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Endonezyalı Hadramilerin Osmanlı Devleti ile İşbirliği ve Endonezyalı Öğrencilerin İstanbul’a Gönderilmeleri, 1880’ler – 1910’lar

Year 2022, , 27 - 52, 28.07.2022


On dokuzuncu yüzyılın ikinci yarısında, özellikle 1880’lerden itibaren, Hollanda kolonyal yönetimi altında bulunan Endonezya’daki Hadramiler ile Osmanlı Devleti arasında yoğun bir ilişki meydana gelmişti. Bu işbirliği, özellikle Endonezya’daki varlıklı Hadramiler ile Batavya (Jakarta)’daki Osmanlı Konsolosları tarafından yürütülmüştür. Hollanda sömürge yönetimi tarafından ayrımcılığa tabi tutulduğunu hisseden Hadramiler, bir özgürleşme arayışına girdiler. Şikâyetlerini Batavya'daki Osmanlı konsoloslarına ilettiler ve durumlarını iyileştirmenin birtakım yollarını aradılar. Bu zengin Hadrami ailelerinden bazıları, çocuklarının daha iyi bir eğitim alabilmesi için onları İstanbul’a göndermeyi başardılar. Bu çalışma, bu işbirliğini derinlemesine incelemeyi amaçlamaktadır ve özellikle İstanbul’daki burslu bu Hadrami öğrencilerin durumu üzerinde yoğunlaşmıştır. Bu amaçla Osmanlı ve Hollanda arşiv belgelerinden yararlanılarak hazırlanan bu çalışma ile birlikte, konu hakkında mevcut tüm çalışmaları tamamlar nitelikte olduğu düşünülmektedir.


  • Alatas 2005 Alwi Alatas, “Pan-Islamism and Islamic Resurgence in the Netherlands East Indies: The Role of ‘Abd Allāh b. ‘Alwī b. ‘Abd Allāh Al-Aṭṭās (1840-1929).” Conference Paper. IIUM, Gombak, Selangor.
  • Alatas 2007 Alwi Alatas, Islamic Reformism in the Netherlands East Indies: The Role and Thought of Abd Allāh b. Alawī al-Aṭṭās (1844-1929). Master dissertation. International Islamic University Malaysia.
  • Algadri 1988 Hamid Algadri, Politik Belanda terhadap Islam dan keturunan Arab di Indonesia. Jakarta: Haji Masagung.
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  • Clarence-Smith 1997 William G. Clarence-Smith, “Hadhramaut and the Hadhrami diaspora in the modern colonial era: An introductory survey.” in Hadhrami Traders, scholars, and statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, ed. Ulrike Freitagand and William G. Clarence-Smith, Leiden: Brill.
  • De Jonge 1997 Huub De Jonge, “Dutch Colonial Policy Pertaining to Hadhrami Immigrants,” in Hadhrami Traders, Scholars, and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, ed. Ulrike Freitag and W.G. Clarence-Smith, Leiden: Brill.
  • De Jonge 2002 Huub De Jonge, “Contradictory and against the grain: Snouck Hurgronje on the Hadhramis in the Dutch East Indies (1889-1936),” in Trancending Borders: Arabs, Politics, Trade and Islam in Southeast Asia, ed. Huub de Jonge and Nico Kaptein, Leiden: KITLV Press.
  • Gilsenan 1990 Michael Gilsenan, Recognizing Islam: Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd.
  • Göksoy 2004 İsmail Hakkı Göksoy, Güneydoğu Asya’da Osmanlı-Türk Tesirleri, Isparta: Fakülte Kitabevi.
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  • Hurgronje et alii 1990 C. Snouck Hurgronje, E. Gobée, and C. Adriaanse. Nasihat-nasihat C. Snouck Hurgronje semasa Kepegawaiannya kepada Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, 1889-1936, Vol. II. Jakarta: INIS.
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  • Hurgronje et alii 1994 Nasihat-nasihat C. Snouck Hurgronje semasa Kepegawaiannya kepada Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, 1889-1936, Vol. IX. Jakarta: INIS.
  • Karpat 2000 Kemal H. Karpat, The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  • Mestoko et alii 1985 Sumarsono Mestoko, S. Bachtiar, Sunityo & Zaenuddin Arif, Pendidikan di Indonesia dari Jaman ke Jaman. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
  • Miksic et alii 1996 John Miksic, Indonesian Heritage: Early modern history. Singapore: Archipelago Press.
  • Mobini-Kesheh 1999 Natalie Mobini-Kesheh, The Hadhrami awakening, community and identity in the Netherlands East Indies, 1900-1942. New York: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications.
  • Muhammad et alii 1988 H.T.S. Umar Muhammad, Tenas Effendy, T. Razak Jaafar, Silsilah Keturunan Raja-raja Kerajaan Siak Sri Indrapura dan Kerajaan Pelawan. Pekanbaru.
  • Noer 1994 Deliar Noer, Gerakan Moderen Islam di Indonesia 1900-1942. Jakarta: LP3ES.
  • Othman 1997 Muhammad R. Othmar, “Hadhramis in the politics and administration of the Malay States in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.” in Hadhrami Traders, Scholars, and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, ed. Ulrike Freitagand and William G. Clarence-Smith, Leiden: Brill.
  • Raffles 1965 Thomas Stamford Raffles, The History of Java, Vol. 1. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Reid 1967 Anthony Reid, “Nineteenth Century Pan-Islamism in Indonesia and Malaysia”. The Journal of Asian Studies 26 (2): pp. 267-283.
  • Roff 1970 William R. Roff, “South-East Asian Islam in the Nineteenth Century,” in The Cambridge History of Islam, ed. P. M. Holt, Ann K.S. Lambton and Bernard Lewis, Vol. 2, Cambridge: Cambridge at The University Press.
  • Schmidt 1992 Jan Schmidt, Through The Legation Window 1876-1926 - Four Essays on Dutch, Dutch-Indian and Ottoman. Istanbul: Nedherlands Historisch-Archaeologish Instituut Te Istanbul.
  • Serjeant 1996. R. B. Serjeant, Society and trade in South Arabia. Hampshire: VARIORUM.
  • Shahab 2017 A.M. Shahab, Sang Penyebar Berita Proklamasi: Perjuangan M. Asad Shahab & Arabian Press Board. Jakarta: Change.
  • Steinbrink et alli 1989 K.A. Steinbrink, Kata Pengantar, L.W.C. van den Berg, Hadhramaut dan Koloni Arab di Nusantara. Trans. Rahayu Hidayat. Jakarta: Indonesian Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies/INIS.
  • Steiner 1947 M. J. Steiner, Inside Pan-Arabia. Chicago: Packard.
  • Supratman 2017 Frial Ramadhan Supratman, “Rafet Bey: The Last Ottoman Consul in Batavia during the First World War 1911-1924.” Studia Islamika 24 (1): pp. 33-68.
  • Suratminto 2017. Lilie Suratminto, “Educational Policy in the Colonial Era.” Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejerah 14 (1): pp. 77-84.
  • Tekin 2021 Alaeddin Tekin, “Restoration of Riau Sultanate-Ottoman Relations (1857-1904): Explanatory Factors.”, Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 26 (2): pp.177-196.
  • Terzi et alii 2017 Mehmet Akif Terzi, Ahmet Ergün and Mehmet Ali Alacagöz. 2017. Turki Utsmani-Indonesia: Relasi dan Korespondensi Berdasarkan Dokumen Turki Utsmani. Trans. Muhammad Zuhdi. Istanbul: Hitay.
  • Van den Berg 1989 L.W.C. Van den Berg, Hadhramaut dan Koloni Arab di Nusantara, Trans. Rahayu Hidayat. Jakarta: Indonesian Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies/INIS.
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The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s

Year 2022, , 27 - 52, 28.07.2022


In the second half of the 19th century, especially since the 1880s, there was an intense relationship and cooperation between the Hadrami people in the Dutch East Indies (Colonial Indonesia) and the Ottoman government. This cooperation was driven especially by some wealthy Hadrami traders and the Ottoman consuls in Batavia. The Hadrami people in the Dutch East Indies who felt discriminated against by the colonial government then sought after emancipation. They complained about their problems to the Ottoman consuls in Batavia and looked for ways to improve their condition. Some of these wealthy Hadramis were able to send their children for schooling in Istanbul. This study intends to examine in depth about this cooperation, especially in the case of scholarship of some Hadrami students in Istanbul. For this purpose, a number of Ottoman and Dutch archival documents were used and this study will expectedly be able to complement the existing researches on this topic.


  • Alatas 2005 Alwi Alatas, “Pan-Islamism and Islamic Resurgence in the Netherlands East Indies: The Role of ‘Abd Allāh b. ‘Alwī b. ‘Abd Allāh Al-Aṭṭās (1840-1929).” Conference Paper. IIUM, Gombak, Selangor.
  • Alatas 2007 Alwi Alatas, Islamic Reformism in the Netherlands East Indies: The Role and Thought of Abd Allāh b. Alawī al-Aṭṭās (1844-1929). Master dissertation. International Islamic University Malaysia.
  • Algadri 1988 Hamid Algadri, Politik Belanda terhadap Islam dan keturunan Arab di Indonesia. Jakarta: Haji Masagung.
  • Ayhan and Maviş 1994 Halis Ayhan - Hakki Maviş, “Dârüşşafaka.” Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı, İslam Ansiklopedisi. Vol. IX: p.7-9.
  • Clarence-Smith 1997 William G. Clarence-Smith, “Hadhramaut and the Hadhrami diaspora in the modern colonial era: An introductory survey.” in Hadhrami Traders, scholars, and statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, ed. Ulrike Freitagand and William G. Clarence-Smith, Leiden: Brill.
  • De Jonge 1997 Huub De Jonge, “Dutch Colonial Policy Pertaining to Hadhrami Immigrants,” in Hadhrami Traders, Scholars, and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, ed. Ulrike Freitag and W.G. Clarence-Smith, Leiden: Brill.
  • De Jonge 2002 Huub De Jonge, “Contradictory and against the grain: Snouck Hurgronje on the Hadhramis in the Dutch East Indies (1889-1936),” in Trancending Borders: Arabs, Politics, Trade and Islam in Southeast Asia, ed. Huub de Jonge and Nico Kaptein, Leiden: KITLV Press.
  • Gilsenan 1990 Michael Gilsenan, Recognizing Islam: Religion and Society in the Modern Middle East. London: I.B. Tauris & Co Ltd.
  • Göksoy 2004 İsmail Hakkı Göksoy, Güneydoğu Asya’da Osmanlı-Türk Tesirleri, Isparta: Fakülte Kitabevi.
  • Göksoy 2015 İsmail Hakkı Göksoy, “Acehnese Appeals for Ottoman Protection in the Late Nineteenth Century”. From Anatolia to Aceh, Oxford University Press, pp. 175-197.
  • Haikal 1986 Husain Haikal, Indonesia-Arab dalam Pergerakan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (1900-1942). PhD dissertation. Universitas Indonesia.
  • Hourani 2013 Albert Hourani, Arabic Thought in the Liberal Age, 1798-1939. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Hurgronje et alii 1990 C. Snouck Hurgronje, E. Gobée, and C. Adriaanse. Nasihat-nasihat C. Snouck Hurgronje semasa Kepegawaiannya kepada Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, 1889-1936, Vol. II. Jakarta: INIS.
  • Hurgronje et alii 1991 Nasihat-nasihat C. Snouck Hurgronje semasa Kepegawaiannya kepada Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, 1889-1936, Vol. V. Jakarta: INIS.
  • Hurgronje et alii 1994 Nasihat-nasihat C. Snouck Hurgronje semasa Kepegawaiannya kepada Pemerintah Hindia Belanda, 1889-1936, Vol. IX. Jakarta: INIS.
  • Karpat 2000 Kemal H. Karpat, The Politicization of Islam: Reconstructing Identity, State, Faith, and Community in the Late Ottoman State. New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kodaman 1991 Bayram Kodaman, Abdülhamid Devri Eğitim Sistemi. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu Yayınları.
  • Landau 1990 Jacob M. Landau, Pan-Islam: History and Politics. London and New York: Routledge.
  • Mestoko et alii 1985 Sumarsono Mestoko, S. Bachtiar, Sunityo & Zaenuddin Arif, Pendidikan di Indonesia dari Jaman ke Jaman. Jakarta: Balai Pustaka.
  • Miksic et alii 1996 John Miksic, Indonesian Heritage: Early modern history. Singapore: Archipelago Press.
  • Mobini-Kesheh 1999 Natalie Mobini-Kesheh, The Hadhrami awakening, community and identity in the Netherlands East Indies, 1900-1942. New York: Cornell Southeast Asia Program Publications.
  • Muhammad et alii 1988 H.T.S. Umar Muhammad, Tenas Effendy, T. Razak Jaafar, Silsilah Keturunan Raja-raja Kerajaan Siak Sri Indrapura dan Kerajaan Pelawan. Pekanbaru.
  • Noer 1994 Deliar Noer, Gerakan Moderen Islam di Indonesia 1900-1942. Jakarta: LP3ES.
  • Othman 1997 Muhammad R. Othmar, “Hadhramis in the politics and administration of the Malay States in the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.” in Hadhrami Traders, Scholars, and Statesmen in the Indian Ocean, 1750s-1960s, ed. Ulrike Freitagand and William G. Clarence-Smith, Leiden: Brill.
  • Raffles 1965 Thomas Stamford Raffles, The History of Java, Vol. 1. London: Oxford University Press.
  • Reid 1967 Anthony Reid, “Nineteenth Century Pan-Islamism in Indonesia and Malaysia”. The Journal of Asian Studies 26 (2): pp. 267-283.
  • Roff 1970 William R. Roff, “South-East Asian Islam in the Nineteenth Century,” in The Cambridge History of Islam, ed. P. M. Holt, Ann K.S. Lambton and Bernard Lewis, Vol. 2, Cambridge: Cambridge at The University Press.
  • Schmidt 1992 Jan Schmidt, Through The Legation Window 1876-1926 - Four Essays on Dutch, Dutch-Indian and Ottoman. Istanbul: Nedherlands Historisch-Archaeologish Instituut Te Istanbul.
  • Serjeant 1996. R. B. Serjeant, Society and trade in South Arabia. Hampshire: VARIORUM.
  • Shahab 2017 A.M. Shahab, Sang Penyebar Berita Proklamasi: Perjuangan M. Asad Shahab & Arabian Press Board. Jakarta: Change.
  • Steinbrink et alli 1989 K.A. Steinbrink, Kata Pengantar, L.W.C. van den Berg, Hadhramaut dan Koloni Arab di Nusantara. Trans. Rahayu Hidayat. Jakarta: Indonesian Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies/INIS.
  • Steiner 1947 M. J. Steiner, Inside Pan-Arabia. Chicago: Packard.
  • Supratman 2017 Frial Ramadhan Supratman, “Rafet Bey: The Last Ottoman Consul in Batavia during the First World War 1911-1924.” Studia Islamika 24 (1): pp. 33-68.
  • Suratminto 2017. Lilie Suratminto, “Educational Policy in the Colonial Era.” Historia: Jurnal Pendidik dan Peneliti Sejerah 14 (1): pp. 77-84.
  • Tekin 2021 Alaeddin Tekin, “Restoration of Riau Sultanate-Ottoman Relations (1857-1904): Explanatory Factors.”, Al-Shajarah: Journal of the International Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), 26 (2): pp.177-196.
  • Terzi et alii 2017 Mehmet Akif Terzi, Ahmet Ergün and Mehmet Ali Alacagöz. 2017. Turki Utsmani-Indonesia: Relasi dan Korespondensi Berdasarkan Dokumen Turki Utsmani. Trans. Muhammad Zuhdi. Istanbul: Hitay.
  • Van den Berg 1989 L.W.C. Van den Berg, Hadhramaut dan Koloni Arab di Nusantara, Trans. Rahayu Hidayat. Jakarta: Indonesian Netherlands Cooperation in Islamic Studies/INIS.
  • Van Dijk 2007 Kees Van Dijk, The Netherlands Indies and the Great War 1914-1918. Leiden: KITLV Press.
  • Vlekke 1943 Bernard H. M. Vlekke, Nusantara: A History of the East Indian Archipelago. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
There are 39 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section ARTICLES

Alwi Alatas This is me 0000-0002-2207-1438

Alaeddin Tekin 0000-0002-8358-5934

Publication Date July 28, 2022
Published in Issue Year 2022


APA Alatas, A., & Tekin, A. (2022). The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, 37(1), 27-52.
AMA Alatas A, Tekin A. The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s. TID. July 2022;37(1):27-52. doi:10.18513/egetid.1148561
Chicago Alatas, Alwi, and Alaeddin Tekin. “The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation With the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 37, no. 1 (July 2022): 27-52.
EndNote Alatas A, Tekin A (July 1, 2022) The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 37 1 27–52.
IEEE A. Alatas and A. Tekin, “The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s”, TID, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 27–52, 2022, doi: 10.18513/egetid.1148561.
ISNAD Alatas, Alwi - Tekin, Alaeddin. “The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation With the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 37/1 (July 2022), 27-52.
JAMA Alatas A, Tekin A. The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s. TID. 2022;37:27–52.
MLA Alatas, Alwi and Alaeddin Tekin. “The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation With the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, vol. 37, no. 1, 2022, pp. 27-52, doi:10.18513/egetid.1148561.
Vancouver Alatas A, Tekin A. The Indonesian-Hadramis’ Cooperation with the Ottoman and the Sending of Indonesian Students to Istanbul, 1880s-1910s. TID. 2022;37(1):27-52.