Mastektomi Hastalarının Öğrenim Gereksinimleri ve Kaygı Düzeyleri Arasındaki İlişki
Yıl 2023,
, 193 - 202, 21.08.2023
Şeyda Kazanç
Hülya Koçyiğit
Nuran Guler
Amaç: Mastektomi olan hastalarının öğrenim gereksinimleri ile kaygı düzeyleri arasındaki ilişkinin belirlenmesidir.
Yöntem: Kesitsel tipteki araştırma, 1 Ocak 2021 – 15 Mayıs 2022 tarihleri arasında yapıldı. Araştırmanın evrenini 118, örneklemini ise 98 hasta oluşturmaktadır. Araştırma Orta Anadolu’da bir ilde mastektomi ameliyatı olan hastalar ile gerçekleştirildi. Veriler hasta onamı alındıktan sonra “Birey Tanıtım Formu”, “Hasta Öğrenim Gereksinimleri Ölçeği” ve “Spielberger’in Durumluluk Kaygı Envanteri” ile toplandı. Araştırma verilerinin değerlendirilmesinde tanımlayıcı istatistikler, Kolmogorov-Smirnov testi, Mann Whitney U Testi, Kruskall Wallis Testi ve Spearman Korelasyon Analizi, Games Howell testi kullanıldı.
Bulgular: Araştırma kapsamına alınan mastektomi olan hastaların %77.6’sı 50 yaş altında, %31.6’sı ilköğretim mezunu ve %39.8’i meme koruyucu cerrahi geçirmiştir. Hastaların, Hasta Öğrenim Gereksinimleri Ölçeği puan ortalaması 205.10±17.37 olup ölçeğin en yüksek puan ortalaması komplikasyonlar 37.09±4.92 alt boyutu olarak saptandı. Durumsal Kaygı Ölçeği’nden ortalama 42.76±8.83 puan aldıkları belirlendi. Ölçeğin tedavi ve komplikasyonlar alt boyutu, durumsal kaygı ölçeği ile 50 yaş altı hastalar ile 50 yaş üstündeki hastalar arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark bulundu.
Sonuç: Hastaların mastektomi sonrasında orta düzeyde kaygıya sahip oldukları, öğrenim gereksinimlerinin yüksek olduğu ve kapsamlı taburculuk eğitimine gereksinim duydukları belirlenmiştir. Yaş, cinsiyet, eğitim durumu gibi demografik verilerin hastaların bilgi gereksinimi ve kaygı düzeyini etkilemesi nedeni ile eğitim planlaması hastalara özel olarak tasarlanmalıdır. Öğrenim gereksinimleri ile kaygı düzeyleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir fark bulunmamaktadır.
Destekleyen Kurum
Araştırmamızı destekleyen kurum yada firma bulunmamaktadır.
Proje Numarası
Araştırmamız için proje başvurusu yapılmamıştır.
Araştırmaya katılan meme cerrahisi geçirmiş hastalara teşekkür ederiz.
- Akyolcu, N., Özhanlı, Y., & Kandemir, D. (2019). Recent Developments in Breast Cancer. Journal of Health Science and Profession, 6(3), 583–594.
- Bergenmar, M., Johansson, H., & Sharp, L. (2014). Patients' perception of information after completion of adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer. European journal of oncology nursing: the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 18(3), 305–309.
- Büyükakıncak, Ö., Akyol, Y., Özen, N., Ulus, Y., Cantürk, F., Tander, B., ... & Kuru, Ö. (2014). Meme kanseri olan hastalarda cerrahi sonrası erken dönemde yaşam kalitesi: omuz ağrısı, el kavrama gücü, dizabilite ve emosyonel durum ile ilişkisi. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 60(1).
- Cheng KK, Darshini DR, Wong WH, Koh C (2014). Perceivedsymptoms and the supportive care needs of breast cancer survivorssix months to five years post-treatment period. Eur J Oncol Nurs18(1):3–9
- Çetinkaya, F., Duru Aşiret, G. (2017). Dahili ve cerrahi kliniklerindeki hastaların öğrenim gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi. DEUHFED; 10(2), 93-99.
- Dağ, H., Dönmez, S., Güleç, D., Öztürk, R., Eminov, A., Saruhan, A., et al. (2014). Jinekolojik operasyon geçiren kadınların taburculuk öncesi öğrenim gereksinimleri. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi; 30 (1), 49- 59.
- Deane, K. A., & Degner, L. F. (1998). Information needs, uncertainty, and anxiety in women who had a breast biopsy with benign outcome. Cancer nursing, 21(2), 117–126.
- DeSantis, C. E., Ma, J., Goding Sauer, A., Newman, L. A., & Jemal, A. (2017). Breast cancer statistics, 2017, racial disparity in mortality by state. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 67(6), 439-448.
- Eti A.F., Özdemir A.E.,(2019). Meme kanserli hastalarda psikososyal sorunlar ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı. Uzun Ö.(Ed.) Meme Kanseri ve Hemşirleik Bakımı 1. Baskı Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri p.51-4 (6):1-5.
- Fanakidou I, Zyga S, Alikari V, et a (2017). Mental health, loneliness, and illness perception outcomes in quality of life among young breast cancer patients after mastectomy: the role of breast reconstruction. Qual Life Res, 8, 1-5.
- Fedai, T., Çetin, M., Teke, A. (2010). Tedavi sürecindeki gereksiz değişkenlerin pareto analizi ile değerlendirilmesi. Erciyes Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(3): 184-190.
- Fındık, U. Y. (2017). The information needs of women who have undergone breast cancer surgery in the west of Turkey. Journal of Cancer Education, 32(3), 432-437.
- Hashemi, S. M., Rafiemanesh, H., Aghamohammadi, T., Badakhsh, M., Amirshahi, M., Sari, M., ... & Roudini, K. (2020). Prevalence of anxiety among breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer, 27(2), 166-178.
- Haydaroğlu, A. (2015). Meme kanserinde epidemiyoloji. sınıflama ve evreleme. Turkiye Klinikleri J Radiat Oncol-Special Topics, 1(2).
- Inhestern L, Beierlein V, Bultmann JC, et al (2017). Anxiety and depression in working-age cancer survivors: a register-based study. BMC Cancer, 17, 347.
- International Ageccu for Research ON Cancer. Global Cancer Observatory. (Erişim Tarihi: 14.07.2022).
- Kankaya, B., Büyükaşık, S., Kapan, S., & Halil, A. L. I. Ş. (2019). Meme Kanseri Tedavisinde Güncel Yaklaşım/Current Management İn Breast Cancer. Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi, 2(1), 7-10.
- Kamińska, M., Ciszewski, T., Kukiełka-Budny, B., Kubiatowski, T., Baczewska, B., Makara-Studzińska, M., ... & Bojar, I. (2015). Adjuvan kemoterapi ile tedavi edilen mastektomi veya meme koruyucu tedavi sonrası meme kanserli kadınların yaşam kalitesi. Tarım ve Çevre Tıbbı Annals , 22 (4).
- Karahan, E., Köstekli, S., Çelik, S., & Yank, T. (2020). Meme cerrahisi uygulanan hastalarda taburculuk öncesi bilgi gereksinimleri. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 230-243.
- Lei CP, Har YC, Abdullah KL (2011) Informational needs of breastcancer patients on chemotherapy: differences between patients’andnurses’perceptions. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 12(3):797–802
- Lovelace, D. L., McDaniel, L. R., & Golden, D. (2019). Long-Term Effects of Breast Cancer Surgery, Treatment, and Survivor Care. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 64(6), 713–724.
- Mustian KM, Sprod LK, Janelsins M, Peppone LJ, Mohile S (2012). Exercise recommendations for cancer-related fatigue, cognitive impairment, sleep problems, depression, pain, anxiety, and physical dysfunction: A review. Oncol Hematol Rev, 8, 81–8.
- Naoum, G.E., Salama, L., Niemierko, A., Vieira, B.L., Belkacimi, Y., Colwell, A.S., et al. (2019). Single stage direct-toımplant breast reconstruction has less complication rates than tissue expander/ımplant and comparable rates to autologous reconstruction in patients receiving postmastectomy radiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys; S0360-3016 (19), 34006-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.11.008.
- Pa Pacian, A., Kulik, T. B., Pacian, J., Chrusciel, P., Zolnierczuk-Kieliszek, D., & Jarosz, M. J. (2012). Psychosocial aspect of quality of life of Polish women with breast cancer. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 19(3).
- Palmer, J. B., Lane, D., Mayo, D., Schluchter, M., & Leeming, R. (2015). Effects of Music Therapy on Anesthesia Requirements and Anxiety in Women Undergoing Ambulatory Breast Surgery for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 33(28), 3162–3168.
- Pehlivan, S., Vatansever, N., Arslan, İ., Yildiz, A., & Ersoy, A. (2019). Level of daily life activities and learning needs in renal transplant patients. Exp Clin Transplant, 1(1), 1-7.
- Polat, S., Celik, S., Erkan, H. A., & Kasali, K. (2014). Identification of learning needs of patients hospitalized at a University Hospital. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 30(6), 1253..
- Tan, M., Ozdelikara, A., & Polat, H. (2013). Determination of patient learning needs. Journal of F.N. Nursing. 21(1):1-8.
- Tariman, J. D., Doorenbos, A., Schepp, K. G., Singhal, S., & Berry, D. L. (2014). Information needs priorities in patients diagnosed with cancer: a systematic review. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology, 5(2), 115.
- Tsaras, K., Papathanasiou, I. V., Mitsi, D., Veneti, A., Kelesi, M., Zyga, S., & Fradelos, E. C. (2018). Assessment of depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients: prevalence and associated factors. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 19(6), 1661.
- Tola, Y. O., Chow, K. M., & Liang, W. (2021). Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: A systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing, 30(23-24), 3369–3384.
- Tünel, M., Evlice, Y.E. (2011). Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Cerrahi Tedavi Öncesi Ve Sonrası Anksiyete Ve Depresyon Düzeyi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ruh Sağlığı Ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi ,Adana.
- Topuz, A., Durna, Z., & Gamze Temiz PhD, B. S. N. (2021). Evaluation of Training Requirements in Patients Undergoing Breast Surgery. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 14(3), 1852-1870.
- Yi M, Cho J, Noh DY, Song MR, Lee JL, Juon HS et al (2007) Informational needs of Korean women with breast cancer: cross-cultural adaptation of the Toronto informational needs question-naire of breast cancer. Asian Nurs Res 1(3):176–186
- Williams, A. M., Khan, C. P., Heckler, C. E., Barton, D. L., Ontko, M., Geer, J., Kleckner, A. S., Dakhil, S., Mitchell, J., Mustian, K. M., Peppone, L. J., Kipnis, V., Kamen, C. S., O'Mara, A. M., & Janelsins, M. C. (2021). Fatigue, anxiety, and quality of life in breast cancer patients compared to non-cancer controls: a nationwide longitudinal analysis. Breast cancer research and treatment, 187(1), 275–285.
The Relationship between Learning Needs and Anxiety Levels of Patients with Mastectomy
Yıl 2023,
, 193 - 202, 21.08.2023
Şeyda Kazanç
Hülya Koçyiğit
Nuran Guler
Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between education needs and anxiety levels of patients with mastectomy.
Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted between 1 January 2021 and 15 May 2022. The population of the study consists of 118 patients and the sample of 98 patients. The research was carried out with patients who had mastectomy surgery in a city in Central Anatolia. The data were collected with the "Individual Identification Form", "Patient Learning Needs Scale" and "Spielberger's State Anxiety Inventory" after obtaining patient consent. Descriptive statistics, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann Whitney U Test, Kruskall Wallis Test and Spearman Correlation Analysis, Games Howell test were used to evaluate the research data.
Results: 77.6% of patients with mastectomy covered by research have underaged 50 years and 31.6% of them have undergone primary education and 39.8% of them have undergone breast protection surgery. Patients have a 205.10±17.37 point average of the Patient Learning Requirements Scale, and the maximum score average of the scale was determined as 37.09±4.92 sub-size complications. They were determined to score an average of 42.76 ± 8.83 from the situational anxiety Scale. The subsize of the scale for treatment and complications, the stateful anxiety scale, and the statistically significant difference between patients under 50 and patients over 50 years of age were found.
Conclusion: It has been determined that patients have moderate anxiety after mastectomy, high learning requirements and need comprehensive battalion training. Education planning should be designed specifically for patients, as demographic data, such as age, gender, education status, affects the patient's knowledge requirement and anxiety level. There is a statistically significant difference between learning needs and anxiety levels.
Proje Numarası
Araştırmamız için proje başvurusu yapılmamıştır.
- Akyolcu, N., Özhanlı, Y., & Kandemir, D. (2019). Recent Developments in Breast Cancer. Journal of Health Science and Profession, 6(3), 583–594.
- Bergenmar, M., Johansson, H., & Sharp, L. (2014). Patients' perception of information after completion of adjuvant radiotherapy for breast cancer. European journal of oncology nursing: the official journal of European Oncology Nursing Society, 18(3), 305–309.
- Büyükakıncak, Ö., Akyol, Y., Özen, N., Ulus, Y., Cantürk, F., Tander, B., ... & Kuru, Ö. (2014). Meme kanseri olan hastalarda cerrahi sonrası erken dönemde yaşam kalitesi: omuz ağrısı, el kavrama gücü, dizabilite ve emosyonel durum ile ilişkisi. Turkish Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/Turkiye Fiziksel Tip ve Rehabilitasyon Dergisi, 60(1).
- Cheng KK, Darshini DR, Wong WH, Koh C (2014). Perceivedsymptoms and the supportive care needs of breast cancer survivorssix months to five years post-treatment period. Eur J Oncol Nurs18(1):3–9
- Çetinkaya, F., Duru Aşiret, G. (2017). Dahili ve cerrahi kliniklerindeki hastaların öğrenim gereksinimlerinin belirlenmesi. DEUHFED; 10(2), 93-99.
- Dağ, H., Dönmez, S., Güleç, D., Öztürk, R., Eminov, A., Saruhan, A., et al. (2014). Jinekolojik operasyon geçiren kadınların taburculuk öncesi öğrenim gereksinimleri. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi; 30 (1), 49- 59.
- Deane, K. A., & Degner, L. F. (1998). Information needs, uncertainty, and anxiety in women who had a breast biopsy with benign outcome. Cancer nursing, 21(2), 117–126.
- DeSantis, C. E., Ma, J., Goding Sauer, A., Newman, L. A., & Jemal, A. (2017). Breast cancer statistics, 2017, racial disparity in mortality by state. CA: a cancer journal for clinicians, 67(6), 439-448.
- Eti A.F., Özdemir A.E.,(2019). Meme kanserli hastalarda psikososyal sorunlar ve hemşirelik yaklaşımı. Uzun Ö.(Ed.) Meme Kanseri ve Hemşirleik Bakımı 1. Baskı Ankara: Türkiye Klinikleri p.51-4 (6):1-5.
- Fanakidou I, Zyga S, Alikari V, et a (2017). Mental health, loneliness, and illness perception outcomes in quality of life among young breast cancer patients after mastectomy: the role of breast reconstruction. Qual Life Res, 8, 1-5.
- Fedai, T., Çetin, M., Teke, A. (2010). Tedavi sürecindeki gereksiz değişkenlerin pareto analizi ile değerlendirilmesi. Erciyes Üniversitesi. Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 19(3): 184-190.
- Fındık, U. Y. (2017). The information needs of women who have undergone breast cancer surgery in the west of Turkey. Journal of Cancer Education, 32(3), 432-437.
- Hashemi, S. M., Rafiemanesh, H., Aghamohammadi, T., Badakhsh, M., Amirshahi, M., Sari, M., ... & Roudini, K. (2020). Prevalence of anxiety among breast cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Breast Cancer, 27(2), 166-178.
- Haydaroğlu, A. (2015). Meme kanserinde epidemiyoloji. sınıflama ve evreleme. Turkiye Klinikleri J Radiat Oncol-Special Topics, 1(2).
- Inhestern L, Beierlein V, Bultmann JC, et al (2017). Anxiety and depression in working-age cancer survivors: a register-based study. BMC Cancer, 17, 347.
- International Ageccu for Research ON Cancer. Global Cancer Observatory. (Erişim Tarihi: 14.07.2022).
- Kankaya, B., Büyükaşık, S., Kapan, S., & Halil, A. L. I. Ş. (2019). Meme Kanseri Tedavisinde Güncel Yaklaşım/Current Management İn Breast Cancer. Tıp Fakültesi Klinikleri Dergisi, 2(1), 7-10.
- Kamińska, M., Ciszewski, T., Kukiełka-Budny, B., Kubiatowski, T., Baczewska, B., Makara-Studzińska, M., ... & Bojar, I. (2015). Adjuvan kemoterapi ile tedavi edilen mastektomi veya meme koruyucu tedavi sonrası meme kanserli kadınların yaşam kalitesi. Tarım ve Çevre Tıbbı Annals , 22 (4).
- Karahan, E., Köstekli, S., Çelik, S., & Yank, T. (2020). Meme cerrahisi uygulanan hastalarda taburculuk öncesi bilgi gereksinimleri. Ankara Sağlık Bilimleri Dergisi, 9(2), 230-243.
- Lei CP, Har YC, Abdullah KL (2011) Informational needs of breastcancer patients on chemotherapy: differences between patients’andnurses’perceptions. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev 12(3):797–802
- Lovelace, D. L., McDaniel, L. R., & Golden, D. (2019). Long-Term Effects of Breast Cancer Surgery, Treatment, and Survivor Care. Journal of Midwifery and Women’s Health, 64(6), 713–724.
- Mustian KM, Sprod LK, Janelsins M, Peppone LJ, Mohile S (2012). Exercise recommendations for cancer-related fatigue, cognitive impairment, sleep problems, depression, pain, anxiety, and physical dysfunction: A review. Oncol Hematol Rev, 8, 81–8.
- Naoum, G.E., Salama, L., Niemierko, A., Vieira, B.L., Belkacimi, Y., Colwell, A.S., et al. (2019). Single stage direct-toımplant breast reconstruction has less complication rates than tissue expander/ımplant and comparable rates to autologous reconstruction in patients receiving postmastectomy radiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys; S0360-3016 (19), 34006-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2019.11.008.
- Pa Pacian, A., Kulik, T. B., Pacian, J., Chrusciel, P., Zolnierczuk-Kieliszek, D., & Jarosz, M. J. (2012). Psychosocial aspect of quality of life of Polish women with breast cancer. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine, 19(3).
- Palmer, J. B., Lane, D., Mayo, D., Schluchter, M., & Leeming, R. (2015). Effects of Music Therapy on Anesthesia Requirements and Anxiety in Women Undergoing Ambulatory Breast Surgery for Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of clinical oncology : official journal of the American Society of Clinical Oncology, 33(28), 3162–3168.
- Pehlivan, S., Vatansever, N., Arslan, İ., Yildiz, A., & Ersoy, A. (2019). Level of daily life activities and learning needs in renal transplant patients. Exp Clin Transplant, 1(1), 1-7.
- Polat, S., Celik, S., Erkan, H. A., & Kasali, K. (2014). Identification of learning needs of patients hospitalized at a University Hospital. Pakistan journal of medical sciences, 30(6), 1253..
- Tan, M., Ozdelikara, A., & Polat, H. (2013). Determination of patient learning needs. Journal of F.N. Nursing. 21(1):1-8.
- Tariman, J. D., Doorenbos, A., Schepp, K. G., Singhal, S., & Berry, D. L. (2014). Information needs priorities in patients diagnosed with cancer: a systematic review. Journal of the advanced practitioner in oncology, 5(2), 115.
- Tsaras, K., Papathanasiou, I. V., Mitsi, D., Veneti, A., Kelesi, M., Zyga, S., & Fradelos, E. C. (2018). Assessment of depression and anxiety in breast cancer patients: prevalence and associated factors. Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP, 19(6), 1661.
- Tola, Y. O., Chow, K. M., & Liang, W. (2021). Effects of non-pharmacological interventions on preoperative anxiety and postoperative pain in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery: A systematic review. Journal of clinical nursing, 30(23-24), 3369–3384.
- Tünel, M., Evlice, Y.E. (2011). Meme Kanserli Hastalarda Cerrahi Tedavi Öncesi Ve Sonrası Anksiyete Ve Depresyon Düzeyi. Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Ruh Sağlığı Ve Hastalıkları Anabilim Dalı Uzmanlık Tezi ,Adana.
- Topuz, A., Durna, Z., & Gamze Temiz PhD, B. S. N. (2021). Evaluation of Training Requirements in Patients Undergoing Breast Surgery. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 14(3), 1852-1870.
- Yi M, Cho J, Noh DY, Song MR, Lee JL, Juon HS et al (2007) Informational needs of Korean women with breast cancer: cross-cultural adaptation of the Toronto informational needs question-naire of breast cancer. Asian Nurs Res 1(3):176–186
- Williams, A. M., Khan, C. P., Heckler, C. E., Barton, D. L., Ontko, M., Geer, J., Kleckner, A. S., Dakhil, S., Mitchell, J., Mustian, K. M., Peppone, L. J., Kipnis, V., Kamen, C. S., O'Mara, A. M., & Janelsins, M. C. (2021). Fatigue, anxiety, and quality of life in breast cancer patients compared to non-cancer controls: a nationwide longitudinal analysis. Breast cancer research and treatment, 187(1), 275–285.