second language learners in the mainstream classroom: Heinemann Portsmouth, NH.
- Gliner, J.A., Morgan, G.A. ve Leech, N.L. (2015). Uygulamada araştırma yöntemleri: Desen ve analizi bütünleştiren yaklaşım (Çev. : Volkan Bayar, Çev. Ed.: Selahattin Turan). Ankara: Nobel yayın dağıtım.
- Green, B. S. & Salkind J.N. (2010). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data. Prentice Hall Press Upper Saddle River, NJ USA
- Karasar, N. (2009). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
- Khany, R. ve Malmir, B. (2017). The development and validation of an English language teacher talk functional scale. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 5(2), (July, 2017) 37-52.
- Kim, J.R. ve Stoakley, B. (2016). A comparative analysis of teacher talk in solo and team teaching. Linguistic Research, 33(Special Edition), 29-51.
- Long, M.H.& P.A.Porrter. (1985). Group work, interlanguage talk and second language acquisition. TESOL Quarterly, 19(2), 207- 227.
- (MEB, 2014). Öğretmenlik alanları, atama ve ders okutma esasları.
- Mercer, N. (2002). Developing dialogues: Wiley Online Library.
- Noni, Nurdin. 1994. The Instructional Language Used by the Lecturers in the English Classroom Interaction at the English Departement of IKIP Ujung Pandang. (Thesis). Ujung Pandang: Graduate Studies Programme, Hasanuddin University.
- Nunan, A. (1991). Language teaching metadology. A textbook for teachers.New York:Prentice-Hall.
- Nurpahmi, S. (2017). Teacher talk in classroom interaction. English, Teaching, Learning and Research Journal, 3(1), 35-43.
- Pujiastuti, R.T. (2013). Classroom interaction: an analysıs of teacher talk and student talk ın englısh for young learners (EYL). Journal of English and Education, 1(1), 163-172.
- Putri, D.S. (2015). The analysis of teacher talk and the characteristic of classroom interaction in English as a foreıgn language classroom. Journal of English and Education, 3(2), 16-27.
- Rasyid, Muhammad Amin and Hafsah J. Nur. 1997. Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: Theory, Practice, and Research. FBS IKIP Ujung Pandang.
- Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. W. (2013). Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics: Routledge.
- Sert, O. (2015). Social interaction and L2 classroom discourse. United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.
- Sinclair, J., & Brazil, D. (1985). Teacher Talk. London: Oxford University Press.
- Stanworth, M (1987) Girls on the margins: a study of gender divisions in the classroom in Weiner, G and Arnot, M (Eds) Gender Under Scrutiny: New Enquiries in Education London: Hutchinson pp 198-213.
- Sukarni, S. Ve Ulfah, S. (2015). An analysıs of teacher and student talk ın the classroom ınteractıon of the eıghth grade of smpnegerı 18 purworejo. Journal Vision, 4(2), 261-277.
- Tannen, D. (1996b). Researching gender-related patterns in classroom discourse. TESOL Quarterly, 30, 341-343.
- Van Lier, L. (2001). Constraints and resources in classroom talk: Issues of equality and symmetry. English language teaching in its social context, 90-107.
- Wallace, T.L., Sung, H.C., & Williams, J.D. (2014). The defining features of teacher talk within autonomy-supportive classroom management. Teaching and Teacher Education, 42, 34-46.
- Walsh, S. (2002). Construction or obstruction: Teacher talk and learner involvement in the EFL classroom. Language teaching research, 6(1), 3-23.
- Yanfen, L., and Yuqin, Z. (2010). A study of teacher talk in interactions in English classes.Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33(2), 76-86.
İngilizce Öğretmenliğine Kaynaklık Eden Dil Programlarında Öğrenim Gören Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Sınıf İçi İşlevsel Öğretmen Konuşmasına Yönelik Görüşlerinin Değerlendirilmesi
Year 2021,
Volume: 5 Issue: 1, 14 - 23, 31.03.2021
Murat Tuncer
Hikmet Uluğ
Bu araştırmada Talim Terbiye Kuruluna göre İngilizce Öğretmeni olarak istihdam edilebilecek bazı bölümlerde öğrenim gören üniversite öğrencilerinin işlevsel öğretmen konuşmasına yönelik görüşleri değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma tarama modeline göre yürütülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında Kırıkkale, Bayburt ve Gazi üniversitelerinde öğrenim gören 191 üniversite öğrencisinin görüşlerine başvurulmuştur. Araştırmada üç boyut ve kırk maddeden oluşan İşlevsel Öğretmen Konuşması Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Ölçeğin bu araştırmadaki Cronbach Alpha katsayısı .95 bulunmuştur. Araştırmaya göre cinsiyet ve öğrenim görülen yüksek öğretim programı işlevsel öğretmen konuşması üzerinde etkili olabilecek bağımsız değişkenlerdir. Öğrenim görülen sınıf ise anlamlı fark yaratacak bir değişken değildir. Öğretmen konuşmasının özellikle ülkemizde yeterince ele alınmadığı alanyazında görülmüştür. Bu sebeple öğretmen konuşması ve bunu etkileyen diğer bağımsız değişkenler ile başka çalışmalar alanyazına kazandırılabilir. Son olarak öğretmen konuşmasını daha etkin hale getirmek ve sınıf içinde öğretmen konuşmasını etkileyen öğretmen ve öğrenci kaynaklı problemleri açığa çıkarmak için İngilizce eğitmenleri ve İngilizce bölümü öğrencileri ile yeni çalışmalar yapılabilir.
- Amatari, V. O. (2015). The instructional process: A review of Flanders’ interaction analysis in a classroom setting. International Journal of Secondary Education, 3(5), 43-49.
- Celce-Murcia, M. 1989. Interaction and Communication in the ESOL Classroom. Forum, 22(1), 2-10.
- Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioral sciences (2nd ed.). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates.
- Cook, V. 2000. Second Language Learning and Language Teaching (2nd Edition). Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.
- Crawford, M (1995) Talking Difference: On Gender and Language London: Sage Publications
- Demir, E., Saatçioğlu, Ö. & İmrol, F. (2016). Examination of educational researches published in international journals in terms of normality assumptions. Curr. Res. Educ., 2(3), 130-148.
- Dempsey, M., Halton, C., & Murphy, M. (2001). Reflective learning in social work education: Scaffolding the process. Social Work Education, 20 (6), 631-641.
- Gharvani, A. ve Iravani, H. (2014). Is teacher talk pernicious to students? a discourse analysis of teacher talk. Procedia-Social and Behaviral Sciences, 98, 552-561.
- Gibbons, P. (2002). Scaffolding language, scaffolding learning: Teaching second language learners in the mainstream classroom: Heinemann Portsmouth, NH.
- Gliner, J.A., Morgan, G.A. ve Leech, N.L. (2015). Uygulamada araştırma yöntemleri: Desen ve analizi bütünleştiren yaklaşım (Çev. : Volkan Bayar, Çev. Ed.: Selahattin Turan). Ankara: Nobel yayın dağıtım.
- Green, B. S. & Salkind J.N. (2010). Using SPSS for Windows and Macintosh: Analyzing and Understanding Data. Prentice Hall Press Upper Saddle River, NJ USA
- Karasar, N. (2009). Bilimsel Araştırma Yöntemi. Ankara: Nobel Yayıncılık.
- Khany, R. ve Malmir, B. (2017). The development and validation of an English language teacher talk functional scale. Iranian Journal of Language Teaching Research, 5(2), (July, 2017) 37-52.
- Kim, J.R. ve Stoakley, B. (2016). A comparative analysis of teacher talk in solo and team teaching. Linguistic Research, 33(Special Edition), 29-51.
- Long, M.H.& P.A.Porrter. (1985). Group work, interlanguage talk and second language acquisition. TESOL Quarterly, 19(2), 207- 227.
- (MEB, 2014). Öğretmenlik alanları, atama ve ders okutma esasları.
- Mercer, N. (2002). Developing dialogues: Wiley Online Library.
- Noni, Nurdin. 1994. The Instructional Language Used by the Lecturers in the English Classroom Interaction at the English Departement of IKIP Ujung Pandang. (Thesis). Ujung Pandang: Graduate Studies Programme, Hasanuddin University.
- Nunan, A. (1991). Language teaching metadology. A textbook for teachers.New York:Prentice-Hall.
- Nurpahmi, S. (2017). Teacher talk in classroom interaction. English, Teaching, Learning and Research Journal, 3(1), 35-43.
- Pujiastuti, R.T. (2013). Classroom interaction: an analysıs of teacher talk and student talk ın englısh for young learners (EYL). Journal of English and Education, 1(1), 163-172.
- Putri, D.S. (2015). The analysis of teacher talk and the characteristic of classroom interaction in English as a foreıgn language classroom. Journal of English and Education, 3(2), 16-27.
- Rasyid, Muhammad Amin and Hafsah J. Nur. 1997. Teaching English as a Foreign Language in Indonesia: Theory, Practice, and Research. FBS IKIP Ujung Pandang.
- Richards, J. C., & Schmidt, R. W. (2013). Longman dictionary of language teaching and applied linguistics: Routledge.
- Sert, O. (2015). Social interaction and L2 classroom discourse. United Kingdom: Edinburgh University Press.
- Sinclair, J., & Brazil, D. (1985). Teacher Talk. London: Oxford University Press.
- Stanworth, M (1987) Girls on the margins: a study of gender divisions in the classroom in Weiner, G and Arnot, M (Eds) Gender Under Scrutiny: New Enquiries in Education London: Hutchinson pp 198-213.
- Sukarni, S. Ve Ulfah, S. (2015). An analysıs of teacher and student talk ın the classroom ınteractıon of the eıghth grade of smpnegerı 18 purworejo. Journal Vision, 4(2), 261-277.
- Tannen, D. (1996b). Researching gender-related patterns in classroom discourse. TESOL Quarterly, 30, 341-343.
- Van Lier, L. (2001). Constraints and resources in classroom talk: Issues of equality and symmetry. English language teaching in its social context, 90-107.
- Wallace, T.L., Sung, H.C., & Williams, J.D. (2014). The defining features of teacher talk within autonomy-supportive classroom management. Teaching and Teacher Education, 42, 34-46.
- Walsh, S. (2002). Construction or obstruction: Teacher talk and learner involvement in the EFL classroom. Language teaching research, 6(1), 3-23.
- Yanfen, L., and Yuqin, Z. (2010). A study of teacher talk in interactions in English classes.Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics, 33(2), 76-86.