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Yıl 1999, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 164 - 186, 01.06.1999


Kronik Yorgunluk Sendromu; kronik Yorgunluk İmmun Disfonksiyon Sendromu, Myaljik Ensefalopati, Izlanda Hastalığı ve Postviral Sendrom olarak da adlandınlmakta olup kadın, erkek ve çocukları etkileyen kronik bir düşkünlük hastalığıdır. Kronik yorgunluk sendromu KYS düşkünlüğe varan zayıllama. 6 aydan uzun süren şiddetli yorgunluk, fiziksel yada mental aktiviteleri kötü leştiren ve dinlenmekle geçmeyen kompleks bir bozukluktur. Kronik yorgunluk sendromunun nedeni yada nedenleri tam olarak saptanamarmştır ve özel bir tanılama testi yoktur. Hemşirelerin yorgunluğa ilişkin başarılı hemşirelik uygulamaları için yorgunluğun başlangıcı, süresi ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerine olan etkisini bilmeleri gerekir


  • 1. -------------------- Ask NOAH: About:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome englishiffines,sineuro/cfs.html
  • 2. ---------------- Chronic Fatigue Syndronic.
  • 3. ------------------- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Low Level Mercury Poisoning ,http://www.unet.comirourclicfs.htm
  • 4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(ME).http://wmv.cfs, h trn,2001
  • 5. Diagnosis of CFS.http://www.cdc.govincidodidiagnosis/cfs.diagnosis.html.
  • 6. ----------------- Dernografics.http://).vww.edc.govincidodidcmograflcsicrs.demografics.html.
  • 7. -----------------------The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :A Comprehansive Approach to Its Definition and Study.htip://www.cdc.govincidodidiseases/cfsidefined idefined3.hlut.
  • S. .......................... FY 2000 Overview of The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Prograine. LAW:// www.cric.............govicfs.html
  • 9. Gold D. Bowden R. Sixbey J. and others (1990). Kronik Yorgunluk. Prospcktif Bir Mimic ye Virolojik calisma. Gelistm JAMA. 3 (31). 1046-1054.
  • 10. Grant P. (2001). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. hltp:// medicine/CFS.html.
  • 11. ----------------- Have 1 got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?. http://www.web,ukoline.eiLliki public.cgifwcount/ruth.11vingstone.
  • 12. ------------------ How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed? http://www.hon.chitiocsi honcodeicoc.velv-s.gif.
  • 13. Kroenke K. (1991). Kronik Yorgunluk Sendromu: Gercek midir? Sendrom. 25-29.
  • 14. ------------------- (1994). Kronik Yorgunluk Sendrornu: Prevelans ye Sontic LiteratUr, 20, 652-653.
  • 15. Lapp C. The Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS}http://mernhers.home. netiaangelaiLapp.htm.
  • 16. Lark S. (2001). Vitamin,Mlnerals and Herbs for Chronic Fatigue. http://mvw.heally, netiaspitemplates/artiele,asp1375.
  • 17. ------------------------ Management of Chronic Fatigue Sendrome. net/ad /cfs.mediconsult.
  • 18. -------------------- ozceviz T.(2000). Yorgun Turkiye, Akam, Gazeiesi, 23 Maps.
  • 19. ------------Possible Causes of CFS. causes.htm.
  • 20. Reyes A. (2000). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. feneylopedla/2824.hunl.
  • 21. -----------------------Self Help for CFS.http://www.smd.kel/-ac.ukikesmdiefsiselfhelp.html.
  • 22. Sharpe M. (1995). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:any progress?. Current Opinions Psychiatry. 8 (2). 82-89.
  • 23. Sparks S. Taylor C. (1995). Nursing Diagnosis Referance Manual. Third Edition. Springhause, USA, 96-98.
  • 24. -------------------- Understanding CFIDS,http://voi.m. ,cfids.orgicildsMtml.
  • 25. --------------------What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ?http://www.efs.htm.2001.
  • 26. -------------------What is CFS?.http://www,cdcgovincldodicfs,html
  • 27, Wood D, Mangelsdorff D. (1988). Chronic Fatigue in Primary Care. JAMA. 260 (7), 929- 934.
  • 28. Yurtsever S. (2000). Kronik Hastahklarda Yorguniuk ye Hemslrelik Balum). Cumhuriyet Universitesi HY0 Derglsi, 4 (1). 16-20.


Yıl 1999, Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3, 164 - 186, 01.06.1999


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome CFS is an illness that can aillict men, women and clıildren. Syndrome is alsa called Chronic Fatigue lmmun Disfunction Syndrome, Myalgic Encephalomyelitts. Izlanda Disease. Postviral Syndrorne. CFS is a debilitating and complex disorder characterized by profounct _fatigue that is not Improved by bad rest and that mali be worsed by physical er mental activity. The cuuse er causes of CFS have not beenfully idented: and no understand the onset. duration and impact offatigue activities of daily living for nursing intervention sucesfully. lrr Ihts artiele. causes. symptotns. tests for diognosis.sinıtlar ınedical concli tions, treatrnent and nursing activities have been reviewied and 2000 overview of the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Strategies developed by Center for Dtsease Control and Prevention CDC were giyen


  • 1. -------------------- Ask NOAH: About:Chronic Fatigue Syndrome englishiffines,sineuro/cfs.html
  • 2. ---------------- Chronic Fatigue Syndronic.
  • 3. ------------------- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Low Level Mercury Poisoning ,http://www.unet.comirourclicfs.htm
  • 4. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome(ME).http://wmv.cfs, h trn,2001
  • 5. Diagnosis of CFS.http://www.cdc.govincidodidiagnosis/cfs.diagnosis.html.
  • 6. ----------------- Dernografics.http://).vww.edc.govincidodidcmograflcsicrs.demografics.html.
  • 7. -----------------------The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome :A Comprehansive Approach to Its Definition and Study.htip://www.cdc.govincidodidiseases/cfsidefined idefined3.hlut.
  • S. .......................... FY 2000 Overview of The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Prograine. LAW:// www.cric.............govicfs.html
  • 9. Gold D. Bowden R. Sixbey J. and others (1990). Kronik Yorgunluk. Prospcktif Bir Mimic ye Virolojik calisma. Gelistm JAMA. 3 (31). 1046-1054.
  • 10. Grant P. (2001). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. hltp:// medicine/CFS.html.
  • 11. ----------------- Have 1 got Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?. http://www.web,ukoline.eiLliki public.cgifwcount/ruth.11vingstone.
  • 12. ------------------ How Is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Diagnosed? http://www.hon.chitiocsi honcodeicoc.velv-s.gif.
  • 13. Kroenke K. (1991). Kronik Yorgunluk Sendromu: Gercek midir? Sendrom. 25-29.
  • 14. ------------------- (1994). Kronik Yorgunluk Sendrornu: Prevelans ye Sontic LiteratUr, 20, 652-653.
  • 15. Lapp C. The Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS}http://mernhers.home. netiaangelaiLapp.htm.
  • 16. Lark S. (2001). Vitamin,Mlnerals and Herbs for Chronic Fatigue. http://mvw.heally, netiaspitemplates/artiele,asp1375.
  • 17. ------------------------ Management of Chronic Fatigue Sendrome. net/ad /cfs.mediconsult.
  • 18. -------------------- ozceviz T.(2000). Yorgun Turkiye, Akam, Gazeiesi, 23 Maps.
  • 19. ------------Possible Causes of CFS. causes.htm.
  • 20. Reyes A. (2000). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. feneylopedla/2824.hunl.
  • 21. -----------------------Self Help for CFS.http://www.smd.kel/-ac.ukikesmdiefsiselfhelp.html.
  • 22. Sharpe M. (1995). Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:any progress?. Current Opinions Psychiatry. 8 (2). 82-89.
  • 23. Sparks S. Taylor C. (1995). Nursing Diagnosis Referance Manual. Third Edition. Springhause, USA, 96-98.
  • 24. -------------------- Understanding CFIDS,http://voi.m. ,cfids.orgicildsMtml.
  • 25. --------------------What is Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ?http://www.efs.htm.2001.
  • 26. -------------------What is CFS?.http://www,cdcgovincldodicfs,html
  • 27, Wood D, Mangelsdorff D. (1988). Chronic Fatigue in Primary Care. JAMA. 260 (7), 929- 934.
  • 28. Yurtsever S. (2000). Kronik Hastahklarda Yorguniuk ye Hemslrelik Balum). Cumhuriyet Universitesi HY0 Derglsi, 4 (1). 16-20.
Toplam 28 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Asiye Durmaz Akyol Bu kişi benim

Yayımlanma Tarihi 1 Haziran 1999
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 1999 Cilt: 15 Sayı: 3

Kaynak Göster

APA Durmaz Akyol, A. (1999). KRONIK YORGUNLUK SENDROMU. Ege Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Dergisi, 15(3), 164-186.