Araştırma Makalesi
BibTex RIS Kaynak Göster
Yıl 2021, , 591 - 619, 30.12.2021


Bu makale, on dördüncü ve on beşinci yüzyıllarda meydana gelen değişim ve dönüşümler bağlamında Cenevizlilerin Doğu Akdeniz’deki varlığına, Konstantinopolis’teki yerleşimlerine, Bizanslılarla ve Osmanlılarla kurdukları diplomatik ve ticari ilişkilere odaklanmaktadır. Geç Bizans döneminde Pera’da yarı özerk bir yönetim kuran Cenevizliler, ticaret ağları ve kolonileriyle imparatorluk başkentini Karadeniz’e ve Akdeniz’e bağlayarak şehrin önemli sakinlerinden oldular. Konstantinopolis’in 1453’te Osmanlılar tarafından fethedilmesi Ceneviz topluluğunun statüsünü değiştirmiş olsa da Cenevizli ailelerin bir kısmı şehirde kalmaya devam etmiş ve yeni koşullara uyum sağlamışlardı. Bu makale, Cenevizlilerin Bizans ve Osmanlı idaresi altındaki deneyimleri üzerinde duracak ve farklı inanç, dil ve kültüre sahip bir toplumla nasıl bir arada yaşadıklarını inceleyecektir. Aynı zamanda Cenevizlilerin Osmanlı dönemi İstanbul şehrinin hareketli ve kozmopolit ortamında kendi ticari çıkarlarını ve düzenlerini nasıl korumaya çalıştıklarını tartışacaktır.


  • Ancona, Cyriac of. Later Travels. Translated by E. Bodnar and C. Foss. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Michel Balard, Angeliki E. Laiou and C. Otten-Froux (eds.). Les Italiens à Byzance et presentation de documents. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
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  • Niccolò Barbaro, The Diary of the Siege of Constantinople 1453. Translated by R. J. Jones. New York: Exposition Press.
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  • Mauri della Fratta, Relatione dello stato della christianità di Pera e Constantinopoli obediente al Sommo Pontefice Romano. Manoscritto della prima metà del XVII secolo. Edited by Eugenio Dalleggio D’Alessio. Istanbul.
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  • Philip Argenti, The Occupation of Chios by the Genoese and their administration of the island, 1346-1566, vol. I. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
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  • Nurhan Aksoy, Julian Ruby, Alison Effeny (ed.) İPEK: The Crescent and the Rose, Imperial Ottoman Silks and Velvets. London and Istanbul: Azimuth Publications and TEB Publishing.
  • Franz Babinger, Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Michel Balard, La Romanie Génoise (XIIe-Debut du XVe Siècle). 2 Vols. Rome : École française de Rome.
  • Michel Balard, “The Genoese in the Aegean (1204-1566),” Mediterranean Historical Review 4:1: pp.158-174.
  • Michel Balard, “L’Organisation des colonies étrangères dans l’Empire Byzantine (XIIe-XVe siècle)” in Hommes et Richesses dans l’Empire Byzantine vol. II: VIIIe-XVe Siècle, eds. V. Kravari, J. Lefort and C. Morrisson, pp. 261-276. Paris: Pierre Zech Éditeur.
  • Michel Balard, “La Société Pérote aux XIVe-XVe siècles: Autour des Demerode et des Draperio” in Byzantine Constantinople. Monuments, Topography and Everyday Life, edited by Nevra Necipoğlu, pp.304-311. Leiden: Brill.
  • Enrico Basso, “La Maona di Chio, Genova e l’Impero Ottomano: relazioni commerciali e intrecci diplomatici fra Tardo Medioevo e prima Età moderna” in Relazioni Economiche tra Europa e Mondo Islamico secc. XIII-XVIII, Atti della Trentottesima Settimana di Studi, 1-5 Maggio, edited by S. Cavaciocchi, 2 vols, pp.315-324. Firenze: Le Monnier.
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  • Fernand. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II. 2 vols. Translated by Siân Reynolds. London: Collins.
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  • K. İlker Bulunur, “II. Mehmed tarafından Galatalılara verilen 1453 Ahidnâmesi ve buna yapılan eklemeler hakkında yeni bilgiler,” İÜEF Tarih Dergisi 50 (2): pp.59-85.
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From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.)

Yıl 2021, , 591 - 619, 30.12.2021


This article focuses on the presence of the Genoese in the Eastern Mediterranean, their settlement in Constantinople and their diplomatic and commercial relations with the Byzantines and the Ottomans in the context of the changes and transformations that occurred during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. Establishing a semi-autonomous rule in Pera/Constantinople during the late Byzantine period, the Genoese became important settlers of the imperial city connecting it with the Black Sea and the Mediterranean through their trading networks and colonies. Although the conquest of Constantinople by the Ottomans in 1453 changed the status of the Genoese community, most of the Genoese families continued to stay in this city and adapted themselves to the newly emerging conditions. This article will dwell on the experiences of the Genoese under the Byzantine and Ottoman rules and examine how they handled co-existing with a society of differing faith, language and culture. It will also discuss how the Genoese sought to keep their commercial interests and maintain their order in the vibrant and cosmopolitan setting of Ottoman Constantinople.


  • Ancona, Cyriac of. Later Travels. Translated by E. Bodnar and C. Foss. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
  • Michel Balard, Angeliki E. Laiou and C. Otten-Froux (eds.). Les Italiens à Byzance et presentation de documents. Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
  • Balbi Giovanni and S. Raiteri. Notai genovesi in Oltremare. Atti rogati a Caffa e a Licostomo (sec. XIV). Genova: Istituto internazionale di studi liguri.
  • Niccolò Barbaro, The Diary of the Siege of Constantinople 1453. Translated by R. J. Jones. New York: Exposition Press.
  • T. Belgrano, “Prima Serie di Documenti riguardanti la colonia Genovese di Pera,” Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 17: pp. 99-284.
  • L. T. Belgrano, “Seconda Serie di Documenti Riguardanti La Colonia di Pera,” ASLSP XIII: pp. 339-409.
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  • Decline and Fall of Byzantium to the Ottoman Turks. Translated and edited by Harry Magoulias. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1975.
  • Kate Fleet, “The Treaty of 1387 between Murad I and the Genoese,” BSOAS 56, pp. 13-33.
  • Mauri della Fratta, Relatione dello stato della christianità di Pera e Constantinopoli obediente al Sommo Pontefice Romano. Manoscritto della prima metà del XVII secolo. Edited by Eugenio Dalleggio D’Alessio. Istanbul.
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  • J. R. Melville-Jones (ed.). The Siege of Constantinople 1453: Seven Contemporary Accounts. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert.
  • Giuseppe Miller, Documenti sulle Relazioni delle Città Toscane coll’Oriente Cristiano e coi Turchi fino all’anno MDXXXI. Firenze: Cellini.
  • Vincenzo Promis (ed.). “Statuti della colonia genovese di Pera,” Miscellanea di Storia Italiana XI: pp.513-780.
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  • Ausilia Roccatagliata, Notai Genovesi in Oltremare. Atti Rogati a Mitilene. Vol. II: 1454-1460. Genova: Università di Genova.
  • Ausilia Roccatagliata, Notai Genovesi in Oltremare. Atti Rogati a Chio (1453-1454, 1470-1471). Genova: Collana Storica di Fonti e Studi.
  • Ausilia Roccatagliata, “Notai Genovesi in Oltremare. Atti Rogati a Pera (1453),” Atti della Società Ligure di Storia Patria 39.1: pp.101-160.
  • Halil Sahillioğlu (ed.). Topkapı Sarayı Arşivi H. 951-952 tarihli ve E-12321 numaralı Mühimme Defteri. İstanbul: IRCICA.
  • Lodovico Sauli, Della Colonia dei Genovesi in Galata. 2 vols. Torino: G. Bocca.
  • Pero Tafur, Travel and Adventures 1435-1439. Translated by Malcolm Letts. London: George Routledge & Sons.
  • David Abulafia, “Trade and Crusade, 1050-1250,” in the Mediterranean Encounters, Economic, Religious, Political, 1100-1550. 1-20. Aldershot: Ashgate.
  • David Abulafia, The Great Sea: A Human History of the Mediterranean. New York: Oxford UP.
  • Janet Abu-Lughod, Before European hegemony: the world system A.D. 1250-1350. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Aygül Ağır, İstanbul’un Eski Venedik Yerleşimi ve Dönüşümü. İstanbul: İstanbul Araştırma Enstitüsü.
  • Gabriella Airaldi, “Note sulla cancelleria di Caffa nel secolo XIV,” in Studi e Documenti su genova e L’Oltremare, pp. 11-110. Genova: Istituto di paleografia e storia medievale.
  • Philip Argenti, The Occupation of Chios by the Genoese and their administration of the island, 1346-1566, vol. I. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
  • Eliyahu Ashtor, “The Venetian Supremacy in Levantine Trade: Monopoly or Pre-Colonialism?” Journal of European Economic History 3/1: pp.5-53.
  • Nurhan Aksoy, Julian Ruby, Alison Effeny (ed.) İPEK: The Crescent and the Rose, Imperial Ottoman Silks and Velvets. London and Istanbul: Azimuth Publications and TEB Publishing.
  • Franz Babinger, Mehmed the Conqueror and His Time. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
  • Michel Balard, La Romanie Génoise (XIIe-Debut du XVe Siècle). 2 Vols. Rome : École française de Rome.
  • Michel Balard, “The Genoese in the Aegean (1204-1566),” Mediterranean Historical Review 4:1: pp.158-174.
  • Michel Balard, “L’Organisation des colonies étrangères dans l’Empire Byzantine (XIIe-XVe siècle)” in Hommes et Richesses dans l’Empire Byzantine vol. II: VIIIe-XVe Siècle, eds. V. Kravari, J. Lefort and C. Morrisson, pp. 261-276. Paris: Pierre Zech Éditeur.
  • Michel Balard, “La Société Pérote aux XIVe-XVe siècles: Autour des Demerode et des Draperio” in Byzantine Constantinople. Monuments, Topography and Everyday Life, edited by Nevra Necipoğlu, pp.304-311. Leiden: Brill.
  • Enrico Basso, “La Maona di Chio, Genova e l’Impero Ottomano: relazioni commerciali e intrecci diplomatici fra Tardo Medioevo e prima Età moderna” in Relazioni Economiche tra Europa e Mondo Islamico secc. XIII-XVIII, Atti della Trentottesima Settimana di Studi, 1-5 Maggio, edited by S. Cavaciocchi, 2 vols, pp.315-324. Firenze: Le Monnier.
  • G. I. Bratianu, Recherches sur le commerce génois dans la Mer Noire au XIIIe siècle. Paris: P. Geuthner.
  • Fernand. The Mediterranean and the Mediterranean World in the Age of Philip II. 2 vols. Translated by Siân Reynolds. London: Collins.
  • Horatio Brown, “The Venetians and Venetian Quarter in Constantinople to the close of the Twelfth-Century,” The Journal of Hellenic Studies, vol. 40 Part I: pp.68-88.
  • K. İlker Bulunur, “II. Mehmed tarafından Galatalılara verilen 1453 Ahidnâmesi ve buna yapılan eklemeler hakkında yeni bilgiler,” İÜEF Tarih Dergisi 50 (2): pp.59-85.
  • Donatella Calabi and Derek Keene, “Exchanges and cultural transfer in European cities in 1500-1700” in Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe: Cities and Cultural Exchange, vol. II, eds. Calabi and Christensen. Pp.286-314. Cambridge: Cambridge UP.
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Toplam 108 adet kaynakça vardır.


Birincil Dil İngilizce

Fatma Özden Mercan 0000-0001-9531-806X

Yayımlanma Tarihi 30 Aralık 2021
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2021

Kaynak Göster

APA Mercan, F. Ö. (2021). From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.). Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 36(2), 591-619.
AMA Mercan FÖ. From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.). TID. Aralık 2021;36(2):591-619. doi:10.18513/egetid.1050207
Chicago Mercan, Fatma Özden. “From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.)”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36, sy. 2 (Aralık 2021): 591-619.
EndNote Mercan FÖ (01 Aralık 2021) From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.). Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36 2 591–619.
IEEE F. Ö. Mercan, “From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.)”, TID, c. 36, sy. 2, ss. 591–619, 2021, doi: 10.18513/egetid.1050207.
ISNAD Mercan, Fatma Özden. “From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.)”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 36/2 (Aralık 2021), 591-619.
JAMA Mercan FÖ. From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.). TID. 2021;36:591–619.
MLA Mercan, Fatma Özden. “From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.)”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, c. 36, sy. 2, 2021, ss. 591-19, doi:10.18513/egetid.1050207.
Vancouver Mercan FÖ. From the Genoese to the Perots: The Genoese Community in Byzantine/Ottoman Constantinople (14th–15th C.). TID. 2021;36(2):591-619.