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Yıl 2023, , 719 - 750, 28.12.2023


Endülüs’ün Müslümanlar tarafından fethi sadece İber Yarımadası’nın siyasi haritasında değil aynı zamanda bölgenin sosyokültürel yapısında köklü değişimleri beraberinde getirdi. Müslümanlar, Hıristiyanlar ve Yahudiler, çok dinli ve çok kültürlü Endülüs toplumunda hoşgörü ve uyum içerisinde varlıklarını sürdürdüler. Endülüs’teki bazı Hıristiyanlar hayat tarzları bakımından diğer dindaşlarından farklı özelliklere sahiplerdi. Müslümanlarla Hıristiyanların gündelik hayattaki temasları sonucunda yeni bir topluluk olarak ortaya çıkan Mozaraplar, Ortaçağ Avrupası’nda İslâm-Batı ilişkilerinin gelişiminde önemli bir grup olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Arap dili ve İslâm kültüründen derinden etkilenen bu topluluk, bahsi geçen birliktelik sürecinde kilit rol oynadı.
Bu çalışma, Endülüs’ün ilmî yönden ikbal çağını yaşadığı X. asırda Mozaraplar’ın tıp, astronomi, teoloji ve tarih gibi bilimlerin gelişim sürecindeki faaliyetlerini ve bu faaliyetlerin Endülüs bilim hayatına katkılarını incelemektedir.

Etik Beyan

Makalemi herhangi bir dergiye göndermediğim ve etik kurallara uyduğumu beyan ederim.


  • Adıgüzel 2020 Cumhur Ersin Adıgüzel, “Endülüs Emevî Devleti ile Bizans İmparatorluğu Arasındaki Diplomatik Münasebetler ve Bunun Endülüs’te İlmî Hayat ve Sanat Üzerindeki Etkileri”, İSTEM, no: 35, s.1-15.
  • Almansa 2009 Manuel Almansa, Acien Almansa, “Consideraciones Sobre los Mozarabes de al-Andalus”, Studia Historica, c. XXVII, s.23-36.
  • Alvaro 1852 Alvaro de Córdoba, Indiculus Luminosus, (ed. Jacques Paul Migne), c. 121, Patrologia Latina, Paris.
  • Aznar 2014 Bermudez Aznar, “Juridical and Political Coexistence and Economic Production”, Cultural Symbiosis in al-Andalus, (ed. Sanaa Osseiran), Unesco, Beyrut, s.211-222.
  • Bîrûnî 1879 Ebû Reyhan Bîrûnî, el-Âsâru’l-Bâkiye, (çev. C. Edward Sachau), The Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, Londra.
  • Bodelon 1989 Serafin Bodelon, Literatura Latina de la Edad Media en España, Akal, Madrid.
  • Burman 1994 Thomas E. Burman, The Religious Polemic and the Intellectual History of Mozarabs, 1050-1200, Brill, Leiden, New York, Köln.
  • Burnett 2011 Charles Burnett, “Communities of Learning in Twelfth-Century Toledo”, Communities of Learning: Networks and the Shaping Intellectual Identity Europe, 1100-1500, (ed. Constant J. Mews, John N. Crossley), Brespol, Turnhout, s.9-18.
  • Busic 2018 Jason, Busic, “Religious Identity, Language, and Exegines: The Mozarabs and an Arabic Gospels”, La Coronica, c. 46-2, s.5-31.
  • Campbell 1926 Donald Campbell, Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages, c. I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Londra.
  • Catlos 2014 Brian A. Catlos, The Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom, c. 1050-1614, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Chalmeta 1986 Pedro Chalmeta, “Kûmis”, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, c. V, Leiden, s.376-377.
  • Chalmeta 1993 Pedro Chalmeta, “Mozarab”, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, c. VII, New York, Leiden, 1993, s.247.
  • Christys 2002 Ann Christys, Christians in al-Andalus:711-1000, Routledge, New York.
  • Christys 2018 Ann Christys, “The Quran as History for Muslims and Christians in al-Andalus”, Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, c. VI, s.55-73.
  • Dioscorides 2000 Pedianus Dioscorides, De Materia Medica, IBIDIS Press, Johannesburg.
  • Dunlop 1954 Douglas Morton Dunlop, “Hafs b. Albar: The Last of the Goths?”, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, no: 3/4, s.137-151.
  • Eulogius 1973 Eulogius de Córdoba, Memoriare Sanctorum, Corpus Scriptorum Mozarabicorum, (ed. Ioannes Gil), c. II, Madrid.
  • Frassetto 2010 Michael Frasetto, “John of St. Arnoul”, Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, c. II, (ed. David Tomas, Alex Mallet), Brill, Leiden, Boston, s.476-479.
  • Freely 2011 John Freely, Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam Helped to Shape the Western World, B. Tairus, New York.
  • Gomez 1992 Margarita Lopez Gomez, “The Mozarabs: Worthy Bearers of Islamic Culture”, The Legacy of Muslim Spain, (ed. Selma Hadra Ceyyusi), Brill, Leiden, s.171-176.
  • Guzman 2004 Roberto Marin Guzman, “Unity and Variety in Medieval Muslim Society: Ethnic Diversity and Social Classes in Muslim Spain”, Cultural Symbiosis in al-Andalus, (ed. Sanaa Osseiran), Beyrut, s.91-108.
  • Harrison 2009 Alwyn Richard Harrison, Andalusi Christianity: The Survival of Indigenous Christian Communities, University of Exeter, Doktora Tezi, Exeter.
  • Hitchcock 2008, Richard Hitchcock, Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: Identities and Influences, Ashgate, Hampshire.
  • Hopley 2016 Russell Hopley, “The Translation of Nature: Al-Sharif al-Idrisi on the Plant Life of the Western Mediterranean”, Translating the Middle Ages, (ed. Karen L. Fresco, Charles D. Wright), Routledge, New York, s.21-34.
  • İbn Cülcül 1985 İbn Cülcül, Tabakâtü’l-etıbbâ ve’l-hûkemâ, Müessesetü’l-Risale, Tahkik: Fuad Seyyid, Beyrut.
  • İbn Ebû Usaybia 1965 İbn Ebû Usaybia, Uyûnü’l-enbâ fî Tabakâti’l-etıbbâ, Tahkik: Nizar Rıza, Darü’l-Mektebetü’l-Hayyat, Beyrut.
  • İbn Haldûn 2001 İbn Haldûn, Kitâbü’l İber Divanü’l-Mubteda’ ve’l-Haber fi Eyyâmü’l-Arab ve’l-Acem ve’l-Berber ve aman ‘Asarahum min davi Sultanu’l-Ekber, c. II, tahkik: Halil Şüheda, Süheyl Zekker), Darü’l-Fikr, Beyrut.
  • İbnü’l Kûtiyye 2009 İbnü’l Kûtiyye, Târîhu iftitâhi’l-Endelüs, (çev. David James), Routletge, New York.
  • İbnü’n Nedîm 1970 İbnü’n Nedîm, el-Fihrist, (çev. Bayard Dodge), Columbia University Press, New York, Londra.
  • Jirola 2006 Jorge Jirola, “Müsta’rib”, TDVİA, c. XXXII, s.123-124.
  • Karlığa 1999 Bekir Karlığa, “İbn Cülcül”, TDVİA, c. XIX, s.403-404.
  • Kassis 1999 Hanna Kassis, “A Glimpse of Openness in Medieval Society: Al-Hakam II of Cordoba and His non-Muslim Collaborators”, The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways, (ed. Balazs Nagy, Marcell Sebok), Central European University Press, Budapeşte, s.162-166.
  • Koningsveld 1994 Pieter Sjoerd Van Koningsveld, “Christian Arabic Literature from Medieval Spain: An Attempt at Periodization”, Christian Arabic Apologetics during the Abbasid Period (750-1258), (ed. Samir Khalil Samir, Jorgen S. Nielsen), Brill, Leiden, Köln, New York, s.203-224.
  • Kozodoy 2012 Maud Kozodoy, “The Jewish Physician in Medieval Iberia”, The Jew in Medieval Iberia (ed. Jonathan Ray), Academic Studies Press, Boston, s.102-137.
  • König 2015 Daniel G. König, Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Küçüksipahioğlu 2009 Birsel Küçüksipahioğlu, “Bizans’a Elçi Olarak Gelen Cremona Piskoposu Liutprant’ın İstanbul İzlenimlerine Bir Bakış”, Osmanlı Araştırmaları, c. XXXIV, İstanbul, s.159-173.
  • el-Kütübî 1973 Muhammed b. Şakir el-Kütübî, Fevâtü’l Vefayât ve’z-zeyl aleyhâ, c. II, Tahkik: İhsan Abbas, Darü’l-Sadr, Beyrut.
  • Lindberg 1978 David C. Lindberg, “The Transmission of Greek and Arabic Learning to the West”, Science in the Middle Ages, (ed. David C. Lindberg), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, s.52-90.
  • Liutprand 1930 Liutprand of Cremona, Antapodosis, (çev. G. G. Coulton, Eileen Power, The Works of Liutprand of Cremona), Londra.
  • Livingston 2018 John V. Livingston, The Rise of Science in Islam and the West: from Shared Heritage to Parting of the Ways, 8th to 19th Centuries, Routledge, New York.
  • Luckhardt 2018 Courtney Luckhardt, “Diplomacy between Emperors and Caliphs in the Tenth Century”, Medieval Worlds, c. VIII, s.86-108.
  • Makkarî 2002 Ahmed b. Muammed, Nefhu’t-Tib min Ğusni’l-Endelüsi’r-Ratîb, (çev. Pascual de Gayangos), c. II, Routledge, Londra.
  • Marenbon Dronke 2001 John Marenbon, Peter Dronke, Poetry and Philosophy in the Middle Ages: A Festschrift for Peter Dronke, Brill, Leiden.
  • Marinas 2012 Ivan Perez Marinas, “Los Mozarabes de Cordoba del siglo IX: Sociedad, Cultura y Pensamiento”, Estudios Medievales Hispanicos, c. I, s.177-220.
  • Marinas 2015 Ivan Perez Marinas, “La Pervivencia de la Ciencia Preislamica en al-Andalus: Una Vision de Conjunto”, Estudios Medievales Hispanicos, c. IV, s.39-56.
  • Molina 1984 Luis Molina, “Orosio y los Geografos Hispanomusulmanes”, Al-Qantara, c. V, s.63-92.
  • Nash 2016 Penelope Nash, “The Ottonian Turn Their Gaze West to the Court of al-Andalus”, JAEMA, c. XII, s.53-68.
  • Ordericus Vitalis 1853 Ordericus Vitalis, Historiae Ecclesiasticae, c. IV, Londra.
  • Özdemir 1993 Mehmet Özdemir, “Müvelledûn’un Endülüs Emevîleri Döneminde Kültürel Hayattaki Yeri”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. XXXIV, s.178-203.
  • Özdemir 2007 Mehmet Özdemir, “Ahmed b. Muhammed Râzî”, TDVİA, c. XXXIV, İstanbul, s.478-479.
  • Padover 1923 Saul K. Padover, “Muslim Libraries”, The Medieval Library, (ed. James Westfall Thompson), Hafner Publishing Company, New York, s.347-368.
  • Palencia 1930 Angel Gonzalez Palencia, Los Mozarabes de Toledo en los Siglos XII y XIII, Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan, Madrid.
  • Palencia 2021 Angel Gonzalez Palencia, “Endülüs’te Mozarap, Yahudi ve Aljamiado Yazını”, (çev. Uğur Boran), Şarkiyat Mecmuası, no XXXVIII, s.207-217.
  • Paulus Orosius 1981 Paulus Oroius, Historiarum Libri Septem Adversus Paganos, (çev. Roy J. Deferrari), The Catholic University of America Press, Washington.
  • Penelas 2001 Mayte Penelas, “A Possible Author of the Arabic Translation of Orosius’ Historiae”, Al-Masaq, c. XIII, s.113-135.
  • Pinto 2021 Sandra M. G. Pinto, “Islamic Legacy in Medieval Iberian Societies: Buildings Rules”, Artistic and Cultural Dialogues in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, (ed. Maria Marcos Cobaleda), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, s.163-188.
  • Recemundus 1983 Recemundus, (Rabi b. Zeyd), Takvimû-l-Kurtuba (Kitâbû’l-Envâ), (Tahkik: Reinhart Dozy), Brill, Leiden.
  • Rivaya 2010 Yasmine Beale Rivaya, “The History and Evolution of the Term ‘Mozarab’”, Imago Temporis: Medium Aevum, c. IV, s.51-71.
  • Rodrigo Jimenez 1989 Rodrigo Jimenez de Rada, Historia de Rebus Hispaniae, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
  • Rueda 2008 Jose Manuel Fradejas Rueda, “Shadhaniqat al-Balansiyya or Shadhaniqat al-Bahriyya: On the Arabic Text and the Latin Translations of the Calendar of Cordoba”, Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of the Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe, (ed. Michele Goyens, Pieter de Leamans, An Smets), Leuven University Press, Leuven, s.59-72.
  • Sahner 2013 Christian C., “From Augustine to Islam: Translation and History in the Arabic Orosius”, Speculum, no: 88-4, s.905-931.
  • Sâid el-Endelüsî 2014 Sâid el-Endelüsî, Tabakâtü’l-Ümem, (çev. Ramazan Şeşen), Türkiye Yazma Eserler Kurumu Başkanlığı Yayınları, İstanbul.
  • Sala ve Delgado 2010 Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Jose Martinez Delgado, Ibn Albar al-Quti”, Christian-Muslim Relations, c. II, (ed. DavidThomas, Alex Mallett), Brill, Leiden, s.281-284.
  • Sala ve Delgado 2022 Juan Pedro Monferrer Sala, Jose Martinez Delgado, “Christians and Jews in Islamic Granada: Presence, Influence, Power”, A Companion to Islamic Granada, (ed. Barbara Boloix-Gallardo), Brill, Leiden, Boston, s.211-230.
  • Samsò 2020 Julio Samsó, On Both Sides of the Strait of Gibraltar: Studies in the History of Medieval Astronomy in the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghrib, Brill, Leiden, Boston.
  • Sarton 1952 George Sarton, Introduction to the History of Science, c. II, The Williams & Wilkins Company, Baltimore.
  • Simonet 1897-1903 Francisco Javier Simonet, Historia de los Mozarabes de España, Real Academia de Historia, Madrid.
  • Taha 2008 Abdulvahid Tanoon Taha, “Religious Tolerance and Respect for the Rights of Minorities in al-Andalus”, 38. ICANAS/ Uluslararası Asya ve Kuzey Afrika Çalışmaları Kongresi: Bildiriler, c. I, Ankara, s.617-624.
  • Thompson 1929 James Westfall Thompson, “The Introduction of Arabic Science into the Lorriane in the Tenth Century”, ISIS, c. XII, s.167-191.
  • Tieszen 2013 Charles Tieszen, Christian Identity amid Islam in Medieval Spain, Leiden.
  • Varol 2009 M. Bahaüddin Varol, “Endülüs’te Coğrafya ve Coğrafyacılar”, İSTEM, sayı XIV, s.61-77.

Arabic-Speaking Christians: The Contribution of the Mozarabs to Scientific Life in Andalusia (Tenth Century)

Yıl 2023, , 719 - 750, 28.12.2023


The conquest of Andalusia by Muslims, brought about fundamental changes not only in the political map of the Iberian Peninsula but also in the sociocultural structure of the region. Muslims, Christians, and Jews continued their existence in tolerance and harmony in Andalusian society, which has a multi-religious and multicultural structure. Some Christians living in Andalusia had different characteristics from their other co-religionists in terms of their lifestyle. The Mozarabs, who emerged as a new community as a result of the daily contact of Muslims and Christians in the Iberian Peninsula, attract attention as an important group in the development of Islamic-Western relations in Medieval Europe. This community, which is deeply influenced by the Arabic language and Islamic culture, played a key role in the aforementioned cooperation process.
This study examines the activities of the Mozarabs in the development process of sciences such as medicine, astronomy, theology and history in Andalusia in the 10th century, when Andalusia experienced the age of prosperity from a scientific point of view and the contributions of these activities to the scientific life in al-Andalus.


  • Adıgüzel 2020 Cumhur Ersin Adıgüzel, “Endülüs Emevî Devleti ile Bizans İmparatorluğu Arasındaki Diplomatik Münasebetler ve Bunun Endülüs’te İlmî Hayat ve Sanat Üzerindeki Etkileri”, İSTEM, no: 35, s.1-15.
  • Almansa 2009 Manuel Almansa, Acien Almansa, “Consideraciones Sobre los Mozarabes de al-Andalus”, Studia Historica, c. XXVII, s.23-36.
  • Alvaro 1852 Alvaro de Córdoba, Indiculus Luminosus, (ed. Jacques Paul Migne), c. 121, Patrologia Latina, Paris.
  • Aznar 2014 Bermudez Aznar, “Juridical and Political Coexistence and Economic Production”, Cultural Symbiosis in al-Andalus, (ed. Sanaa Osseiran), Unesco, Beyrut, s.211-222.
  • Bîrûnî 1879 Ebû Reyhan Bîrûnî, el-Âsâru’l-Bâkiye, (çev. C. Edward Sachau), The Oriental Translation Fund of Great Britain and Ireland, Londra.
  • Bodelon 1989 Serafin Bodelon, Literatura Latina de la Edad Media en España, Akal, Madrid.
  • Burman 1994 Thomas E. Burman, The Religious Polemic and the Intellectual History of Mozarabs, 1050-1200, Brill, Leiden, New York, Köln.
  • Burnett 2011 Charles Burnett, “Communities of Learning in Twelfth-Century Toledo”, Communities of Learning: Networks and the Shaping Intellectual Identity Europe, 1100-1500, (ed. Constant J. Mews, John N. Crossley), Brespol, Turnhout, s.9-18.
  • Busic 2018 Jason, Busic, “Religious Identity, Language, and Exegines: The Mozarabs and an Arabic Gospels”, La Coronica, c. 46-2, s.5-31.
  • Campbell 1926 Donald Campbell, Arabian Medicine and Its Influence on the Middle Ages, c. I, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, Londra.
  • Catlos 2014 Brian A. Catlos, The Muslims of Medieval Latin Christendom, c. 1050-1614, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Chalmeta 1986 Pedro Chalmeta, “Kûmis”, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, c. V, Leiden, s.376-377.
  • Chalmeta 1993 Pedro Chalmeta, “Mozarab”, The Encyclopaedia of Islam, c. VII, New York, Leiden, 1993, s.247.
  • Christys 2002 Ann Christys, Christians in al-Andalus:711-1000, Routledge, New York.
  • Christys 2018 Ann Christys, “The Quran as History for Muslims and Christians in al-Andalus”, Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies, c. VI, s.55-73.
  • Dioscorides 2000 Pedianus Dioscorides, De Materia Medica, IBIDIS Press, Johannesburg.
  • Dunlop 1954 Douglas Morton Dunlop, “Hafs b. Albar: The Last of the Goths?”, The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, no: 3/4, s.137-151.
  • Eulogius 1973 Eulogius de Córdoba, Memoriare Sanctorum, Corpus Scriptorum Mozarabicorum, (ed. Ioannes Gil), c. II, Madrid.
  • Frassetto 2010 Michael Frasetto, “John of St. Arnoul”, Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History, c. II, (ed. David Tomas, Alex Mallet), Brill, Leiden, Boston, s.476-479.
  • Freely 2011 John Freely, Light from the East: How the Science of Medieval Islam Helped to Shape the Western World, B. Tairus, New York.
  • Gomez 1992 Margarita Lopez Gomez, “The Mozarabs: Worthy Bearers of Islamic Culture”, The Legacy of Muslim Spain, (ed. Selma Hadra Ceyyusi), Brill, Leiden, s.171-176.
  • Guzman 2004 Roberto Marin Guzman, “Unity and Variety in Medieval Muslim Society: Ethnic Diversity and Social Classes in Muslim Spain”, Cultural Symbiosis in al-Andalus, (ed. Sanaa Osseiran), Beyrut, s.91-108.
  • Harrison 2009 Alwyn Richard Harrison, Andalusi Christianity: The Survival of Indigenous Christian Communities, University of Exeter, Doktora Tezi, Exeter.
  • Hitchcock 2008, Richard Hitchcock, Mozarabs in Medieval and Early Modern Spain: Identities and Influences, Ashgate, Hampshire.
  • Hopley 2016 Russell Hopley, “The Translation of Nature: Al-Sharif al-Idrisi on the Plant Life of the Western Mediterranean”, Translating the Middle Ages, (ed. Karen L. Fresco, Charles D. Wright), Routledge, New York, s.21-34.
  • İbn Cülcül 1985 İbn Cülcül, Tabakâtü’l-etıbbâ ve’l-hûkemâ, Müessesetü’l-Risale, Tahkik: Fuad Seyyid, Beyrut.
  • İbn Ebû Usaybia 1965 İbn Ebû Usaybia, Uyûnü’l-enbâ fî Tabakâti’l-etıbbâ, Tahkik: Nizar Rıza, Darü’l-Mektebetü’l-Hayyat, Beyrut.
  • İbn Haldûn 2001 İbn Haldûn, Kitâbü’l İber Divanü’l-Mubteda’ ve’l-Haber fi Eyyâmü’l-Arab ve’l-Acem ve’l-Berber ve aman ‘Asarahum min davi Sultanu’l-Ekber, c. II, tahkik: Halil Şüheda, Süheyl Zekker), Darü’l-Fikr, Beyrut.
  • İbnü’l Kûtiyye 2009 İbnü’l Kûtiyye, Târîhu iftitâhi’l-Endelüs, (çev. David James), Routletge, New York.
  • İbnü’n Nedîm 1970 İbnü’n Nedîm, el-Fihrist, (çev. Bayard Dodge), Columbia University Press, New York, Londra.
  • Jirola 2006 Jorge Jirola, “Müsta’rib”, TDVİA, c. XXXII, s.123-124.
  • Karlığa 1999 Bekir Karlığa, “İbn Cülcül”, TDVİA, c. XIX, s.403-404.
  • Kassis 1999 Hanna Kassis, “A Glimpse of Openness in Medieval Society: Al-Hakam II of Cordoba and His non-Muslim Collaborators”, The Man of Many Devices, Who Wandered Full Many Ways, (ed. Balazs Nagy, Marcell Sebok), Central European University Press, Budapeşte, s.162-166.
  • Koningsveld 1994 Pieter Sjoerd Van Koningsveld, “Christian Arabic Literature from Medieval Spain: An Attempt at Periodization”, Christian Arabic Apologetics during the Abbasid Period (750-1258), (ed. Samir Khalil Samir, Jorgen S. Nielsen), Brill, Leiden, Köln, New York, s.203-224.
  • Kozodoy 2012 Maud Kozodoy, “The Jewish Physician in Medieval Iberia”, The Jew in Medieval Iberia (ed. Jonathan Ray), Academic Studies Press, Boston, s.102-137.
  • König 2015 Daniel G. König, Arabic-Islamic Views of the Latin West, Oxford University Press, Oxford. Küçüksipahioğlu 2009 Birsel Küçüksipahioğlu, “Bizans’a Elçi Olarak Gelen Cremona Piskoposu Liutprant’ın İstanbul İzlenimlerine Bir Bakış”, Osmanlı Araştırmaları, c. XXXIV, İstanbul, s.159-173.
  • el-Kütübî 1973 Muhammed b. Şakir el-Kütübî, Fevâtü’l Vefayât ve’z-zeyl aleyhâ, c. II, Tahkik: İhsan Abbas, Darü’l-Sadr, Beyrut.
  • Lindberg 1978 David C. Lindberg, “The Transmission of Greek and Arabic Learning to the West”, Science in the Middle Ages, (ed. David C. Lindberg), The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, s.52-90.
  • Liutprand 1930 Liutprand of Cremona, Antapodosis, (çev. G. G. Coulton, Eileen Power, The Works of Liutprand of Cremona), Londra.
  • Livingston 2018 John V. Livingston, The Rise of Science in Islam and the West: from Shared Heritage to Parting of the Ways, 8th to 19th Centuries, Routledge, New York.
  • Luckhardt 2018 Courtney Luckhardt, “Diplomacy between Emperors and Caliphs in the Tenth Century”, Medieval Worlds, c. VIII, s.86-108.
  • Makkarî 2002 Ahmed b. Muammed, Nefhu’t-Tib min Ğusni’l-Endelüsi’r-Ratîb, (çev. Pascual de Gayangos), c. II, Routledge, Londra.
  • Marenbon Dronke 2001 John Marenbon, Peter Dronke, Poetry and Philosophy in the Middle Ages: A Festschrift for Peter Dronke, Brill, Leiden.
  • Marinas 2012 Ivan Perez Marinas, “Los Mozarabes de Cordoba del siglo IX: Sociedad, Cultura y Pensamiento”, Estudios Medievales Hispanicos, c. I, s.177-220.
  • Marinas 2015 Ivan Perez Marinas, “La Pervivencia de la Ciencia Preislamica en al-Andalus: Una Vision de Conjunto”, Estudios Medievales Hispanicos, c. IV, s.39-56.
  • Molina 1984 Luis Molina, “Orosio y los Geografos Hispanomusulmanes”, Al-Qantara, c. V, s.63-92.
  • Nash 2016 Penelope Nash, “The Ottonian Turn Their Gaze West to the Court of al-Andalus”, JAEMA, c. XII, s.53-68.
  • Ordericus Vitalis 1853 Ordericus Vitalis, Historiae Ecclesiasticae, c. IV, Londra.
  • Özdemir 1993 Mehmet Özdemir, “Müvelledûn’un Endülüs Emevîleri Döneminde Kültürel Hayattaki Yeri”, Ankara Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi, c. XXXIV, s.178-203.
  • Özdemir 2007 Mehmet Özdemir, “Ahmed b. Muhammed Râzî”, TDVİA, c. XXXIV, İstanbul, s.478-479.
  • Padover 1923 Saul K. Padover, “Muslim Libraries”, The Medieval Library, (ed. James Westfall Thompson), Hafner Publishing Company, New York, s.347-368.
  • Palencia 1930 Angel Gonzalez Palencia, Los Mozarabes de Toledo en los Siglos XII y XIII, Instituto de Valencia de Don Juan, Madrid.
  • Palencia 2021 Angel Gonzalez Palencia, “Endülüs’te Mozarap, Yahudi ve Aljamiado Yazını”, (çev. Uğur Boran), Şarkiyat Mecmuası, no XXXVIII, s.207-217.
  • Paulus Orosius 1981 Paulus Oroius, Historiarum Libri Septem Adversus Paganos, (çev. Roy J. Deferrari), The Catholic University of America Press, Washington.
  • Penelas 2001 Mayte Penelas, “A Possible Author of the Arabic Translation of Orosius’ Historiae”, Al-Masaq, c. XIII, s.113-135.
  • Pinto 2021 Sandra M. G. Pinto, “Islamic Legacy in Medieval Iberian Societies: Buildings Rules”, Artistic and Cultural Dialogues in the Late Medieval Mediterranean, (ed. Maria Marcos Cobaleda), Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, s.163-188.
  • Recemundus 1983 Recemundus, (Rabi b. Zeyd), Takvimû-l-Kurtuba (Kitâbû’l-Envâ), (Tahkik: Reinhart Dozy), Brill, Leiden.
  • Rivaya 2010 Yasmine Beale Rivaya, “The History and Evolution of the Term ‘Mozarab’”, Imago Temporis: Medium Aevum, c. IV, s.51-71.
  • Rodrigo Jimenez 1989 Rodrigo Jimenez de Rada, Historia de Rebus Hispaniae, Alianza Editorial, Madrid.
  • Rueda 2008 Jose Manuel Fradejas Rueda, “Shadhaniqat al-Balansiyya or Shadhaniqat al-Bahriyya: On the Arabic Text and the Latin Translations of the Calendar of Cordoba”, Science Translated: Latin and Vernacular Translations of the Scientific Treatises in Medieval Europe, (ed. Michele Goyens, Pieter de Leamans, An Smets), Leuven University Press, Leuven, s.59-72.
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Toplam 71 adet kaynakça vardır.


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Enes Şanal

Yayımlanma Tarihi 28 Aralık 2023
Yayımlandığı Sayı Yıl 2023

Kaynak Göster

Chicago Şanal, Enes. “ARAPÇA KONUŞAN HIRİSTİYANLAR: MOZARAPLAR’IN ENDÜLÜS BİLİM HAYATINA KATKILARI (X. ASIR)”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 38, sy. 2 (Aralık 2023): 719-50.
EndNote Şanal E (01 Aralık 2023) ARAPÇA KONUŞAN HIRİSTİYANLAR: MOZARAPLAR’IN ENDÜLÜS BİLİM HAYATINA KATKILARI (X. ASIR). Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi 38 2 719–750.
IEEE E. Şanal, “ARAPÇA KONUŞAN HIRİSTİYANLAR: MOZARAPLAR’IN ENDÜLÜS BİLİM HAYATINA KATKILARI (X. ASIR)”, TID, c. 38, sy. 2, ss. 719–750, 2023, doi: 10.18513/egetid.1363081.
MLA Şanal, Enes. “ARAPÇA KONUŞAN HIRİSTİYANLAR: MOZARAPLAR’IN ENDÜLÜS BİLİM HAYATINA KATKILARI (X. ASIR)”. Tarih İncelemeleri Dergisi, c. 38, sy. 2, 2023, ss. 719-50, doi:10.18513/egetid.1363081.