Research Article
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Year 2020, Volume: 20 Issue: 86, 25 - 38, 31.03.2020



  • Al-Rasyid, H. (1994). Path Analysis as Statistic for Causal Analysis. Bandung: LP3ES.
  • Akpinar, Y, & Bayramoğlu, Y. (2008). Promoting Teachers’ Positive Attitude Towards Web Use: A Study In Web Site Development. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 7(3): 47-57.
  • Baedlowi. (2009). Future Education Threat and Create as Professional Teacher. Paper National Seminar and Launching Teacher Club Guru Indonesia in Yogyakarta Province: 7-15.
  • Burhanudin. (1994). Administration Analysis, Management and Education Leadership, Jakarta: Penerbit Bumi Aksara.
  • Byars, L., & Rue, L.W. (2000). Management (Skills and Application). Boston: Irwin McGraw Hill.
  • Cascio, W.F. (1998). Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management (fifth edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Cohen, J., McCabe, E. M., Michelli, N. M., & Pickeral, T. (2009). School climate: Research, policy, teacher education and practice. Teachers College Record, 111, 180–213.
  • Banks, C.G, and KE May. (1999). Performance Management: The Real Glue in Organization. Involving Practices in Human Resource Management. Editor A Kraut and A Korman. San Francisco: Yossey-Bass
  • Demir, K. (2008). Transformational leadership and collective efficacy: the moderating roles of collaborative culture and teachers’ self-efficacy. Egitim Arastirmalari- Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 33, 93-112.
  • Djohar. (2006). Teacher: Education and Workshop. Yogyakarta: Grafika Indah.
  • Ferdinand, A. (2002). Structural Equation modeling on the Management Research: Difficult Models on the Research for Theses and Dissertation. Semarang: Faculty of Economic Publisher, Diponegoro University.
  • Gibson, J.L. (2005). Organization: Attitude, Structure, Process. Fifth edition, translated by Djarkasih. Jakarta: Erlangga
  • Ghozali, I dan Fuad. (2005). Structural Equation Modeling: Theory, Concept and Application with Lisrel 8,54 Programe. Semarang: Diponegoro University.
  • Greenberg, J. & Baron, R.A. (2003) Behavior in Organization. Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work (Eighth edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K.H. (1996). Management of Organizational Behavior. New York: Pearson
  • Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.L., & Curphy. (1993). Leadership: Enhanching the Lessons of Experience. Irwin: Boston.
  • Isjoni. (2009). Teaches As Changing Motivator. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  • Jones, J., Jenkin, M., & Lord, S. (2006). Developing Effective Teacher Performance. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
  • Karabay, A. (2016). An investigation of prospective teachers' views regarding teacher identity via metaphors. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 65: 1-18.
  • Kierstead, J. (1998). Personality and Job Performance: A Research Observation. Toronto: Research Directorate Policy, Research and Communications Branch Public Service Commission of Canada.
  • Koont, H & O’Donnel, C. (2000). Management of Systems and Contingency Analysis of Management Functions. Sixth Edition Tokyo: MC Graw Hill Kogakusha Ltd.
  • Mangkunegara, A.P. (2008). Human Resources Management on the Corporate. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
  • Meyer, J.P., and Powell, D.M. (2004). Side-Bet theory and the Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Department of Psychology, University of Ontario. 65: 157-177.
  • Moore, W., & Esselman, M. (1992). Teacher efficacy, power, school climate and achievement: A desegregating district's experience. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
  • Moran, M.T., Hoy, A.W., Hoy, A.K. (1998) Teacher Efficacy: Its Meaning and Measure, Review of Educational Research, 68(2): 202-248
  • Mulyasa, E. (2002). Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Bandung:PT Remaja Rusdakarya
  • Natsir, S. (2004). Dissertation Summary: Leadership influence towards attitude and performance on the banking employee in Sulawesi Tengah Province. Dissertation. Surabaya: Airlangga University.
  • Nurlaela, L. (2008). Teacher performance after Certification. Paper. Faculty of Technique. University State of Padang.
  • Ozsezer, M.S.B, & Saban, A.I. (2016). An investigation on teacher candidates’ perspectives about behaviors positively affecting classroom atmosphere. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 66, 139-158.
  • Ozmen, F., Akuzum, C., Zincirli, M., & Selcuk, G. (2016). The communication barriers between teachers and parents in primary schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 66, 26-46.
  • Ravianto, J (1985). Productivity and Indonesian Employee. Jakarta: Lembaga Sarana Informasi Usaha, Jakarta: Bina Usaha.
  • Robbin, S. P. (2006). Organizational Behavior: Concets, Controversies, Applications. Indonesia edition (translated by Benyamin Molan). Jakarta: PT. Prenhallindo. Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey Upper Saddle River).
  • Sarwono, S.W. (1998). Education innovation on to improve professionalism of Educator Staff, CV. Pustaka Setia, Bandung.
  • Sedarmayanti. (2007). Human Resources Management. Refika Aditama: Bandung
  • Siagian, S.P. (1992). Managerial Functions, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara publisher
  • Sidi, I.D. (2001). Creating Learning Citizens with New Paradigm of Education. Jakarta: PT. Logos Wacana Ilmu Publisher: 38-39.
  • Simanjuntak, P. J. (2005) Management and Performance Evaluation. Faculty of Economy Publisher, Indonesia University, Jakarta
  • Solimun. (2002). Mutivariate Analysis: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Lisrel and Amos. Malang Faculty of MIPA Publisher, Brawijaya University.
  • Snyder, C. R. Harris, C. Anderson, J.R. Sharon, A. Holleran, Irving, L.M. Sigmon, S.X. Lauren, Gibb, J. Langelle, C. and Harney, P. (1991). The Will and the Ways: Development and Validation of an Individual-Differences Measure of Hope. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 60: 570-585.
  • Sudarwan, D. (2005). Learning Community: transformational Leader on the Learning Community. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Publisher
  • Sukestiyarno. (2010). Data Analysis Of Research By Using SPSS, Semarang: UNNES Press
  • Syafirudin. (2002). Quality management on Education: Concept, Strategy and Application. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo
  • Su-Yung Fu. (2000). The Relationship Among Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behavior: The Case of Expatriates. Master’s Thesis. URN: etd-0201101-153856. Email-M8645413@srudent.
  • Thapa, A. & Cohen, J. (2013). A Review of School Climate Research. Review of Educational Research, 83: 357-385.
  • Wagiran, Soenarto, Sudarsono, FX. (2013). Performance Determinant of Vocational School in the Machine Technique Department, Journal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 17(1): 148-172
  • Wahyusumidjo. (2007). Head master leadership: discuss as theoretic and problems, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Prasada.
  • Zimmerman, B.J. (1989). A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81(3):3 29-339.

Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools

Year 2020, Volume: 20 Issue: 86, 25 - 38, 31.03.2020


Purpose: This study aimed to investigate a performance development model of the certified teachers at private vocational schools through school principal leadership, working environment, and teachers’ alleviating motivation.

Research Method:
This research was conducted using a descriptive correlation approach with a multiple regression analysis. The data were collected using a purposive random sampling technique with total respondents of 118 certified teachers from various private vocational schools in Tegal, Central Java, Indonesia. The data were gathered through questionnaires and then analyzed using SPSS 12.

The regression analysis testing results indicated that (1) school principal leadership with the correlation coefficient of 0.83 positively and significantly influenced the performance of certified teachers by 82.8%, (2) working environment with the correlation coefficient of 0.877 positively and significantly influenced the performance of certified teachers by 87.7%, and (3) affiliating motivation with the correlation coefficient of 0.035 did not positively and significantly influence the performance of certified teachers by 3.50%. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that performance of certified teachers was influenced by school principal leadership, working environment, and teachers’ affiliating motivation.

Implications for Research and Practice:
Based on the research results, it is suggested that the private vocational principals should continuously improve their leadership and create positive working environments as these variables positively influence teachers’ performance, while teachers’ affiliating motivation should also be considered


  • Al-Rasyid, H. (1994). Path Analysis as Statistic for Causal Analysis. Bandung: LP3ES.
  • Akpinar, Y, & Bayramoğlu, Y. (2008). Promoting Teachers’ Positive Attitude Towards Web Use: A Study In Web Site Development. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. 7(3): 47-57.
  • Baedlowi. (2009). Future Education Threat and Create as Professional Teacher. Paper National Seminar and Launching Teacher Club Guru Indonesia in Yogyakarta Province: 7-15.
  • Burhanudin. (1994). Administration Analysis, Management and Education Leadership, Jakarta: Penerbit Bumi Aksara.
  • Byars, L., & Rue, L.W. (2000). Management (Skills and Application). Boston: Irwin McGraw Hill.
  • Cascio, W.F. (1998). Applied Psychology in Human Resource Management (fifth edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
  • Cohen, J., McCabe, E. M., Michelli, N. M., & Pickeral, T. (2009). School climate: Research, policy, teacher education and practice. Teachers College Record, 111, 180–213.
  • Banks, C.G, and KE May. (1999). Performance Management: The Real Glue in Organization. Involving Practices in Human Resource Management. Editor A Kraut and A Korman. San Francisco: Yossey-Bass
  • Demir, K. (2008). Transformational leadership and collective efficacy: the moderating roles of collaborative culture and teachers’ self-efficacy. Egitim Arastirmalari- Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 33, 93-112.
  • Djohar. (2006). Teacher: Education and Workshop. Yogyakarta: Grafika Indah.
  • Ferdinand, A. (2002). Structural Equation modeling on the Management Research: Difficult Models on the Research for Theses and Dissertation. Semarang: Faculty of Economic Publisher, Diponegoro University.
  • Gibson, J.L. (2005). Organization: Attitude, Structure, Process. Fifth edition, translated by Djarkasih. Jakarta: Erlangga
  • Ghozali, I dan Fuad. (2005). Structural Equation Modeling: Theory, Concept and Application with Lisrel 8,54 Programe. Semarang: Diponegoro University.
  • Greenberg, J. & Baron, R.A. (2003) Behavior in Organization. Understanding and Managing the Human Side of Work (Eighth edition). New Jersey: Prentice Hall International Inc.
  • Hersey, P., & Blanchard, K.H. (1996). Management of Organizational Behavior. New York: Pearson
  • Hughes, R.L., Ginnett, R.L., & Curphy. (1993). Leadership: Enhanching the Lessons of Experience. Irwin: Boston.
  • Isjoni. (2009). Teaches As Changing Motivator. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.
  • Jones, J., Jenkin, M., & Lord, S. (2006). Developing Effective Teacher Performance. London: Paul Chapman Publishing.
  • Karabay, A. (2016). An investigation of prospective teachers' views regarding teacher identity via metaphors. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 65: 1-18.
  • Kierstead, J. (1998). Personality and Job Performance: A Research Observation. Toronto: Research Directorate Policy, Research and Communications Branch Public Service Commission of Canada.
  • Koont, H & O’Donnel, C. (2000). Management of Systems and Contingency Analysis of Management Functions. Sixth Edition Tokyo: MC Graw Hill Kogakusha Ltd.
  • Mangkunegara, A.P. (2008). Human Resources Management on the Corporate. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
  • Meyer, J.P., and Powell, D.M. (2004). Side-Bet theory and the Three-Component Model of Organizational Commitment. Journal of Vocational Behavior. Department of Psychology, University of Ontario. 65: 157-177.
  • Moore, W., & Esselman, M. (1992). Teacher efficacy, power, school climate and achievement: A desegregating district's experience. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco.
  • Moran, M.T., Hoy, A.W., Hoy, A.K. (1998) Teacher Efficacy: Its Meaning and Measure, Review of Educational Research, 68(2): 202-248
  • Mulyasa, E. (2002). Manajemen Berbasis Sekolah. Bandung:PT Remaja Rusdakarya
  • Natsir, S. (2004). Dissertation Summary: Leadership influence towards attitude and performance on the banking employee in Sulawesi Tengah Province. Dissertation. Surabaya: Airlangga University.
  • Nurlaela, L. (2008). Teacher performance after Certification. Paper. Faculty of Technique. University State of Padang.
  • Ozsezer, M.S.B, & Saban, A.I. (2016). An investigation on teacher candidates’ perspectives about behaviors positively affecting classroom atmosphere. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 66, 139-158.
  • Ozmen, F., Akuzum, C., Zincirli, M., & Selcuk, G. (2016). The communication barriers between teachers and parents in primary schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 66, 26-46.
  • Ravianto, J (1985). Productivity and Indonesian Employee. Jakarta: Lembaga Sarana Informasi Usaha, Jakarta: Bina Usaha.
  • Robbin, S. P. (2006). Organizational Behavior: Concets, Controversies, Applications. Indonesia edition (translated by Benyamin Molan). Jakarta: PT. Prenhallindo. Pearson Education Inc. New Jersey Upper Saddle River).
  • Sarwono, S.W. (1998). Education innovation on to improve professionalism of Educator Staff, CV. Pustaka Setia, Bandung.
  • Sedarmayanti. (2007). Human Resources Management. Refika Aditama: Bandung
  • Siagian, S.P. (1992). Managerial Functions, Jakarta: Bumi Aksara publisher
  • Sidi, I.D. (2001). Creating Learning Citizens with New Paradigm of Education. Jakarta: PT. Logos Wacana Ilmu Publisher: 38-39.
  • Simanjuntak, P. J. (2005) Management and Performance Evaluation. Faculty of Economy Publisher, Indonesia University, Jakarta
  • Solimun. (2002). Mutivariate Analysis: Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Lisrel and Amos. Malang Faculty of MIPA Publisher, Brawijaya University.
  • Snyder, C. R. Harris, C. Anderson, J.R. Sharon, A. Holleran, Irving, L.M. Sigmon, S.X. Lauren, Gibb, J. Langelle, C. and Harney, P. (1991). The Will and the Ways: Development and Validation of an Individual-Differences Measure of Hope. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 60: 570-585.
  • Sudarwan, D. (2005). Learning Community: transformational Leader on the Learning Community. Jakarta: Bumi Aksara Publisher
  • Sukestiyarno. (2010). Data Analysis Of Research By Using SPSS, Semarang: UNNES Press
  • Syafirudin. (2002). Quality management on Education: Concept, Strategy and Application. Jakarta: PT. Grasindo
  • Su-Yung Fu. (2000). The Relationship Among Transformational Leadership, Organizational Commitment and Citizenship Behavior: The Case of Expatriates. Master’s Thesis. URN: etd-0201101-153856. Email-M8645413@srudent.
  • Thapa, A. & Cohen, J. (2013). A Review of School Climate Research. Review of Educational Research, 83: 357-385.
  • Wagiran, Soenarto, Sudarsono, FX. (2013). Performance Determinant of Vocational School in the Machine Technique Department, Journal Penelitian dan Evaluasi Pendidikan, 17(1): 148-172
  • Wahyusumidjo. (2007). Head master leadership: discuss as theoretic and problems, Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Prasada.
  • Zimmerman, B.J. (1989). A social cognitive view of self-regulated academic learning. Journal of Educational Psychology, 81(3):3 29-339.
There are 47 citations in total.


Primary Language English
Journal Section Articles

Ade Rusman This is me

Sugıyono - This is me

Suyanto - This is me

Publication Date March 31, 2020
Published in Issue Year 2020 Volume: 20 Issue: 86


APA Rusman, A., -, S., & -, S. (2020). Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 20(86), 25-38.
AMA Rusman A, - S, - S. Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. March 2020;20(86):25-38.
Chicago Rusman, Ade, Sugıyono -, and Suyanto -. “Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20, no. 86 (March 2020): 25-38.
EndNote Rusman A, - S, - S (March 1, 2020) Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20 86 25–38.
IEEE A. Rusman, S. -, and S. -, “Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools”, Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 20, no. 86, pp. 25–38, 2020.
ISNAD Rusman, Ade et al. “Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research 20/86 (March 2020), 25-38.
JAMA Rusman A, - S, - S. Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2020;20:25–38.
MLA Rusman, Ade et al. “Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools”. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, vol. 20, no. 86, 2020, pp. 25-38.
Vancouver Rusman A, - S, - S. Model of Performance Improvement of Certified Teachers in Private Vocational Schools. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research. 2020;20(86):25-38.