Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 20 Issue: 85, 45 - 64, 05.02.2020



  • Akamca, Ö., G., & Hamurcu, H. (2009). Science and Technology Education Based on Analogies, Concept Cartoons and Predict- Observe-Explain Techniques. E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4 (4), 1186-1206. Retrieved from
  • Altunsoy, S., Cimen, O., Ekici, G., Atik, A.D., Gokmen, A. (2010). An Assessment of the Factors that Influence Biology Teacher Candidates’ Levels of Academic Self-Efficacy. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2010) 2377–2382.
  • Ancel, G. (2016). Problem-Solving Training: Effects on the Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, Issue 64, 2016, 231-246.
  • Ancel, G., Erkal, S., & Gencturk. Z.B. (2015). An Analysis of the Relationship between Self- Efficacy Beliefs and Perceived Problem Solving Ability among Nursing and Midwifery Students.The Journal of Clinical Nursing Science Turkey , 7(1), 20-28. doi:10.5336/nurses.2013-38266
  • Arends, R. I. (2012). Learning to Teach. Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Aurah, C.T., Cassady, J.C., McConnell, T.J. (2014). Predicting Problem Solving Ability from Metacognition and Self-Efficacy Beliefs on a Cross Validated Sample.
  • British Journal of Education, 2(1), 49-72. Retrieved from
  • Balim, A. G., Çeliker, H. D., Türkoğuz, S., Evrekli, E., & Ekici, D. İ. (2015). Kavram Karikatürleri Destekli Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yönteminin Öğrencilerin Kavramsal Anlama Düzeyleri ile Problem Çözme Becerisi Algıları Üzerine Etkisi [The Effect of Concept Cartoons-Assisted Problem-Based Learning Method on Conceptual Understanding Levels and Problem-Solving Skill Perceptions of Students]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 12(4), 53-76. doi: 10.12973/tused.10151a
  • Bandura, A. (2006). Guide to the construction of self-efficacy scales. In F. Pajares & T. Urdan (Eds.). Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents, (Vol. 5., pp. 307-337). Greenwich, CT: IAP - Information Age Publishing.
  • Bars, M., Oral, B. (2017). The Relationship among Metacognitive Awareness, Self-Efficacy toward theTeaching Profession and the Problem-Solving Skills of Teacher Candidates. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 72(2017), 107-128. doi: 10.14689/ejer.2017.72.6
  • Bilen, Özel & Köse, (2016). Using Action Research Based on the Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy for Teaching Enzymes. Turkish Journal of Education, 5(2), 72-81. doi:10.19128/turje.70576
  • Bowen, M., dan Haysom, J. (2014). Predict, Observe, Explain Activities Enhancing Scientific Understanding. USA: NSTA Press.
  • Burns, H.K., O'Donnell, J., & Artman, J. (2010). High-Fidelity Simulation in Teaching Problem Solving to 1st-Year Nursing Students.A Novel Use of the Nursing Process. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 6(3), 87-95. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2009.07.005
  • Cohen, L., Manion L., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods in Education 7th edition. New York: Routledge.
  • Creswell, J., W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Fitriani, A., Zubaidah, S., Susilo, H., Al Muhdhar, M.H.I. (2018). Students’ Self-Efficacy on Biology Lesson of Senior High Schools in Bengkulu City, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMSE 2017). Advances in Social Science, Education and
  • Humanities Research, 218, 225-230.
  • Geitz, G., Brinke, J.D., & Kirschner, P. (2015). Changing Learning Behaviour: Self-Efficacy and Goal Orientation in PBL Groups in Higher Education. International Journal of Educational Research 75 (2016), 146-158.
  • Greenstein, L. (2012). Assessing 21 st Century Skills: A Guide to Evaluating Mastery and Authentic Learning. USA: Corwin.
  • Gurlen, E. (2011). The Effect of Problem Based Learning on Learning Outcomes, Problem Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy Belief. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 40 (2011), 221-232. Retrieved from
  • Hamidi, F., Shirdel, Z. (2015). Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills on Academic Help-Seeking and Self-Efficacy of Female High School Student. International Journal of Psychology 9(2), 1-24. Retrieved from
  • Hoi, P.T., Bao, D.Q., Nghe, P.K., Nga, N.T. (2018). Developing Problem-Solving Competency for Students in Teaching Biology at High School in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(5), 539-545. doi: 10.12691/education-6-5-27
  • Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y., Liu, M. C., Ho, H. Y., & Chen, Y. L. (2014). Using a “Prediction-Observation-Explanation” Inquiry Model to Enhance Student Interest and Intention to Continue Science Learning Predicted by Their Internet Cognitive Failure. Computers & Education, 72, 110–120.
  • Honicke, T., & Broadbent, J. (2016). The Influence of Academic Self-Efficacy on Academic Performance: A Systematic Review. Educational Research Review, 17 (2016), 63–84. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2015.11.002
  • Hsieh, P., Cho, Y., Liu, M., Schallert, D.L. (2008). Middle School Focus: Examining the Interplay between Middle School Students Achievement Goals and Self-Efficacy in a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment. American Secondary Education, 3(36), 33-50. Retrieved from
  • James, D. (2010). Practical eTeaching Strategies for Predict – Observe – Explain Problem-Based Learning and Role Plays. Australia: LAMS International Australia.
  • Kadir, A., Abdullah, N.H., Anthony, E., Salleh, B.M., Kamarulzaman, R. (2016). Does Problem-Based Learning Improve Problem Solving Skills? A Study among Business Undergraduates at Malaysian Premier Technical University. International Education Studies, 9(5), 166-172.
  • Kala, N., Yaman, F., & Ayas, A. (2013). The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Technique in Probing Students’ Understanding about Acid-Base Chemistry: A Case for The Concepts of pH, pOH, and Strength. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(3), 555-574. Retrieved from
  • Karamustafaoglu, S., Naaman, R.M. (2015). Understanding Electrochemistry Concepts Using the Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(5), 923-936.
  • Kearney, M. (2004). Classroom Use of Multimedia-Supported Predict–Observe–Explain Tasks in a Social Constructivist Learning Environment. Research in Science Education, 34(4), 427–453. Retrieved from
  • Kurtuldu, M. K., & Bulut, D. (2017). Development of a Self-Efficacy Scale toward Piano Lessons. Education Sciences: Theory & Practice, 17(3), 835–857.
  • Mahanal, S., Zubaidah, S., Bahri, A., Dinnurriya, M.S. (2016). Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Remap NHT in Biology Classroom. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 17(11), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Mourtos, N.J., Okamoto, N.D., Rhee, J. (2004). Defining, Teaching, and Assessing Problem Solving Skill. UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Mumbai, India 9-13 February 2004. Retrieved from
  • Nijhuis, J. F. H., Segers, M. S. R., & Gijselaers, W. H. (2005). Influence of Redesigning a Learning Environment on Student Perceptions and Learning Strategies. Learning Environments Research, 8, 67–93. doi:10.1007/s10984-005-7950-3
  • Özgen, K., & Pesen, C. (2010). Probleme Dayali Öğrenme (PDÖ) Yaklaşimi İle İşlenen Matematik Dersinde Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Analizi[Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics Course With Problem Based Learning (PBL) Approach]. National Education Journal, 40(186), 27-37. Retrieved from
  • Özreçberoglu, U., Çaganaga, C. K. (2018). Making It Count: Strategies for Improving Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics for Students and Teachers’ Classroom Management. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(4):1253-1261. doi: 10.29333/ejmste/82536
  • Qarareh, O. A. (2016). The Effect of Using the Constructivist Learning Model in Teaching Science on the Achievement and Scientific Thinking of 8th Grade Students International Education Studies, 9(7) 178-196.
  • Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K., Leis, M., Leendertse, M., Punie, Y., Gijsbers, G., Kirschner, P., Stoyanov, S. and Hoogveld, B. (2011). The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. Retrieved from
  • Richardson, M., Abraham, C., & Bond, R. (2012). Psychological Correlates of University Students' Academic Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138, 353-387.
  • Şahbaz, Ö., & Hamurcu, H. (2012).The Effects of Problem Based Learning and Cooperative Learning Methods on Scientific Period Skills of Students and Learning Outcomes. Education Sciences (NWSA), 2(7), 734-754.
  • Scott, L. (2015). Future Learning 3: What Kind of Learning for the 21st Century? Education and Research: UNESCO.
  • Suryadi, B., Santoso, T.I. (2017). Self-Efficacy, Adversity Quotient, and Students’ Achievement in Mathematics. International Education Studies, 10(10), 12-19.
  • Syed, H. S., & Feyzollah, M. (2012). Effect of Problem–Solving Styles on academic Achievement of Agricultural Students in The University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran. Scholars Research Library Annals of Biological Research, 3(8): 4154-4158. Retrieved from
  • Udeani, U. & Adeyemo, S.A. (2011). The Relationship among Teachers Problem Solving Abilities, Students’ Learning Styles and Students’ Achievement in Biology. University of Lagos, Lagos. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 2(1), 82-87. Retrieved from
  • Usher, E. L. (2009). Sources of Middle School Students' Self-Efficacy in Math: A Qualitative Investigation of Student, Teacher, and Parent Perspectives. American Educational Research Journal, 46, 275-314. doi:10.1037/a0024048
  • Vadapally, P. (2014). Exploring Students’ Perceptions and Performance on Predict-Observe-Explain Tasks in High School Chemistry Laboratory (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Northern Colorado.
  • Wang, Y. & Chiew, V. (2010). On The Cognitive Process of Human Problem Solving. Cognitive Systems Research 11(2010), 81–92.
  • Yaman, S., & Yalçin, N. (2005). Fen Eğitiminde Probleme Dayali Öğrenme Yaklaşiminin Problem Çözme Ve Öz-Yeterlik Inanç Düzeylerinin Gelişimine Etkisi[The Effect of Problem Based Learning Approach on the Development of Problem Solving and Self-Efficacy Belief Levels in Science Education]. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal , 29(29), 229-236. Retrieved from
  • Yuksel, I., Ates, S. (2017). The Effect of Two Approaches to Developing Reasoning Skills of Preservice Science Teachers. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 8(3), 19-35. Retrieved from

The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy

Year 2020, Volume: 20 Issue: 85, 45 - 64, 05.02.2020


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the potential effects of problem-based learning (PBL), predict observe explain (POE), and PBLPOE on students’ problem-solving skills and self-efficacy in Biology. This research is based on various facts that problem-solving skills and self-efficacy of Indonesian students in biology subjects are still low.
Research Methods: This quasi-experiment employed a pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group design. One hundred and thirty-two (132) tenth graders (aged 15 to 17) from Bengkulu, Indonesia, participated in this study. The participants were homogenous concerning academic abilities. Data were collected using an essay test and observation sheets.

The essay test was developed to examine the students’ problem-solving skills, and observation sheets were used to evaluate the students’ self-efficacy. The data were analyzed using ANCOVA and Least Significant Different (LSD) test.
Findings of the study suggest that PBLPOE has a more significant effect on students’ problem-solving skills and self-efficacy compared to PBL, POE, and conventional learning. The highest scores of problem-solving skills and self-efficacy were obtained by students from the PBLPOE class, followed by the PBL, POE, and conventional groups.
Implications for Research and Practice: Based on the results of this study, it is evident that PBLPOE is effective in fostering students’ problem-solving skills and self-efficacy; thus, the use of PBLPOE in Biology classrooms is highly recommended.


  • Akamca, Ö., G., & Hamurcu, H. (2009). Science and Technology Education Based on Analogies, Concept Cartoons and Predict- Observe-Explain Techniques. E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 4 (4), 1186-1206. Retrieved from
  • Altunsoy, S., Cimen, O., Ekici, G., Atik, A.D., Gokmen, A. (2010). An Assessment of the Factors that Influence Biology Teacher Candidates’ Levels of Academic Self-Efficacy. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2 (2010) 2377–2382.
  • Ancel, G. (2016). Problem-Solving Training: Effects on the Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy of Nursing Students. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, Issue 64, 2016, 231-246.
  • Ancel, G., Erkal, S., & Gencturk. Z.B. (2015). An Analysis of the Relationship between Self- Efficacy Beliefs and Perceived Problem Solving Ability among Nursing and Midwifery Students.The Journal of Clinical Nursing Science Turkey , 7(1), 20-28. doi:10.5336/nurses.2013-38266
  • Arends, R. I. (2012). Learning to Teach. Sixth Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill.
  • Aurah, C.T., Cassady, J.C., McConnell, T.J. (2014). Predicting Problem Solving Ability from Metacognition and Self-Efficacy Beliefs on a Cross Validated Sample.
  • British Journal of Education, 2(1), 49-72. Retrieved from
  • Balim, A. G., Çeliker, H. D., Türkoğuz, S., Evrekli, E., & Ekici, D. İ. (2015). Kavram Karikatürleri Destekli Probleme Dayalı Öğrenme Yönteminin Öğrencilerin Kavramsal Anlama Düzeyleri ile Problem Çözme Becerisi Algıları Üzerine Etkisi [The Effect of Concept Cartoons-Assisted Problem-Based Learning Method on Conceptual Understanding Levels and Problem-Solving Skill Perceptions of Students]. Journal of Turkish Science Education, 12(4), 53-76. doi: 10.12973/tused.10151a
  • Bandura, A. (2006). Guide to the construction of self-efficacy scales. In F. Pajares & T. Urdan (Eds.). Self-efficacy beliefs of adolescents, (Vol. 5., pp. 307-337). Greenwich, CT: IAP - Information Age Publishing.
  • Bars, M., Oral, B. (2017). The Relationship among Metacognitive Awareness, Self-Efficacy toward theTeaching Profession and the Problem-Solving Skills of Teacher Candidates. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 72(2017), 107-128. doi: 10.14689/ejer.2017.72.6
  • Bilen, Özel & Köse, (2016). Using Action Research Based on the Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy for Teaching Enzymes. Turkish Journal of Education, 5(2), 72-81. doi:10.19128/turje.70576
  • Bowen, M., dan Haysom, J. (2014). Predict, Observe, Explain Activities Enhancing Scientific Understanding. USA: NSTA Press.
  • Burns, H.K., O'Donnell, J., & Artman, J. (2010). High-Fidelity Simulation in Teaching Problem Solving to 1st-Year Nursing Students.A Novel Use of the Nursing Process. Clinical Simulation in Nursing, 6(3), 87-95. doi:10.1016/j.ecns.2009.07.005
  • Cohen, L., Manion L., & Morrison, K. (2011). Research Methods in Education 7th edition. New York: Routledge.
  • Creswell, J., W. (2012). Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • Fitriani, A., Zubaidah, S., Susilo, H., Al Muhdhar, M.H.I. (2018). Students’ Self-Efficacy on Biology Lesson of Senior High Schools in Bengkulu City, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 1st Annual International Conference on Mathematics, Science, and Education (ICoMSE 2017). Advances in Social Science, Education and
  • Humanities Research, 218, 225-230.
  • Geitz, G., Brinke, J.D., & Kirschner, P. (2015). Changing Learning Behaviour: Self-Efficacy and Goal Orientation in PBL Groups in Higher Education. International Journal of Educational Research 75 (2016), 146-158.
  • Greenstein, L. (2012). Assessing 21 st Century Skills: A Guide to Evaluating Mastery and Authentic Learning. USA: Corwin.
  • Gurlen, E. (2011). The Effect of Problem Based Learning on Learning Outcomes, Problem Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy Belief. Hacettepe University Journal of Education, 40 (2011), 221-232. Retrieved from
  • Hamidi, F., Shirdel, Z. (2015). Effectiveness of Problem Solving Skills on Academic Help-Seeking and Self-Efficacy of Female High School Student. International Journal of Psychology 9(2), 1-24. Retrieved from
  • Hoi, P.T., Bao, D.Q., Nghe, P.K., Nga, N.T. (2018). Developing Problem-Solving Competency for Students in Teaching Biology at High School in Vietnam. American Journal of Educational Research. 2018, 6(5), 539-545. doi: 10.12691/education-6-5-27
  • Hong, J. C., Hwang, M. Y., Liu, M. C., Ho, H. Y., & Chen, Y. L. (2014). Using a “Prediction-Observation-Explanation” Inquiry Model to Enhance Student Interest and Intention to Continue Science Learning Predicted by Their Internet Cognitive Failure. Computers & Education, 72, 110–120.
  • Honicke, T., & Broadbent, J. (2016). The Influence of Academic Self-Efficacy on Academic Performance: A Systematic Review. Educational Research Review, 17 (2016), 63–84. doi: 10.1016/j.edurev.2015.11.002
  • Hsieh, P., Cho, Y., Liu, M., Schallert, D.L. (2008). Middle School Focus: Examining the Interplay between Middle School Students Achievement Goals and Self-Efficacy in a Technology-Enhanced Learning Environment. American Secondary Education, 3(36), 33-50. Retrieved from
  • James, D. (2010). Practical eTeaching Strategies for Predict – Observe – Explain Problem-Based Learning and Role Plays. Australia: LAMS International Australia.
  • Kadir, A., Abdullah, N.H., Anthony, E., Salleh, B.M., Kamarulzaman, R. (2016). Does Problem-Based Learning Improve Problem Solving Skills? A Study among Business Undergraduates at Malaysian Premier Technical University. International Education Studies, 9(5), 166-172.
  • Kala, N., Yaman, F., & Ayas, A. (2013). The Effectiveness of Predict-Observe-Explain Technique in Probing Students’ Understanding about Acid-Base Chemistry: A Case for The Concepts of pH, pOH, and Strength. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(3), 555-574. Retrieved from
  • Karamustafaoglu, S., Naaman, R.M. (2015). Understanding Electrochemistry Concepts Using the Predict-Observe-Explain Strategy. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 11(5), 923-936.
  • Kearney, M. (2004). Classroom Use of Multimedia-Supported Predict–Observe–Explain Tasks in a Social Constructivist Learning Environment. Research in Science Education, 34(4), 427–453. Retrieved from
  • Kurtuldu, M. K., & Bulut, D. (2017). Development of a Self-Efficacy Scale toward Piano Lessons. Education Sciences: Theory & Practice, 17(3), 835–857.
  • Mahanal, S., Zubaidah, S., Bahri, A., Dinnurriya, M.S. (2016). Improving Students’ Critical Thinking Skills through Remap NHT in Biology Classroom. Asia-Pacific Forum on Science Learning and Teaching, 17(11), 1-19. Retrieved from
  • Mourtos, N.J., Okamoto, N.D., Rhee, J. (2004). Defining, Teaching, and Assessing Problem Solving Skill. UICEE Annual Conference on Engineering Education, Mumbai, India 9-13 February 2004. Retrieved from
  • Nijhuis, J. F. H., Segers, M. S. R., & Gijselaers, W. H. (2005). Influence of Redesigning a Learning Environment on Student Perceptions and Learning Strategies. Learning Environments Research, 8, 67–93. doi:10.1007/s10984-005-7950-3
  • Özgen, K., & Pesen, C. (2010). Probleme Dayali Öğrenme (PDÖ) Yaklaşimi İle İşlenen Matematik Dersinde Öğrencilerin Problem Çözme Becerilerinin Analizi[Analysis of Students' Problem Solving Skills in Mathematics Course With Problem Based Learning (PBL) Approach]. National Education Journal, 40(186), 27-37. Retrieved from
  • Özreçberoglu, U., Çaganaga, C. K. (2018). Making It Count: Strategies for Improving Problem-Solving Skills in Mathematics for Students and Teachers’ Classroom Management. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 14(4):1253-1261. doi: 10.29333/ejmste/82536
  • Qarareh, O. A. (2016). The Effect of Using the Constructivist Learning Model in Teaching Science on the Achievement and Scientific Thinking of 8th Grade Students International Education Studies, 9(7) 178-196.
  • Redecker, C., Ala-Mutka, K., Leis, M., Leendertse, M., Punie, Y., Gijsbers, G., Kirschner, P., Stoyanov, S. and Hoogveld, B. (2011). The Future of Learning: Preparing for Change. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. Retrieved from
  • Richardson, M., Abraham, C., & Bond, R. (2012). Psychological Correlates of University Students' Academic Performance: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Psychological Bulletin, 138, 353-387.
  • Şahbaz, Ö., & Hamurcu, H. (2012).The Effects of Problem Based Learning and Cooperative Learning Methods on Scientific Period Skills of Students and Learning Outcomes. Education Sciences (NWSA), 2(7), 734-754.
  • Scott, L. (2015). Future Learning 3: What Kind of Learning for the 21st Century? Education and Research: UNESCO.
  • Suryadi, B., Santoso, T.I. (2017). Self-Efficacy, Adversity Quotient, and Students’ Achievement in Mathematics. International Education Studies, 10(10), 12-19.
  • Syed, H. S., & Feyzollah, M. (2012). Effect of Problem–Solving Styles on academic Achievement of Agricultural Students in The University of Tehran, Karaj, Iran. Scholars Research Library Annals of Biological Research, 3(8): 4154-4158. Retrieved from
  • Udeani, U. & Adeyemo, S.A. (2011). The Relationship among Teachers Problem Solving Abilities, Students’ Learning Styles and Students’ Achievement in Biology. University of Lagos, Lagos. International Journal of Educational Research and Technology, 2(1), 82-87. Retrieved from
  • Usher, E. L. (2009). Sources of Middle School Students' Self-Efficacy in Math: A Qualitative Investigation of Student, Teacher, and Parent Perspectives. American Educational Research Journal, 46, 275-314. doi:10.1037/a0024048
  • Vadapally, P. (2014). Exploring Students’ Perceptions and Performance on Predict-Observe-Explain Tasks in High School Chemistry Laboratory (Unpublished doctoral dissertation), University of Northern Colorado.
  • Wang, Y. & Chiew, V. (2010). On The Cognitive Process of Human Problem Solving. Cognitive Systems Research 11(2010), 81–92.
  • Yaman, S., & Yalçin, N. (2005). Fen Eğitiminde Probleme Dayali Öğrenme Yaklaşiminin Problem Çözme Ve Öz-Yeterlik Inanç Düzeylerinin Gelişimine Etkisi[The Effect of Problem Based Learning Approach on the Development of Problem Solving and Self-Efficacy Belief Levels in Science Education]. Hacettepe University Faculty of Education Journal , 29(29), 229-236. Retrieved from
  • Yuksel, I., Ates, S. (2017). The Effect of Two Approaches to Developing Reasoning Skills of Preservice Science Teachers. International Journal on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, 8(3), 19-35. Retrieved from
There are 49 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Apriza Fıtrıanı This is me 0000-0002-2103-634X

Siti Zubaıdah This is me 0000-0002-0718-6392

Herawati Susılo This is me 0000-0002-9667-6237

Mimien Henie İrawati Al Muhdhar This is me 0000-0003-0417-481X

Publication Date February 5, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 20 Issue: 85


APA Fıtrıanı, A., Zubaıdah, S., Susılo, H., Al Muhdhar, M. H. İ. (2020). The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 20(85), 45-64.
AMA Fıtrıanı A, Zubaıdah S, Susılo H, Al Muhdhar MHİ. The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. February 2020;20(85):45-64.
Chicago Fıtrıanı, Apriza, Siti Zubaıdah, Herawati Susılo, and Mimien Henie İrawati Al Muhdhar. “The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20, no. 85 (February 2020): 45-64.
EndNote Fıtrıanı A, Zubaıdah S, Susılo H, Al Muhdhar MHİ (February 1, 2020) The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20 85 45–64.
IEEE A. Fıtrıanı, S. Zubaıdah, H. Susılo, and M. H. İ. Al Muhdhar, “The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy”, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 20, no. 85, pp. 45–64, 2020.
ISNAD Fıtrıanı, Apriza et al. “The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20/85 (February 2020), 45-64.
JAMA Fıtrıanı A, Zubaıdah S, Susılo H, Al Muhdhar MHİ. The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2020;20:45–64.
MLA Fıtrıanı, Apriza et al. “The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 20, no. 85, 2020, pp. 45-64.
Vancouver Fıtrıanı A, Zubaıdah S, Susılo H, Al Muhdhar MHİ. The Effects of Integrated Problem-Based Learning, Predict, Observe, Explain on Problem-Solving Skills and Self-Efficacy. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2020;20(85):45-64.